Samsung smartphone trade-in requests surge in wake of Apple's iPhone 6 announcements



  • Reply 21 of 79

    Originally Posted by stylorouge View Post

    ... Note 4 Edge which spots some actual innovations.


    Innovations?  Name one.

    (Oh, and no, a new type of faux leather is not an innovation.)

  • Reply 22 of 79

    Originally Posted by wood1208 View Post


    or look at this. Now, they know that Apple indeed came out with larger screen iphone which in absent left to android and now they want to come to home. That seems right.

    What the ____ did you just say?

  • Reply 23 of 79
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    "...many owners of smartphones from Apple's chief rival Samsung are also eager to upgrade their experience."


    That sentence right there is music to my ears. There's always been a very vocal minority within the Android community who parade technical specs, marginal features and capabilities (most of which are half-baked, like that bang-your-phones-together-to-share-photos atrocity), but where the rubber meets the road - the larger population - Android has always been a good-enough cheap solution for those who wanted some of what it offered that iPhone didn't, which means larger displays.


    Let the exodus begin.

  • Reply 24 of 79

    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post



    Meanwhile the 6 is about to hit store shelves.


    You know Samsung, they will release their new phones 24-36 hours before the iP6 comes out in stores. That is how they roll, anything to try and one-up Apple.

  • Reply 25 of 79

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I just threw that out, and it's possible. Companies that accept iPhones had said that you could trade your phone now, but keep the phone until you received your new one. That was over a month ago. So it's certainly possible.

    But I knew that there would be people here who wouldn't want to read that. You're the first. Congrats!



    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I just threw that out, and it's possible. Companies that accept iPhones had said that you could trade your phone now, but keep the phone until you received your new one. That was over a month ago. So it's certainly possible.

    But I knew that there would be people here who wouldn't want to read that. You're the first. Congrats!



    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post


    "Of course, this could also mean that Samsung owners were waiting to see what Apple offered, and after having seen it, were disappointed, and are trading in their phones to buy new Samsung models which were also recently revealed. That may not be a popular thought here, but it's certainly veey possible."


    I doubt that seriously.


    1) Samsung announced new projects without pricing or release dates or availability.


    2) Even if Samsung tries to ship, as reported on AI, Apple has tied up much of the international shipping for its massive iPhone 6 roll out.


    I personally really liked the look of the Samsung Edge.... but that product is a mystery in terms of when it might actually become available for purchase.


    Meanwhile the 6 is about to hit store shelves.




    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I just threw that out, and it's possible. Companies that accept iPhones had said that you could trade your phone now, but keep the phone until you received your new one. That was over a month ago. So it's certainly possible.

    But I knew that there would be people here who wouldn't want to read that. You're the first. Congrats!

    Your logic is sound, the reality is we will not know without more data.


    While I personally dont think so, I have no data to back up that claim.


    Shooting the "messenger" is so child like,  fandroids and isheep can only see what they want to...

  • Reply 26 of 79
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Of course, this could also mean that Samsung owners were waiting to see what Apple offered, and after having seen it, were disappointed, and are trading in their phones to buy new Samsung models which were also recently revealed.

    That may not be a popular thought here, but it's certainly veey possible.


    No, that's a perfectly reasonable thought and certainly possible.  Now had you said earlier in the year that even a single iPhone owner was waiting to see the Galaxy S5 before upgrading, well, those be fighting words!

  • Reply 27 of 79

    Sorry about the above, never used the multiquote button before....



    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post



    You know Samsung, they will release their new phones 24-36 hours before the iP6 comes out in stores. That is how they roll, anything to try and one-up Apple.

     Of course would you expect them to roll over and play Mr nice guy? Its ALL about marketing what you have (or dont).... :)

  • Reply 28 of 79
    Apple2 is gonna love this, unfortunately.

    pooch wrote: »
    brianfrick wrote: »
    Grammar police: "But their not the only ones"

    perhaps "appleinsider staff" includes mikey campbell. he says he wishes he could proofread his writing, but he says he can't. i'd guess that all of appleinsider staff "can't".

    I for one would appreciate it if people like you would shift away from forums like these as you haven't got a capital thing to add to the topic.
  • Reply 29 of 79
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    melgross wrote: »
    Of course, this could also mean that Samsung owners were waiting to see what Apple offered, and after having seen it, were disappointed, and are trading in their phones to buy new Samsung models which were also recently revealed.

    That may not be a popular thought here, but it's certainly veey possible.

    The fact Sammy customers waited is bad news for Sammy. Apple isn't going to get 100% of Sammy defectors but a little but every qtr adds up. Say only 10% of those folks buy iPhones now. That is still > 0.
    stylorouge wrote: »
    Samsung trade-ins rose threefold on a weekly basis since two days ago? Okay

    I agree. The Apple ship started to sink after the outdated iphone 6 reveal. What is happening actually is that samsung owners after seeing the mediocre keynote they are upgrading to Note 4 Edge which spots some actual innovations.

    Troll much?
  • Reply 30 of 79

    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post



    Innovations?  Name one.

    (Oh, and no, a new type of faux leather is not an innovation.)

    The wrap around screen is an innovation. Whether it's actually useful is a whole 'nuther discussion. Get a really big phone so you can look at tiny notifications on the side when it's sitting on your desk? My guess is it will be meh, but I wouldn't look at a Samsung phone anyway. It will be interesting to read reviews, etc to see how it works, if it requires special apps that utilize that portion of the screen for display/controls, etc. People were talking about "it would be cool to see scrolling sports scores" and such on the sliver of screen. To me, that would be as horrible as all the damn stock tickers that show during the news nowadays, it's freaking obnoxious.

