Review: Apple Watch is beautiful, but rough around the edges



  • Reply 101 of 146
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post


    Incorrect. It should have been 2 out of 5 AT BEST.


    - Fugly;

    - A solution in search of a problem;

    - Expensive;

    - Ridiculous battery life;

    - Depends on the iPhone to function;

    - CANNOT download/operate apps on its own;

    - Using it drains iPhone battery as well;

    - FUGLY.


    In other words, a very generous review in my opinion. AI should be praised for its relative honesty, at least.


    So as per my predictions, here is what we have under Cook's watch:


    - A terrible decision to distribute dividends, which simply finished with Apple's reputation as a growth stock;

    - A terrible decision to buy Dr. "Dre"'s Beats - what for, who the heck knows?

    - A terrible decision in launching the new, beautiful, underpowered and port-less Cube-like proof of concept called MacBook;

    - And finally, a terrible decision to launch the AWatch.


    Now can we get back to launching new Macs, please? Otherwise, let's have Gil Amelio or Woz back on board, then. 

    Bahahahahah! What a post. Its like someone else said, its just one troll meme after another.


    1. Fugly; Looks fine to me. But, after all you are here to bash it, so you're not going to say it looks good. 

    2. A solution in search of a problem; Wow I bet you felt smart using that phrase. Well, you only look smart when you use it in the correct context. Watches are prime for a comeback into people's lives if they can be made to be useful. The iPhone has dozens of simple tasks that are far better served by a glance at your wrist, as opposed to pulling out your phone and unlocking it. Can you believe people actually do this just to see what time it is?!

    3. Expensive; Really? $349 isn't even a lot for a crappy watch that does nothing but tell time. Even for what it can do as a 1.0 product, its worth far more.

    4. Ridiculous battery life; All it has to do is get through 1 entire day. That is all ANY portable electronic device has to do. I'm not wearing it to bed, so its coming off anyway. Might as well go on the charger. The only thing 'ridiculous' is the presumed "NEED" for it last multiple days. Completely unnecessary.

    5. Depends on the iPhone to function; Its an iPhone accessory. This is about the dumbest thing you could have said.

    6. CANNOT download/operate apps on its own; Oh, no wait, this is the dumbest.

    7. Using it drains iPhone battery as well; No kidding. As does any/every wireless iPhone accessory ever made.

    8. FUGLY. You're a child


    What new Macs do you want? Oh forget it. You are ridiculous. So ridiculous I can't believe I wasted time replying.

  • Reply 102 of 146

    Originally Posted by tokenuser View Post

    There is nothing new in the watch. All the tech involved has been done before to greater and lesser degrees. Even the SoC used to power the watch appears to be a variant of an earlier generation A chip


    Astute of you.  I recall reading that the Watch's S1 chip is indeed a variant of the A5 chip that previously powered the iPhone 4S and is currently at work in the AppleTV.

  • Reply 103 of 146
    Exhaustive review - great coverage.

    I'm bothered by one thing, however. After receiving my Apple Watch on the 24th, and after assimilating it into my routine overnight, the last term I'd use to describe this device is "rough". It's the most polished gen 1 device I've ever had. It's the coolest piece of tech I've ever had. For me to say the Apple Watch is rough around the edges would be disingenuous. I'm blown away by just how well it works, how fast it is, and how it's turning my iPhone into a modem.
  • Reply 104 of 146
    stephenroblesstephenrobles Posts: 91member, moderator, editor

    Originally Posted by torusoft View Post

    Exhaustive review - great coverage.

    I'm bothered by one thing, however. After receiving my Apple Watch on the 24th, and after assimilating it into my routine overnight, the last term I'd use to describe this device is "rough". It's the most polished gen 1 device I've ever had. It's the coolest piece of tech I've ever had. For me to say the Apple Watch is rough around the edges would be disingenuous. I'm blown away by just how well it works, how fast it is, and how it's turning my iPhone into a modem.

