iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus preorder delivery dates slip as AT&T sees biggest-ever pre-sale launch



  • Reply 81 of 222

    I personally think that the iPhone 6 will outsell the iPhone 6 Plus about 10:1.  (It is really big) However, I do think that the main intention of the iPhone 6 Plus is to win back people who switched to Android to get a bigger screen and of course people who prefer Phablets....


    One of my favorite phones in the past was a Galaxy Nexus from a pure size point of view with a 4.6" display.  It fit in my pockets easily with a fairly bulky rubber case and could be single hand operate easily.  Even my little 5'-2" wife thought it was the right size.   Even she thinks that the iPhone 5s screen is too small.  I think people will quickly quit whining about the 4.7" iPhone 6 once they actually have chance to use it.  The advantages of the larger screen win you over quite quickly...


    I predict in one month that most people will say that they would never go back to a smaller phone...


    I am going for the iPhone 6 Plus because it will be even easier for me to see (bad eyes) and should eliminate the need for me to carry both an iPhone and iPad Mini on my daily travels.  I also suspect that I can take a 1-2 day business trip with the iPhone 6 Plus with no need for a laptop or iPad to haul around.  The extra battery life should do for an overnight trip with no need to even bring a charger.


    I made a mockup of the Plus using a 100% scale printout some 1/8" thick cardboard and 30 quarters (about the right weight).  I added about 1/16" around the phone to simulate the leather cover and made it about 1/16" thicker.  I have tested it in all of my pockets and it fits.  It does stick out about 3/4" in my dress shirt pockets, but I rarely need to put it in one.   I even went on a 2 mile run with it in my workout shorts pocket and had no issues.  


    Is it the ideal pocket size?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  It will work for people who do not wear tight clothing and are on the larger size.  I do not think women will like it and most will be sold to men in the 6 foot + size range.  I am astonished that Apple built a phone of this size for people like me.  I never thought that they would as It has to be a much smaller market... ( I am thrilled however...)


    And for those who are mad that there is no 4" version.  All I can say is that now you know how the "I want a larger iPhone crowd" has felt for the last several years... I also think most of you will quickly fall in love with the iPhone 6...

  • Reply 82 of 222
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Stayed up all night, at 4:30 got the message from APPLE that they could not contact my carrier but the phone wad reserved for me. Wait for an email from us and then continue purchase. Went to bed, woke up and there was the email from APPLE!!! Overjoyed was I. Start the process only to be told that AT&T Next was not available to people living in the NYC area for online ordering thru APPLE...what bullshit is this. Spent the day on the phone with APPLE and AT&T even three way calling with both several times. Apple was shocked, never heard of such a thing...AT&T underlings were clueless. Spoke to several supervisors at AT&T finally they owned up to this bullshit rule. Thing is I called AT&T all week to make sure I could order the phone and was told several time, NO PROBLEM....now, APPLE has to let my phone go, AT&T wont honor the order placed at APPLE and I have to go to an AT&T store and wait for a phone, or preorder one thru them and wait until November. They offered me an android phone for free that day if I wanted that. PASS....I'm F'd. and I buy a new phone every year, have three lines on my service no one could help me. So much for being a loyal customer who spends a fortune at both companies.

    Sounds like BS on AT&Ts side.

    With Apples amazing customer service, Imagine if Apple Mobile was added to the Apple Store.....
  • Reply 83 of 222
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Absolutely horrible implementation, that seems like it would cause way too many accidental activations. Plus it just scales down the display, instead of actually bringing things where you can, you know, reach them.


    Yeah, ridiculous implementation (makes all the hit targets smaller too, and changes their positions on the X axis, causing you to have to readjust where you were planning to tap). Almost as bad as their "continuity" like feature which just mirrors a screenshot of your phone to your tablet, which looks fucking horrendous. Samsung's problem is not coming up with software gimmicks, its the execution. They do not have the patience or the desire to test and refine, their goal is to get as many software bullet points out as fast as possible, which means they're poorly thought out. Its a big **** you to useability, and consumers. 


    Even their product webpage have so little thought or care put into them. 




    Broken english, and a webpage that has maybe 5% of the content and detail of the Apple watch page, even though this is a currently shipping product. 


    Oh, and wtf is this shit?




    "Circle is designed to be hung around your neck, 

    a new stylick necklet attached your phone. 

