Google usurps Apple as world's most valuable brand name, report says



  • Reply 181 of 200

    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    I don't get it. What pct of consumers buy a Mac, phone, iPad in the same year. < 5%? More like 1%. People buy things when they need them. Tech geeks may buy at first release but we're not the majority.

    Exactly. This is the anti-Apple troll issue of the week. Last week is was the Beats acquisition. Week before that it was how late is Apple's big screen phone initiative.

    Next issue it will be . . .? Seems like a good game. Troll topic of the week.

    UnBeatably correct on all three, as long as you call those defending the rumoured Beats acquisition trolls.

  • Reply 182 of 200
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,923member

    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    I get it, jungmark gets it, solipsism x gets it.

    What you and other impatient, technically ignorant schedule fetishists like Rogifan don't get is that we have been in a long period of display drought, during which Apple has not been able to source the next quantum leap in resolution. We have no retina MacBook Air, for example, because when that arrives Apple is going to need X millions of IGZO or LTPS backplanes which could not be manufactured by any facility in the world up until the time it's released by Apple. Thus, there is no IGZO 4K monitor from Apple, other than the one made by Sharp.

    The last time Rogifan brought up this trollbook issue, it was one of his storms of kvetching over how long it has taken Apple to come out with larger-screened phones, when it seemed to his dim lights that everyone else had been able to do it two years ago. I went through the arguments exhaustively (his trollbook MO demands this) then, and I don't feel like doing it now. You can do a search under LTPS display shortage and find AI articles that say there will be constrained capacity until 2014 in this ONE ASPECT of the things that have been working against more frequent evolutionary leaps in Apple's product lines that contain displays. You also have to consider that they can't finalize processors, batteries, controllers, software and all physical aspects of the device until the displays are in hand, or supplies secured, in the tens of millions in some cases. So where HTC or Lenovo might need a million, Apple will need five, ten, or forty million.

    Rogifan wants to see where this is written up. It isn't written up anywhere that I know of, because it's common sense and common logic to anyone paying attention who also understands cause-and-effect chains of reasoning. Do your own homework.



    Apparently they don't...

  • Reply 183 of 200
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,923member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I don't think he's asking for products to be updated more than once a year, but for the products to be spread out more throughout the year. I've certainly talked about this plenty of times. Having to drop money on an iPhone, iPad and Mac all in the same month isn't an obstacle for me, but I bet for many it becomes a one-or-the-other scenario with the next time they can spend the money they may choose to wait instead of buying a product that is halfway through its release cycle.

    This move from the Spring iPad and Summer iPhone to consolidate all to the Autumn may not have only just hurt Apple's ability to get purchases throughout the year for multiple categories but also forced many buyers to go multiple years between updates because of the aforementioned reasons. Of course, there are other considerations from Apple's PoV, like sourcing components, but looking only at the release schedule it would probably behoove them to do a more staggered release so they can capitalize on their customers' desire for getting new gadgets throughout the year.


    BINGO! Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner! Somebody finally gets it! :)

  • Reply 184 of 200
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,923member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Sony, HTC and Samsung all in a row,

    Annual release of flagships a month ago now,

    They look at a calendar to see where to get,

    As far from iPhone launch when the juggernaught turns their sales to shit.


    Yes, because iMacs, Mac minis (2yrs w/no updates BTW), Mac Pros, MBA, MBP's, AppleTV,s, etc aren't made by Apple anymore, right? The iPhone is the only product Apple makes anymore I guess. *shrugs*

  • Reply 185 of 200
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    macxpress wrote: »
    BINGO! Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner! Somebody finally gets it! :)

    Don't get all excited. Solipsism X buries the lede in the opening dependent clause in the last sentence. It's about "sourcing components." Also, see his post #180 above.

    The iMac, the MB Air, the Cinema Displays, and probably an MBP or two, are all waiting for screen production technology to break through its difficulties. Acknowledging this even as a possibility would do wonders for your credibility.
  • Reply 186 of 200
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member
    rogifan wrote: »
    You've used them all and came to that conclusion? I haven't used any of them so wouldn't know.
    Actually, only two, but the other two are pretty obviously bad. My opinion though.
  • Reply 187 of 200
    jccjcc Posts: 335member


