Cook says discriminatory 'religious freedom' laws are dangerous, calls for action



  • Reply 301 of 492
    splifsplif Posts: 603member

    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    thanks for the insightful reply. I frankly expected nothing more.

    Why not just admit you made a mistake...if you didn't he's pretty much spot on with his comment.

  • Reply 302 of 492
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,989member

    There's a difference between a private establishment (like a bakery or a restaurant) and the Fire Department. Public servants must treat all people regardless of personal ideology.
    Kinda like the police always do?
  • Reply 303 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Kinda like the police always do?

    What has been your experience?
  • Reply 304 of 492
    kent909kent909 Posts: 731member

    Everyone must realize that there is nothing that can be said to change the minds of the people supporting the law in Indiana. Their brains are wired differently and there is nothing you can do about that. They are incapable of seeing this any other way. The only logical way to solve this is a federal law making LGBT a protected class. 

  • Reply 305 of 492
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    splif wrote: »

    Why not just admit you made a mistake...if you didn't he's pretty much spot on with his comment.
    Thanks for the insightful reply. I expected nothing more really:
    muppetry wrote: »

    splif wrote: »

    Why not just admit you made a mistake...if you didn't he's pretty much spot on with his comment.
    Since you have started talking to yourself in public, now might also be a good time to cut your losses and stop posting nonsense.

    And why am I apologizing to him.

    Not shocked you go along with him and what he says. Not surprised in the least.
  • Reply 306 of 492
    kent909kent909 Posts: 731member

    Originally Posted by ned bulous View Post

    You must be livid with the Koch brothers, Hobby Lobby and Chik-Fil-A!



    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post


    Cook is on the wrong side of this issue.  A law that reinforces the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, which is increasingly under attack, is a good law.  Apple should stay out of politics and social issues, and stick to just making insanely great products.  It never ends well for companies who get distracted away from their core purpose.

    Outstanding idea, let's get all corporations out of politics.

  • Reply 307 of 492
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Why are Christians being singled out in regards to religious beliefs by the way?
  • Reply 308 of 492
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    aaronj wrote: »

    I think that's sort of the point, no?

    (Just for those who are slow on the uptake: WTF do I care what some desert dwelling nomads thought about anything 3,000 years ago?  Why the hell should that interest me in the slightest as far as how I live my life is concerned?)

    Back then young women married off for survival reasons, and that still happens in many countries today. Many old beliefs are still upheld, but any real Christian is taught to love their neighbor which pretty much means everyone, and would not discriminate gays unless they're being asked to produce a good, or provide a service that's contrary to their beliefs.
  • Reply 309 of 492
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,989member
    What has been your experience?
    Always good. I'm white. But my brother is a cop and my wife used to work in juvenile hall. From what they tell me, law enforcement public servants are quite open in their disdain for minorities, and it informs their treatment of them.
  • Reply 310 of 492
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Kinda like the police always do?

    Quite the whack job right here. A real liberal delight I suspect.
  • Reply 311 of 492
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,989member
    msantti wrote: »
    Why are Christians being singled out in regards to religious beliefs by the way?

    They shouldn't be. Any religious belief system that teaches that those who don't share your particular ideology are fair game for discriminatory treatment should be called out.
  • Reply 312 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    kent909 wrote: »
    Everyone must realize that there is nothing that can be said to change the minds of the people supporting the law in Indiana. Their brains are wired differently and there is nothing you can do about that. They are incapable of seeing this any other way. The only logical way to solve this is a federal law making LGBT a protected class. 

    There are too many groups already that receive unequal treatment. There should be no "protected classes". Collectivism is a poisonous, divisive philosophy. The Constitution protects individuals, not groups. People are not an endangered species.
  • Reply 313 of 492
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    What has been your experience?

    I got pulled over by a real jerk off one time. Thought he was cop of the century.

    Had another come to my door one morning to tell be someone spray painted my car and garage door. Very nice guy. Polite and professional.

    I think more are good certainly but many liberals just think all white cope discriminate and kill,
  • Reply 314 of 492
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    The Koran is not exactly supportive of homosexuality.

    Seldom brought up though for some reason.
  • Reply 315 of 492
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    msantti wrote: »
    Why are Christians being singled out in regards to religious beliefs by the way?
    Convenience? Hate? Take your pick.
  • Reply 316 of 492
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    The Koran is not exactly supportive of homosexuality.

    Seldom brought up though for some reason.

    How many Islamic politicians are there in America trying to pander to an Islamic base for political gain? Derp.

  • Reply 318 of 492
    waterrocketswaterrockets Posts: 1,231member

    Cook might be the most epic AI troll ever.

  • Reply 319 of 492
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    They shouldn't be. Any religious belief system that teaches that those who don't share your particular ideology are fair game for discriminatory treatment should be called out.

    nowayout11 wrote: »

    How many Islamic politicians are there in America trying to pander to an Islamic base for political gain? Derp.

    How many Muslims live in America. Quite a few I believe. Some own businesses here believe it or not. You conveniently just mention politicians,
  • Reply 320 of 492

    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    How many Muslims live in America. Quite a few I believe. Some own businesses here believe it or not. You conveniently just mention politicians,

    Less than one percent of the population. And, uh, yes, I am conveniently just mentioning politicians as politicians are the ones that pass laws.

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