One question I'd have is why are they promoting Macbook Airs when they only got a minor update? If there's to be Retina Macbook Airs coming, why promote the old model? Maybe there won't be another Air update this year. Haswell refresh for the MBP, a drop-in upgrade for the Mac Pro and that leaves the biggest Mac update for 2014 being the Retina iMac with Retina Thunderbolt displays and TB2. The bigger laptop updates might be pushed to next Summer for Broadwell as those will get faster integrated graphics to drive the Retina displays.
Apple promotes current products and not imaginary/unannounced ones.
Naw, Apple has always loved to jerk their competitor's chain now and then, like when Jobs said the problem with Microsoft was they have no taste. But, Apple has never done that in the context of a commercial. which is just plain stupid with it's done. Human mind the way it works connects the bad mouthing with the advertiser's product more then as the advertiser intended it.
Originally Posted by addicted44
Somebody doesn't know the difference between Dev conferences and commercials.
Originally Posted by Gunner1954
But not in the adverts.
I guess I missed the part in Radjin's post where he said that his statement only applies to commercials (which would be a rather silly criterion). Let's look again, shall we?
Originally Posted by Radjin
Naw, only the losing companies need to even mention their competitors; the winners products stand on their own.
Nope. Not seeing it. Looks like it's time to move the goal posts again.
And the subtext is: the iTime will be a blank slate that either we, the consumer, or companies, will be able to customise to our hearts‘ content, so that we don‘t all walk around with identical iTimes on our wrists.
Apple promotes current products and not imaginary/unannounced ones.
This is good for kids not adults with some intelligence they might have.
Naw, Apple has always loved to jerk their competitor's chain now and then, like when Jobs said the problem with Microsoft was they have no taste. But, Apple has never done that in the context of a commercial. which is just plain stupid with it's done. Human mind the way it works connects the bad mouthing with the advertiser's product more then as the advertiser intended it.
Somebody doesn't know the difference between Dev conferences and commercials.
But not in the adverts.
I guess I missed the part in Radjin's post where he said that his statement only applies to commercials (which would be a rather silly criterion). Let's look again, shall we?
Naw, only the losing companies need to even mention their competitors; the winners products stand on their own.
Nope. Not seeing it. Looks like it's time to move the goal posts again.
Nope. Not seeing it.
Try watching Samsung’s advertisements, then.
I really like this retro-style ad... reminds me of 80s mood
And the subtext is: the iTime will be a blank slate that either we, the consumer, or companies, will be able to customise to our hearts‘ content, so that we don‘t all walk around with identical iTimes on our wrists.