Samsung's mobile profits plunge 64.2% after Apple's iPhone 6 devastates premium Galaxy sales



  • Reply 101 of 145
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    1) What's illogical about it?

    2) That's not what I was referring to?

    1) Human hands are designed with certain characteristics, which you're conveniently ignoring in what you call a "logical" comment.

    2) It's what you should be referring to, because of 1).
  • Reply 102 of 145
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Using that logic a phone with the dimensions of a sheet of paper would do great, because it's smaller and lighter.

    And that's a classic reductio ad absurdum if I ever saw one.
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    I'd have more money than God if I had a dollar for every "I think Steve Jobs...." I've heard. The truth is nobody knew what SJ was thinking except for him.

    The story will probably come out someday, and it will be very easy to tell what he thought about this.
  • Reply 103 of 145
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    1) Human hands are designed with certain characteristics, which you're conveniently ignoring in what you call a "logical" comment.

    2) It's what you should be referring to, because of 1).

    In other words "you can't get your hand around it" which is the SJ quote I'm referring to.
  • Reply 104 of 145
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    flaneur wrote: »
    And that's a classic reductio ad absurdum if I ever saw one.
    The story will probably come out someday, and it will be very easy to tell what he thought about this.

    Just because the technology to build something exists doesn’t mean you have to build it.
  • Reply 105 of 145
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    In other words "you can't get your hand around it" which is the SJ quote I'm referring to.

    Thinner side bezels, curved instead of flat sides, and thinner casing all make that small gain in display width a non-issue, and that's without considering all the other benefits gained between 2007 and today.

    I simply don't understand how you, of all people, can't perceive the iPhone as 3-dimension object.
  • Reply 106 of 145
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    In other words "you can't get your hand around it" which is the SJ quote I'm referring to.

    And those phones were fucking huge in order to use a larger display, which wasn't even an option for Apple because they don't use whatever displays a vendor may have lying around.
  • Reply 107 of 145
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Thinner side bezels, curved instead of flat sides, and thinner casing all make that small gain in display width a non-issue, and that's without considering all the other benefits gained between 2007 and today.

    I simply don't understand how you, of all people, can't perceive the iPhone as 3-dimension object.

    I do, but the iPhone's thinness isn't that big of a deal. Our hands aren't flat when we grip things so something thicker can be gripped just as easily as something thin if the width is the same or close.
  • Reply 108 of 145

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Samsung? innovate? Haha. Apple marches to the beat of its own drum.

    Most of us are fine with competition. We just hate obvious thieves.




    Originally Posted by AndreiD View Post


    When did ever Samsung et all keep innovating and make great products?

    Exactly. Competition is always very sane as long as it's fueled by the right principles (create a product the best you can, enough so to make human life better). When one company starts ripping off another company for ideas, designs, innovations and even price strategies then how is that competition?




    Originally Posted by Dabe View Post


    Man steals my property and starts selling it, creating so-called wondrous "competition" in the marketplace, and I should forget that it all began with  theft?




    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post


    Enough of this "competition is good" crap.


    If Samsung, et al, had half a clue what it actually means to compete, they would have started from scratch, somehow would have gotten honest (if anyone of them had half a clue what THAT means), and would have paid their dues by truly innovating their OWN technology and products without stealing from and/or copying Apple.


    Apple actually HASN'T HAD and doesn't need competition to have achieved what they have achieved.




    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Complete fantasy, disconnected from all reality. Apple has been around for nearly 40 years; they don't play "race to the bottom" or "think same."




    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post



    This is a perpetual myth. Apple beats to it's own drum. It's not the sort of company that sits back and relaxes. 


    Wow!  Some of you have swallowed a whole pitcher of the Apple kool-aid.


    Apple did not invent the gui, mobile phone or touch screen.  It has done a good job of combining these elements into a form factor people like with a good software interface, but it did not create the iPhone whole-cloth from raw materials.


    And, it certainly didn't come up with the idea of increasing the size of the phone, which is the reason for the large increase in sales this quarter.


    And, I am someone who has owned nothing but a Mac since 1988 and used nothing but an iPhone since the original.

  • Reply 109 of 145
    Originally Posted by tiger2 View Post

    Apple did not invent the gui, mobile phone or touch screen.


    Could you show us where in any of the quoted posts that was said?

    …it did not create the iPhone whole-cloth from raw materials.


    It bought the cloth and hand-stitched the outfit, for sure.


    And, it certainly didn't come up with the idea of increasing the size of the phone, which is the reason for the large increase in sales this quarter.


    Any evidence of that?


    And, I am someone who has owned nothing but a Mac since 1988 and used nothing but an iPhone since the original.


    This doesn’t make you less wrong.

  • Reply 110 of 145
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    Originally Posted by tiger2 View Post













    Wow!  Some of you have swallowed a whole pitcher of the Apple kool-aid.


    Apple did not invent the gui, mobile phone or touch screen.  It has done a good job of combining these elements into a form factor people like with a good software interface, but it did not create the iPhone whole-cloth from raw materials.


    And, it certainly didn't come up with the idea of increasing the size of the phone, which is the reason for the large increase in sales this quarter.


    And, I am someone who has owned nothing but a Mac since 1988 and used nothing but an iPhone since the original.

    "...come up with the idea of increasing the size of the phone..."


    Overheard in any marketing meeting: "We could make it bigger or smaller than what you see here."

