Protestors take over Fifth Ave Apple Store in 'die-in' demonstration



  • Reply 61 of 365

    Originally Posted by stargazerCT View Post


    I agree 100%. Black on white stories get buried by the media. I think they only promote stories based on whether it would gain the attention of Al Sharpton...more ratings and clicks that way when the racial card is applied. 


    You can add this to the list of media biased articles. Funny how there's no "black" or "white" labels applied to the victims when the perp is black. The only way you know that is to look at the photo, though.

    Why are you conflating what criminals do with what cops do?  Why are you redirecting the issue with police into something else?


    If you hate violent crime so much, why don't you do something about its root causes instead of blaming the people who are conveniently not in your back yard?


    I guess it's just easier to lump all black people and all black neighborhoods as being the same, and continue to look down on them?  Then it's easy to ignore them, and eat a sandwich?

  • Reply 62 of 365
    ascii wrote: »
    Every organization will have a small percentage of bad eggs, so incidents will always happen. Therefore you can not judge a system by the occurence of such incidents, you can only judge it by what happens after, what policies and procedures it has in place for when one does happen. Is it hushed up and brushed under the carpet (in which case it is a bad system) or is there an open investigation involving juries, standards of evidence, and as much objectivity as possible?

    This US system is much closer to the later than the former, so your "perverted system" comment is not really justified.

    The uproar is not about police bad eggs. It is over the fact the in-camera Grand Jury decided not to allow a homicide case to go to court for public scrutiny and judgement. It is the failure of the system to work as designed, and intended, that is the issue.
  • Reply 63 of 365

    Originally Posted by jkichline View Post

    I really don't understand what capitalism has to do with the problem. But then again I'm white and don't quite understand what the problem is. I've had some black friends lecture me on white privilege and how I had it easy and stuff. My mom was a waitress and my dad was a maintenance man and they worked hard to give us a better life. I was able to go to college and started my own businesses. Nobody ever gave me anything. We didn't resort to crime and we certainly respected those placed in authority over us.

    These protestors seem to be following the crowd in this ridiculous notion that police shouldn't have any authority. If a cop tells you to get down or stop or whatever, you do it! That's the whole point. Should people be killed for selling cigarettes? No. But this wouldn't have happened if the guy was a law-abiding citizen. I don't care what race you are. Respect those in authority over you and those companies who have built this country and they will respect you. Funny how that works.

    If you are unhappy with your lot in life, change it. Go to school and learn how to program or do something worthy of a career. People complain that Apple only hires white men, but I've yet to meet many others who are qualified for the type of work Apple needs in that regard. Equality needs to be accomplished from both directions.

    Having white privilege doesn't mean you are underprivileged in other ways.  


    But you don't have to deny that it's great to be white.

  • Reply 64 of 365

    Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post


    The real issue is that some need to be more law-abiding than others.

    That because of what they wear, because of their skin color, their looks, ... some are more suspect than others.


    The issue really isn't about being law-abiding.

    The issue is racism and discrimination.


    I sincerely congratulate you on fulfilling your goals with no help whatsoever. The thing is, being white, no one has ever questioned you, your motives or your acts. If you have a different skin color, you don't have that luxury. You're being tested: always, on whatever you do  and by everybody. That's the privilege you're benefiting from: not being tested again and again and again.

    BTW: there are exceptions, even large ones, I know that. The rule of thumb still stands

    Completely agree.  

  • Reply 65 of 365
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by MessagePad2100 View Post


    But you don't have to deny that it's great to be white.


    It's open season on whites. The media barely reports any hate motivated crimes against whites. It's a non story for them, and they attempt to sweep the facts under the carpet, they ignore it.


    And one black criminal dies, due to their own stupidity and violent nature, and the media reports about it 24-7, and people hold protests.


    These protests are a joke and the people protesting are losers.

  • Reply 66 of 365

    I presume this is a rhetorical question?


    The point of a demo is to communicate [1] via the mass media.  They're more likely to cover an event at a showplace like the Apple store.  [2] Apple customers are more likely to be voters than folks on Skid Row.

  • Reply 67 of 365
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post


    So kozchris, what previous or current crime did this man commit that you think warrants what happened to him?


    The video you posted is a joke. He never had his hands up in the air, as if he was trying to surrender. The people running around making the hands up gesture are a bunch of ignorant morons who are simply repeating lies and making up their own reality. 


    He was a violent thug who charged at the police officer and he rightfully got mowed down. 

  • Reply 68 of 365

    Sometimes you get what you deserve.  If you don't stand up for liberty - I ain't worrying about you getting a little inconvenienced.

  • Reply 69 of 365

    Thanks for reminding folks that using Apple products doesn't make you less of a racist.

  • Reply 70 of 365
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Eideard View Post


    I ain't worrying about you getting a little inconvenienced.


    And I aint worried about protesters getting a little bit roughed up.


    I particularly liked the video of one protester who got run over with a car a few days ago. Absolutely hilarious. I was LOLing while watching it. If idiot protesters block streets and highways, they should expect to get run over.

  • Reply 71 of 365
    dewme wrote: »
    On some level it is good to see these younger folks seemingly starting to care about causes larger than themselves. This is a positive change as long as they stay smart about it and don't resort to thuggery and pack mentality. It's one thing to be pointing a finger of blame against what is wrong, but until you lift a finger and actually do something to help enact positive change and take positive action you're simply a spectator. At some point being against things isn't good enough, you have to be "for" something and commit yourself to making it happen. If we don't see the positive dialogs start to emerge from these acts of protest and civil disobedience then it's all a big waste of time and opportunity lost.

