Apple's Beats acquisition reportedly delayed over Dre and Iovine roles, valuation, more



  • Reply 181 of 217
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    jungmark wrote: »
    1. Cook has done an excellent job. Not sure why anyone would think otherwise. You know his time was donated for charity, right? He's also arguably one of the most successful CEOs currently. Why wouldn't you want to pick his brain? When's the last time you raise 200k for charity? Didn't think so.

    2. Only Cash can tell stories? I'm no fan of rap either but I'm not going to denigrate those that produce or enjoy it.

    3. Is this code word for we give white people the benefit of the doubt?

    It was still being a little self absorbed and of course he's going to donate to charity, but he's not a visionary like Steve and I just think he isn't going to say anything that's going to be worth that kind of money.

    As far him not being a great CEO. Well, see here, last year the company failed to his the growth rate they used to be at, they pushed a lot of products to the end of the year and the delay times of getting new products has gotten worse. The stock price has to be manipulated higher which causes the company increased debt,which isn't good. I don't think he needs to buy Beats and I'm not alone on this, I know of plenty of others that agree with me on this, the only thing it s getting is more media attention. So, I think Cook isn't doing as good of a job as he could be doing. I don't like his presentation skills as his "passion" seems phony to me. So I don't buy into your mentality that Cook is perfect as you suggest.

    Do you have a music background in playing music and not becoming a "sellout" to commercialism? The musicians I know of don't incorporate rap in their music because it simply doesn't fit. And I'm against anything that I see negative benefits to our society and that it's not just the music that's the problem, it's the culture behind it and how it 'a screwing up society. If someone wants to enjoy music,that's one thing, but my position is that rap culture breeds illiteracy, degrading of women, degrading of people AND if they want to go around degrading woman and people, then they are open season for being ridiculed for they're degrading society. Cash also played a musical instrument with other musicians and didn't resort to what the rappers seem to do. I never even said he was the only one telling stories and why do you continually make up your assumptions and twist words around? Are you incapable of reading and applying critical thinking? From the sounds of it, you may need to take a.critical thinking course if you haven't already.

    code word? I don't use code words normally so, I don't know what you are talking about.
  • Reply 182 of 217
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    @drblank, I didn't mean it as a threat, just that your posts will be remembered here because you made your opinions very clear, and that you probably won't need to say so much as the story unfolds in the future. At least I hope not, because not all of it bears repeating.

    Other than that, I wish you the best, stay away from L. Ron and Lyndon, because they're looking for recruits with your worldview, and do check out some of the serious literature on "augmented mental reality," by Aldous Huxley, R. Gordon Wasson, Terence McKenna, and suchlike. Oh, and Albert Hofmann, who took his LSD several times, and lived to be 100 in perfect clarity.

    No, I don't prescribe to any "CULTS" and I know how to think on my own.  L Ron is not in my vocabulary, I dated a woman many years ago that was in the process of being inducted/pressured into it by her previous boyfriend, so I kind of know their tactics.  I don't know if I would make the statement that Albert Hofmann has 100% clarity and there are no findings that suggest that taking LSD causes people to have perfect clarity.  I grew up in Palo Alto when the Government was doing those LSD testings and I used to hang out at Stanford with my friends and we ran into several of the "subjects" on campus, and they were CLEARLY not of sound mind while or after they were high as a kite.  Sorry, I can't buy into what Albert Hofmann thinks of himself, did he go through any professional psychological testing when he died to validate that statement that he had a clear mind?  I'm sure I could have a little discussion with him to formulate my own evaluation.  it's easy to ask enough questions to figure out if someone has a healthy mind.  


    I've seen first hand what's it's done to people that routinely smoke pot, and/or drop acid or take mushrooms, etc. and my personal observations are not consistent with Albert Hofmann.  Sorry, but I've done a little experimentation with drugs a LONG time ago and got rid that and the people I socialized with as they were triggers to do it and I just got fed up buying into that sort of BS.  Put it this way, you know the old saying "You are what you eat?"  Well, extrapolate to "you are what you eat, listen to, read, drink, snort, shoot up, drop, smoke, etc. etc.".  I try to have as healthy of mind as possible and I do a lot of meditation to get clarity and i don't believe this augmented reality is healthy.  I've seen it screw up too many people because the bottom line is, you don't know what you are actually taking.  Even in the prescription drug market, they have negative side effects which is why I stay away from them and over the counter drugs.  I actually haven't take in so much as aspirin in over 10 years.  I don't drink caffeinated products on any regular basis except for certain teas, but it's not something I do on any regular basis where I feel I "have" to drink something.  I drink pretty much water, water, water, and some juices and EVERY once in a while I might have a decent quality root beer or orange cream soda.  I still them. ;-)


