Apple, Google, hundreds of other US companies file court brief in support of same-sex marriage

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in General Discussion edited March 2015
A mass of 379 companies including Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft have filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court expressing their support for same-sex marriage, in advance of a landmark April hearing on the issue.

The brief puts forward a business case for making same-sex marriage legal nationwide, for instance arguing that it will let companies recruit the best talent by extending the same benefits given to heterosexual couples. Similarly the companies say it could also discourage workers from leaving a company to live in a state where same-sex marriages are recognized.

The current "dual regime," in which only some states recognize or allow same-sex marriages, is said (PDF) to create "legal uncertainty" and impose "unnecessary costs and administrative complexities" on businesses. The brief further claims that "companies that are diverse and inclusive obtain better profits and other outputs, thanks to improved team collaboration and commitment."

Other major corporations behind the curiae include Amazon, Coca-Cola, Comcast, Cisco, Disney, Dropbox, eBay, EA, General Electric, HP, Intel, Oracle, Pepsi, Qualcomm, Twitter, United Airlines, Verizon and Xerox.

April's hearing should determine whether same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. Even if the Supreme Court doesn't rule in that direction, it will still have to decide whether states without same-sex marriage should recognize marriages performed elsewhere.

Apple has long been a supporter of LGBT causes, having extended benefits to same-sex couple decades ago. Last year, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook came out as gay in an open letter supporting equality.

In 2008 the company also donated $100,000 to oppose Proposition 8, a ballot measure which briefly made gay marriage illegal in California.


  • Reply 1 of 139
    I would love to see the all the conservatives who do not support same-sex marriage put their money where their mouth is and stop using the products and services from every company on their list.
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  • Reply 2 of 139
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    I await the comments of our resident conservative wacko's

    First post and name calling already. Just shows that liberals and classy don't belong in the same sentence, :)

    Since pretty much every company under the sun is on this list seeing Apple on it elicits a big yawn from me.
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  • Reply 3 of 139
    baka-dubbsbaka-dubbs Posts: 179member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    I await the comments of our resident conservative wacko's


    Yeah, can't wait for someone to spout it is an attack of religious freedom(not sure how) and that they should have every right to restrict someone elses liberty since they don't believe in the same thing as them.

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  • Reply 4 of 139
    markbyrnmarkbyrn Posts: 662member
    I'm always chagrined when religious right wing purveyors of small government are purveyors of big government when it comes to demanding that the government impose their barbaric edicts from their bibles full of misogyny, racism, homophobia, religious supremacy, and the like.
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  • Reply 5 of 139
    baka-dubbsbaka-dubbs Posts: 179member

    Originally Posted by markbyrn View Post

    I'm always chagrined when religious right wing purveyors of small government are purveyors of big government when it comes to demanding that the government impose their barbaric edicts from their bibles full of misogyny, racism, homophobia, religious supremacy, and the like.


    They are the same ones who will tell you how the 4th amendment guarantees the right to gun ownership, then turn around and tell you that the Establishment Clause and Free Excersize Clause of the 1st amendment in no way apply.  It pains me to see the dissapearance of classical conservatism as the neo con's make me embarrassed to call myself a Republican.

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  • Reply 6 of 139
    smurfmansmurfman Posts: 119member
    sog35 wrote: »
    I await the comments of our resident conservative wacko's

    This says a lot about the mentality of the liberal "progressive". If I believe homosexual behavior is not only wrong but an offense against even the basic laws of nature, I'm labeled a conservative wacko.

    This is the beginning of major persecution against anyone who disagrees with the liberal progressive. It's NOT a step forward but a major step backward when good people are fined hundreds of thousands of dollars or even put in jail for politely standing by their religious convictions – not hurting ANYONE.

    This is hypocritical, disturbing, and wicked to destroy indivual and family businesses because they cannot, in good conscience, support homosexual marriage. Families have already lost their businesses because friends and neighbors have not respected their religious convictions but rather have taken them to court! Selfish and wicked.

    But what value does my voice have? None, because I'm labeled a "wacko"!

    Take some time to watch this video.
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  • Reply 7 of 139
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I'm in favor of equality when it means no one gets any special favors. Regrettably, people are rewarded with incentives and unequal treatment for truckloads of discriminatory and divisive political and economic programs. None should be treated differently from the other, since we're all supposedly individuals first and Americans with constitutionally protected rights next.