  • Reply 188 of 200
    jccjcc Posts: 335member

    Originally Posted by mnbob1 View Post


    Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Who do you think was right there with Steve every step of the way? Who helped him negotiate the pieces needed for the  next thing? Who was 100% on-board with Steve's strategies and continues them even after his death? Steve hand picked Tim for a reason. He knew Apple was going into a new phase and needed someone who could handle it. Sculley was a corporate goon that didn't understand the Apple culture. He did stupid things like license Mac/OS to OEM's and cut back staff to make more profit. Research and development was at it's lowest. Sales, earnings per share, and profit were so poor the company was on the verge of collapsing. It was almost as if he was working for Microsoft or IBM (they still sold PC's back then) to get rid of Apple. Under Tim profits are the highest of any major corporation, earnings continue to be among the highest, and sales are still increasing in a market segment said to be saturated. Tim refuses to compromise Apple's reputation and lower it's standards and profits by competing in the low end, low cost phone and tablet market. This drives the analysts nuts because they say that Apple is losing market share. Steve once said "market share does not equal profit". I think Tim follows that same mantra. Even the so-called 5c "failure" sold more units that Blackberry, all Windows phones, and Samsung Galaxay S4's combined in the winter quarter with a healthy profit. Some companies would love to have such a failure. The iPhone 5s is a technology step forward that will set the standard toward future products. The iPhone 6 and iOS 8 will go even further. Tim follows Steve's rule about not compromising Apple's standards on sacrificing performance and usability for new products. Is there an iWatch in development? most likely but maybe battery life is an issue or connectivity or maybe biosensors, or who knows. A new Apple TV? We now know that Apple was working with Time Warner but since the merger talks it's on hold. Steve always had a dream of controlling the TV, obviously Tim has continued to pursue that. Cable/broadcast is the missing link. A lot has changed since Steve's death and Tim has had to change the ballgame to his own. Some say Apple isn't innovating. But are others doing it? Samsung's watch was a rush to market failure that if Apple had done it would have been seen as a colossal failure. Google comes out with glasses that cause massive headaches and aren't ready for primetime and may never be or the public might reject them. But they still seem to get press. Google talks about a secret jetpack program that was scrapped and the world goes gaga. Don't ever compare Tim Cook to Sculley. Compare Sculley to Ballmer.




    Originally Posted by mnbob1 View Post


    Why would I understand anything from something you wrote based on conjecture for a deal that hasn't been finalized and the intentions of how Beats will be integrated into Apple are known only to a few within Beats and Apple. 


    I've read stories of good and bad. The bad seem to be somewhat misinformed about the capabilities of Beats and it's founders. Some are interesting and very possible and well worth the money paid. One strategy that I've seen is that Apple will rebrand Beats to take it's iTunes Radio to other platforms like Android and Windows Phone and get better pricing from the music industry. One rumor, which I don't give a lot of credibility right now, is to bring the iTunes Store to other platforms to expand the iTunes music ecosystem to Android and Windows Phone. Microsoft and Apple have been playing nice lately so it could come to Windows Phone first to see if it helps boost sales.


    We will all have to wait and see what happens. In the near term when the transaction is final I don't think anything will change except maybe the headphones might be rebranded with Apple in some way. Tim Cook has been pretty frugal with acquisition money so this must be pretty strategic whether you believe it or not.

    The fact of the matter is, buying Beats for $3.2 Billion to get Jimmy smells of pure desperation. Cook knows it, investors knows it, and so does anyone else who knows anything about Apple and Steve Jobs.

  • Reply 189 of 200
    imemberimember Posts: 247member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    …as a bat? Can you see in the dark?

    Because Jellicle cats can and Jellicles do.


    So you agree with me that Google does not innovate?

  • Reply 190 of 200
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    jcc wrote: »

    The fact of the matter is, buying Beats for $3.2 Billion to get Jimmy smells of pure desperation. Cook knows it, investors knows it, and so does anyone else who knows anything about Apple and Steve Jobs.

    Smells of desperation? How exactly? The 12 billion Googs wasted was desperation. The 19 Bn Facebook wasted was desperation. How is spending < 1% of its cash (if true) desperate?
  • Reply 191 of 200
    jeffdenverjeffdenver Posts: 108member

    Saw the thread title and grabbed my popcorn...was not disappointed. heh heh

  • Reply 192 of 200
    jeffdenverjeffdenver Posts: 108member

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post



    Really?  I thought Google caved years ago and allowed the Chinese gov't to censor search results thereby allowing Google a presence in China.  For awhile they put a message on their site informing users that the results were being censored, but even that eventually got removed.  Did Google reverse policy and start standing up against Chinese censorship again?

    Actually, Google is still active in China.

    Android phones are selling fantastically well there.


    I know this is an Apple forum, but the level of denial in this thread is epic even by Apple standards. 

  • Reply 193 of 200
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Wow, just wow. And I'm considered a troll. You still haven't provided a source for any of your statements here. You just claim they're common sense/logic and anyone who isn't a complete idiot wouldn't even ask these questions. But if it's such common sense then one would assume it would be easy to find. You're the one making these claims and presenting them as absolute fact,. Normally when people do that they include sources. I'm certainly not the only one (nor the first one) to question why Apple doesn't have a larger screen phone on the market. And I know people who left iPhone because they wanted a bigger screen. So I guess according to you all of those people are idiots too?