    Here's something to ponder.  Through various friend's of mine, their spouses were actually drug/alcohol rehab counselors and I would have lengthy discussions with them because it's interesting to find out THEIR perspective.  One thing they BOTH told, along with friends that went to rehab centers, etc. told me that an addict will say anything they can to validate their addiction, even to the extent to lying about it and making things up to support.   But, these people are trained professionals that have dealt with that on a daily basis and the told me that their  psychological addictions, chemical addictions and the psychological addiction can sometimes take a year or even a lifetime to over come that psychological addiction to whatever they were addicted to.  That's why when you mentioned Hofmann, the first thing that came to my mind was that he's probably still psychologically addicted to where he believes he has sound mind and all his LSD that he took had no term effects of any kind to support that addiction he had.  That's the pragmatic aspect that i am basing my thought process on that subject.

  • Reply 183 of 217
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    drblank wrote: »
    It was still being a little self absorbed and of course he's going to donate to charity, but he's not a visionary like Steve and I just think he isn't going to say anything that's going to be worth that kind of money.

    As far him not being a great CEO. Well, see here, last year the company failed to his the growth rate they used to be at, they pushed a lot of products to the end of the year and the delay times of getting new products has gotten worse. The stock price has to be manipulated higher which causes the company increased debt,which isn't good. I don't think he needs to buy Beats and I'm not alone on this, I know of plenty of others that agree with me on this, the only thing it s getting is more media attention. So, I think Cook isn't doing as good of a job as he could be doing. I don't like his presentation skills as his "passion" seems phony to me. So I don't buy into your mentality that Cook is perfect as you suggest.

    A little self absorbed to donate time to charity? Wow. Just wow.

    Growth rates slow down. You think they can be hyper growth forever? That's not realistic.

    Pushed the product release dates to the holiday quarter. Why is that bad thing? Delays due to too much demand is never a bad thing. So when Jobs was CEO, there were no delays what so ever. Is that what you're saying? Even a good thing as increased stock price, you somehow managed to put a negative spin on it. First of Apple has debt with a low interest rate. It's a lot better than bringing in foreign held money and paying taxes on that. Anyone knows that.

    I trust Apple knows what is best for Apple. Btw, there's a reason why you're posting on Internet forums and not running a corporation.
  • Reply 184 of 217
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    A little self absorbed to donate time to charity? Wow. Just wow.

    Growth rates slow down. You think they can be hyper growth forever? That's not realistic.

    Pushed the product release dates to the holiday quarter. Why is that bad thing? Delays due to too much demand is never a bad thing. So when Jobs was CEO, there were no delays what so ever. Is that what you're saying? Even a good thing as increased stock price, you somehow managed to put a negative spin on it. First of Apple has debt with a low interest rate. It's a lot better than bringing in foreign held money and paying taxes on that. Anyone knows that.

    I trust Apple knows what is best for Apple. Btw, there's a reason why you're posting on Internet forums and not running a corporation.


    Hypergrowth rate, I know can't continue, but they sucked during 2013 if you look at each quarter and compare Net Profits, etc. from the year prior.  It's not that they slowed down, they simply sucked as they just didn't do well. I think it's a not keeping production up with demand and not releasing products earlier that they should have.  I mean, it's taking an awful long time to get a larger screen iPhone on the market. I think they should have done this a year ago and that they should flip flop different product refreshes of screen sized iPhones so they can have a more consistent production schedule so it doesn't go up and down so drastically.  I think they could have focused on that sooner and they simply forcing too many products at the end of the year rather than every quarter having a product announcement.  Again, I'm trying to make up excuses for the guy, he's a grown man and I quite frankly don't like how he interacts with the media.  The "Apple is focused like a laster" gets old and I don't find his interviews as thought provoking or telling me anything of substance.  I think he stays away from the media a little too much.  he certainly doesn't demo any products because he's probably not comfortable doing that.  Steve LOVED doing that and that's part of why Steve is Steve.   he loved the products that were being created because he was more involved with the product development.


