Apple's forecast to sell 71.5M iPhones units in Q4, iPhone 6 sales more than double iPhone 6 Plus



  • Reply 81 of 93
    gtbuzzgtbuzz Posts: 129member
    It is a massive UpTick in Sales now that will normalize after the Holiday Season. They are shipping all they can get and after the major rush is over, the sales will normalize to a level most cell phone manufacturers would love. I cannot walk into the store and buy or order for delivery in a few days what I want; so, I will wait until demand normalizes. Bring on the Unlocked 128GB phones.
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  • Reply 82 of 93
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I don't think it's a coincidence we'e getting ?Watch soon after these larger phones were announced.

    It's absolutely NOT a coincidence ... it's marketing. They will drive the adoption of the ?Watch by initially offering only oversized phones for the current models, and limiting earlier iPhones use of ?Pay to require it. An NFC equipped case like the CashWrap that Incipio made for the iPhone for use with Isis/SoftCard would cost a lot less than even the cheapest ?Watch offerings. But that does little for Apple's bottom line, which is why they are unlikely to support it. I'm certain there will be a 4" iPhone 6 next year to fill the mid-tier, rather than just drop the 4.7" 6 down and boost the identical 6s with little more than a processor upgrade. They will use the screen size and case materials to differentiate the price points -- 4" plastic $0, 4" metal $99, 4.7" metal $199, 5.5" metal $299.

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  • Reply 83 of 93
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    I went into homedepot tried to pay with apple pay , first teller had no idea what apple pay is. Second teller said she didn't know if it would work, had never heard of nfc. Asked me if it would work with her iPhone 5. The mass ignorance out there is something to behold. We are geeks and the Public has no idea what they are doing or buying no wonder Samsung sold so many phones . There are so many fools out there to sell to
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  • Reply 84 of 93
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    I went into homedepot tried to pay with apple pay , first teller had no idea what apple pay is. Second teller said she didn't know if it would work, had never heard of nfc. Asked me if it would work with her iPhone 5. The mass ignorance out there is something to behold. We are geeks and the Public has no idea what they are doing or buying no wonder Samsung sold so many phones . There are so many fools out there to sell to


    Hell, man, they don't even know what items are on sale in the weekly flyer... how do you expect them to know about Apple Pay.  Har!

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  • Reply 85 of 93
    fallenjt wrote: »
    Quit wondering because there's no way Apple will design something new for the mid-tier which has lower margin. Instead, they pass down the last year model. 4" screen is history and won't be here in 2 years. If there's any 6C, it'll be rebadged of 6 or 6+ this year in a polycarbonate body.
    I haft to say it may not be true, as people have said before 4 inch will never again be the top their model, but it's possible, other smartphone makers make "mini" phones around 4 inches, why couldn't they? After all the C model target market is for kids, they are smaller.
    fallenjt wrote: »
    Where is 6+? Discontinued? Let's me fix that:
    6S Plus $750
    6S $650
    6C $650 (5.5 inch Polycarbonate, rebadged 6+)
    6 $550
    5S $450
    5C $350
    Remember, Apple won't just discontinue a model like that, but rebadge it. Based on yours, they will kill 6+ entirely...unlikely.
    Haft to disagree with you there, they discontinued IPad 3(or "new") for it being likely cheap for size comparison.
    sog35 wrote: »
    I dont see Apple selling a the 5.5 phone at a discount. The 5.5 screen is a premium feature. Pretty sure 5c will still be available in China/India next year
    That's what I'm pointing out, there's no way they would sell the year old model at same price as new.
    canukstorm wrote: »
    He's right.  4.7" is the new 4".  In the smartphone space, anything less than 4.7" is SOL.
    There are still 4.5 and 4.6 inch devices.
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  • Reply 86 of 93
    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post

    That's what you think, not Apple.


    No, I am 100% certain that a company staffed by people as intelligent as those Apple pick does not believe that hands have magically gotten larger.


    ...Reachability, a way to compromise...


    You have just proven that I am correct. Thank you. Why not just NOT argue nonsense in the first place?

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  • Reply 87 of 93

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Apple needs to make their product lines less complicated not more. Selling five different versions of the iPhone is crazy. I don't want Apple turning into Samsung. Personally I don't think premium should be defined by screen size but obviously Phil Schiller does. So have an entry-level phone, mid tier phone and high-end phone. Keep the entry-level phone plastic and the other two tiers metal.

    What I think Apple should do in 2015 is have a low end version which is 4.7" and plastic (if making the case plastic is actually cheaper) a mid-tier version which would be this years 4.7" phone and new phones at 4.7" and 5.5". But what I think Apple really needs to do is work on making the overall footprint of the iPhones smaller. There are other phones that are smaller than iPhone but have more screen real estate because the bezels are smaller. Apple employees some of the best engineers and designers. I've got to believe the can figure out a way to reduce the bezels on iPhones. Does the home button in its present form have to exist for eternity?


    Actually Apples touch ID will work from behind the screen Apple has a patent for just that.  So theoretically Apple could put the Touch ID in the screen, if they wanted too and there by make the iPhone shorter by a lot by removing the home button.

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  • Reply 88 of 93
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    flaneur wrote: »
    Thank you for answering Rogifan in a more patient way than I would have done. Besides the processor and OS evolution you mention, there is also the critical shrinkage and smoothing of the package.

    The engineering effort to achieve the feel of the two 6 models in the hand are totally unappreciated, or under-reported. How much thickness was shaved from the main component board assembly and its packing with the battery and other elements, for example? The rounded edges on the glass —where's the awareness or even notice of that?

    Rogifan is representative of a kind of blindness and numbness to critical detail. Two years ago, the state of the art was the iPhone 5 package, hugely advanced, elegant and light as a feather for its time, and putting all others to shame.

