iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus preorder delivery dates slip as AT&T sees biggest-ever pre-sale launch



  • Reply 181 of 222

    Originally Posted by PopinFRESH View Post

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    There's no such thing as a 17" Macbook Pro. And still, you have no clue what the iPhone size distribution is. And never once did I say they're making the SAME # of both models, so stop beating a strawman. If you knew how to read, you'd see I said MARKETED equally. You seem to randomly latch onto things that you decide to be 100% confident and belligerent about, and digging yourself deeper and deeper. 


    And enough with the condescending "next you'll be saying.." bullshit. You've seen enough of my posts here to know I'm not a moron, and I have a pretty good idea of how Apple operates, so stop pretending otherwise in order to make snarky comments and stating I'm "wrong" cause you said so. 

    There is such a thing as a 17" MacBook Pro, just not a current generation. I do however agree with your point that it is a bad analogy. I also think there would be a much larger difference, with the smaller iPhone 6 selling in significantly higher numbers than the iPhone 6 plus had there been more feature parity between the two. I, along with at least 12 other friends of mine are all getting the iPhone 6 plus because of the difference in features, but would rather have the smaller phone.




    Yeah; that huge jump in battery life on the Plus I'm sure is going to attract many away from the 6. I think that if the 6 had the same battery life as the Plus, then the 6 would have sold considerably more than the Plus.

  • Reply 182 of 222

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Last year I was told by one of the phone salespeople more women than men bought the 6.3" Galaxy Mega. The assumption that the 5.5" 6+ (that's a misnomer if I ever saw one) will only appeal to big men may be inaccurate.

    A lot of men still seem to be ignorant about the fact women carry purses. I've seen plenty of petite to large women pulling out very large phones that fit in their purses with ease.


    I think a lot of women will get a large iPhone in lieu of a phone and an iPad. 

  • Reply 183 of 222

    Secondary thoughts on iPhone 6/6 Plus weighting:


    Whereas the iPhone 5s heavily outsold the iPhone 5c, I think the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus will be more evenly balanced. Hardly surprising in a sense, as they are both new models in every way, whereas the 5c was mostly a 5, albeit in a new body and with the odd other tweak.

  • Reply 184 of 222
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Women have spoken:
    "Bigger is better."

    The amount of women I see pulling out a giant asteroi-I MEAN-Android and talking on it is ridiculous. Looks like their talking on a flat screen TV.
  • Reply 185 of 222
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    In other news,

    SamScum says Apple is copying them in new ad.

    In older news:

    Adam Levine of Maroon 5 during a Samsung event says he'll be burning his iPhone and after the event tweets from his, you guessed it, iPhone.

    Microsoft pays $400M to advertise the Suface as the official tablet of the NFL, but during the game announcers forget its name and call it the "iPad-like tools".

  • Reply 186 of 222

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Last year I was told by one of the phone salespeople more women than men bought the 6.3" Galaxy Mega. The assumption that the 5.5" 6+ (that's a misnomer if I ever saw one) will only appeal to big men may be inaccurate.

    Well simple consideration: Men have to carry their phones in a small coat pocket at best, but most likely jean pocket or maybe a hip holster. Women have purses, so they can easily afford much bigger ones. 

  • Reply 187 of 222
    Originally Posted by PopinFRESH View Post

    ...we saw more women buying the note than men


    I think you're on to something here.  I work in an office building that also houses one of T-Mobile's call centers.  You can't escape their employees on the elevators (seven years and running).


    Anyway, yeah, only the females seem to carry phablets, or iPhones of late.  If any of the guy employees are carrying phablets, they're sure not flaunting them.  :smokey: 

  • Reply 188 of 222

    Originally Posted by staticx57 View Post


    This is out dated information. To start with, per an agreement with the FCC all verizon LTE phones are GSM unlocked when you buy them. Next, you CAN swap verizon SIMs to other Verizon phones just fine and they will activate just fine without calling. But the phones need to be Verizon phones for this to work as Verizon whitelists which phones are allowed on their network. That is why Spring phones will not active, even when they have the hardware to. By the way, Verizon's 4G technology is GSM so theres that.

    Yes, it's true that all Verizon iPhones are GSM unlocked and you may use them on other networks, but NOT vice-versa.  In other word, you cannot use ANY OTHER NON VERIZON phones on their network whether or not it's unlocked.  That was my whole point.


    It's also true that Verizon's LTE is GSM, but their fall back is STILL CDMA, which means where there is no Verizon LTE, you must be connected to their CDMA to use your phone.