    little self absorbed thinking that spending a hour with you is worth trying to "SELL".  Has anyone else done this before?  The Charity aspect i simply think was just a ploy to get more people to get suckered into it.  I just think CEOs should respond to emails in some way as I did at least get Jobs to respond one way or another, but having someone contact me to fix and issue and to discuss something they needed to do, etc. Sometimes he responded back to his thought on something, and then I sent him other information he didn't know about to support my thought process on the possible idea/feature for future products.  It's nice to have someone high up in the tech support area contact you within an hour after sending the CEO an email whereas Cook doesn't respond.  Jobs, I know for a FACT, read all of his emails, he would sometimes respond, but I was told by several employees at Apple that know what I sent Steve and they told me he does read what I send him and I saw it validated by future product enhancements, etc. So my opinion is also based on his lack of paying attention to something VERY serious, they he actually might have a legal obligation to respond to because it's of that potential serious nature.  I won't go into detail because it's none of anyone else's business, but Cook has failed in my eyes to address a serious issue,so when he says publicly that he's supposed to "Do the right thing", he hasn't always done that from my perspective.


    If I had a TON of money, and I never met Jobs before, I might have paid to maybe spend some time with him picking his brain or probably discussing my own ideas to see if it would work or not because I don't know the inner workings as well as him and I might have or not have an idea they might want to think about or at least discuss it so I can either discard what I think they should be doing differently.  But I don't see Cook as being someone to discuss this with since he's not the visionary that Jobs was.  I don't the discussions would have gone as far with Cook so I kind of think all he was going to do is say "Hi, thank you for your support in Apple products" and then not discuss anything that he hasn't already said publicly in an interview.  He reminds me more of a politician whereas Steve does have some balls to discuss things that most CEOs won't discuss, whether he's right or wrong.  At least Jobs made things interesting.


    Your last comment is NOT something I take lightly.  The reason why is lack of funding to start my own company. If I had proper funding I would start my own company and not have any time.  But I'm working on it.  Plus, my idea of running a company doesn't involve going public. which means I can't ask for VC money since they want to take companies public and they want to take too much control over the company.  But I will say one thing, it won't do anything to violate anyone's civil rights or anything else that companies get sued for.  I would be far more careful in what I did and how I did things so I wouldn't spending too much time doing damage control.


    Having the Apple knows what's best for Apple mentality is being passive.  Cook hasn't always had the best hires, etc.  Case in point, the guy that he hired to run the Apple Stores.  I could go on, but I don't have the time right now, so those cheap shots just make me think your just being a jerk to act superior.  

  • Reply 185 of 217
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    First of all%u2026 I am not a religious nut and I own a pair of beats headphones, but it kind of bothers me that beats headphones have a 666 on the hinges -- two hexagon shape bolts and the b of beats slightly twisted. Also when you see these headphones promoted the have 3 pairs that display 666. I am hoping that this is just a coincidence or doesn't have any dark intentions. Again%u2026 I hope, but I fear something much sinister is going on. I am looking forward for comments.
    It's well known in Satanic circles that Apple is the tool of the anti-christ.  Jobs was messenger with the first ad.  Now Dre and Iovine (both commanders of the dark arts) will take their rightful places at the table and feast with Satan.
    <img alt="LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="43631" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 350px; height: 394px">

    The number 666.66 (as opposed to 666) or two thirds is interesting for several reasons, such as:

    Its infinite nature.
    Its proximity to pie (inverted).
    Its relation to a third (also infinite).
    Its proximity to the Golden Section and relation to the Fibonacci Sequence.
  • Reply 186 of 217
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    Please stop posting about your religious neuroses. Save it for Church.
    Jeez.. doesn't anyone have a sense of humor around here?

    No need for your blasphemy.
  • Reply 187 of 217
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    ireland wrote: »
    First of all%u2026 I am not a religious nut and I own a pair of beats headphones, but it kind of bothers me that beats headphones have a 666 on the hinges -- two hexagon shape bolts and the b of beats slightly twisted. Also when you see these headphones promoted the have 3 pairs that display 666. I am hoping that this is just a coincidence or doesn't have any dark intentions. Again%u2026 I hope, but I fear something much sinister is going on. I am looking forward for comments.