    Putting a 4.7 screen with 5 internals into the same style of package then would have resulted in a monstrous clunker of a phone, relatively speaking.

    This post is bullshit. You've talked about revolutionary display tech, but now it's about the feel in the hand and the rounded edges of the glass? My question was specifically about this revolutionary display tech. And while I would never be caught dead using something like the Galaxy S3 I wouldn't call it a monstrous clunker of a phone.

    I'm sure Jony Ive is right that some of the early larger phones they prototyped were clunkers. But the first iPad is certainly a clunker compared to the Air. Apple didn't wait to release iPad until they could get something as thin and light as the Air with retina display and all day battery Iife.

    Apple's phones are now actually larger than some competitor phones because of the need for such large top and bottom bezels.


    Both the iPhone 6 Plus and LG G3 have 5.5" displays yet the 6 Plus has a much larger overall footprint.

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  • Reply 89 of 93
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    fallenjt wrote: »
    Apple should reduce overall footprint? You mean top and bottom bezels because I don't think they can reduce the side bezels. I don't see the relevance even if the screen size is the same but top and bottom bezels are as thin as sides. Your reachability depends on width, not length since the screen size is fixed.

    Yes I'd like the screen to get bigger without the overall phone getting a lot larger. How awesome would it be if the 6 Plus was the same size as the LG G3? I understand the current limitations. It will be great when they no longer exist. :)
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  • Reply 90 of 93
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    mac_128 wrote: »
    I've pointed this out before that it is highly unlikely Apple engineered the 5C without considering they would be able to easily update the internals with the 5S components. As it is, the 5C is going to get two less years in the marketplace than any other Apple design (which usually has a 4 year lifespan). The 5C debuted at mid-tier and now it's the bottom tier. If Apple follows their usual pattern, it'll be gone after only 2 years -- that's a lot of R&D down the drain, and minimizes any profit they hoped to gain by doing it in the first place. So I fully expect the 5S to show up in a plastic case next year as the "free" phone.

    Considering the 6 isn't adding that much to to the 5S except screen size, I would think it would not be too difficult to squeeze the internals into a redesigned 5S-sized case. In fact, again I would expect Apple engineered the 6 with that in mind, if for no other reason than the larger phone failed with their customers. So I fully expect to see a 6 mini next year occupying the $99 price point, with screen size making the distinction between price points. If the plastic phone drops off with the iPhone 7, then I can imagine the the 6 mini drops to the free phone and the iPhone 7 gets released in 3 sizes filling the mid, high, and plus price tiers.

    What the hell are you talking about? This holiday quarter Apple is on track to report more iPhones sales than they ever have before. The iPhone 6/6 Plus have not been failures.
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  • Reply 91 of 93
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    mac_128 wrote: »
    It's absolutely NOT a coincidence ... it's marketing. They will drive the adoption of the ?Watch by initially offering only oversized phones for the current models, and limiting earlier iPhones use of ?Pay to require it. An NFC equipped case like the CashWrap that Incipio made for the iPhone for use with Isis/SoftCard would cost a lot less than even the cheapest ?Watch offerings. But that does little for Apple's bottom line, which is why they are unlikely to support it. I'm certain there will be a 4" iPhone 6 next year to fill the mid-tier, rather than just drop the 4.7" 6 down and boost the identical 6s with little more than a processor upgrade. They will use the screen size and case materials to differentiate the price points -- 4" plastic $0, 4" metal $99, 4.7" metal $199, 5.5" metal $299.

    Where is the secure element in these NFC equipped cases? And sorry but the likelihood of a 4 inch phone coming back is nill. What probably will happen is the physical home button goes away and the top and bottom bezels get smaller.
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  • Reply 92 of 93
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    rogifan wrote: »
    This post is bullshit. You've talked about revolutionary display tech, but now it's about the feel in the hand and the rounded edges of the glass? My question was specifically about this revolutionary display tech. And while I would never be caught dead using something like the Galaxy S3 I wouldn't call it a monstrous clunker of a phone.

    I'm sure Jony Ive is right that some of the early larger phones they prototyped were clunkers. But the first iPad is certainly a clunker compared to the Air. Apple didn't wait to release iPad until they could get something as thin and light as the Air with retina display and all day battery Iife.

    Apple's phones are now actually larger than some competitor phones because of the need for such large top and bottom bezels.

    Both the iPhone 6 Plus and LG G3 have 5.5" displays yet the 6 Plus has a much larger overall footprint.

    "Revolutionary display tech" is your hare-brained term. I only pointed out—repeatedly—that Apple had to wait for LTPS or IGZO production capacity to expand from suppliers, since at the time Apple was already using 70% of world capacity of LTPS, and IGZO was still under development entirely. I also said they would likely raise pixel density at the same time, which they ended up doing only for the Plus. Both use LTPS, which we've since learned is the only choice for screens of this size.

    The basic assumption was always that Apple would never do a larger phone with thicker profile or lower battery life. That alone meant waiting for expanded low-power solutions to the display tech. Other companies could avail themselves of table scraps from display makers, but Apple had to calculate in the tens of millions. It was your gee-whiz, emotional circuits that turned any of this into "revolutionary." To Apple engineers, it's just the normal hard work of evolving the technology, including the production capacity. Of course the basic factor in the design of the instrument is the number and power requirement of the pixels in the display you get to use. Of course you have to improve the processor and software to handle the computation so you don't have to expand battery size.

    Your insertion of the case of the first iPad into the equation is totally illogical, or anti-logical. It was entirely revolutionary at its release. It had no precedents that weren't clunkers, comic in comparison.
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