Rumor: Faulty flash memory in select iPhone 6 & 6 Plus units prompts Apple to make switch [u]



  • Reply 61 of 92
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member
    <b>The source of the rumor is a minor publication in Korea that is said to have close ties to Samsung.</b>

    And here you have it folks, this BS clickbait recall rumour was started by a company with "close ties to SAMSUNG".

    I rest my case.
  • Reply 62 of 92
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by gimarbazat View Post

    yes bending and bad memory on 6 plus, recently discovered Apple Bot, os x/ios WireLurker virus, bumpy launch of the apple pay... Are you guys still buying and holding AAPL?? The dividend is also peanuts. Cue and others just sold their stock I believe it was yesterday, right ahead of the highly anticipated dividend pay:)))

    The novelty of the smart phone that propelled AAPL at an amazing pace is gone since 2011/2012.

    Yeah, Cue sold about 2% of his stock - really a danger sign. I'm glad you're happy in your anti-Apple fantasy land.

  • Reply 63 of 92
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    I did some quick research and it appears that the iPhone 6+ and iPad Air 2 uses almost identical Nand, though I'm not sure what the small difference at the end is.


    This is from the iPhone 6+ ifixit teardown:


    SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD1BMS 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND Flash


    This is from the iPad Air 2 ifixit teardown:


    • SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD1BMR 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND Flash


    The only difference appears to be at the end, BMS for the iPhone VS BMR for the iPad.



    Sorry to hear about your rebooting.


    To give you food for thought:


    My iPhone 5 on 8.1 has regularly rebooted, which is a pain. However, my Air 2 hasn't at all. I've only had it a week or so. It’s about 50% full. 


    It would be a bummer if there was faulty RAM that required a new iPad. With luck, it’s just software. The omens are murky at the moment. 

  • Reply 64 of 92
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post


    Sorry to hear about your rebooting.


    To give you food for thought:


    My iPhone 5 on 8.1 has regularly rebooted, which is a pain. However, my Air 2 hasn't at all. I've only had it a week or so. It’s about 50% full. 


    It would be a bummer if there was faulty RAM that required a new iPad. With luck, it’s just software. The omens are murky at the moment. 


    I'm still loving my new iPad! It's only happened a couple of times that I have noticed since I got it.


    I don't believe that RAM was the issue, but it is speculated that the NAND flash might have something to do with it.


    Either way, it's not a big deal. It will either be fixed in the next software update, and if not, then there's an Apple store that is open 24-7-365 not far away from where I live.

  • Reply 65 of 92
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Yes. The last time it happened was a couple of days ago.

    I was on the home screen with icons and I wasn't even doing anything, and all of a sudden I saw the display go to black, and the Apple logo shows up, indicating that it's rebooting.

    I've seen this on an iPad 3 that has been extremely stable up until iOS 8. The rush to blame hardware just isn't justified especially when a reboot occurs. It certainly can be a hardware problem but it could also be a software problem. An occasional reboot is a bit different than cycling through reboots constantly.

    By the way running the latest Beta on that iPad and it rocks. Many of the glitches and performance issues SEEM to be gone! Capitalized "SEEM" there because testing is always an ongoing process.
  • Reply 66 of 92
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member

    Each day that goes past makes me glad that I've bypassed the 6. How gratifying that the Plus always seems to be the butt of the faults.

    If you want a phone that constantly reboots and bends in your pocket, get the Plus!

    Yes be glad you are not dealing with all those RUMORED PROBLEMS mean while i will continue to enjoy my iPhone 6 128g which has NO ISSUES WHAT SOEVER.
  • Reply 67 of 92
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Exactly.  Too many Android owners have an inferority complex.  The only way they can justify their purchase of an Android phone is to bash Apple.

    Most iPhone owners don't give a crap and just enjoy using their phones.

    HA Thats what i say. If your android is SOOO GOOD why must you DEFEND it and bash my iPhone so much and often?
  • Reply 68 of 92
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    @Apple][ that happened to me a couple of days ago when i downloaded an app called "touchofmodern" as soon as it was installed my iphone went crazy. Black screen with the apple and all. I deleted the app and my iphone went back to normal. I have a 6 128g
  • Reply 69 of 92
    idrey wrote: »

    Each day that goes past makes me glad that I've bypassed the 6. How gratifying that the Plus always seems to be the butt of the faults.