    One question though, if Apple is going after the next "quantum leap" in resolution, how come Mark Gurman at 9to5Mac is reporting that the next iPhone won't be even be1080p (which is shipping in other phone now)? http://************/2014/05/14/likely-iphone-6-with-sharper-larger-1704-x-960-resolution-screen-in-testing/


    Yawn, back in 2008-9


    Originally Posted by JeffDenver View Post


    Actually, Google is still active in China.

    Android phones are selling fantastically well there.


    I know this is an Apple forum, but the level of denial in this thread is epic even by Apple standards. 


    So what Google services do these Chinese phones come with, i.e. how does Google make revenue out of them?

  • Reply 194 of 200
    tastowetastowe Posts: 108member
    The google are dead wrong by hiring three stupid ex apple employees. I am not happy about shit google did wrote stupid android program and copy from apple. One lousy ex apple employee Andy Rubin computer programmer is will getting busted by apple and court.
  • Reply 195 of 200
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Blah blah blah. If your going to reference surveys, you better post the links.

    Since you asked. The first link is to an article in the Independent, but it was also reported in the Telegraph.

    An example of the British media's tabloid status today. The Telegraph of today is the Sun of fifty years ago, or today's broadsheet is yesterday's tabloid.

  • Reply 196 of 200
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member

    Originally Posted by macaholic_1948 View Post

    I'll take reports that Google's innovation etc. make them the top brand (anywhere) more seriously when Google actually produces useful products that people buy instead of developing new ways to pry into our lives in new and intrusive ways and using smoke and mirrors to debut future products as if they already exist.

    Literally - Nest.

  • Reply 197 of 200
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member

    Originally Posted by iMember View Post


    Mark my words Apple fans or smart people who likes good things, Apple will win and G&S will fall!


    Once Apple becomes powerfull all i want from them is to support Adult media too, i care less about XXX movies but some of those XXX games are hilarious, as an adult person i find those games more enjoyable to play rather than GTA or Assassin'sGreed

    Get a wife.

  • Reply 198 of 200
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Get a wife.

    That advice won't be satisfying to Cloppers. :barf:

    Note: I'm not insinuating [@]iMember[/@] is a Clopper, just noting that a wife isn't going to satisfy everyone's needs.
  • Reply 199 of 200
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member

    Originally Posted by mnbob1 View Post

    Originally Posted by JCC View Post

    It's that stupid Cook. I wish Steve were alive...sigh....

    Yes, we all miss Steve. NOW GET OVER IT! Tim Cook has actually done great things at Apple. The financials are some of the best ever. The iPhone 5s is the most advanced phone on the market with Touch ID, A7 64-bit processor (first to market and with OS and app implementations), M7 coprocessor (amazing capabilities), world class camera and flash (remember quality is not measured in pixels). The best tablets, iPad Air is the lightest, thinnest, fastest and the Mini now has Retina display. The iPad line has the best battery life of most of the industry. iOS 7 despite it's original problems is now stable and one of the best versions of iOS. The MacBook lineup has almost all switched to Retina displays and increased battery life. The Mac Pro is a technology giant assembled in the USA. Some things that you can't see because they happen on host servers that are accessed by the iOS devices, Siri is more accurate and has more capabilities and mapping and routing is more accurate. Siri will actually use traffic, accident reports, and construction to give you the fastest routes. I have used it several times in the past week and she is spot on.


    From the constant harping about the supposed "failure" of Apple's iPhone 5c, you'd think the phone is selling poorly. It actually outsold every Blackberry, every Windows Phone and every Android flagship in the winter quarter, including Samsung's Galaxy S4. And Apple made high profit on it.


    Under Tim's leadership Apple has issued stock dividends and stock buybacks to increase shareholder value. Apple continues to be the most profitable company in the world by selling premium products and not compromising itself by getting into the low end low profit products. Steve would never allow that to happen and neither would Tim. It drives the analysts crazy because they think Apple needs the cheap phones to compete for market share. Steve once said "Market share does not equal profit". Tim has the same belief.


    According to rumors there are some interesting products coming from Apple. The strongest rumors are for iPhones with larger displays. Possibly a new processor, NFC, and who knows what other surprises. iOS 8 is supposed to be announce at the developers conference next month with a bunch of under the hood features with (hopefully) an API for using SIRI in a 3rd party app. Rumors of a new Apple TV have been going on for quite awhile but could be stalled because of the Comcast/Time Warner merger. Steve always dreamed of getting the TV control and the cable/broadcast is the final piece to make it happen. Tim and his team have been working hard at it. A wearable device has been rumored as well. The iWatch always comes up but now I'm hearing about an in the ear device.


    So you see, Tim is doing a pretty good job. Steve is gone. I'm sorry. We all miss him too. 

    Good post.

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