Apple's next product splash slated for second half of October



  • Reply 81 of 113

    iPad components should be leaking out very soon

  • Reply 82 of 113

    Originally Posted by ibeam View Post


    I wonder how Apple Pay will be implemented in the Apple Stores. Right now they swipe your CC with an accessory to an iOS device. Maybe there will be an Ad Hoc mode whereby payment can be made from iPhone to iPhone direct through NFC. I can't see them changing back to a cashier model where you stand in line.


    Right now you can pay YOURSELF via the Apple Store app, charging the purchase directly to your iTunes account. There's no need to interact with store staff or a point-of-sale device at all.


    The only people for whom the POS systems are necessary are those who don't have iPhones. If I don't have an iPhone, there's no advantage to a POS system that accepts payments from an iPhone. If I *do* have an iPhone, I just check out myself and don't use the POS system at all, so again, there's no advantage to a POS system that accepts payments from an iPhone.


    But people aren't logical animals, so you're right, Apple will have to implement some form of Apple Pay POST or people will loudly bitch that the Apple Store doesn't accept Apple Pay!

  • Reply 83 of 113
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member
    New Mac Mini please, the current version is so old that I think it includes a floppy drive..
  • Reply 84 of 113
    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    I don't share your enthusiasm for a cheaper Mac Mini. I don't think that it is currently too expensive at all.


    It is the cheapest entry point into the OS X world. And the Mini is no slouch! It's quite a powerful little machine in my opinion.


    I'd rather see them stick with Intel and make the current Mini even more powerful and more attractive, and also keeping the prices the same. The current Mini is around $5-600, isn't that cheap enough? If somebody can't afford that, then they have no business using any computer in my opinion.


    Yah, an A8 mini is as useless as a chrome book in my opinion.  So what if it's $300?  If you're going to put an A8 in anything it should be the aTV and make it an iOS based console.


    An $800 Core i7 mini is an awesome entry machine for the OSX world that would be even better with Haswell graphics.


    May I please impose on you for a favour? If you're gonna quote that guy, would you please edit out the irrelevant and deliberately provocative button-pushing parts of his posts? I have him blocked so I'm only exposed to his hate-mongering when others quote it.


    I find his deliberate attempts to to get a rise out of people with his comments about killing people and who may or may not be granted computer privileges really offensive. I'm doing my best to just not read it, but I'm seeing it accidentally when reading what others like you are responding to. I'm not asking that you don't respond, but maybe just snip the quote to the relevant part.



  • Reply 85 of 113
    Remember the dark ages lasted for far to long and it has taken humanity centuries to recover lost knowledge from that little fiasco brought on by religion.

    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">Holy crap, some people still believe this dreck? And the dark ages lasted exactly as long as they could have been expected to last, given that human civilization is our only </span>
    point<span style="line-height:1.4em;"> of reference against which to judge the collapse of an imperial nation.</span>

    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">If someone tells you </span>
    “<span style="line-height:1.4em;">history has a ______ bias</span>
    ” (be it toward a political party, ideology, or otherwise), they are lying. As our history is what actually happened, there is inherently no bias. History is the BASELINE for said beliefs, and a projected deviance therefrom in the future would be a bias.

    Ahh ... But in life, religion, war, survival and politics -- the winners write the history!
  • Reply 86 of 113

    Originally Posted by wigby View Post

    I get the feeling that if I put a gun to your head and told you to choose which item you didn't need to be maxed out, you would just tell me to pull the trigger.


    LOL! Probably.


    Good point, though. And for the record, if death wasn't an option, I'd probably compromise CPU since it would impose the least obvious and irritating consequences. Or maybe storage, since, as you say, outboard is an easy solution.

  • Reply 87 of 113
    A new Xserve   ;)
    ... powered by IBM perhaps?

    Ohhh ...
  • Reply 88 of 113
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    So Apple's new intro schedule seems to be:


    iPhones in September.

    iPads in October.

    Macs in November.


    I understand that iOS devices are priority now. But for those of us that use Macs for real work, it's still disheartening.

  • Reply 89 of 113
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Jim Dalrymple said nope to this rumor.
  • Reply 90 of 113
    anomeanome Posts: 1,544member
    Dagnabbit, posted this to the wrong thread.

    Dalrymple says...Nope.

    Some speculation as to whether the "Nope" menas just the date, or anything else. People are reading into it what they want to believe.

    There's going to be an iPad update before Thanksgiving, October would make sense, but who maybe not exactly then.

    Yosemite could be released without an event, we already know what's coming.

