I Love Apple but they appear to be struggling with advertising- this seems out of sync, the last 5 commercials are jumping around, and lacking coherent vision. Where’s the stamping overarching message and brand impact? Apple is better than this, I expect better!!!
Originally Posted by malo
Apple can do much better than spend money on a sticker-clad advertisement - that's old and played out but I guess that's your version of fresh and aspirational hire-thoughts...
Take your concern trolling somewhere people are stupid enough to believe it.
Originally Posted by BobSchlob
Funny thing about that commercial : MacBook sticker sales are (now) about to have a banner year.
That's good to know. I hope I'm in the minority in my dislike of the recent ad. Funny thing is that both of the ads promote Apple products (or soon to be released Apple products).
Y'know, that flash of the rainbow logo at the very end was an interesting choice in and of itself. Anyone think there might be more to it than mere retro whimsy?
Misses the old logo...
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has taken one of the old rainbow decals and cut it to fit over the MacBook logo.
In answer to your question, I miss the old logo too but I've moved on just as Apple has.
I Love Apple but they appear to be struggling with advertising- this seems out of sync, the last 5 commercials are jumping around, and lacking coherent vision. Where's the stamping overarching message and brand impact?
Apple is better than this, I expect better!!!
Agreed. This ad did nothing for me, certainly didn't make me want to get a Mac.
I was going to mention the apparent resurgence of the colored Mac logo too. I spotted it more than once in that video I think. AI seems to have used it a lot in recent months too.
you don't have much to add constructively...you just steal other peoples quotes. Apple can do much better than spend money on a sticker-clad advertisement - that's old and played out but I guess that's your version of fresh and aspirational hire-thoughts...
Blah blah blah. Old and played out? In what regard.
Would that also apply to the times where Tim Cook has went out of his way to badmouth Android? And how many times has Google badmouthed iOS and/or iPhones?
Somebody doesn't know the difference between Dev conferences and commercials.
Y'know, that flash of the rainbow logo at the very end was an interesting choice in and of itself. Anyone think there might be more to it than mere retro whimsy?
Misses the old logo...
It certainly is interesting. Whether there is more to it? I'd be surprised, but you never know. It's the New New Apple.
That's one of the best Apple ads I've seen in a while.
Hear, hear. Brought a tear to my eye. We have quite a few of those decal'ed MB's in our office, too - though most are retina MBPs.
Take your concern trolling somewhere people are stupid enough to believe it.
The person responsible for creating this one needs to be sued for some sort of damages.
Damages to both hardware and grammar.
sammy galaxy screen envy ad
66% thumbs up.
Apple MacBook sticker ad
98% thumbs up.
2 ads were released on YouTube today.
sammy galaxy screen envy ad
66% thumbs up.
Apple MacBook sticker ad
98% thumbs up.
That's good to know. I hope I'm in the minority in my dislike of the recent ad. Funny thing is that both of the ads promote Apple products (or soon to be released Apple products).
Really powerful ad, really love the music.
If admins on Appleinsider will allow it, I'd love to offer you guys 20% on my stickers for a limited time.
Just head over to www.makeitstick.co and type in "Appleinsider" in the coupon field.
7 days only, and shipping is free as well.
I make all my stickers myself in my office, and love being in this business.
Here's a couple of my personal favorites.
Y'know, that flash of the rainbow logo at the very end was an interesting choice in and of itself. Anyone think there might be more to it than mere retro whimsy?
Misses the old logo...
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has taken one of the old rainbow decals and cut it to fit over the MacBook logo.
In answer to your question, I miss the old logo too but I've moved on just as Apple has.
That's one of the best Apple ads I've seen in a while.
Agreed. Really unexpected style too. Apple ads are normally so clinical and this one isn't. Some of them even have marks from use.
Well done Apple, this is exactly what you need to do.
So what you're saying is that now that Apple is winning they no longer need anymore of those; I am a PC and I am Mac commercials.
That is right great companies do not need to expose their products in your face a lot.These stickers are plain dumb!
Finally a decent Apple ad- looks radically different and retro at the same time. Wonder if its from the new advertising group?
And at this point, as long as Apple keeps their products speaking for themselves, they don't need to do a whole lot of marketing to make a statement.
Gosh that's a surprise.
Blah blah blah. Old and played out? In what regard.
Considering those haven't been used in several years, yes.
Somebody doesn't know the difference between Dev conferences and commercials.
Y'know, that flash of the rainbow logo at the very end was an interesting choice in and of itself. Anyone think there might be more to it than mere retro whimsy?
Misses the old logo...
It certainly is interesting. Whether there is more to it? I'd be surprised, but you never know. It's the New New Apple.
Love the Homer sticker. That's awesome lol
Originally posted by droidftw
"Would that also apply to the times where Tim Cook has went out of his way to badmouth Android?"
But not in the adverts.