    Thank you. The 'iPhone into a modem," line is pretty good. The hardware and software design isn't rough, but Siri being unreliable, clunky management through iPhone app and 3rd party apps overall are what I consider "rough," Thankfully all that could be addressed soon via software updates. To be clear, I do like it, and my final line reiterated I think it's worth it, imperfections included.

  • Reply 105 of 146
    aeleggaelegg Posts: 99member


    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Open the pod bay doors, Siri.


    That would be a GREAT little "watch" face.  No data, no time, no complications.

    Just those offset, nested red circle-glows of HAL, and the metal trim ring (not the rectangle though).


    That ALONE would be worth $75 of the overall purchase price of the watch.


    Oops.  I bet I tripped some major nerd-detectors there.  Love those movies (I love 2010 also.  Oops, another trip...).


    Heh heh.

  • Reply 106 of 146
    knowitallknowitall Posts: 1,648member
    applezilla wrote: »

    I skimmed through it. First glance told me it was a good review. (I've seen a lot of useless reviews. See: The Verge). Left a quick comment, mostly to give others hope for their Watch delivery. Then read in detail, and edited more into that one line you quoted.

    The review of the Verge differs not so much from this one, its conclusions are largely the same (altough this review didn't mentions the heartrate sensor or other fitness related items).
    The only difference I see is that this review is a lot more positive about the same facts.
  • Reply 107 of 146
    drewys808drewys808 Posts: 549member
    Originally Posted by MacApfel View Post


    Sure it doesn't make him a more competent parent. 

    Uh, ok. So we agree then? The article's point has nothing to do with being a more competent parent.



    Originally Posted by MacApfel View Post


    Otherwise this would not be necessary this way. But really, this kind of reasoning is weird.

    Hate to be rude, but your reasoning is weirder.


    But seriously... being distracted by technology is a challenge for many in the developed world.

    For many, having a minimalist display (i.e. Apple Watch) is BETTER than having to pull out an iPhone/iPad.

  • Reply 108 of 146
    brucemcbrucemc Posts: 1,541member
    Originally Posted by tokenuser View Post

    This is a 6G Apple iPod nano. The watch face (and may more like it) was supplied by Apple.

    Is the aWatch really the 1.0 device you claim it is? 


    As a second or third gen device, the aWatch has more features (improved form factor, materials, UI/OS improvements). You expect that. 

    But, the nano did have an inbuilt pedometer (I think it was the first apple prod with that but could be wrong) as well as an FM radio.

    Yes, the Apple Watch is the 1.0 device I and everyone else say it is.  Your comment is only based on the fact that one version of iPod Nano  was later updated to have a watch face app, and that 3rd parties made straps for it.


    To claim otherwise is a "huge" stretch of reality, but clearly you have made this the theme you are going to troll with here.

  • Reply 109 of 146
    knowitallknowitall Posts: 1,648member
    sog35 wrote: »
    If you want brlawyer to be banned like Robert Frost please start reporting his posts to the mods for trolling (non-stop negative remarks about Apple)

    Why would we? Negative comments can be valuable and anyone can see that Apple is doing extremely well at this moment, so he clearly is missing some points.
  • Reply 110 of 146
    Originally Posted by brucemc View Post


    Yes, the Apple Watch is the 1.0 device I and everyone else say it is.  Your comment is only based on the fact that one version of iPod Nano  was later updated to have a watch face app, and that 3rd parties made straps for it.


    To claim otherwise is a "huge" stretch of reality, but clearly you have made this the theme you are going to troll with here.

    So, having a contrary opinion is trolling. Whatever. You'll get over it.

    My credit card just got charged. The 42mm SS aWatch I ordered has changed status. I'll be happy with my aWatch. It might be the first product from Apple to carry that name, but its not the first time Apple have done something in this form factor or with this function. Not so sure about everyone else who is here to complain about it. 

  • Reply 111 of 146
    knowitallknowitall Posts: 1,648member
    aelegg wrote: »

    That would be a GREAT little "watch" face.  No data, no time, no complications.