    Mac hardware is held up because Intel are behind on their schedule. Apple may be working on other chipsets, but I doubt they're ready to go yet. So major Mac releases are likely to be held up until the chips are out next year.

    I will be happy to be wrong on any of these, but I'm not holding my breath.
  • Reply 91 of 113
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    pazuzu wrote: »
    I'm all up for an iPad Maxi.

    The MaxiPad!
  • Reply 92 of 113
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    eightzero wrote: »
    Oh, here's a wild card thing we can speculate about: Maybe Apple wants to work on the Beats Headphones a bit. They really aren't my thing, but perhaps a Apple/Beats headphone thingy with BT4 (for connection to Apple Watch) noise cancelling features, and 128GB of storage built in? Maybe a like/dislike/forward button on it to interface with Apple Radio and the Beats service? Dunno.


    Decent idea. Those things are big enough for extra hardware like a hard drive.

    They could be like the new iPod.

    Imsure Apple could work their magic on Beats headphones.

    LOL love your comment. Talking about iPhoneys, I wish Apple had managed to come up with a patentable name for Apps rather than using a name everyone could copy and rip off the concept. How few seem to remember the entire mobile Apps phenomenon is also thanks to Apple.


    What boggles my mind is the amount of fandroids who forget the pre-iPhone era of flip phones and ugly Blackberry's.

    Regarding iphone 6 I saw a Fandroid post: "wow a new rectangle!"
    my reply?
    "EVERY damn phone after iPhone has been a damn rectangle!!"
  • Reply 93 of 113

    Ooh! I just thought of what I want Apple to announce in October!




    Please Santa Apple? Please please please please please?

  • Reply 94 of 113
    Ooh! I just thought of what I want Apple to announce in October!


    Please Santa Apple? Please please please please please?

    I doubt it. Most affluent Apple customers probably have built in systems. I think it's best to create the protocol and let others install it. Have you looked at the Pioneer and Alpine options on the market?
  • Reply 95 of 113
    It just hit me, that click less-touchpad for the new MacBook Air could use the new technology in apple watch for pressing hard.
  • Reply 96 of 113

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I doubt it. Most affluent Apple customers probably have built in systems.


    Apparently most of you are much more well off than am I. Are you aware that many Apple customers are NOT wealthy, but sacrifice other things to own Apple products? That some people still have older Macs not because they don't necessarily like the newer ones but because they can't afford to replace them? In our house, buying a new Mac, or even an iPhone for that matter, is a major decision that we have to plan for well in advance.


    I don't think MOST Apple buyers are in a position to buy a new car just for the stereo. I'm not, anyway.


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Have you looked at the Pioneer and Alpine options on the market?


    Yup. That's why I want Apple to make one! :) 


    Pioneer's offerings are particularly perplexing. The only models that offer CarPlay are the ones that duplicate the very features offered by CarPlay, such as built-in navigation, voice control, etc. Why would I want to pay to have all those features built-in if I'm going to use CarPlay, which renders them all redundant? Or, if the unit already has all those features built in, why would I bother paying extra to get CarPlay?


    Restricting CarPlay to top-end models just results in paying for feature duplication, which is expense without benefit.


    A perfect CarPlay head unit would be a display with a volume knob. Slap a USB port for the Lightning cable on the front and it's done. Maybe a conventional AM/FM radio. Front, rear and sub preamp outputs. Wouldn't even need a built-in amp at all, though I don't suppose anyone would complain too much if it had one. That's it. The phone handles everything except the interface anyway, so there's no reason to have any features built-in at all.


    Hello Alpine, are you listening?

  • Reply 97 of 113
    Would it be too much to wish for a 4.7" 128gb iPod touch?

  • Reply 98 of 113
    guiguihip wrote: »
    Would it be too much to wish for a 4.7" 128gb iPod touch?

    Probably... I wonder if any iPods are gonna be announced this year!

    Not much point in wondering. If they are announced, you'll be made aware on AppleInsider. If they're not announced, you'll know by the end of the year.
  • Reply 99 of 113
    pazuzu wrote: »
    I'm all up for an iPad Maxi.

    It's funny how everyone wants bigger iPhones and iPads, and yet we're supposed to salivate over a 1.5" screen! Balmy.
  • Reply 100 of 113
    Oh wow, more fun to come. It is mind boggling that we sit here excited about stuff from Apple while there are folks killing other people over who has the best god! It's a strange world we live in. It's as if the 21st Century and 13th are side by side at times. I am just freaking glad and grateful to be in the 21st!

    Strange world you live in.

    Time doesn't exist.
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