    You don't let fear rule your decision making process, do you? If there is a personal God he/she is beyond rudimentary numbers.

    I wouldn't know about God, but the way numbers exist in nature is extraordinary.
  • Reply 188 of 217
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    I fear this Beets deal is Rooted in uncertainty. We can only ponder as to what might be, our minds vegetating.
  • Reply 189 of 217
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    elroth wrote: »
    First of all%u2026 I am not a religious nut and I own a pair of beats headphones, but it kind of bothers me that beats headphones have a 666 on the hinges -- two hexagon shape bolts and the b of beats slightly twisted. Also when you see these headphones promoted the have 3 pairs that display 666. I am hoping that this is just a coincidence or doesn't have any dark intentions. Again%u2026 I hope, but I fear something much sinister is going on. I am looking forward for comments.
    You're looking at it upside down - it's 999.

    I find it funny that a third is 0.3 recurring, two thirds 0.6 recurring, but three thirds is 1. Why isn't it 0.9 recurring?
  • Reply 190 of 217
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    jungmark wrote: »
    What is it about Beats that brings the nastiness out.

    666, according to an earlier poster.
  • Reply 191 of 217
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member
    aicow wrote: »
    Why not get Alicia Keys, she's done wonders for BlackBerry.

    Good idea—or Justin Bieber? Miley Cyrus or Kanye West would be my first choices.
  • Reply 192 of 217
    koopkoop Posts: 337member

    I don't make these accusations on whim, but drbank has been laying on that thick, delicious white privilege racism. I don't even listen to that much rap to know he's completely delusional on african american culture and the entire point of hip hop. Do not engage, do not pass go, do not collect $200 (unless you're DrBlank).

  • Reply 193 of 217
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Originally Posted by koop View Post


    I don't make these accusations on whim, but drbank has been laying on that thick, delicious white privilege racism. I don't even listen to that much rap to know he's completely delusional on african american culture and the entire point of hip hop. Do not engage, do not pass go, do not collect $200 (unless you're DrBlank).


    That's false.


    You completely don't understand a word I was saying.  It has NOTHING to do with skin color like you misrepresent it.


    I think that Rap isn't good quality music because the majority of it being put on the market by people like Dr. Dre aren't trained musicians playing musical instruments and they are promoting a language which isn't English (since they are born in the US).  Dr. Dre is just promoting illiteracy, degrading women by calling them the B word, calling others the N word, etc. etc.  I don't like most of the rappers out there because they don't really sound MUSICAL.


    Being a musician that has played, listened to and studied most music that's been originated by the African or Black community and have performed in live situations right along side people from both Africa and America, I can determine for myself what is music and what isn't.  Rapping isn't singing a melody line so me, it's not musical.  Very few rappers that I've ever heard can actually sing musically.  Some of them WERE from Africa or Jamaica, but unfortunately the crap Dr. Dre is putting out isn't even CLOSE.  The rappers from Africa don't call women the B word, other people the N word, etc. etc. etc.


    So, YOU are just COMPLETELY misinterpretating based on your own racism.  I don't consider rap music ONLY for blacks by blacks.  There are plenty of whites and people of other skin colors doing is.  But if it's vulgar in the manner of which it is, and it's not musical, then I'm not a fan of it and I wouldn't think that Apple or any other major publicly traded company would want a person that writes lyrics and produces music where the kind of vulgarity that's in Dr. Dre's music would be allowed.  He has the B word, the F word, the N words scattered throughout the catalog of music he represents.  I find that annoying, disgusting and out ragious that Apple would even consider hiring him or buying his company that they REALLY don't need to buy.


    I also don't like the rap culture for what it's doing to the kids of our society by promoting them to have their underwear showing, smoking pot, calling each other vulgar names on a routine basis, forgoing an education, etc.  Sorry, but you are basically slandering what i say to act like YOU aren't racist.  Trust me, you have a LOT to learn.


    it's people like you that simply don't know how to use proper logic when you read as you seem to interject your own line of BS to put yourself on a pedestal when you just can't read and comprehend what someone else is saying.


    Just to let you know, there are a LOT of educated blacks that HATE the rap culture.  I know plenty of them and they and I discuss this topic of what the rap culture is doing to the society and they are embarrassed that it's coming from largely from "their own people" (which is the words told to me by educated blacks that I'm fairly close friends with) and they hate it just like I do.  So get off your BS.