    Marriage as a ceremony should be separated from any involvement by government. Only a legal contract between individuals should be recognized. Religious interpretations of marriage have no place in government, especially laws such as DOMA.
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  • Reply 8 of 139
    rpetersrpeters Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by Smurfman View Post

    This says a lot about the mentality of the liberal "progressive". If I believe homosexual behavior is not only wrong but an offense against even the basic laws of nature, I'm labeled a conservative wacko.



    Let's try a bit of an edit to your post:


    "If I believe that Jews are evil and PoC are subhuman, I'm labeled a conservative wacko".


    See how idiotic you sound?

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  • Reply 9 of 139
    baka-dubbsbaka-dubbs Posts: 179member
    Originally Posted by Smurfman View Post

    This says a lot about the mentality of the liberal "progressive". If I believe homosexual behavior is not only wrong but an offense against even the basic laws of nature, I'm labeled a conservative wacko...



    Lets have some fun with word substitution!

    This says a lot about the mentality of the conservative "religious". If I believe christianity is not only wrong but an offense against even the basic laws of nature, I'm labeled a liberal wacko...


    This is the continuation of major persecution against anyone who disagrees with the conservative head in the muds. It's NOT a step forward but a major step backward when good people are denied basic liberties given to people of other sexuality – not hurting ANYONE.


    This is hypocritical, disturbing, and wicked to destroy indivuals and families because because of archaic beliefs.  Families have already been persecuted simply for loving someone of the same sex while causing no harm to any one else! Selfish and wicked.

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  • Reply 10 of 139
    aikenaiken Posts: 4member
    smurfman, you have every right to your opinion. You can be anti-gay, racist, whatever, in the privacy of your own head. It's when you demand that government endorse your bigotry by preventing people you don't even know from getting married that it crosses the line into, yes, wacko.

    Small businesses operate under a myriad of regulations. The way society works is that we all agree to some restrictions on our behavior in return for shared benefits. So yes, small businesses cannot deny service to blacks (or to Christians), and they cannot dump hazardous waste in rivers, and they have to meet minimum wage and other regulations.

    There's a place you can move to if you want to be utterly free from regulation and any social contract. Guns are unregulated, there's no requirement for public schooling, and you can do pretty much whatever you want. It's a conservative paradise called Somalia.

    You have every right to your voice. But I'll agree that it has little value, because you sure sound like a wacko by every definition I know.
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  • Reply 11 of 139
    nobodyynobodyy Posts: 377member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I'm in favor of equality when it means no one gets any special favors. Regrettably, people are rewarded with incentives and unequal treatment for truckloads of discriminatory and divisive political and economic programs. None should be treated differently from the other, since we're all supposedly individuals first and Americans with constitutionally protected rights next.

    Marriage as a ceremony should be separated from any involvement by government. Only a legal contract between individuals should be recognized. Religious interpretations of marriage have no place in government, especially laws such as DOMA.

    Thats great, but pretty naive. 


    No one should be treated differently is an awesome goal, but at the moment, stripping away things that offer aid to millions who are not treated fairly is not the way to go about it. Using the idea that all Americans are equally protected under law means nothing other than to subvert the conversation away from the true problems that are actually happening - it's an excuse because that is just not the case and it will take active work to fix. A reason tensions are so high is because "pretend it doesn't exist and go on with your life" has not worked over the last two decades.




    Honestly, I will be happy when it (race and Sexual orientation) is normalized in our culture. Many people don't know how fucking shitty it feels to read in the mornings about how some new bigot thinks you are an abomination; less deserving and getting places only because of programs 'giving me free money'; or essentially blaming me for the reasons I am not sufficient in society, along with my morning coffee. But I digress...


    I am excited to see private corporations throwing their support towards fair rights because, regardless of what a law says, they're not fair.

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  • Reply 12 of 139
    Originally Posted by Baka-Dubbs View Post



    Lets have some fun with word substitution!

    This says a lot about the mentality of the conservative "religious". If I believe christianity is not only wrong but an offense against even the basic laws of nature, I'm labeled a liberal wacko...


    This is the continuation of major persecution against anyone who disagrees with the conservative head in the muds. It's NOT a step forward but a major step backward when good people are denied basic liberties given to people of other sexuality – not hurting ANYONE.


