Apple's forecast to sell 71.5M iPhones units in Q4, iPhone 6 sales more than double iPhone 6 Plus



  • Reply 41 of 93
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    asdasd wrote: »

    Two sizes? Is that it? Apple itself mentions the different brands on it's pages. <span style="line-height:1.4em;">Ignoring the straps there are at least 6 options: Watch, Edition and Sport, all in two sizes. </span>

    There are also a lot of iPad options. 

    I agree that there should be a low priced option for India, in fact I think it should be a 4" option like the 5C. Rename that to a brand ( without a number), add the touchID and update it with last years chip ( or older) every year. Better to have 16Gb though,

    ?Watch may be grouped into 3 collections but at the end of the day you pick a size, color/material and band. So while there will be a lot of SKUs I don't think it will be confusing for consumers. Plus I'm guessing the Editon version will be out of most people's price range so they won't even have to think about it. :)
  • Reply 42 of 93
    fallenjt wrote: »
    That's what you think, not Apple. That's why you're here typing while they're making money. So they create Reachability, a way to compromise one hand use for 4.7" iPhone, also a signal for 4" to vanish. I would place any bet with anyone that Apple won't be making any new 4" device.

    My contacts hint of no new 4" phone. And really, 4.7" is about as big as you can go for one handed use. People just have to adjust their hands a bit. I'm quite pleased with my 6, I never liked the 4" size anyway (felt claustrophobic in landscape) and the 3.5" size feels like a toy now.
  • Reply 43 of 93
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    My contacts hint of no new 4" phone. And really, 4.7" is about as big as you can go for one handed use. People just have to adjust their hands a bit. I'm quite pleased with my 6, I never liked the 4" size anyway (felt claustrophobic in landscape) and the 3.5" size feels like a toy now.

    I hope Apple engineers and designers are trying to find a way to reduce the overall footprint of iPhone. I'd love an iPhone the size of a Moto X. I'm not sure what they can do with home button and Touch ID as that's what's keeping the phone from being as small as some competitior phones.

    EDIT: And with these bigger iPhones I'm surprised Apple didn't play up the ?Watch convenience more. I don't think it's a coincidence we'e getting ?Watch soon after these larger phones were announced.
  • Reply 44 of 93
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member

    Back to the article, I think he is being a bit pessimistic for calendar Q1 2015. I can see Apple selling more plusses than he thinks and its still a holiday season somewhere - like China. 

  • Reply 45 of 93
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member

    Also how odd to predict the 5C and 4S will sell close to 10M between them in Jan-March and then be abandoned for the rest of the year. 

  • Reply 46 of 93
    rogifan wrote: »
    Sometimes it's hard to know what Apple is doing these days. Their iOS product lines are getting too complicated IMO. Many people scratched their head over the iPad mini 3 when all it added was Touch ID. And why is Apple still selling a non-retina iPad with A5 chip? iOS 8 doesn't exactly run that great on A5 devices. To me that's not about the best experience but hitting a certain price point while keeping margins high. I would love to see simplicity back into Apple's iOS product lines but seeing what they did with iPads this year (and their obsession with margins over anything else) my guess is next years iPhone line up will be as complicated as ever. One thing that's probably a guarantee is the stupid 16GB as base model on the new phones. Good luck to all the 8/16GB owners installing iOS 9 OTA.

    iPad Mini 1 is for that price point, but the people in that bargain basement price bracket, who won't spend $50 more on the Mini 2, are probably the types who will handle some reduced performance. If they got the point of an iPad, they'd spend more.
    rogifan wrote: »
    I hope Apple engineers and designers are trying to find a way to reduce the overall footprint of iPhone. I'd love an iPhone the size of a Moto X. I'm not sure what they can do with home button and Touch ID as that's what's keeping the phone from being as small as some competitior phones.

    EDIT: And with these bigger iPhones I'm surprised Apple didn't play up the ?Watch convenience more. I don't think it's a coincidence we'e getting ?Watch soon after these larger phones were announced.