    You are wrong in your ASSumptions and you are making yourself look like an A$$ trying to make me look one when I'm not.  I don't like scam artists, REGARDLESS of skin color.


    I would rather see Apple get reputable jazz, blues, African, (old school R&B and Funk) musicians to promote Apple or be represented to help Apple cater to people that actually STUDY music, and enjoy music created by musicians that's musical.   I think the rap culture has detracted society from listening to, enjoying, studying and appreciating REAL music.  The problem is the record labels seem to want to promote crap to kids.  It's not just rapping, it's the plethora of people that really aren't trained musicians.  I'm also against the excessive use of AutoTune/Melodyne software on people that CLAIM they are singers. I think that's wrong too.  Most of the pop singers today use Pitch Correction or sequenced music instead of hiring musicians. I hear a lot of that too and it's detracting from having REAL musicians getting work because of it.  And what happens in the end is the kids don't like REAL music because they have to THINK or they have to study music in order to understand it.  Heaven forbid people having to study music to actually understand what musicians have to learn in order to create it. 

  • Reply 194 of 217
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,448moderator
    drblank wrote: »
    I wouldn't think that Apple or any other major publicly traded company would want a person that writes lyrics and produces music where the kind of vulgarity that's in Dr. Dre's music would be allowed.

    Apple has promoted rap before:


    Rap music is also used in other mainstream advertising:


    I think it's pretty widely accepted as a music genre. At times it links in with Hip hop, R&B:





    Beyoncé uses offensive lyrics too.
  • Reply 195 of 217
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Apple has promoted rap before:

    Rap music is also used in other mainstream advertising:

    I think it's pretty widely accepted as a music genre. At times it links in with Hip hop, R&B:

    Beyoncé uses offensive lyrics too.

    But Apple HIRING a rapper to be part of Apple upper management is TOTALLY different.  And maybe these ads might be related to why the Enterprise market doesn't buy much Apple products and why Apple is seen more as a consumer product and not an Enterprise product.  But I don't watch much TV that has Apple ads like this.  I watch TV programming that actually doesn't have many Apple ads.  I don't watch sports, I don't play video games and are involved with that market segment, but again. Hiring a rapper for upper management that has been known to sell VERY vulgar language content is what the issue is and it may very well back fired just like what Dr. Dre and his buddies did when they were drunk.


    Well, I don't watch these types of videos because it's nothing but junk. 


    Well, if you call this positive programming.  think of things this way. If you surveyed all of the prisons, who would you see mostly?  People that listen to rap/hip hop music OR people that listen to jazz, classical, and other music created by actual musicians?  I think you would see mostly people that listen to rap/hip hop in jail and not people that listen to classical, jazz and other higher forms of music.  Remember, birds of a feather flock together so there is a far greater chance you'll end up in jail if you consume yourself with rap/hip hop music than classical, jazz and other higher forms of music.   It's just a correlation that can be made.  Enjoy your crap music.


    FYI, when I was growing up, we had video games, which at the time were new and kids were latching on to that, but I didn't play much video games. I was either working, practicing and performing music, playing around with Visicalc on a II+, learning some Basic programming in high school (this was in the late 70's), and other things.  Yes, i was playing music and getting paid when I was 15.  That was my first "PROFESSIONAL gig".  I was actually playing and getting paid during high school.  It's wasn't full time, but one band I was in had to practice and we were practicing several hours  at night probably around 4 to 5 nights a week and we would play concerts and large private parties every so often, so my life has been and is different than a lot of kids that are mindlessly being marketed to.  I can only imagine how things are going to be with this mentality growing up.  I think this society is definitely in deep $hit.  because the young generation doesn't care about music, doesn't care about education, doesn't care about moral values, or integrity. 

  • Reply 196 of 217
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,448moderator
    drblank wrote: »
    But Apple HIRING a rapper to be part of Apple upper management is TOTALLY different. Hiring a rapper for upper management that has been known to sell VERY vulgar language content is what the issue is and it may very well back fired just like what Dr. Dre and his buddies did when they were drunk.