    This is hypocritical, disturbing, and wicked to destroy indivuals and families because because of archaic beliefs.  Families have already been persecuted simply for loving someone of the same sex while causing no harm to any one else! Selfish and wicked.

    Actually, they do. Kids need a father and mother, not two of the same gender (or just one of them). Men and women are inherently different, and you gain different perspectives from each thanks to these differences. So yeah, if there was ever a time to say "think of the children", this is it.


    Did you know Apple recently fired a lobbyist because when he was in government, he passed a resolution recognizing someone who stood up for traditional marriage? Sounds rather tolerant of them, doesn't it?

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  • Reply 13 of 139

    Originally Posted by Nobodyy View Post

    Honestly, I will be happy when it (race and Sexual orientation) is normalized in our culture. Many people don't know how fucking shitty it feels to read in the mornings about how some new bigot thinks you are an abomination; less deserving and getting places only because of programs 'giving me free money'; or essentially blaming me for the reasons I am not sufficient in society, along with my morning coffee. But I digress...

    Well, actually, just about everyone does. Because most media tells white people, Christians in particular, that they only got where they are due to privilege, or some other kind of invisible bias, and that it had no merit, and how Christians are evil, etc. And white conservative Christian men? Boy, they're just responsible for all the ills in the world if you believe the prevailing opinions.


    So yeah, I think just about everyone knows that. All the diversicrats are doing is making everyone feel negative, rather than focusing on fixing problems and uplifting.

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  • Reply 14 of 139
    nobodyynobodyy Posts: 377member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    Actually, they do. Kids need a father and mother, not two of the same gender (or just one of them). Men and women are inherently different, and you gain different perspectives from each thanks to these differences. So yeah, if there was ever a time to say "think of the children", this is it.


    Now, you've got to show me proof of this. 

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  • Reply 15 of 139
    rpetersrpeters Posts: 15member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    Did you know Apple recently fired a lobbyist because when he was in government, he passed a resolution recognizing someone who stood up for traditional marriage? Sounds rather tolerant of them, doesn't it?


    Bigots should not be tolerated, ever.

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  • Reply 16 of 139

    Originally Posted by Nobodyy View Post



    Now, you've got to show me proof of this. 

    I can link studies all day (and I'll provide one below) but at some point things are accepted on personal experience and faith. Most people rarely change opinions, claiming that studies are biased or just disallowing them from the source.



    People can try to keep forcing the issue, it's not going to work. Kids need a mom and a dad, not two dads, two moms, or one parent.

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  • Reply 17 of 139
    nobodyynobodyy Posts: 377member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    Well, actually, just about everyone does. Because most media tells white people, Christians in particular, that they only got where they are due to privilege, or some other kind of invisible bias, and that it had no merit, and how Christians are evil, etc. And white conservative Christian men? Boy, they're just responsible for all the ills in the world if you believe the prevailing opinions.


    So yeah, I think just about everyone knows that. All the diversicrats are doing is making everyone feel negative, rather than focusing on fixing problems and uplifting.

    I'll take being told I have the ultimate privilege over being told I'm an abomination any day. And I would happily use it to my greatest ability to succeed myself while also making sure others also share in the privileges I am entitled to. 

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  • Reply 18 of 139
    Now it's okay to discriminate against people who disagree with the homosexual lifestyle choice. I'm getting sick of the hate and bullying of the militant homosexual movement. You better agree with our perverse lifestyle or else...fascist.
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  • Reply 19 of 139
    alexmitalexmit Posts: 112member
    I believe in freedom from religion. I also believe in religious freedom. Imposing your viewpoints on anything that offers any less freedom due to religious "social values" qualifies as discrimination... period. Laws should not be set based on religion or opposition to religion. Feel free to have your beliefs however they may fall. Forcing "values" pro or against through legislation is not a good answer for anyone in the long run. For example... Murder is Murder, Your Gay neighbor very likely never committed any crime against you. In the words of Louis CK... "God forbid gays come into my neighborhood, clean it up and raise my property values... bastards!"
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  • Reply 20 of 139

    Originally Posted by Nobodyy View Post


    I'll take being told I have the ultimate privilege over being told I'm an abomination any day. And I would happily use it to my greatest ability to succeed myself while also making sure others also share in the privileges I am entitled to. 

    There is no privilege. None whatsoever. I've been treated just as poorly as anyone else, I've had to overcome challenges just like anyone else. The concept of privilege is just an excuse and a tool used to keep people down.

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