    Make a fashion statement and grap attention always-on. 

    You don't need to have a hard time untangling the thread"


    That's an introduction on the US product site of one of the richest companies on the planet, that spends orders of magnitude more on marketing than Apple. That's how much they give a ****. 

  • Reply 84 of 222
  • Reply 85 of 222

    Ordered my iPhone 6 plus today :)

  • Reply 86 of 222
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,555member
  • Reply 87 of 222
    slurpy wrote: »
    Oh, and wtf is this shit?


    "Circle is designed to be hung around your neck, 

    a new stylick necklet attached your phone. 

    Make a fashion statement and grap attention always-on. 
    You don't need to have a hard time untangling the thread"

    That's an introduction on the US product site of one of the richest companies on the planet, that spends orders of magnitude more on marketing than Apple. That's how much they give a ****. 

    LOL that's bad. There is no excuse for that. I will say the Circle does look slick. I could see that in some polished sci-fi movie.
  • Reply 88 of 222

    Originally Posted by sranger View Post


    I personally think that the iPhone 6 will outsell the iPhone 6 Plus about 10:1.  (It is really big) However, I do think that the main intention of the iPhone 6 Plus is to win back people who switched to Android to get a bigger screen and of course people who prefer Phablets....




    Here's the poll I was referring to. Around 46k responses, and I know - the accuracy can be debated. Still, I don't think it can be off by THAT much..


    Poll: So which iPhone 6 did you get?


    Kudos to you for going the extra few miles to simulate the 6+! My dad lost a flip phone from a shirt pocket by leaning over, it slipped out, he tried to catch it but instead batted it into a lake. True story. Verizon liked the story and gave him another phone :) So be careful when doing that!

  • Reply 89 of 222

    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    Looking forward to the next reveal in October...


    Me too! I need a new iPad!


    I was maybe foolish for expecting them to reveal new iPads on the same date as new iPhones and the iWatch, but that's ok, I can wait another month!

  • Reply 90 of 222

    I ordered my iPhone through ATT and was on the spot at 3:01 ordering, ( it said 3 to 4 weeks right away :wow:)  suddenly this morning I get told November 11th. I saw where someone else had that same issue and could not cancel, I talked to ATT and they had no problem canceling for me. Total non-sense on ATTs part if they won't cancel, the thing has not shipped. I ordered through Apple today once I got my email confirmation from ATT and it is due here in 3 weeks to 4 weeks. 

  • Reply 91 of 222

    yeah it was deffinetely an AT&T Issue. Apple was great about it and were as confused as I was. 

  • Reply 92 of 222
    [quote name="sranger" url="/t/182272/iphone-6-iphone-6-plus-preorder-delivery-dates-slip-as-at-t-sees-biggest-ever-pre-sale-launch/40#post_2597896"]I do think that the main intention of the iPhone 6 Plus is to win back people who switched to Android to get a bigger screen and of course people who prefer Phablets….[/QUOTE]

    Tim Cook candidly said exactly that in a recent interview.

    [QUOTE]I think people will quickly quit whining about the 4.7" iPhone 6 once they actually have chance to use it.  The advantages of the larger screen win you over quite quickly…[/QUOTE]

    I agree, but not because it has a larger screen, but because it has a larger screen while being lighter and being less volumistic than many earlier iPhones. It was never about the screen size but the usability (which includes portability) of the device.

    [QUOTE]I made a mockup of the Plus using a 100% scale printout some 1/8" thick cardboard and 30 quarters (about the right weight).  I added about 1/16" around the phone to simulate the leather cover and made it about 1/16" thicker. I have tested it in all of my pockets and it fits.  It does stick out about 3/4" in my dress shirt pockets, but I rarely need to put it in one.   I even went on a 2 mile run with it in my workout shorts pocket and had no issues.[/QUOTE]

    For those that want to do the same here is a PDF you can print out. Don't forget to make sure the scale is 100%, not Scale to Page.

    [*] http://img.wonderhowto.com/img/download/iphone-6-and-6-plus-scale-cutout.pdf
  • Reply 93 of 222
    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    What do jelalous android fans call them? iSheep?


    I like this gif. Been saving it for a while.

  • Reply 94 of 222

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Does sound a little "different" doesn't it? In practice tho it's said to be pretty effective.