  • Reply 189 of 222
    I estimate that around 15 million devices will be sold next weekend

    What is your 'estimate' based on?
  • Reply 190 of 222
    I order through the business group at AT&T. For the past few years my estimated ship dates have said 2-4 weeks past the launch date and I always received my phones on or within 1 week of the in store date. Last year I received phones 2 days before the in store date.
  • Reply 191 of 222
    15 million sounds a lot! I’ll go with 13 million.
  • Reply 192 of 222
    sog35 wrote: »
    What is your 'estimate' based on?

    The leaks.  The leaks this year were very early and accurate.  That tells me Apple staring production way earlier than usual.  

    I think I asked someone else the question.

    Moreover, I should tell you that I honestly don't understand your answer (you don't have to clarify).
  • Reply 193 of 222
    Apple sold 25million iPhones over the weekend is my guess.
  • Reply 194 of 222
    I'm going to weigh in with a conservative "more than zero and less than infinity" estimate.
  • Reply 195 of 222
    sog35 wrote: »

    common sense. Apple starting manufactering the iPhones much earlier this time around.  Thats why there were more accurate leaks than ever before.  Thus they had way more stock than previous years.  Thus they will sell more.

    Pretty obvious actually, even a deaf man can see it

    Seriously, thanks. But please stop. No offense, but this response of yours makes even less sense than your previous one.

    For starters, I did not ask you the question. Two, an 'estimate' is not the same thing as a 'guess' (ref. my original question). Three, supply/production is not the same as sales. Four, even if it was in Apple's case, a number such as '15 million', without any reference and empirical context to past data or time frames over which rumors predicted the real thing, are utter nonsense. Five, I really don't understand the juxtaposition of 'deaf' and 'see.' (Perhaps you think you're being cute or sarcastic or amusing, but it's not coming through.)

    And, if the number does turn out to be 15 million (which it may.... or may not), please avoid falling into the stupid trap of 'I was right!!!!!!' in the same way that even a broken clock will be right twice a day.
  • Reply 196 of 222
    For starters, I did not ask you the question.

    I don't believe that's a valid argument in an open forum.
  • Reply 197 of 222
    Seriously, thanks. But please stop. No offense, but this response of yours makes even less sense than your previous one.

    For starters, I did not ask you the question. Two, an 'estimate' is not the same thing as a 'guess' (ref. my original question). Three, supply/production is not the same as sales. Four, even if it was in Apple's case, a number such as '15 million', without any reference and empirical context to past data or time frames over which rumors predicted the real thing, are utter nonsense. Five, I really don't understand the juxtaposition of 'deaf' and 'see.' (Perhaps you think you're being cute or sarcastic or amusing, but it's not coming through.)

    And, if the number does turn out to be 15 million (which it may.... or may not), please avoid falling into the stupid trap of 'I was right!!!!!!' in the same way that even a broken clock will be right twice a day.

    Bitter much?
  • Reply 198 of 222
    On the flipside, there are a lot of women that go out at night wearing slim fitting dresses/formal attire and carrying clutches (small handheld purses for those that don't know) for which the 6+ likely wouldn't fit into so size is still important.

    Poppycock. Look at the stuff gf in her bag:


    Weird, cause her bag like this:

  • Reply 199 of 222
    solipsismx wrote: »
    My mother always carries a purse, is hyperopic (farsighted), and her dexterity isn't sublime so I suggested she wait until the 19th to got test the different sizes in an Apple Store.

    I'm even holding off on buying until I test the sizes even though I'm pretty certain the 5.5" is way too big for me.

    Whenever we see a demonstration with any phone it's always performed without a protective case. The new iPhone 4.7 design without a case could still allow for one handed use. Depending on the protective case I wonder how much that will impact one handed use even with the 4.7. I know sales numbers will be insanely high I just wonder when consumers get them if they will truly be happy with a larger screen even the 4.7. I really hope I'm happy with the larger screen because I really like the size of my 5s.
  • Reply 200 of 222

    Originally Posted by zeromeus View Post


    Yes, it's true that all Verizon iPhones are GSM unlocked and you may use them on other networks, but NOT vice-versa.  In other word, you cannot use ANY OTHER NON VERIZON phones on their network whether or not it's unlocked.  That was my whole point.


    It's also true that Verizon's LTE is GSM, but their fall back is STILL CDMA, which means where there is no Verizon LTE, you must be connected to their CDMA to use your phone.

    Yes, I am aware and said as such. But what you have old information on is the need to call and activate. The truth is you can simply swap SIMs from one Verizon phone to another and it works just like it does in pure gsm world.

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