    If you want a phone that constantly reboots and bends in your pocket, get the Plus!

    Yes be glad you are not dealing with all those RUMORED PROBLEMS mean while i will continue to enjoy my iPhone 6 128g which has NO ISSUES WHAT SOEVER.

    Glad to hear it.

    You will be able to devote more of your time to improving your grammar and spelling.
  • Reply 70 of 92
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    Glad to hear it.

    You will be able to devote more of your time to improving your grammar and spelling.

    I try, i am aware of my faulty grammar. It gets a little confusing when english is your second lenguage. Corrections and tips are always welcome. I am always willing to improve.
  • Reply 71 of 92
    kikkokikko Posts: 40member

    I'll wait for the 6s, hopefully iOS 8 will be more stable and mature by then and all the hardware issues resolved. Moving the power button was dumb, moving the power button directly opposite of the volume buttons is just plain stupid. Apple should fire their entire hardware design team.

  • Reply 72 of 92
    Originally Posted by jkichline View Post

    I started buying Apple in 2006 when they were at $74/share.  Now they are equivalent to what, $763/share? Yeah this guy has no idea what he's talking about.  First, bending is not a widespread problem. Second, Apple takes care of their users and this is well within the warranty period. Third, this memory "issue" is rumored and I haven't heard of any widespread issue (please see the second comment if it is).  Fourth, Apple Pay rollout is not "bumpy"... it became the single largest payment service outside of regular credit cards within days. It's only bumpy because of dumb retailers that are in bed with some STD-laden MCX abomination.  I just used Apple Pay at BJ's and it was freaking sweet.


    this is better than the other amigo but 8 years is still a long time, still a little slow, but for those of you old folks baby boomers who live life at a slower pace is probably enough:)
  • Reply 73 of 92
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member

    I've had 2 unlocked black 128GB iPhone 6's in Japan recently. First one had that loose display issue where you could hear it click and see it move when you pushed down on the corner of the display. It's documented on Youtube. So I exchanged it for another one and got the red screen of death during restores that's also well documented. I ended up wanting a Plus anyway so returning the second 6 wasn't a big deal for me. Although there was no stock of unlocked 128GB pluses so I just decided to wait until I came home for a vacation and buy an unlocked Plus here. Unfortunately no stock here either lol 


    But by the looks of things it may be a godsend. By the time I get a new Plus maybe the good memory will be in it. 


    Apple QA has gone to shit.

  • Reply 74 of 92
    success wrote: »
    I've had 2 unlocked black 128GB iPhone 6's in Japan recently. First one had that loose display issue where you could hear it click and see it move when you pushed down on the corner of the display. It's documented on Youtube. So I exchanged it for another one and got the red screen of death during restores that's also well documented. I ended up wanting a Plus anyway so returning the second 6 wasn't a big deal for me. Although there was no stock of unlocked 128GB pluses so I just decided to wait until I came home for a vacation and buy an unlocked Plus here. Unfortunately no stock here either lol 

    But by the looks of things it may be a godsend. By the time I get a new Plus maybe the good memory will be in it. 

    Apple QA has gone to shit.

    Has it? Personally, I had a lot more issues with my Apple products back when they sold a lot units to the world. More HW issues and more SW bugs all around. But that's my experience, and anecdotes mean very little. We could compare YouTube videos or forums posts, but that's not accurate either as the speed and ease of communications allows for this sort of issue. It's unlikely, but possible that you were the second person to get the clicky-screen issue, but you got it after the first person posted a video. Would 2 people out of dozens of millions of devices be bad quality assurance? I don't think so. That said, I assume there are probably thousands with each of the issues you state, but they are new to me. Meaning, I've never even heard of these issues until now.

    PS: I am loading up my 64GB iPhone 6 with large 1080p videos to see if I can see the NAND bug.
  • Reply 75 of 92
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Has it?


