Apple Music streams songs on-demand, features 24/7 'Beats 1' station, on iOS & Android for $10/month



  • Reply 121 of 220
    michael scripmichael scrip Posts: 1,916member
    sog35 wrote: »
    100 million subscribers is 12 billion in revenue.  

    sirlance99 wrote: »
    I still doubt they'll get 100 million people to sign up and stay paying.

    I wonder how big the paid streaming music market really is.

    For as much as people talk about Spotify... they only have 15 million paying customers.

    And that's out of billions of users who have compatible devices. (iOS, Android, Web)

    So again... what is the total addressable market for a paid streaming music service?

    Obviously Apple thinks they can get a piece of it.
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  • Reply 122 of 220
    applezillaapplezilla Posts: 941member
    I would be shocked and dismayed if this included The Beatles catalog.
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  • Reply 123 of 220

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It was funny when Jimmy Iovine announced the 3 parts and started the first with 'revolutionary music service'. Someone in the audience laughed because they must have thought he was doing it like Steve's iPhone launch that had 3 parts but Iovine didn't get what they were laughing at.


    I caught that as well. I guess he never watched the iPhone keynote :)  He just looked back at the slide like there was something wrong/funny about it.

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  • Reply 124 of 220
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by mike1 View Post


    Maybe I'm old, but I just don't get this streaming music trend and all this emphasis on "discovery", especially paying for it. First, music is not my life nor is it a lifestyle. I'm also not really looking to discover new music. I have thousands of songs that I've collected over the years and maybe buy six new songs a year. If there was never another note of new music created, it wouldn't phase me a bit. Obviously, artists and music companies want you to "discover" and buy stuff. But why would anyone want to have new stuff thrown at them all the time? Are the songs worth listening to more than once.


    I'm guessing I'm older than you, and I??Radio and YouTube are great (free) "surfacers" of new music for me.... ....not only artists and music I wouldn't have known otherwise, but YouTube especially brings me gems I've never heard/seen from even the most familiar of my fave artists... ...from the '30s to the '90s, e.g. live versions, alt versions, interviews, jams with other musicians, etc...

    ....and more than plenty of discovery (plus my library) (plus all the terrestrial actual "radio" stations on I??Radio  to likely bypass spending $10/month.... ....tho' like many I'll likely glom the three month trial to see....

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It was funny when Jimmy Iovine announced the 3 parts and started the first with 'revolutionary music service'. Someone in the audience laughed because they must have thought he was doing it like Steve's iPhone launch that had 3 parts but Iovine didn't get what they were laughing at.

    I knew something meta or ironic had happened, but it didn't occur to me what it was, so I assumed it was some off-camera distraction in the hall.... ...but I think you're right, thanks....!

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  • Reply 125 of 220
    theothergeofftheothergeoff Posts: 2,081member

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Yeah they have a free versions, but they also means they're sharing information about you so they can target market to you. Apple did a trade off, free but they would have to provide stats about who you are so advertisers can pay your bill. It is a decision people will have to decide subsidized music with your personal information or pay to ensure who you are stays with you not with someone looking to make money.


    It was pretty apparent Today that Apple was stating, "We value your privacy, and and if you value it, you'll pay us to protect it."

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  • Reply 126 of 220
    adrayvenadrayven Posts: 460member
    Originally Posted by chadmatic View Post


    Same $9.99 monthly fee as Tidal, except Tidal is giving it to you in higher resolution.

    Incorrect. at $9.99 Tidal is the SAME .. you have to pay an EXTRA $10 to Title ($19.99) to get hi-res music... 


    I'm not sure how many people care for that.

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  • Reply 127 of 220
    philsphils Posts: 25member

    I was disappointed...... I think is is sad to see how Apple believes their new Music App is revolutionary.... There is nothing revolutionary about recycled ideas like Connect...which is basically Ping 2. Yeah pricing is great and it is probably what will make it successful.. but other than that is just plain marketing at it's best. 


    I didn't like when Lovine showed all the Music apps as an example of confusion... I thought Apps like this are what made the App store so important. Apps like Pandora, Spotify.... apps that raised the game in music.... so why critize them? They were innovative when they came out and people loved them otherwise they wouldn't be successful. 


    Apple has become confortable... and while I am sure that they will bring many new technologies and products this Apple is not the same as when Steve was around. He really knew what was relevant...and he kept the company humble in so many ways. Apple was the rebel.. but now it seems they are just the biggest, the coolest people around... and usually thats when things start going south....


    iTunes for example was much much better years ago....


    It also bothers me when all you see in Apple videos is Beats Headphones and their logo all over.. I think Steve would be sick just watching his company promoting someone else's company. I don't care that they bought just doesn't make sense. 

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  • Reply 128 of 220
    rmfpdxrmfpdx Posts: 19member
    As soon as Drake came on I stopped listening. I can't believe Apple showcases someone so untalented as he is, with his foul-mouthed, offensive and ugly lyrics. When is rap going to die off? But back to my point, I don't think that Sirius has a lot to fear. I have it and enjoy the fact that nowhere where I am, I can listen. That is not true with iTunes in any format, which depends on a data signal to work. In many places I can't get a signal, but I can always listen to Sirius.
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  • Reply 129 of 220
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    cash907 wrote: »
    Wow... ending on a low point? I'm guessing that space was supposed to be where the delayed AppleTV was supposed to go because that was just drug out and awkward. What was the point of bringing out whoever that was because all he did was echo what the video said in much more uncomfortable, less interesting way?

