Samsung back on Apple-bashing bandwagon with new 'It Doesn't Take a Genius' ads



  • Reply 21 of 193
    Hey SameDung, Remember when you did all those market studies to see how Apple got such a "Cool" factor? This isn't how they did it...
  • Reply 22 of 193
    I smell desperation.
  • Reply 23 of 193

    Samsung's ongoing loud and clear message that anyone that buys anything Apple is stupid is truly marketing genius.


    I often wonder if their marketing wizards ever consider the "halo effect" their ads have.


    I still have a Samsung plasma flat panel, but once it burns out I will never buy another one (LED, OLED, 4K, doesn't matter). I will never buy a Samsung SSD or a Samsung washer, dryer or refrigerator. A Samsung computer? Well...


    Samsung may make some very good products (my flat panel's been quite reliable), but I'll never find out going forward thanks to their ham-handed way of telling me and millions like me that we're not very bright. 


    Sure, something I have, even an Apple product, may have something Samsung within it, but I'd just as soon that it didn't.


    I will never (knowingly) spend another penny on a Samsung branded product, ever. I doubt that I'm alone. 


    So in a way, Samsung has successfully copied one magical aspect of Apple, the "halo effect". Genius.

  • Reply 24 of 193
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    I'd like to see an advertisement where the CEO of a phone company gets arrested in the middle if a keynote and goes to jail.

    Or where a couple of technicians discuss their clever implementation of some software that increases their product's benchmarking figures.

    Or an ad where technical support staff offer to replace a customer's phone that caught on fire only if he signs paperwork saying he won't tell anybody what happened ("It doesn't take a genius to fill out a non-disclosure agreement!").

    Or an ad where the value of the phone is justified by an additional benchmark of how many people died to make it ("People are DYING for our phones!).

    Or an ad where a management team discusses how to use the internet to write fake online reviews for competitors.

    Or maybe even an ad where a solicitor from Samsung begs the audience to buy their phones as they have a rather large legal bill they need to pay.

    That's what I would consider 'clever and funny'.
  • Reply 25 of 193
    rickers wrote: »
    Uh, yeah.  These pretty much sum it up.  Cook & Company are going to destroy Apple.  Enjoy what little of it there is left while it lasts.  I couldn't even stand to watch Schiller who usually does a good presentation.

    All this stuff used to just be a projection of Steve.  Now, it's just pretentious.

    "It's amazing!"

    "It goes on your wrist!"

    "It will tell you the time!"

    "It will tell you how many strokes while you were whacking it!"

     I just had to turn it off.

    Just so you know... I turned you off using my forever ignore button. Bye!
  • Reply 26 of 193
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member
    This is a great commercial... for Apple. All it does is draw attention to Apple while making Samsung look like Geeks for creating this dumb ad.
  • Reply 27 of 193
    bolbolize wrote: »
    Samaung is getting more nervous because many people will switch from Samsung to iPhone. Many people buy Samsung galaxy because they need a bigger screen.

    That may have been true a few years ago but now Samsung has built up quite an ecosystem. I have a hypothesis that no one leaves a platform unless they feel they have been given the short end of the stick. For the most part android owners will just get another androd because they are use to it. If the customer however feels that android was bad and screwed them over they are more likely to get an iPhone. This works in apples. Favor because Samsung sales so many crappy low end smart phones the consumers use them then hate them and then go get a high end iPhone.
  • Reply 28 of 193
    moreck wrote: »
    Also, don't forget the one in which they insult the deceased Steve Jobs, keeping it classy.

    Funny comments there:

    Riley Freeman • 8 hours ago
    "show me a company that has never changed their stance on something and ill show you how that company is no longer in business"
  • Reply 29 of 193
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    I'm not even going to bother to click on those Scamsung ads.


    I was a little annoyed when first watching the keynote on Tuesday, due to the technical difficulties, so I decided to re-watch it today, and it was like a whole new experience.


    It's not surprising to me that Scamsung would so quickly come out with these lame ads, so soon after Apple's event. They are obviously getting more and more desperate, and since they can't make better products, they resort to making pathetic ads. 


    The ?Watch must've scared the hell out of Scamsung! Like I said, I saw the presentation once more, and let me tell you, that ?Watch is pretty damn cool. I never bothered to look into any of the other smartwatches available, but I recently did, to compare them to the ?Watch, and they are all so primitive and pathetic! No wonder they are not selling! They're all damn junk! Simplistic, ugly junk, that serves few useful purposes!