    It's unlikely, but possible that you were the second person to get the clicky-screen issue, but you got it after the first person posted a video. Would 2 people out of dozens of millions of devices be bad quality assurance? I don't think so. That said, I assume there are probably thousands with each of the issues you state, but they are new to me. Meaning, I've never even heard of these issues until now.


    Yes it has. I only buy Apple btw. Pretty much an Apple 'fanboi' and have always defended Apple except for the Maps debacle. Quality has turned to shit. I'm not talking about design build etc but factory production issues. 

    I actually saw a YT video about the display issue it when I was searching for "iPhone 6 vs 6 plus" reviews and thought nothing of it. I bought my first iP6 a while after seeing the video. When I was putting on the screen protector film and pushing down on the display I noticed the clicking and immediately thought of the video. (My clicking wasn't nearly as loud but noticeable nonetheless). I then went to the Apple store in Ometesando and spoke to the manager and he actually went around the whole store to check his own stock (on the floor only of course) and found that a good portion of his phones did the same thing.  He was actually a bit flippant at first when I told him the issue was on YT. I could tell he was thinking "oh yeah, another YT complaint against Apple". When he came back to speak to me I could tell that he was a bit surprised.  He then told me that since I wanted to exchange it that he thought it would be best if I checked the new phone while I was in the store so that I wouldn't have to come back again lol I think he realized that that wouldn't be the last time someone would be coming in to exchange a phone because of a display problem. 


    So I guess if the Apple store manager in the largest store in Japan witnessed what I was talking about and confirmed the issue on some of his phones it is pretty cut and dry.


    The red screen of death is prevalent and occurs on 128GB models. Obviously related to the issue in this thread.

  • Reply 76 of 92
    maxitmaxit Posts: 222member

    Each day that goes past makes me glad that I've bypassed the 6. How gratifying that the Plus always seems to be the butt of the faults.

    If you want a phone that constantly reboots and bends in your pocket, get the Plus!
    Did you ever see an iPhone 6 ?
    I'm still waiting to see an iPhone bent in a pocket...
  • Reply 77 of 92
    maxitmaxit Posts: 222member
    sirlance99 wrote: »
    An editor from The Verge has an iPhone 6 that bent in an official iPhone case.


    Yes, for sure .... especially if he sat on it
  • Reply 78 of 92
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    success wrote: »
    So I guess if the Apple store manager in the largest store in Japan witnessed what I was talking about and confirmed the issue on some of his phones it is pretty cut and dry.

    An Apple Store employee being aware of a potential issue in no way proves that it's "cut and dry" that QA is in the shitter. It might even be an issue with a relatively small batch sent just to Japan for your carrier, hence that employee knowing of the issue, which could be unknown to another Apple Store employee in another country.
    The red screen of death is prevalent and occurs on 128GB models. Obviously related to the issue in this thread.

    If it's a NAND issue it very could be, but I think you're the first person to bring it up in this thread, so why assume it's the same issue? For all you know it's different NAND issue or some other component as it associates to the iPhone capacity.

    Apple is going to have more issues as each year because they are selling more, increasing their mind share, and the ease and speed in which we can communicate and search for those having the same issues we might have just make it easier for it to appear like something's worse than it used to be because we can't possibly compare to how it used to be without without making it very personal. Note: I'm not saying that the QA is better than or the same as it used to be, I'm saying we can't use an anecdote to determine whether something global is "cut and dry."
  • Reply 79 of 92
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member

    Maybe for you. For me it's cut & dry. It's obvious there's a display sealant issue. 


    There are plenty of other threads on other forums regarding the red screen of death. Those kind of issues usually are memory related. Try Google? Or maybe try other sites other than AI?

  • Reply 80 of 92
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    success wrote: »
    Maybe for you. For me it's cut & dry. It's obvious there's a display sealant issue.

    So your'e sticking with the I-had-a-problem-this-time-so-that-proves-Apple's-QA-has-drasticaally-fallen-because-I-didn't-have-this-problem-last-year-and-I-don't-care-what-problems-others-had-last-year-compared-to-this-year-since-it's-all-about-my-subjective-and-limited-observations?
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