    Well, the top and bottom bezels did get smaller on the 6, but to make them smaller they'd have to give up symmetry. I think, until they can embed TouchID into the screen (remember, they've patented this) we won't see a change. When they do, they can always make a smaller Home button since it won't need to be round. (Can't be flat and oblong, or the Samdung freaks will hit the ceiling) Then the top bezel can shrink as well. Width wise they've done about all they can.
  • Reply 47 of 93

    I bought the 6+ and absolutely love it. A coworker who is a fandroid launched into a tirade about how the big iPhone looks just like a Samsung phone and the iPhone bends and how Apple should be sued..... Crazy. It's amazing how upset people can get over a phone. As for the crowd saying 4" is the perfect size, maybe Apple should keep refreshing that iPhone size and call it the iPhone Mini.

  • Reply 48 of 93
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    iPad Mini 1 is for that price point, but the people in that bargain basement price bracket, who won't spend $50 more on the Mini 2, are probably the types who will handle some reduced performance. If they got the point of an iPad, they'd spend more.
    Well, the top and bottom bezels did get smaller on the 6, but to make them smaller they'd have to give up symmetry. I think, until they can embed TouchID into the screen (remember, they've patented this) we won't see a change. When they do, they can always make a smaller Home button since it won't need to be round. (Can't be flat and oblong, or the Samdung freaks will hit the ceiling) Then the top bezel can shrink as well. Width wise they've done about all they can.

    My iPhone 6 arrives on Wedesday. I use my 5s one handed A LOT so I hope reachability will provide that same experience. As long as Apple's solution is the current home button/touch ID implementation then the bezels can't get any smaller. It will be sweet when they do. And Apple will do it right. None of this asymmetrical crap we see from others.
  • Reply 49 of 93
    rogifan wrote: »
    My iPhone 6 arrives on Wedesday. I use my 5s one handed A LOT so I hope reachability will provide that same experience.

    I rarely use reachability. What I usually do (this happened naturally) is to balance the phone on my palm and just move my thumb forward, and my fingers down. Seems to work, doesn't cause any pain.

    Having a case makes it easier to "rock" the power button on.

    The only area I've noticed a real decrease in functionality is screenshots, it's hard to get those timed right. I had an iPhone 4 before.
  • Reply 50 of 93
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    "On the back of strong seasonal demand, Apple is forecast to ship over 71.5 million iPhones in quarter four, but will see a drop in demand to below 50 million units during the first quarter of 2015."

    Wow, a drop in demand after holiday season. Who would have thunk it?

    Exactly. However, then the Apple watch kicks in so hopefully AAPL can continue to climb even as iPhone sales ease off after the holidays.
  • Reply 51 of 93
    wigbywigby Posts: 692member

    Apple's doing great and Apple's doing terrible all in the same headline. Ming Chi Kuo, you've outdone yourself and should take a long holiday now to rest. You've earned it.

  • Reply 52 of 93
    Looking forward to a 4" iPhone 6s.

    I agree, but it looks like you and I are in the minority on this one, at least in this comment thread. ????
    On my list of things to do is drop Apple a note stating my opinion. Hope you do the same.
  • Reply 53 of 93
    I call horse manure on another terrible headline from the amateurs at AppleInsider. "Apple's forecast to sell 71.5M iPhone units in Q4" is in fact, Ming-chi Kuo's forecast and not Apple's. If you want to obfuscate the subject in the headline by using passive verbs, at least say "Apple forecasted to sell 71.5M iPhone units in Q4". It's still weak, but less misleading.

    Yes, yes, I know you thought "Apple's forecast" would be a clear contraction of "Apple is forecast." But "Apple's forecast" is also (and commonly understood to be) the possessive form of the noun "Apple." The headline is ambiguous at best, deceptive at worst.

    You don't trust the Kuomintang?
  • Reply 54 of 93
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    Not gonna fucking happen, so we can definitely look forward to a never-ending stream of bitching and whining from you when it doesn't. The market for it (ie. those who who not get a 4.7 iPhone because they think is too large) is almost non-existent, and it's not worth the extra engineering, development, sales, and marketing overhead, not to mention added complexity and variables for developers going forward. 


    But hey, when has common sense ever had an effect on your thinking. 