    The ?Watch is going to do pretty well. You can quote me on that in a year's time. Go right ahead homeboy, I don't mind. The Android watches are so poorly designed that it takes multiple displays worth of information on certain functions to show what is seen on one display worth of information on the ?Watch. The display is so simplistic and pathetic looking on the Android watches, there's hardly anything shown! The ?Watch is like a super computer in comparison to those primitive Android watches. The digital crown was a great feature for Apple to add. And boy are those ?Watches nicely designed.


    Fandroids and other bums out there wouldn't know good design and good taste if it landed right on top of their thick, hollow skulls. Remember, these are the same people who probably laughed at the iPhone, they predicted that the iPad would be a flop etc. Quite frankly speaking, the more that these technological neanderthals bash a particular Apple product, the greater the likelihood that it will be an absolute smashing success!


    Scamsung can make all of the crappy ads that they wish. What they wont be able to do is to stop the tens of millions of people who will eagerly be buying the new iPhones and they also wont be able to stop Apple from quickly dominating the entire smartwatch category. Those other smartwatches are like little, cheap, useless toys in comparison, and I pity the handful of fools out there who were so unfortunate enough to have bought them.


    Scamsung's got nothing left, not that they ever had anything to begin with, mind you.  I think that 2015 is going to be a bad year for Scamsung and for all Fandroids out there.

  • Reply 30 of 193
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Gotta admit, I chuckled at the keynote one. 


    Samsung's obsession with Apple in their marketing is quite remarkable. I don't even know how to describe it. Cute? Pathetic? Obsessive? Insane? Like a crazy fucking neighbor that stalks you all day. Either way, these ads were probably filmed before the keynote. Maybe except for the streaming one. I'm so glad Apple doesn't bother mentioning anyone in their ads anymore.


    Microsoft and Samsung pretty much triple Apple's marketing. Apple should actually pay them for their efforts, instead of letting them volunteer to feature Apple's products in all their ads for free.

  • Reply 31 of 193
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    And what's with the "wallhuggers" crap?


    Fandroids are a bunch of unproductive snotbuggers.

  • Reply 32 of 193
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by Rickers View Post


    Uh, yeah.  These pretty much sum it up.  Cook & Company are going to destroy Apple.  Enjoy what little of it there is left while it lasts.  I couldn't even stand to watch Schiller who usually does a good presentation.


    All this stuff used to just be a projection of Steve.  Now, it's just pretentious.


    "It's amazing!"


    "It goes on your wrist!"


    "It will tell you the time!"


    "It will tell you how many strokes while you were whacking it!"


     I just had to turn it off.




    24 total posts, and 24 posts of anti-Apple venom. Congrats. Oh, and it's not Apple's fault that all you could think of during the keynote was"whacking it". You seem to have an obsession with masturbation, as well as blowjobs, based on your previous posts.  No doubt you cry yourself to sleep every night from depression and hate, but hopefully you at least get paid for your trolling efforts. 

  • Reply 33 of 193

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Samsung back on Apple-bashing bandwagon ...


    Because it's all they have left.

  • Reply 34 of 193
    Is that the best they can do?
    I'm glad they're scared. They should be.
  • Reply 35 of 193
    apple ][ wrote: »
    ^ post

    What if the whole world viewed you the way you view Android and its users?

    Life is like a mirror; what you give to others is what you'll get in return.
  • Reply 36 of 193
    To the guy who said he won't buy Samsung washers, I couldn't agree more. My company has provided me a Samsung washer and trust me it is absolutely rubbish compared to the Bosch I use at home.
  • Reply 37 of 193
    C'mon. Samsung knows the score. The keynote they derided just solved their "crisis in design" for smartwatches.

    Expect a fresh round of copying in 9-18 months.
  • Reply 38 of 193
    philboogie wrote: »
    Life is like a mirror; what you give to others is what you'll get in return.

    Box of chocolates :)
  • Reply 39 of 193
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    Fair play to Samsung.


    They pioneered the phablet.




    I am not sure if that is meant to be a compliment ;) 

  • Reply 40 of 193
    The phone market has matured, this has been evident from recent launches by different manufacturers. It is increasingly difficult to 'wow' the masses with new features.
    What can samsung or others offer now to compete ? Other than point out comparitive parity and undercut them in price.

    It seemed Apple's heart is in the Apple watch. Samsung had tried to anticipate and rush out a competing product. And Apple handed thier asses back to them.
    How long will it be before Samsung debut their 'S CROWN' that will allow the user of their gear watch to navigate a hastily put together Google made watch OS ?

    Then they will point out compartive parity, undercut the price and mock Apple about it.
    And why ? They are parasites. Like the snake said " it's in my nature"
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