  • Reply 111 of 145
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    I do, but the iPhone's thinness isn't that big of a deal. Our hands aren't flat when we grip things so something thicker can be gripped just as easily as something thin if the width is the same or close.
  • Reply 112 of 145
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Could you show us where in any of the quoted posts that was said?

    Show me where I said anyone did? (Nah nah nah!)


    I thought it was obvious that I was making an exaggerated comment on all of the posts I quoted to the effect of how Apple is THE only company capable of any innovation.  As if Apple and SteveGod hisself pulled the iPhone from its/his arse fully formed and it did not owe anything to any previous company, technology, etc.  



    Any evidence of that?

    The fact that the "ludicrous fourth quarter" came after the only substantive change to the phone was its size.



    This doesn’t make you less wrong.

    It doesn't make me any less correct either.  (Nah nah nah, again!)  But, seriously, I'm guessing after your edit of your original reply that you know I included this information so people wouldn't assume I was a (don't say it out loud) "fandroid". 





    Originally Posted by tmay View Post


    Overheard in any marketing meeting: "We could make it bigger or smaller than what you see here."

    And all the other marketers (and many a AI commenter) gasped with open-mouthed awe and said, "That's innovation!"

  • Reply 113 of 145
    tiger2 wrote: »
    The fact that the "ludicrous fourth quarter" came after the only substantive change to the phone was its size.

    1) There were lots of changes to the iPhone market this year.

    2) Apple has had many, many outstanding quarters since Steve Job returned to Apple, and one with greater percentage increase YoY for a given quarter. Are you saying that these were because of the iPhone, even before 2007? Now that would be ludicrous.

    And all the other marketers (and many a AI commenter) gasped with open-mouthed awe and said, "That's innovation!"

    Show me a single comment where someone is saying that increasing the size of the display is innovation in and of itself. Remember that even the first Apple computer (pre-Mac) had a bigger display than any current iPhone.
  • Reply 114 of 145
    Originally Posted by tiger2 View Post

    Show me where I said anyone did?


    Then you shouldn’t have said it at all, since it’s just a strawman.

  • Reply 115 of 145


    1) There were lots of changes to the iPhone market this year.

    But, the only substantive change to the phone itself was its size.  Every iteration has had a faster processor, some software tweaks, etc.  The single biggest reason for this year's monster growth was the larger size.  


    And, Cook and whomever else at Apple made this decision are due credit.  It was clearly a smart marketing move.  But, was it innovative?  No.



     Apple has had many, many outstanding quarters since Steve Job returned to Apple, and one with greater percentage increase YoY for a given quarter. Are you saying that these were because of the iPhone, even before 2007?

    No.  I'm not saying this.  I'm saying the principal cause of this quarter's jump in sales is due to the size increase.  And, size increase is not innovative.



    Show me a single comment where someone is saying that increasing the size of the display is innovation in and of itself. 

    I can't.  But, then I never said anyone did make that claim.  I only said I believe the huge increase in sales is due to the size increase.


    My quoting and comment on all those posts hailing Apple's innovation while stating no other company is even remotely capable of innovation, was only meant to show how ludicrous I think taking such a one-sided, close-minded, there-is-only-one-fount-of-innovation-and-IT-IS-Apple, sounds.  This is just not how science, technology and the business of technology works. 

  • Reply 116 of 145

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Yeah, you’re a troll. And an infant. Get out.

    You're not very smart, are you?

  • Reply 117 of 145
    Originally Posted by tiger2 View Post

    You're not very smart, are you?


  • Reply 118 of 145
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    Originally Posted by tiger2 View Post


    And all the other marketers (and many a AI commenter) gasped with open-mouthed awe and said, "That's innovation!"

    You and dasanman69 both seem to have an obsessive / compulsive relationship to some words spoiken by Steve Jobs years ago, and another word, "innovation". 


    Yet, and I would tell you accurately, Apple's innovation wasn't the size of its new iPhones, it was bringing the iPhone, iOS and the ecosystem to the size. 




    "The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay."

    Read more:


    I would argue as well that if Apple were to bring the current iPhone design to the 4 inch screen, that too would sell well, though maybe not like the iPhones 6 and 6+, and that too would be innovative.


    It would be possible for innovation in the past to a size of screen, resolution, or whatever,  and at the same time, be innovative for Apple to bring the iPhone to the size. Both would accurately describe innovation.


    More to the point of all this, who gives a flying ....... about motives!  Did Apple do it to make money, to enter that part of the market? Yes, and per the definition, that is the part of "innovation", creating value for which the customer will pay, and pay they did; in spades.


    Now if Apple would go back to the 4 inch screen, and innovate that with Apple Pay, performance and design elements of the iPhone 6, that too would be innovative as it creates both value and people would pay for that.

  • Reply 119 of 145
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Could we please start referring to Samsung as "the beleaguered company"?

    Sorry, Only linked to Apple, regardless of fact.
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    What part of 'bigger' didn't you understand? The ones Steve Jobs said no one would buy.

    Jobs is dead. That was 7 years ago. Just like people shouldn't use "Jobs would/wouldn't...", people should stop bringing up a quote from 8 years ago.
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    That's not a mobile phone.

    Apple's been in business for almost 40 years. Are you saying they shouldn't bring technologies, features from its other product lines to the iPhone and vice versa? iPhone wasn't designed in a vacuum. Apple has a history of making screens larger or smaller on its products.
  • Reply 120 of 145
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »

    Can you send me the English version? :lol:
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