  • Reply 31 of 79
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    stylorouge wrote: »
    Samsung trade-ins rose threefold on a weekly basis since two days ago? Okay

    I agree. The Apple ship started to sink after the outdated iphone 6 reveal. What is happening actually is that samsung owners after seeing the mediocre keynote they are upgrading to Note 4 Edge which spots some actual innovations.

    ...but not an "actual innovation", like 64 bit.

    32bit is so 2012.

    Keep your trash talk to yourself along with your trash phones.
  • Reply 32 of 79
    I shall be purchasing the iPhone+ if for no other reason that to migrate my iTunes copy protected library. But I ain't giving up my Note 3. The best device-not just phone-that I've ever owned.
  • Reply 33 of 79
    sog35 wrote: »
    Not sure if this was meant to be a joke.
    If so, pretty funny.

    Do you really think there's one single solitary reason?
  • Reply 34 of 79

    Originally Posted by stylorouge View Post

    Samsung trade-ins rose threefold on a weekly basis since two days ago? Okay

    I agree. The Apple ship started to sink after the outdated iphone 6 reveal. What is happening actually is that samsung owners after seeing the mediocre keynote they are upgrading to Note 4 Edge which spots some actual innovations.



    Apple makes a superior product (they've ruled Consumer Satisfaction metrics in mobile since the first iPhone), and then prices it accordingly. 


    Taken as a total package - the fusion between hardware and software - no other competitor even comes close to the user experience offered by iDevices connected to Apple's ecosystem. 


    It isn't even close. iPhone users are babied by Apple. Spoiled. It can't even be called a race, because an actual race assumes that all competitors are actually capably fit for the race, rather than counting one or more among them that are completely outclassed. 

  • Reply 35 of 79
    sog35 wrote: »
    Samdung is doomed.

    I've been saying it for months now.  With a bigger iPhone there is literally ZERO reason for a normal human to buy a Shamesung phone.  ZERO.  They will get utter destroyed on the high end (high end phones are already down 20-25% this year).  On the mid-level Xiaomi and other Chinese brands will crush them.  Samdung has no where to hide.  Eventually they will need to cut their marketing budget and that will lead to weaker sales.

    Like I said 6 months ago Samdung will be a bit player like HTC/Nokia/Xiaomi by the time the 6S comes out.

    This one is just outright funny
  • Reply 36 of 79
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post


    You know Samsung, they will release their new phones 24-36 hours before the iP6 comes out in stores. That is how they roll, anything to try and one-up Apple.



  • Reply 37 of 79
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    The beginning of the end has already started for Scamsung and Fandroids!


    We are now entering the middle of the end! The clock is ticking and their time is running out! I am so damn glad!


    You can bet your ass that quite a few Android users are going to upgrade to iPhone 6's. There are practically no logical reasons for anybody to buy gimmicky Scamsung phones.


    People want security, and nothing beats Touch ID on iPhones. Together with ?Pay, it's a winning and unbeatable combination! Nothing else even comes remotely close!


    I have this theory that millions of people feel like they've gotten screwed after buying Scamsung phones, and these people have zero loyalty to Scamsung. Of course many of them will jump ship and switch! What reasonable people wouldn't flee a sinking ship? Only a few rats will remain.


    The iPhone 6 is going to do incredibly well, but you don't need me to tell you that.

  • Reply 38 of 79
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    atlapple wrote: »

    They seem to have left out 64 bit... that is funny, all the nerdy types that this sort of crap appeals to deliberately misunderstanding the significance.

    So when do you think the rock one will be resurrected?
  • Reply 39 of 79
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    The beginning of the end has already started for Scamsung and Fandroids!

    We are now entering the middle of the end! The clock is ticking and their time is running out! I am so damn glad!

    You can bet your ass that quite a few Android users are going to upgrade to iPhone 6's. There are practically no logical reasons for anybody to buy gimmicky Scamsung phones.

    People want security, and nothing beats Touch ID on iPhones. Together with ?Pay, it's a winning and unbeatable combination! Nothing else even comes remotely close!

    I have this theory that millions of people feel like they've gotten screwed after buying Scamsung phones, and these people have zero loyalty to Scamsung. Of course many of them will jump ship and switch! What reasonable people wouldn't flee a sinking ship? Only a few rats will remain.

    The iPhone 6 is going to do incredibly well, but you don't need me to tell you that.

    As part of my job I have corporate security software installed on my 5s, you should have seen all the whining from the S5 owners who couldn't use the fingerprint scanner on their Samsung's and had to set up a password lock instead.

    Of course this wasn't an issue for the 5s' Touch ID.

    It' s little flaws like this, often overlooked, which catch out the imitators.
  • Reply 40 of 79
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    As part of my job I have corporate security software installed on my 5s, you should have seen all the whining from the S5 owners who couldn't use the fingerprint scanner on their Samsung's and had to set up a password lock instead.


    I've never tried Samsung's fingerprint scanner of course, as I wouldn't be caught dead touching any Android phone, but I have read a bit about it, and it's a complete disaster. It's a cheap, gimmicky feature that does not work well at all!


    Apple's works great, and it is reliable. In my opinion, Touch ID is one of the most important features ever to have been added to an iPhone.


    I'm also hoping that the new iPads get Touch ID. I was kind of hoping that they would be announced at the most recent keynote, but I can wait another month or so!

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