MacWorld in New York - 2002 is Apple's year



  • Reply 41 of 619
    toofeutoofeu Posts: 73member
    [quote]Originally posted by Shanny:


    That's just truly f`ucking lame. Lame. Lame. LAME.

    What some of you knuckleheads fail to understand..... Grow up. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    No comment..... <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 41 of 619
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    They definitely need a catchier name than 3GIO

    hypertransport is slightly better.
  • Reply 43 of 619
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    Either we're all going to be very happy and buying new machines at MWNY, or we'll lose yet anotehr "credible" source of rumors, should Dorsals prediction fail.

    It all boils down to less and less points.

  • Reply 44 of 619
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:

    <strong>Well I'd say that MWNY will be a make or break event for Dorsal's reputation.

    I really hope he's right and we see a G4 with a modified FSB scheme or an on-chip memory controller. Only time will tell for sure, but Moki says they are "improving memory bandwidth" as well, so perhaps things aren't completely in the crapper?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually... I hope he is dead wrong. Crazy as it might seem I actually have the highest hopes for Apple. Watch the previously refered to MacWorlds did not dissapoint me at all. I always leave the room buzzing with new news for my PC weirdo friends. I quit comparing mac and pc hardware back in the early G3 days. It's pointless. I don't care what kind of P4 or AMD you can build for whatever bucks you have. I'm just happy that my beloved company has something I wish to buy. Without a single exception, not even once, has Apple dissappointed me. They always pioneer professional new products with superior specs, even if it doesn't say "I'm a 2ghz" on the label. Hell... my Blue & White is still kicking booty and running OS X like a champ. Why gripe about a minor spead bump. I will hold my dream of a G5 for macworld, as well as USB 2, Quicktime 6 preview 2, Jaguar, and a new AppleWorks would be nice. Why sweat the minor 1.2 vs 1.5 ghz stuff. They still make the dang coolest computer on earth and no matter what that announce they will be getting my bucks.

    2 pts for the real mac-addicts, 0 for those toeing the line with the pc world.

    Eat more soup, stay regular, and buy a mac. With that advice you can't go wrong.
  • Reply 45 of 619
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    Wow Jonathan, it's nice to see a happy AI'er floating around.

    My question is why would Apple unveil a new MB and associated tech's when the G5 is so close? Does this mean we may not see a G5 for a year or so?
  • Reply 46 of 619
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]I disagree. KimKapSol's steaming pile was short lived, Kormac's went on for months, it got smeared into every crack of AI's UBB and all the noses of those semi-retarded members who lined up for the priveledge of licking the choclate icing from between his cheeks. Truly disgusting, nothing in the history of AI was ever worse than Kormac and his fanatical cult weenies.<hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    That was crude, but possibly the funniest rumor-related commentary I've read all year. Thanks.
  • Reply 47 of 619
    [quote]Originally posted by Dorsal M:


    Memory access will be stellar. And you'll see why. not only will DDR SDRAM make a debut but it will not connect to the processor iin a conventional manner. More to come. Cache will also be increased on the processor level. Twice what is seen now. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sounds like it *could* be Super G4 board moki desribed (and claimed was delayed beyond MWNY)
  • Reply 48 of 619
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    Now, I realize that this is gonna sound iffy...

    And I would like to point out, I have been around here for quite some time... This is my fourth account... One before 'The Great Outage'; one after TGO, but before the divorce (and nine months of celibacy from home internet access), long forgotten; one that is registered with my work email address (which I couldn't get by remote login when I wanted to post when getting this cable modem installed, since I do not use M$ products and therefore do not use IE, which I would have needed to use to access said mail account over the net... Whew!).

    So, now that I have done nothing to establish any type of real credibility, I will tell my tale...

    Also, I cannot give to many specific details on the who/how this info comes to me, as to not blow the 'cover' of my source...

    Now you folks REALLY want to believe, don't you!

    Someone involved with Apple Stores and MacWorld show logistics recently divulged some info... The last two (2) MacWorlds were screwed... Things were intended to be shown, but were not ready at the last minute... And Steve Jobs was PISSED!!!

    MWNY2002 is supposed to be the one to watch, things are supposed to come together this time...

    DDR Main Logic Boards, faster CPUs, and a big change from the current 'no audio in/Apple Design speakers only output' problems...

    I have probably said too much already...
  • Reply 49 of 619
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member

    What Dorsal describes will get you most of the way to a G5. I'll take one please.
  • Reply 50 of 619
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    I really don't care about a G5 by now, I just want Apple to give me a good reason to buy a PowerMac the next time I am buying a computer. If it has a big bad bus, over 1.2 ghz in the mid range and solid graphics (ATI R300, since I like ATI more than NVidia) I'm happy. I'd be even more happier if it has a handle to carry and does not weight a ton, but that's about it.

