Tim Cook says Apple Watch will replace electronic car keys, confirms Apple Store revamp



  • Reply 181 of 201
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by YvesVilleneuve View Post

    I'll pass on the whip watch. How can anyone want to wear an accessory that everyone is wearing? Individuality is being attacked by a militarilist CEO.

    Who's a militarist CEO?

  • Reply 182 of 201
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    cropr wrote: »
    I can give very easily my car key to my son, when he needs the car, but I don't see me giving my watch to my son to drive the car.

    Apple has until now not convinced me that the Apple Watch is nothing more than an expensive gimmick.  The car key idea just confirms this
    You will just hand your son the keys or key fob that came with your car.

    However, for a lot of other reasons (posted earlier in this thread) I do agree that the car key idea seems like a bogus use case, but that doesn't confirm that there will be no real ones. I am already looking forward to just laying my wrist on a payment terminal and walking away. I'm sure that with all of the app development going on right now, more use cases will be revealed.
  • Reply 183 of 201
    How many people who own a smartphone not currently wearing a watch need to buy an expensive time clock on their wrist?

    How many that don't have a car need an expensive car key on their wrist?

    How many that have a car need an expensive car key on their wrist?

    Answer: ZERO

    How many people need to monitor their heart rate on a minute by minute basis?

    Answer: Bed-prone medical patients.
  • Reply 184 of 201
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    How many people who own a smartphone not currently wearing a watch need to buy an expensive time clock on their wrist?

    And yet 1.2 billion watches were sold last year compared to 1.3 billion handsets.

    Pro tip: The first lesson you need to learn is that just because you don't see the value in something doesn't mean a huge number of others don't. You probably didn't see why anyone would by an iPad when a WinPC is less expensive and "does more," and yet it's the fastest selling CE ever at 14.4 million in its first year.
  • Reply 185 of 201
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    mstone wrote: »
    Mine is 2015 very exclusive.Check the red detail highlight color on the key fob.

    I saw the color, but I wouldn't think that would change how the device gets powered. If was charged by the car I would think there would be a different design; specifically the kid with a plug-ish end on them.

    I have a high-ish end BMW, and I honestly believe that the claim of self-charging (or whatever) is myth. I believe it has a battery, the system warns you when the battery is low, and you take it to a dealership to get a replacement if/when that happens.

    I too have not owned them typically long enough for this to happen, but I've decided to hang on to the current one until I get CarPlay on BMW. (I'll wait another year or so, and if they don't have it, I'll switch to some other maker even though I love the BMW more than any other car I've owned).
  • Reply 186 of 201
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    I have a high-ish end BMW, and I honestly believe that the claim of self-charging (or whatever) is myth. I believe it has a battery, the system warns you when the battery is low, and you take it to a dealership to get a replacement if/when that happens.

    I too have not owned them typically long enough for this to happen, but I've decided to hang on to the current one until I get CarPlay on BMW. (I'll wait another year or so, and if they don't have it, I'll switch to some other maker even though I love the current one). So it might. If it does I'll let you know!

    1) It's not a myth. There are fobs that can be plugged in to charge just like anything else with a rechargeable battery. There is no leap of understanding needed here.

    2) Of course they all have a battery. I'm not sure why you'd mention that.

    3) If you're under warranty you might as well have them replace it, if it oddly happens to go within that short a time frame, but as shown in the video it takes a mere moment to swap out.
  • Reply 187 of 201
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    1) It's not a myth. There are fobs that can be plugged in to charge just like anything else with a rechargeable battery. There is no leap of understanding needed here.

    2) Of course they all have a battery. I'm not sure why you'd mention that.

    3) If you're under warranty you might as well have them replace it, if it oddly happens to go within that short a time frame, but as shown in the video it takes a mere moment to swap out.

    1) I was talking about the BMW. I have no idea about "fobs" that "there are" out there. Looks like the notion of self-charging may be a myth vis-a-vis the BMW. I just checked my manual, and all it says is open the cover (after taking out the physical key), remove cover, replace battery, close cover. Nothing about self-charging.


    2) The mention of the battery was redundant, agreed. Also, no need to really take it to the dealer per (1) above.


    3) Even if the fob battery is completely dead, starting up the BMW requires no more than holding the fob against a marked area in the steering column, and pressing the Stop/Start button within 10 seconds while pushing down on the brake. (I had to do that once in Manhattan, where all radio transmissions to/from car fobs are shut down around the Empire State Building).

  • Reply 188 of 201
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member

    Originally Posted by Macfanatik View Post

    Tim Cook's comment regarding a charging facility for the I watch being based around a magnet is in reality connected with the Manetron used in Microwave Ovens - it has a lot of uses besides heating up things!