    And yet, this is an example of sheep-like (or lemming, or whatever animal you prefer) behavior. They are inconveniencing Apple and their customers for their own selfish ends. If they really cared about their cause, they'd risk discomfort and arrest in a police station or a politician's office.

    For me, all of this copycat collectivist behavior smacks of something planned by Putin to stoke the flames of a race or class war in the US. The problem is people here are so used to copying "viral" behavior, I don't think they are capable of much independent critical thought. Since birth, Anericans get the message that people with black skin color were historically sub-human and that nothing has changed up until now, which is untrue but obviously useful politically. Unfortunately, by continually exploiting this belief and applying it to every high profile event, it becomes a collectivist self-fulfilling prophesy.
  • Reply 72 of 365

    Originally Posted by stargazerCT View Post


    I agree 100%. Black on white stories get buried by the media. I think they only promote stories based on whether it would gain the attention of Al Sharpton...more ratings and clicks that way when the racial card is applied. 


    You can add this to the list of media biased articles. Funny how there's no "black" or "white" labels applied to the victims when the perp is black. The only way you know that is to look at the photo, though.

    Buried? And yet you're linking to it on the internet? What you're really talking about is national news vs. local news. Garner's death made national news because it was entirely documented on video and went viral. Brown's death made national news because Ferguson and the St. Louis area has well documented problems with racial tensions and unusual behavior by the local justice system. The officer involved in the shooting had actually been a member of another local police department that had been disbanded by the government due to it's poor track record regarding racial issues. 

  • Reply 73 of 365
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Eideard View Post


    Thanks for reminding folks that using Apple products doesn't make you less of a racist.

    The protesters are racists, seeking special treatment for black criminals.


    Any moron who willingly starts confrontations with the police and lacks respect for others is likely to find themselves in a bad situation, no matter what their color.

  • Reply 74 of 365

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    It's open season on whites. The media barely reports any hate motivated crimes against whites. It's a non story for them, and they attempt to sweep the facts under the carpet, they ignore it.


    And one black criminal dies, due to their own stupidity and violent nature, and the media reports about it 24-7, and people hold protests.


    These protests are a joke and the people protesting are losers.


    Open season?  WTF does that even mean?  


    Boy do you have a sense of victimhood.  Did you get that from talk radio or Fox News, where whites are always the victims?  


    Then what other color or sex would you like to be so you can live an easygoing life?

  • Reply 75 of 365
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    The protesters are racists, seeking special treatment for black criminals.


    Any moron who willingly starts confrontations with the police and lacks respect for others is likely to find themselves in a bad situation, no matter what their color.

    Can you find a law in NY that says police are immune from prosecution when a suspect dies during an attempted arrest? Or that police can apply any level of force they choose while attempting an arrest, regardless of the situation? If not, then it's obvious the protestors aren't looking for special treatment for anyone. They're looking for standard civil rights standards to apply to the arrest. Breaking the law or resisting arrest doesn't automatically give police the right to kill you.

  • Reply 76 of 365
    eideard wrote: »
    I presume this is a rhetorical question?

    The point of a demo is to communicate [1] via the mass media.  They're more likely to cover an event at a showplace like the Apple store.  [2] Apple customers are more likely to be voters than folks on Skid Row.

    Yes, it's a tactic right out of the Marxist playbook.
  • Reply 77 of 365
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Pontavignon View Post

    The uproar is not about police bad eggs. It is over the fact the in-camera Grand Jury decided not to allow a homicide case to go to court for public scrutiny and judgement. It is the failure of the system to work as designed, and intended, that is the issue.

    It worked exactly as intended. The Grand Jury saw all of the videos, they heard from countless witnesses and they reached a conclusion based on all of the evidence. They know more about the facts than anybody else.


    Protesters don't get to make up their own facts and decide what the outcome of verdicts should be. These communist, anti-American protesters should educate themselves on the law of the land and what democracy means, and how the legal system works.


    Originally Posted by MessagePad2100 View Post



    Open season?  WTF does that even mean?  


    Boy do you have a sense of victimhood.  Did you get that from talk radio or Fox News, where whites are always the victims?  


    Then what other color or sex would you like to be so you can live an easygoing life?


    It means that the main stream media intentionally buries news involving racial attacks against whites. The Knock Out game is a good example of that.


    The main stream media also intentionally lies and distorts the news, like they did in the Ferguson case. Gentle Giant my ass. He was a giant thug who violently attacked a police officer and he ended up dead. Good riddance.

  • Reply 78 of 365

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    I particularly liked the video of one protester who got run over with a car a few days ago. Absolutely hilarious. I was LOLing while watching it. If idiot protesters block streets and highways, they should expect to get run over.




    So you enjoy violence against protesters, but complain about media coverage of hate crimes against whites?  


    But when you protest against ethics in hate crime journalism, should we treat you the same as you want to treat these protestors?

  • Reply 79 of 365
    You only need one look at the photo in this article to tell you why this protest was peaceful and the ones in Ferguson violent.
  • Reply 80 of 365
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by foregoneconclusion View Post


    Can you find a law in NY that says police are immune from prosecution when a suspect dies during an attempted arrest? Or that police can apply any level of force they choose while attempting an arrest, regardless of the situation? If not, then it's obvious the protestors aren't looking for special treatment for anyone. They're looking for standard civil rights standards to apply to the arrest. Breaking the law or resisting arrest doesn't automatically give police the right to kill you.

    It's plain common sense that you don't begin arguing with the police or resisting arrest. Some people are just dumb. And the police did not intentionally kill that guy in NYC.

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