Apple to debut 27" Retina iMac at Oct. 16 event, next-gen iPad Air supply to be limited

in General Discussion edited October 2014
At its special media event on Thursday, Apple is expected to release a highly-anticipated 27-inch iMac with Retina quality display that will ship before the end of 2014, as well as a next-generation iPad Air that could see limited initial supply, says one well-informed analyst.

According to a research note obtained by AppleInsider, KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believes Apple will introduce the long-awaited high-resolution iMac alongside a next-generation iPad Air at a media event scheduled for Oct. 16.

Kuo expects only a 27-inch Retina iMac model to take the stage this week, though a 21-inch version is in the works and could debut in the second half of 2015. The analyst says Apple started on the 27-inch offering prior to the 21-inch because developing two different sized high-resolution panels is a demanding task. Comparatively, the larger-screened iteration draws high-end users who can afford the additional cost, making the model ripe for release.

Reports from September claimed the rumored 27-inch Retina iMac will feature a 5K display, though exact specifications have not been confirmed. Code discovered in an OS X 10.10 Yosemite beta in June pointed to 6,400-by-3,600-pixel screen resolutions, possibly hinting at scaling options for a Retina panel.

Out of the products being announced on Thursday, Kuo sees the new iPad Air generating the most interest, but the analyst notes production issues could stymie a massive launch. Poor yield rates associated with the tablet's anti-reflective screen coating have delayed manufacturing, prompting a downgrade in shipments to between 7 and 9 million units, lower than the 12 million units shipped with the first iPad Air last year.

The iPad mini with Retina display is unlikely to see a major revision this year as Apple is placing focus on a rumored 12.9-inch model to be released in early 2015.

Finally, Kuo does not expect Apple to ship any new MacBook products in 2014 -- including a rumored 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina display -- citing chip shipment delays from Intel. The analyst believes new MacBook models will start production in the first quarter of 2015, but doubts Apple will announce the products on Oct. 16.

Kuo's predictions line up with a report from Tuesday claiming Apple will launch both a high-resolution iMac and next-gen iPad Air 2 at its upcoming media event, but is not planning to announce new MacBook Air hardware.

The company is also widely expected to announce public availability of OS X Yosemite, the next-generation Mac operating system with enhanced interaction with iOS devices through new Continuity features. Apple may take the opportunity to launch Apple Pay, which was promised to drop in October, suggesting the launch of iOS 8.1.

AppleInsider will be covering the event live on Thursday from 10 a.m. Pacific, 1 p.m. Eastern. Apple is also offering a live stream accessible through the Web or Apple TV.


  • Reply 1 of 52
    Rehash of previous rumors with nothing new, but Ming-chi gets his own article every time?
  • Reply 2 of 52
    23 Megapixel ??? That is huge. What dpi is that at 27". I think they will go with 30"
  • Reply 3 of 52
    shsfshsf Posts: 302member

    Great news about the antireflective coating, which are very much expected, and from what I gather the screen stays separate from the glass, which is the right decision in terms of repairs. This is "THE" update for the iPad.


    Delaying shipment and lowering production rates are all fine if you want to get the product just right. That's why no one else has yet to manage to integrate glass as one piece with the lcd at 27". 


    I still feel we are going to get a really nice surprise with the new mini, which will be very unlike a mini mac pro, and very like a new cube. If they also manage to get dp 1.3 in there two these are going to be some really great computers. 


    I don't know why Kuo or anyone else has not mentioned this but to me it's almost certain a new acd will be presented too. 


    Lastly I think Yosemite might have a couple of weeks or so still and if the new iMacs ship in a couple of weeks they'll time it with that. 


    Looks like it's going to be a great event. 

  • Reply 4 of 52
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,431member
    Ming-Chi has a decent track record, but it is far from anything so golden that his reports merit their own article. He originally said the iPhone 6 Plus wouldn't appear at the iPhone event, but that's conveniently forgotten ... along with any of his other predictions that don't turn out to be true or only half-right.
  • Reply 5 of 52

    Well, Ming-chi's "report" aside, I'm hoping for a 5K iMac on Thursday.

  • Reply 6 of 52
    totaltotal Posts: 83member

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Rehash of previous rumors with nothing new, but Ming-chi gets his own article every time?