    Oh, and if they do release a 19" TFT I hope it's more than 1280x1024.
  • Reply 51 of 619
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    [quote]Originally posted by BobtheTomato:


    If Apple releases a G5 I'll buy myself a graham cracker

    If Apple doesn't you have to buy me a graham cracker


    G5s shmi5s(skywalker that is

    I want to know how you can buy a SINGULAR graham cracker and where!...I think tomato bob has some inside information to the cracker companies....they're going to start selling individually wrapped graham crackers.....I better go invest!
  • Reply 52 of 619
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    [quote]Originally posted by Dorsal M:

    <strong>Sorry for the long haitus, but it has been quite busy here. We are in final testing phases of our Apple hardware and there has been an excitement in the air. I believe many of you will be pleasantly surprised with the hardware to be released, and after seeing some other sites, I'd like to remind you all that behind most rumors is a kernel of truth, despite the fact that some sites like to embelish on the tidbit they get. Without further ado...

    The PowerMac G4 as we know it will be retired. Well the architecture will at least. We will see changes to the system bus, processor and general layout. Motorola has been hard at work with the 130nm G4. It will scale nicely (at least 1.5GHz by the summer) and have improved bus features. Memory access will be stellar. And you'll see why. not only will DDR SDRAM make a debut but it will not connect to the processor iin a conventional manner. More to come. Cache will also be increased on the processor level. Twice what is seen now. You will see a collaboration with another hardware company, but this will not surprise some of you in the know.

    More to come.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How exactly does the above constitute 2002 being apple's year? There is nothing in this guy's post to inspire any confidence and certainly nothing to kick the cr*p out of the wintel crowd with. Is the 64bit G5 coming? Apparently not. Is Aqua finally gonna work quickly? Apparently not. Is Maya gonna get Macified? apparently not. DDR? Possibly - oh well better late than never I guess. Is there gonna be a new killer graphics sub system? apparently not. FW2? Apparently not.

    way beyond . . .
  • Reply 53 of 619
    yurin8oryurin8or Posts: 120member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nitride:

    <strong>Inventory build up of PowerPC.

    We have just seen PowerLogix announce G4 upgrades of up to 1 GHz. Why would Moto suddenly have some extra inventory to sell to PowerLogix when Apple is using G4 in *four* totally separate product lines; G4 tower, Xserve, eMac/iMac, PowerBook G4.


    because apple aren't shipping enough G4's?
  • Reply 54 of 619
    zosozoso Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:


    How exactly does the above constitute 2002 being apple's year?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think he means "the year in which Apple will finally regain some of the ground they lost since 1999, so as not to appear riculously behind the Wintel world any longer--simply very slow compared to all the rest".

    How's that for Apple's year?

    To call it by that name Apple should start leading the pack once again, and this isn't going to happen anytime soon...

    Oh well, I like my Titanium well enough--though with X is slower than my old iBook running 9... Well, I guess that's why we pay the friggin' price premium, right? &lt;/sarcasm&gt;

  • Reply 55 of 619
    [quote]Originally posted by Wrong Robot:


    G5s shmi5s(skywalker that is

    I want to know how you can buy a SINGULAR graham cracker and where!...I think tomato bob has some inside information to the cracker companies....they're going to start selling individually wrapped graham crackers.....I better go invest!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey it's in better taste than some of the wagers here yet keeps the theme of no matter what happens I am gratified (kinda like heads I win, tails you lose)
  • Reply 56 of 619
    zosozoso Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by BobtheTomato:

    <strong>heads I win, tails you lose</strong><hr></blockquote>

    "Crush 'em"?

  • Reply 57 of 619
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    I don't like graham crackers, how 'bout cocoanut macaroons.
  • Reply 58 of 619
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:


    How exactly does the above constitute 2002 being apple's year? There is nothing in this guy's post to inspire any confidence and certainly nothing to kick the cr*p out of the wintel crowd with.


    Well I don't know what you're on about, but from what I "know" with some degree of confidence...

    "Is the 64bit G5 coming? Apparently not."

    - I'd say not this year, but it doesn't need to.

    "Is Aqua finally gonna work quickly? Apparently not."

    - Apple is giving us Quartz Extreme.

    "Is Maya gonna get Macified? apparently not."

    - 3.5 has been shipping for a while, and there is a new version in the works that will be fully on-par with the PC & Unix versions.

    "DDR? Possibly - oh well better late than never I guess."

    - I think this is pretty much assured given the Xserve. Several sources say that memory bandwidth to the processor will improve. This may or may not be on-par with the WIntel crowd, but at least its improving. If you believe Dorsal then its going to be good.

    "Is there gonna be a new killer graphics sub system? apparently not."

    - Yes, there will be. Dorsal may be refering to this, but go check out the other threads.

    "FW2? Apparently not. "

    He mentioned this in his last post (March?). I'm guessing that it is part of the new chipset which, according to Moki, has been held up for quite a while for testing / debugging reasons.

    You think its fun to be negative, don't you? I think you're just looking for a reason to be mad. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 59 of 619
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    You think its fun to be negative, don't you? I think you're just looking for a reason to be mad.

    No, apple gives me plenty of reasons to be mad

    There's a difference between being negative and not living in the RDF
  • Reply 60 of 619
    Take a look at the XServe Archetecture. I believe that, as speculated before, Apple will actually employ a seperate bus for the memory. They have obviously been playing arround with juggling around plans and demos whith edited busses and putting different things on the system controller. I think that they would have done the memory like this for the XServe, however they were changing from the regular model a ot already and still need to sell to people who cherish that model.
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