    Actually, it has nothing to do with magnetrons, it's just an inductive charger that sticks to the watch with a magnet.

  • Reply 189 of 201

    Originally Posted by YvesVilleneuve View Post

    I'll pass on the whip watch. How can anyone want to wear an accessory that everyone is wearing? Individuality is being attacked by a militarilist CEO.



    I couldn't agree more.


    In fact, I had an enlightenment today, that gave me the thought that all this talk of the great personalisation of the Apple Watch is just a sham.


    There is no variation of design, other than the strap. Big frigging deal. The watch itself is one design; it’s that or nothing. Yeah, it comes in gold for the Asians. 


    Apple's touting of this as a fashion item is spectacularly flawed, as there is no variation. Not only that, but it’s an ugly watch. 


    Ho hum. The geeks have inherited Apple.

  • Reply 190 of 201
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Its for added security. If a theif has your keyfob they can drive off with your car.

    But if they get your watch they would also need your fingerprint or iphone password.

    I'd like to get a car that would only allow people with iPhones or Apple IDs in. ????
  • Reply 191 of 201
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    How many people who own a smartphone not currently wearing a watch need to buy an expensive time clock on their wrist?

    How many that don't have a car need an expensive car key on their wrist?

    How many that have a car need an expensive car key on their wrist?

    Answer: ZERO
    And how many would want one? Many, many more.

    Need is irrelevant.
  • Reply 192 of 201
    I have an expensive chronometer on my wrist - why would I also want the Bees-knees in Apple devices - I would sooner save up for a 5K iMac which I can actually use with my eyesight and Hearing problems - or wait for The Apple Car that Cuportino is developing!
  • Reply 193 of 201
    Some1 wanting me to change how I pay for things using a gizmo from USA is going to have to prove more convincingly than just saying it is more secure - Apple is no more secure than Iceland's Bank - and we know what happened to them - don't we?
  • Reply 194 of 201
    To say that Manetrons have nothing to do with induction is like saying that the Hadron Collider in Cerne, Switzerland, has nothing to do with magnets or magnetism! Magnetrons, Magnets, Hadron Colliders and induction share the same field - they are all used for entirely different purposes but they all employ different aspects of the same properties in greater or lesser quantification and aimed at different purposes such as particle fusion, magnetism, induction and gravitational attraction. I was merely pointing out the science of one aspect - not the whole study of that science. Americans and British people seem to have different definitions for the same subject matter.
  • Reply 195 of 201
    If it had not been for Steve Wozniak, the Apple One might not have been invented! Steve Jobs was better at organising people rather than components on a pegboard - Tim Cook is different to Steve Jobs in that he is more open and has made a huge difference to Apple since he was made CEO - look at what Apple is doing now since the demise of Steve Jobs. Tim Cook leaves no stone unturned - he is moving into Cars, Watches, larger, thinner iPhones and the magnificent 5K iMac! Absolutely Briliant, Tim - at least one British person is behind you - me! I really love my 5S iPhone and gold iPad Air 2 with the same CPUs as the iPhone 6 and 6 plus!
  • Reply 196 of 201
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by YvesVilleneuve View Post

    How many people who own a smartphone not currently wearing a watch need to buy an expensive time clock on their wrist?

    How many that don't have a car need an expensive car key on their wrist?

    How many that have a car need an expensive car key on their wrist?

    Answer: ZERO

    How many people need to monitor their heart rate on a minute by minute basis?

    Answer: Bed-prone medical patients.

    All one really needs is food, water, and shelter.  The rest of what you obtain speaks to convenience, quality of life, and desire (and other things that aren't strictly "needs", I'm sure).


    So unless all of these people you are mentioning above live like Mahatma Ghandi, your arguments amount to nothing.



  • Reply 197 of 201
    thompr wrote: »
    All one really needs is food, water, and shelter.  The rest of what you obtain speaks to convenience, quality of life, and desire (and other things that aren't strictly "needs", I'm sure).

    So unless all of these people you are mentioning above live like Mahatma Ghandi, your arguments amount to nothing.

  • Reply 198 of 201
    I don't need a dumb-ass Irishman to tell me the difference between an induction coil and a magnet - go back to making Guinness'
  • Reply 200 of 201
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by RalphMouth View Post

    My keyless car fob lasts for a year or more on a single battery.

    Geez, you might want to get that checked out. Mine lasted about ten before it died.

    My electric key still has it's original battery, which has been first class since Aug2003.

    My wife's is ok since Aug2001.

    Nice they don't need to be charged!  Also if ever too low on power, I still can use the key.


    As for an eWatch that does everything, not something to wear visible on the street ! :no:

    Oh well at least we have settled the Apple Car rumor. :\

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