    These guys run very successful companies. You can't do that if you're just messing around all the time. Jimmy Iovine isn't a rapper, he's 61 years old and Dre is 49. Dre has done concerts recently so he's still pushing the image of a rapper but he has a wife and 2 kids. It's not like he's going to turn up at Apple HQ and trash the place. The SVP roles don't even have to mean full-time work. Tim Cook said that about Jony Ive - he isn't involved with the day to day operation of the company.
    drblank wrote: »
    Well, if you call this positive programming.  think of things this way. If you surveyed all of the prisons, who would you see mostly?  People that listen to rap/hip hop music OR people that listen to jazz, classical, and other music created by actual musicians?  I think you would see mostly people that listen to rap/hip hop in jail and not people that listen to classical, jazz and other higher forms of music.  Remember, birds of a feather flock together so there is a far greater chance you'll end up in jail if you consume yourself with rap/hip hop music than classical, jazz and other higher forms of music.   It's just a correlation that can be made.  Enjoy your crap music.

    There is a lot of criminal activity associated with the style of music and it shows in the following video:


    Dre's younger brother was killed by a gang - they say wrong place, wrong time at a random incident but there's usually more to it than that. Dre has been shot, was in a high speed car chase, he used to work with Tupac who was shot and killed and mentioned he could have been in the car if he hadn't left the company, someone he did business with ended up in prison, he performs with Snoop Dogg who has produced porn movies and uses drugs.

    That doesn't make the music bad though nor does it mean listening to it will increase your chances of going to prison. Someone might like horror movies rather than romantic comedies, it doesn't mean they will be more violent. Rap music can actually be a legitimate career path for someone who would otherwise be involved in illegal activity.
  • Reply 197 of 217
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    These guys run very successful companies. You can't do that if you're just messing around all the time. Jimmy Iovine isn't a rapper, he's 61 years old and Dre is 49. Dre has done concerts recently so he's still pushing the image of a rapper but he has a wife and 2 kids. It's not like he's going to turn up at Apple HQ and trash the place. The SVP roles don't even have to mean full-time work. Tim Cook said that about Jony Ive - he isn't involved with the day to day operation of the company.

    There is a lot of criminal activity associated with the style of music and it shows in the following video:

    Dre's younger brother was killed by a gang - they say wrong place, wrong time at a random incident but there's usually more to it than that. Dre has been shot, was in a high speed car chase, he used to work with Tupac who was shot and killed and mentioned he could have been in the car if he hadn't left the company, someone he did business with ended up in prison, he performs with Snoop Dogg who has produced porn movies and uses drugs.

    That doesn't make the music bad though nor does it mean listening to it will increase your chances of going to prison. Someone might like horror movies rather than romantic comedies, it doesn't mean they will be more violent. Rap music can actually be a legitimate career path for someone who would otherwise be involved in illegal activity.

    Excuses, excuses, excuses,  Sounds like you have been brainwashed, the only way out is going to a rehab center.  Unfortunately, the only rehab centers for this only what you force yourself to go through.  How about simply "turning that crap off".  You would be amazed if you took a break from TV, movies, internet and then ONLY listened to music and only hung around people that don't listen to rap/hip hop.   Take a break from it, forever.  If you can't do it, then you have, as they say, been brainwashed by overexposure to the marketing of hiphop and rap and instead of admitting it, you are making up every excuse and ridiculous reason to still support it.  Seriously, I've taken long breaks from watching TV, movies, etc. and i'm careful as to what i listen to.  Many of us are clueless about the hip hop/rap culture because we choose to. You're lucky I know as much as I do, because I've had friend, neighbors that get into it and I talk to them and  I actually looked that lyrics.


    If Dr. Dre is more like Mr. Cleaver from Leave It to Beaver, then why was their that YouTube video of him and that other idiot getting drunk calling each other the N word?  And two, look at the catalog of what Dr. Dre produces and has on the market.  Until that entire catalog of crap comes off the market, then he represents that and that's what he's all about.  He hasn't changed other than he's older and has more money a wife and kids and he spends more time in the studio vs running on the streets getting into trouble, but he hasn't changed his messaging of what he and his loser buddies are all about.  They are just taking street vulgarity and musical ignorance from the street and putting more production money behind it, and more marketing money to attract more sales.   So, what it does is sucks in the kids that watch all of the TV shows, Movies, internet, video games that are involved with these idiots and that's YOUR little world.  Well, all I can say is you are getting lost in a lot of crap.   The bottom line, Dr. Dre is not Mr. Cleaver,  he's still a street punk, just older and richer. because the message he puts out and won't take down are the same and promotes it with his artists he produces.  How much money does Dr. Dre pay you?   You sound like you work for him in his PR group.