    Just those offset, nested red circle-glows of HAL, and the metal trim ring (not the rectangle though).

    That ALONE would be worth $75 of the overall purchase price of the watch.

    Oops.  I bet I tripped some major nerd-detectors there.  Love those movies (I love 2010 also.  Oops, another trip...).

    Heh heh.

    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot do that.
  • Reply 112 of 146
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post



    5. Depends on the iPhone to function; Its an iPhone accessory. This is about the dumbest thing you could have said.



    The AWatch has NEVER been marketed by Apple as an "iPhone accessory" - instead, it is dubbed as a totally new category for the company, a "groundbreaker" like the iPhone and the iPod.


    So since you've erred on this very basic point, there is no reason to reply further since all other elements in your reply were just rubbish.


    Again: can we have REAL new Macs, please? And while we're at it, bring back Amelio or Markkula as well.

  • Reply 113 of 146
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    If you want brlawyer to be banned like Robert Frost please start reporting his posts to the mods for trolling (non-stop negative remarks about Apple)

    "Non-stop negative remarks about Apple" is not a reason for banning, since anyone is entitled to have an opinion, as I specifically have for the AWatch and other bad Cook decisions - you should know better.


    Bring me REAL new Macs and I will be the first to praise them.

  • Reply 114 of 146
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member

    Originally Posted by brucemc View Post


    Yes, the Apple Watch is the 1.0 device I and everyone else say it is.  Your comment is only based on the fact that one version of iPod Nano  was later updated to have a watch face app, and that 3rd parties made straps for it.


    To claim otherwise is a "huge" stretch of reality, but clearly you have made this the theme you are going to troll with here.

    The mystery is why anyone cares to argue about whether it's right to call Apple Watch a "1.0 device." It's clearly not an iPod nano with a clock face. It's a completely new UI and form factor. What a pointless, superficial debate this is. Nothing more interesting to talk about here, right?


    On the internet, nobody can hear you scream.

  • Reply 115 of 146
    yojimbo007yojimbo007 Posts: 1,165member
    Dont agree with the review!
    I have had mine for 4 days now.. And i love it... I Am addicted to eife is addicted to hers ...we Find it smooth and polished... And suoer fun and practical to use !

    I dont see my iphone as much anymore.. Its always somewhere near.. But either in my pocket or on a table nearby..

    Applewatcg has taken over all the immidiate communication ! And then the awesomness of the activity and health end of it.... Imho a genuis product!
    Go get one.. Spend an hour or so learning it... And you wont ever want to be without it again !
  • Reply 116 of 146

    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post


    It's clearly not an iPod nano with a clock face. 



  • Reply 117 of 146
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    Originally Posted by lundkeman View Post


    Would like to view my reminders and my notes on the watch..
  • Reply 118 of 146
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member

    Originally Posted by knowitall View Post

    I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot do that.

    I'm sure I am not the first one to ask Siri this question. The answer I got is "they are already open, and it's getting cold in here."

  • Reply 119 of 146

    Originally Posted by knowitall View Post

    The review of the Verge differs not so much from this one, its conclusions are largely the same (altough this review didn't mentions the heartrate sensor or other fitness related items).

    The only difference I see is that this review is a lot more positive about the same facts.

    The person who did the Verge review seemed to be new to gadget technology. It was as if he didn't read the instructions before using the Watch. Any 'negativity' perceived in their review was largely due to user confusion. 

  • Reply 120 of 146
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member

    Originally Posted by peteo View Post


    Originally Posted by lundkeman View Post



    Would like to view my reminders and my notes on the watch..

    Wait, you can't do that? That was one of the primary things I envisioned being useful on the Watch (which I haven't ordered). I am increasingly trying to train myself to use both of these often between my iPhone and Mac, and assumed I'd be able to read/add from the Watch as well. Do you get geofenced or timed Reminders on the Watch?

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