    This is not even remotely true. I am personally aware of people who will not go above a 4" iPhone....they've seen the new ones, agree they are a pretty, but will not get one because even the 6 is just slightly too big for their comfort.


    They would get used it to of course, and down the line they may have no choice (how sad is that?) if they want to upgrade....but I think it would be a mistake to not repackage the the 5s next year with 6 internals.

  • Reply 55 of 93

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post


    Remember, Apple won't just discontinue a model like that, but rebadge it. Based on yours, they will kill 6+ entirely...unlikely.

    oh, how soon they forget: iPad 3.


    Given the price [high] and the demand [low(er)], I would think the 6+ will be discontinued (maybe a firesale to drop stocks), if the 's+' is body for body the same as the '+'   Added another price point (or overlap) is more the issue.   Apple wants the cost part of the equation to be self evident.

  • Reply 56 of 93
    wigby wrote: »
    Apple's doing great and Apple's doing terrible all in the same headline. Ming Chi Kuo, you've outdone yourself and should take a long holiday now to rest. You've earned it.

    Ming is a dingbat.
  • Reply 57 of 93

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post


    Also how odd to predict the 5C and 4S will sell close to 10M between them in Jan-March and then be abandoned for the rest of the year. 

    Std pattern.   The first 6 months is a 'trickle' down of paired purchases [mommy gets a new phone gives old phone to Timmy, and buys 'the same' phone for Tina].   and personally, I think high out of warranty failures.   2.5 years is about the time an iPhone wears out... if you're staying in a form factor, that's when you're gonna buy a plug replacement.  the 5c and the 4s are the last of those form factors, and for the 4s, those are on that replacement track at the moment.



    After March, iPhones 'osborne'  esp. older phones, as you start to wonder if there is a feature or form factor to be release 'in just a couple more months' (6, but who's counting), that will have you wait until you decide [will the 6s+ drive the price of 6+s down so much it's a better deal?, or will the 6s have what I'm needing].

  • Reply 58 of 93
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Just wanted to thank the majority of this thread for helping me to understand how lemmings "think"...

    I vaguely recall a scene like it in Alice in Wonderland, where folks charge off manically in one direction,

    then just as fanatically charge off in the opposite direction at the smallest cue.

    Once we were all agog at how smaller was so much more elegant...but now?  Perhaps "this too shall pass".


    When Apple steadfastly refused to make a larger phone, we were all 110% behind that logic,

    but with the slightest hint that these new sizes were in the offing, and especially once they'd arrived,

    most of you are singing the new tune just as fanatically,

    and can't belittle the absurd notion of ever re-embracing the old paradigm ferociously enough...


    Well, folks, one of the things we all claim to adore about Apple is that they do the thing that's right,

    not necessarily what the largest number want.  We regularly revile competitors, like Samsung, for playing to the masses.

    I'd simply like to suggest that there will always be a significant number of people who think "big" isn't always "better",

    for every user, in the world of 'devices', and, well, it's never a good idea to close your mind, and ever say 'never'.

  • Reply 59 of 93

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Apple needs to make their product lines less complicated not more. Selling five different versions of the iPhone is crazy.




    You are comparing this to releasing a couple phones per year, while keeping an older model for sale?  Please.  In 2013, Samsung released almost 30 Samsung Galaxy phones while keeping many older models on shelves.  

  • Reply 60 of 93

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post


    This is not even remotely true. I am personally aware of people who will not go above a 4" iPhone....they've seen the new ones, agree they are a pretty, but will not get one because even the 6 is just slightly too big for their comfort.


    They would get used it to of course, and down the line they may have no choice (how sad is that?) if they want to upgrade....but I think it would be a mistake to not repackage the the 5s next year with 6 internals.

    I tend to agree, although I think Apple may think putting their watch on will reduce the need for a 3rd phone form factor.


    I like a 

    12" iPad 

    10" iPad

    >>>8" iPad (and this is where I think the size cut will come)<<<

    5.5"  phone  (obviously, about 20 - 33% of the market wants this form factor)

    4.7" phone (probably 40% of the market)

    4" phone  (10-20% of the market

    42mm watch  (1.7"   about the size of an feature phone screen)

    38mm watch 


    That's a lot of view formats. 

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