  • Reply 198 of 217
    comleycomley Posts: 139member
    negativity to people

    Are not what we should promote to our children , that's just common sense

    Apple promotes positive attitude well that's what I believed
  • Reply 199 of 217
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,448moderator
    drblank wrote: »
    Sounds like you have been brainwashed, the only way out is going to a rehab center. You would be amazed if you took a break from TV, movies, internet and then ONLY listened to music and only hung around people that don't listen to rap/hip hop.   Take a break from it, forever.

    Promoting cultural intolerance is rarely a good thing. You don't have to like everything that's out there but people should be free to express themselves just as you are. If someone hates classical music, it doesn't mean they'd have a right to stifle it.

    I know the feeling you have though and I feel similarly towards modern art. To me it's insulting to artists who are passionate about what they express. However, if it's meaningful enough to someone else then their acceptance validates it and no amount of objection will change that.

    Rap in itself is not any more offensive than poetry is. Read any poem with a beat behind it and you've got yourself a rap song.
  • Reply 200 of 217
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Marvin wrote: »
    Promoting cultural intolerance is rarely a good thing. You don't have to like everything that's out there but people should be free to express themselves just as you are. If someone hates classical music, it doesn't mean they'd have a right to stifle it.

    I know the feeling you have though and I feel similarly towards modern art. To me it's insulting to artists who are passionate about what they express. However, if it's meaningful enough to someone else then their acceptance validates it and no amount of objection will change that.

    Rap in itself is not any more offensive than poetry is. Read any poem with a beat behind it and you've got yourself a rap song.

    How am I stifling rap? I just don't consider most of it all that musical. I also don't want two individuals that work for record labels that started their own music subscription service so they could double dip not be part of Apple. What Dr. Dre represents is NOT American Black culture, it's gang cluture. That's the type of rap he creates and produces. Iovine isn't as bad as Dre, but I feel he stifles REAL music in favor of kiddie pop music, which is largely what he was doing with American Idol.

    Promoting rap as they do stifles other legitimate forms of music because they are putting far more marketing dollars behind it than other far more worthwhile msusic that actually IS legitimate music that is taught in colleges and universities and has the theory behind it to make it so. What level of education of music does it take to buy a $200 drum machine, turn it on and press Hip Hop groove #1 and that's the extent of the music portion of the song and the rest is just vulgar lyrics that rhyme on top? The here have been rap songs on the market that basically at that level and not much more than that. And you call that music? Get a life. That's not music, that's BS. that's about how bad Dr. Dre's music really is. That's why the music industry hasn't put great pop music out in a long time. I hear plenty of record execs saying this over and over. It's because the labels aren't fostering any real talent. instead they foster rap, and the pop music that doesn't require much music knowledge since they cover eveything up with computer generated music and pitch correction which creates artificial music. So who's stifling music? The rap and current pop culture is doing that. That's what the real problem is.

    I would rather see Apple be promoting and getting on board people that are more serious about music education. That, to me, is fundamentally more important and worthwhile for Apple to do rather than promoting music illiteracy which is what the rap culture promotes.

    If any executive at Apple said the N word publicly, that person would be fired. Plain and simple. go look up the lyrics to Dr. Dre's music. It's littered with that word as that's what he calls his friends. his lyrics refer to women as the B word, or other condescending words and that's just garbage for our society to listen to. And they are hiring him? cook is an IDIOT on this one and it's going to backfire.

    Want you did is put Dr. Dre's music on the same level as a Bob Dylan. Go read Dre. Dre's lyrics of his rap songs and explain how that needs to be part of Apple and the promoting of music that should preserved. Name one single music college that teaches people have to create the same type of poetry as Dr. DRe. The poetry societies haven't deemed him a poet.

    I don't see other people that perform other styles of music like top jazz artists doing a remake of a Dr. Dre song, but I will hear them do that to a Bob Dylan song or something along those lines. Why? Dr. Dre's material doesn't have much in the way of MELODY. you kind of need to have that in order to call it music. At least that's what most college professors might tell you with regards to modern and advanced cultures do.
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