    Mich-chi gets his own artictle every time, because he is almost 100% accurate, every time

  • Reply 7 of 52
    virtuavirtua Posts: 209member
    The article also has the obligatory "it'll be in short supply'

    Think one of apples strengths is that they don't do short supply at launch! Cook seems to have that one covered.
  • Reply 8 of 52
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member

    None of the current rumors about the iPad Air get me all that excited. The top of the list for me would be the higher resolution coupled with the A8x. I'm hoping Apple surprises with unexpected graphics power prowess or some new screen technology. There's too much "iPad growth stagnating" verbiage online and hopefully Apple feels the need to be aggressive to reignite interest. The iPhone 6+ is going to replace iPads for some, not necessarily a good thing.


    If it's just a little bit thinner and a little bit faster, the Apple haters will take to the web in droves to share new rumors of Apple's demise.


    The iMac is pretty exciting. I hope it's priced aggressively.


    Something else is in the mix. I haven't read anything online that makes me go AHA! regarding Apple's tagline, "It's been way too long." Even more intriguing is the fact that the logo is outlined in the original Apple logo colors.


    Maybe they managed to keep secret something really cool and unexpected.

  • Reply 9 of 52
    The discrete GPGPUs will have to be quite impressive.
  • Reply 10 of 52
    I'm wondering if all news iMacs will be retina, or just a top-end model, and keep the current version too. Otherwise I don't see how they can keep the price sensible at the entry level.
  • Reply 11 of 52
    What has been 'way too long' is waiting for a new iPod Touch. The 6th generation is what I am most hoping to see tomorrow.
  • Reply 12 of 52
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    bugsnw wrote: »
    None of the current rumors about the iPad Air get me all that excited. The top of the list for me would be the higher resolution coupled with the A8x. I'm hoping Apple surprises with unexpected graphics power prowess or some new screen technology. There's too much "iPad growth stagnating" verbiage online and hopefully Apple feels the need to be aggressive to reignite interest. The iPhone 6+ is going to replace iPads for some, not necessarily a good thing.

    If it's just a little bit thinner and a little bit faster, the Apple haters will take to the web in droves to share new rumors of Apple's demise.

    The iMac is pretty exciting. I hope it's priced aggressively.

    Something else is in the mix. I haven't read anything online that makes me go AHA! regarding Apple's tagline, "It's been way too long." Even more intriguing is the fact that the logo is outlined in the original Apple logo colors.

    Maybe they managed to keep secret something really cool and unexpected.

    I picked up on the colors when the event was the lead article on AI the day it was announced ...I suggested it might mean the reuse of the colored Apple Logo ... I got thoroughly lambasted though, so it appears the consensus on AI that isn't going to happen. I like both the white and the colored version personally. I still have my set of the rainbow Apple enamel tie pins and lapel badges from the Apple ][ days. Not that i own a tie now ... LOL

    I am sure there is something far more important than logos though, but as I say, IMHO it would be nice to see both used in the appropriate places ...
  • Reply 13 of 52
    Lets hope Apple's live stream won't need to be accompanied by a live stream of invective.
  • Reply 14 of 52
    bugsnw wrote: »
    Maybe they managed to keep secret something really cool and unexpected.

    My prediction is for the introduction of the iPAD touch. At 5.5 colorful plastic inches, a screaming gamer with a8 and non-HD Rez screen but somehow 'tuned' for both gaming and great sound, and maybe Apple TV embedded. The new entry level. Thank you. 299
  • Reply 15 of 52
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    The 27" iMac is the product I most care about out of all these and it sounds like it's not delayed. That screen will just look incredible, like something from the future.

  • Reply 16 of 52
    According to my sources, of which are none, with my perfect track record, which is at a 100 because have yet to predict that Apple will not call it iPad Air 2. It will instead be called iPad Air--with a possible new in front

    Sorry about the sentence fragment everyone, that I really want to fix, but I am in a hurry.

    New slogan:
    "I'm an enigma wrapped in sapphire"
  • Reply 17 of 52
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Will surely be interesting to see how Apple reignites interest in the iPad. Touch ID and the A8X are enough to make me upgrade my Air, but for most people I don't think it will catch attention.
  • Reply 18 of 52

    When I first read the headline "iPad Air supply" I thought, oh wow! Apple has teamed up with legendary soft rock duo AirSupply to offer their latest album free for all who purchase the new iPad AirSupply. ;;)

  • Reply 19 of 52
    If that's all they have, it'd be a very underwhelming event, and not worthy of the tagline, IMO. And if the iPad mini doesnt get an update I'd hope they cut the price to $349 or something.
  • Reply 20 of 52

    I ordered an Apple Cinema Display a week ago and it was supposed to ship the next day, and then it mysteriously got delayed.  I am thinking that there is a refresh on the Cinema Display in the works.


    Fingers crossed.

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