    The reaction from the audience, as well as it's boredom with whoever the heck that was performing at the close, pretty much says it all. Why would I spent ten bucks for something I'm already getting from Pandora for 5? Oh, Radio One? Uh, if I wanted to listen to someone else's playlist and over inflated ego, I'd click over to FM.

    Great WWDC keynote right up until the end. Ping 2.0 is a huge whiff.

    Go back to Arstechnica and stroke it with all the myopia that doesn't realize Spotify, Pandora and Tidal are all screwed.
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  • Reply 130 of 220
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    So Apple Music is coming to Android. Is Apple going to pay Google 30% or will you have to sign up outside the app?
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  • Reply 131 of 220
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by TBell View Post



    I was unaware that people were clamouring for higher resolution audio. Is this kind of like silly companies that claim their screens are better than retina? If the eye can't discern the quality past a certain point, then who cares?


    Further, most internet providers have a data cap. How does higher resolution audio effect the caps of these providers?

    It really wouldn't effect data caps since you can download music for offline listening. 

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  • Reply 132 of 220
    atlappleatlapple Posts: 496member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    This makes the Beats acquisition look like a bargin.


    100 million subscribers is 12 billion in revenue.  


    If I was Sirrus/XM I'd be terrified.  Its only a matter of time before Music has many more stations.

    I'm not sure how XM is still in business. They always send me a 60% off coupon when my contract expires. I don't think I have ever paid over 79-89 dollars a year. 

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  • Reply 133 of 220
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post


    I'm not sure how XM is still in business. They always send me a 60% off coupon when my contract expires. I don't think I have ever paid over 79-89 dollars a year. 

    There are some good stations on Sirius/XM radio. The big issue for me is the audio quality is so terrible. I still have a year to go on my free trial, but I don't think I will keep it. 

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  • Reply 134 of 220

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    from afar Android looks pretty decent. (isn't that true of all counterfit goods?)


    But look closer. live with it for a month and you will see all the little things wrong with it.  I had an Android phone for 12 months and hated it with a passion by the time I switched over to 5S.

    You must have had a Samsung or LG.  And this whole counterfit rubbish needs to stop,  Grow up.

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  • Reply 135 of 220
    The questions about Beat Subscribers is a good question.

    I am curious about iTunes match. If I subscribe to apple music do I keep iTunes match and pay two fees? Will they be rolled up together? Will there be a discount for people that use both services?

    What if I cancel iTunes match will my music I have stored from my private collection still be downloadable?
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  • Reply 136 of 220
    thewhitefalconthewhitefalcon Posts: 4,453member

    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post



    I believes you're right... ...but if it works out I'm curious to see if Maps may join it... ...not that Maps is monetized by more users (or is it??) but would benefit from the scale of user feedback....  ...and from sheer mind share and the halo effect of being "a standard"


    ....NTM having a good experience on the early versions of iTunes for Windows - seeing how things work the Apple way - is what got me to buy my first Mac and iPod.... a very sensible "back to the future" move in my book....

    ....and PS, things like FaceTime and iMessages NOT offering universal clients is a turn-off... ....with a flavor of the days you couldn't text between phone companies or communicate outside of AOL.... ...most of my peeps aren't iOS users, aren't going to become iOS users, and I certainly can't keep track of which are and aren't... ...nor do I intend to find out on a one by one attempt basis.... hoping for some re-eval on those fronts too as I think opening them up would ultimately redound to Apple's benefit...

    Apple planned to open-source Facetime. Patent trolls put a stop to that.


    iMessage needs the encryption, Anderoid trash prevents that.

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  • Reply 137 of 220
    yoyo2222yoyo2222 Posts: 144member

    I agree, though the if fate of iTunes Match was mentioned I didn't hear it. Will ?Music include Match? Will Match be discounted if I sign up for ?Music? So many questions.

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  • Reply 138 of 220
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,680member
    atlapple wrote: »

    I'm not sure how XM is still in business. They always send me a 60% off coupon when my contract expires. I don't think I have ever paid over 79-89 dollars a year. 
    Sirius and XM merged a few years ago
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  • Reply 139 of 220

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    Apple planned to open-source Facetime. Patent trolls put a stop to that.


    iMessage needs the encryption, Anderoid trash prevents that.

    Android does not prevent encryption.  In fact several messaging apps for example encrypt messages.  Do a little bit of research.

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  • Reply 140 of 220
    laytechlaytech Posts: 342member

    Yup, agreed. No way will I be paying another $9.99 per month on top of iTunes Match. I reluctantly signed up for spotify after been so thoroughly disappointed with iTunes Radio, but now I am loving spotify, it will have to be very compelling for me to switch back. Include it in my iTunes match account and I probably will.

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