New Apple ad shows off sticker-clad MacBook Airs, calls it 'the notebook people love'



  • Reply 21 of 87
    interwebs wrote: »
    ... and the music is the song "Chimes" by Hudson Mohawke.

    Thanks, I liked it in the ad... don't think I'd care to add it to my library. Wait... I do have it. ;)
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  • Reply 22 of 87
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    Originally Posted by broadbean View Post

    Hope there's no copyright issues!

    Joking, right? Apple just made each of one of those decal makers rich. Just like they do when they highlight various Apps in their iPad / iPhone commercials.

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  • Reply 23 of 87
    bobschlob wrote: »
    malo wrote: »
    I Love Apple but they appear to be struggling with advertising- this seems out of sync, the last 5 commercials are jumping around, and lacking coherent vision. Where's the stamping overarching message and brand impact?

    Apple is better than this, I expect better!!!
    Ha!  You'd have a great criticism if it were the 1960s.
    But I guess you'll have to go back to commercial film school in this century.

    I agree... ads today need to catch the viewer with the attention span of someone with ADHD disorder on a sugar high... Leaving us old guys going, "What the heck was that!?"
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  • Reply 24 of 87
    droidftw wrote: »
    radjin wrote: »
    Naw, only the losing companies need to even mention their competitors; the winners products stand on their own.

    Would that also apply to the times where Tim Cook has went out of his way to badmouth Android? 

    Naw, Apple has always loved to jerk their competitor's chain now and then, like when Jobs said the problem with Microsoft was they have no taste. But, Apple has never done that in the context of a commercial. which is just plain stupid with it's done. Human mind the way it works connects the bad mouthing with the advertiser's product more then as the advertiser intended it.
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  • Reply 25 of 87
    magic_almagic_al Posts: 325member

    It's been 15 years since the rainbow Apple logo was retired and Apple seems to be teasing a comeback.


    A lot of people might like that, but consider that nostalgia may not be exactly the right emotion for a technology company.


    A cautionary example might be when NASA in the 1990s expensively purged itself of its award-winning modernist logo that debuted with the space shuttle program to revert to the 1950s logo worn by Mercury astronauts. Because nothing says the future like the past, right?

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  • Reply 26 of 87

    I think the rainbow logo was just a nod to the past.  You guys are reading too much into that.  All in all, i thought it was an interesting commercial.  They'll probably get blasted for not showing off any specs or any usefulness of the product.  But i liked it nonetheless.

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  • Reply 27 of 87
    I hope I'm off base here, but I really did not like this ad at all. It's a fine ad, but doesn't come close to the quality that Apple should be putting out. It tries to be cool and cute, but it fails because there is no substance behind it. The black decals are cute, but who really uses them? I've never seen one out in the "wild." I have an awesome gelaskin, and the minimalistic design of the MBA lends itself perfectly to show it off. But the black decals seem like a miss. Also, what was with the glitchyness at the end? A strange effect with no intuitive purpose (that I could see). Who watching that knows what Apple's old logo looks like? And even knowing that, I still don't get it. Please Apple don't put more ads out there like this one. The only positive I got from it was promoting customizability, which I think is an under appreciated benefit of apples minimalist aesthetic, but I still think this could have been promoted more effectively.
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  • Reply 28 of 87
    wonkothesanewonkothesane Posts: 1,744member
    First visible impact of Beats acquisition?
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  • Reply 29 of 87
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  • Reply 30 of 87
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    Amazing how people want to project themselves into these adds. They're just small artworks. They can stand on their own, even without them being an "advertisement" (just like the "silhouette" ads did)

    And for crying out loud you people; stop telling Apple 'what to do'. Nobody cares if you don't 'get it'. Especially Apple.

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  • Reply 31 of 87
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    Originally Posted by thetorrey View Post


    I think the rainbow logo was just a nod to the past.  You guys are reading too much into that.  All in all, i thought it was an interesting commercial.  They'll probably get blasted for not showing off any specs or any usefulness of the product.  But i liked it nonetheless.

    Agree about reading too much into rainbow.

    As for blasted for not showing specs or usefulness… When has Apple ever done that in a commercial??

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  • Reply 32 of 87
    malomalo Posts: 19member

    you don't have much to add just steal other peoples quotes. Apple can do much better than spend money on a sticker-clad advertisement - that's old and played out but I guess that's your version of fresh and aspirational hire-thoughts...

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  • Reply 33 of 87
    FedGoatfedgoat Posts: 54member
    I thought this commercial was a great ad. The music was great. I had never seen the "stickers" before. Now I want one. And it kicks in The Macbook Air.

    They don't need Mac vs PC ads, and the design hasn't changed in years, yet still looks current.
    Perfect ad and I am in the older crowd.

    Love the little shout out to the Original Apple colors.

    Can't understand anyone having issue with this ad.
    Oh well, there is always someone the finds reasons not to like something....
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  • Reply 34 of 87
    malomalo Posts: 19member

    you don't have much to add just steal other peoples quotes. Apple can do much better than spend money on a sticker-clad advertisement - that's old and played out but I guess that's your version of fresh and aspirational hire-thoughts...


    Originally Posted by BobSchlob View Post


    Ha!  You'd have a great criticism if it were the 1960s.

    But I guess you'll have to go back to commercial film school in this century.

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  • Reply 35 of 87
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member

    Originally Posted by BobSchlob View Post


    Funny thing about that commercial : MacBook sticker sales are (now) about to have a banner year.


    I'm amazed that there was no Pissing Calvin in that image collection.  (Not that there needs to be one, I find them repulsive generally.)

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  • Reply 36 of 87
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    my dad has a galaxy s3

    his wallpaper is an Apple logo.
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  • Reply 37 of 87
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Yeah, the ad wasn't bad and tying the stickers to the idea that people love the product was fun.
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  • Reply 38 of 87
    bobschlob wrote: »
    Amazing how people want to project themselves into these adds. They're just small artworks. They can stand on their own, even without them being an "advertisement" (just like the "silhouette" ads did)
    And for crying out loud you people; stop telling Apple 'what to do'. Nobody cares if you don't 'get it'. Especially Apple.

    The silhouette ads were original, iconic, and inherently cool. From my perspective this latest ad seems like they're trying to be cool for cool's sake, like they're trying to play catch up on cool, which is silly to me, because apples products are inherently cool by themselves. Apple *shouldn't * be trying to convince us the products are cool (that's already understood), they should focus on how the products coolness enhances the user's life. The other recent apple ads show the coolness of superior functionality. This ad seems to show the coolness of style, but IMO fails to demonstrate the real world application of style as an actual enhancement to the user's life. As someone in his early 30's I'm pretty sure I'm close to fitting whatever demographic(s) Apple is aiming for, so I don't think my opinion is necessarily arbitrary.
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  • Reply 39 of 87
    georgeip5georgeip5 Posts: 225member
    I liked that. The Apple logo in the end was cool, like it was bugging out. Love it.
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  • Reply 40 of 87
    foadfoad Posts: 717member

    I really liked the ad. I am also thinking of it in the context of it being back to school season. Thinking of it along those lines makes even more sense. The ad is targeted to the younger demos.

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