    Since it's not enabled by default it certainly requires more initial effort to set up than Apple's solution. From video presentations of it II like the way it's done on the 6+. If it works just as well in practice users will appreciate it.



    Anyone else notice that in both the examples the single-handed use case is never actually demonstrated?


    Using it while resting on a table or while holding it with the other hand is not "single-handed use".

  • Reply 95 of 222
    shadow700 wrote: »
    Anyone else notice that in both the examples the single-handed use case is never actually demonstrated?

    Using it while resting on a table or while holding it with the other hand is not "single-handed use".

    LOL I'm embarrassed that I missed that.
  • Reply 96 of 222
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by shadow700 View Post


    Anyone else notice that in both the examples the single-handed use case is never actually demonstrated?


    Yes, I believe that I pointed that out in post #55.


    It's totally pathetic!

  • Reply 97 of 222
    gatorguy wrote: »


    So as the video even clearly shows, Samsung provides a way of using the device with one hand but it requires two hands to activate & deactivate. Nice!

    There's no way you can do that gesture with one hand while holding the phone with the same hand.
  • Reply 98 of 222
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post


    So nobody wants to use a phone bigger than a 5S?


    By following Samsung's lead, Apple could well make back as much or more money it's claimed they lost  from them copying Apple and Samsung's sales will suffer.


    Revenge, and it didn't take years in the courts or making a lot of lawyers very wealthy, just competition.


    Actually I disagree, (with your precepts but not the result). We (currently) have a -lack- of competition.

    Let me explain: samsung / google (et al.) should not be allowed to simply copy apple's (heavily patented) ideas. Simply making rip off copies of an innovative and successful product is NOT healthy competition (contrary to many's beliefs). Samsung, LG, Moto (and the rest) should have been forced to create competing products. They haven't. Having a common OS (that is basically  a rehash of stolen iPhone concepts/ideas) has stagnated both innovation and any real competition and resulted in propelling a non-innovative (crap hardware) bully to the top (samsung). This is what often happens in the absence of true competition and is similar to what we had with the windows monopoly. Where we had virtually total stagnation of both hardware and software (big beige boxes and windows XP forever!!!) for a decade or more.

    I have little doubt that if Apple had not managed to outflank MS (with completely innovative and paradigm shifting hardware) we would all be running XP service pack 26 on Pentium 9's in big beige boxes (which clock ever faster and generate ever more heat but, paradoxically, add little benefits) ;-)


    Google (the Apple haters Messiah) have actually dealt a near deathblow to real competition in the mobile device sector, and we are now seeing the result of that; Samsung, making crap (even by android standards) hardware totally dominates the market. (leaving little or no profit for anyone else)

    Thank god samsung hardware sucks so badly that simply owning it is sufficient motivation (for all but the die-hard apple haters) to buy Apple. If samsung hadn't been so greedy and produced such substandard hardware, we could have had a symbiotic monopoly (Sam/goo) like we did in Dell/MS that would have stagnated innovation for a decade.


    Think I am being "over the top?" Then (for those of you old enough) think back to when the sum-total of moto's innovation for an entire decade (actually longer) was to make a thinner version of the micro tac and name it RAZR! (and it was a piece of crap) Almost total stagnation for nearly 2 decades. Now compare that to the last 10. Real competition does not mean "allow other to make cheap copies of successful products". It means, force others to come up with new ideas and products that are actually better (and different) than what has come before (in order to be sucessful).

  • Reply 99 of 222
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,555member
    kforcezero wrote: »
    So as the video even clearly shows, Samsung provides a way of using the device with one hand but it requires two hands to activate & deactivate. Nice!

    There's no way you can do that gesture with one hand while holding the phone with the same hand.

    Why can't you use your thumb? Apparently all it needs is a quick swipe from the bezel part way across and a quick swipe back and off the bezel again. I'd imagine a thumb can do that easily enough.

    In any event it doesn't matter really. No regular member here is going to buy a Samsung phablet anyway. The original mention was only prompted by a comment GTR made. It's clear that Apple's way of handling the problem is very much different but others have already tried to address the issue with their own solutions.
  • Reply 100 of 222
    FWWI, the carrier ship estimates are usually way off and stuff ships earlier. I hope so at least because mine says it will ship 10/31 >.<
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