Apple highlights LGBT content with special curated App Store section



  • Reply 61 of 183
    9secondko wrote: »

    Cook taking his personal morality and forcing it to the front.

    With this and censoring American history, things are getting a bit ridiculous.

    The timing does seem odd. I'm no fan of the confederate flag, I think it's a reminder of hate and torture from our country's past. But, forcing the entire App Store to get rid of a flag that many people still associate with fallen soldiers and small government (not me), and in the same breath force those same people to see a prominent, flamboyant gay icon or section in the App Store that they visit on their personal phone, seems like they're forcing the issue. The old Apple never discriminated, but they didn't have this active social agenda. They're sending a very strong, clear message to their users as to their world view.
  • Reply 62 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    Great work Apple!

    Wouldn't it be great if all companies made a stand against human bastardry? Or how about the politicians demonstrating actual leadership? THAT would be novel!

    To put LGBT into persepctive, how about we imagine a company deciding to deny a de facto straight white couple their 'rights' to compensation and health support.

    There really is only one questioon: are gay people human, as human as blacks, asians, whites or even illegal immigrants?

    As politicians and the community at large and the media all refuse to show courage and leadership, I'm forced to conclude that only the private sector can now improve human rights.

    Apple is excellent. I look forward to all the others copying and following!
  • Reply 63 of 183
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    I always love this. I keep waiting for this mysterious "white privilege" to take effect. Somehow I still have to get up and go to work two jobs every day, driving an old car.


    Did you ever think that white privilege might a part of the reason you were hired for those two jobs?


    White privilege is not like Donald Trump standing on a corner and handing out free money to white people or something.

  • Reply 64 of 183
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    chasm wrote: »

    "White Pride" is every day of every year for the last 200 years, at least. As a white male who is VERY aware of the white privilege I've enjoyed by default, I have absolutely zero problem with periodic celebrations spotlighting the other cultures that have contributed to the US's rich heritage -- particularly from those groups that the white patriarchy has traditionally oppressed and murdered in significant numbers, such as African-Americans, American Indians, women, LGBT, and other such groups.

    For the record, Apple has been supportive of LGBT equality since long before Tim Cook took over as CEO; the company fought against Proposition 8 but even years before THAT it offered equal benefits to partners of gay employees, a move seen as quite daring at the time (the 90s) and had a gay employee SIG meetup group back in 1986.

    As for "treating customers like customers," that is exactly what Apple is doing. By acknowledging groups that have traditionally felt disenfranchised or less than full citizens because, oh I don't know, they aren't allowed to be married for example, Apple is acknowledging that its customers are all equal and full citizens in its eyes. Kind of like you would want them to if you were anything other than a white male. 

    I always love this. I keep waiting for this mysterious "white privilege" to take effect. Somehow I still have to get up and go to work two jobs every day, driving an old car.

    And Proposition 8 was overwhelmingly supported by voters of California.

    It's a matter of opportunity, not inevitability. To take advantage of the privilege you still have to have some talent and ability, and the willingness to work with it. That you, apparently, do not, does not imply that the privilege does not exist.
  • Reply 65 of 183
    I await the "Apps of Faith" section next month.

    But I won't hold my breath.

    Yeah, I know, when December comes around, I just wish there would be a Christmas songs section, a 12 days of Christmas section, a Christmas app section, a Christmas movies section....:rolleyes:

    C'mon. If you were Muslim and complaining that there is no Eid section in the iTunes Store or the App Store, I'd actually be more sympathetic (even though my proclivities don't lean that way).
  • Reply 66 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    If I were Cook I'd be doing exactly the same thing. There has been no leadership from thise who are supposed to lead for so long. Religion does not equate with sexuality, but I did notice that it's OK for some comapnies to refuse service to LGBT people. What's next - segregation again??
  • Reply 67 of 183
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member

    LGBT apps are being featured because June is Pride month, with events in NYC, SF, LA and many other cities. It happens every year.

    The "idiot shooter" with Apartheid-Fox News-KKK/Confederacy-extremist Christian leanings has nothing to do with it. 

    Also, if there were, say, a resurgence of neo-nazi violence cheered on by people waving Swastikas while also claiming that, say, a rash of Nazi murders targeting Jews were really just an attack on "people of faith" (not Jews!!!) by "troubled" lone wolves with mental health problems, then it would be reasonable for corporations to examine if they were selling anything that might be construed as supporting Nazi hate groups and distance themselves from it as quickly as possible. 

    Many people, including people who grew up in the South, might not associate the Confederate battle flag with anything other than Southern culture and the Dukes of Hazard. However, when you have a shocking hate crime involving mass murder, and it is associated with a symbol that, upon further study, is really the flag of a treasonous rebellion that fought to establish apartheid and slavery, and then was waved in contempt for the federal government enforcing an end to segregation and establishing civil rights for all races, and continues to be embraced by white supremacists who despise blacks, you have some garbage you need to dispose of from the App Store. 

    While this doesn't have any direct connection to GLBT rights, the fact that you think it does shows that there remains a very strong link between the Southern Strategy of the Republican Party and White Supremacists, hatred of gays, anti-science charlatans, and traitorous government separatists of various stripes.

    I think Republicans just lost the election. Look at all these clueless candidates screaming from their pulpits that racism doesn't exist, and that Obama created racial tensions because he is half black, and that the confederate flag should be flapping above government buildings, and that gays should be rounded up and killed, and vilifying health care. Absolutely no clue in their minds. And they want to run the country! What a joke. This is a despicable layer of filth that you should be distancing yourself from, not smearing in your mouth and spitting at people. 

    Dude, you "Godwinned" yourself.

    Almost, except for the fact that it was the post he responded to that first mentioned Nazis.
  • Reply 68 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    9secondko wrote: »
    Apples been doing this "every year?"

    I've never heard of it before.

    When did they start?

    Not really happy about "gay rights" turning into a boy allowed to all of a sudden call himself a girl and creep out my nieces in the girls bathroom in elementary school...

    Something SERIOUSLY wrong about that.

    Gay/lesbian are very different from transgender. Please do some research on Wikipedia, at least, before you freak.

    I hope your nieces never feel gender fluidity, just so they don't get to experience the bigotry that is rampant in society right now.
  • Reply 69 of 183
    brakken wrote: »

    Gay/lesbian are very different from transgender. Please do some research on Wikipedia, at least, before you freak.

    I hope your nieces never feel gender fluidity, just so they don't get to experience the bigotry that is rampant in society right now.

    It's 'rampant' right now? Really? Compared to, say, five (let alone ten) years ago? Even two years ago?

    Give me an honest answer. If you can.
  • Reply 70 of 183
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    If June is Pride month, why did they wait until now?

    Also I don't recall seeing an Asian heritage section in May.
  • Reply 71 of 183
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member
    Full marks to Apple for this, though I'm against banning the confederate flag in the App Store. That smacks of trying to deny history, and that's never a smart move.
  • Reply 72 of 183
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by chasm View Post


    "White Pride" is every day of every year for the last 200 years, at least. As a white male who is VERY aware of the white privilege I've enjoyed by default, I have absolutely zero problem with periodic celebrations spotlighting the other cultures that have contributed to the US's rich heritage -- particularly from those groups that the white patriarchy has traditionally oppressed and murdered in significant numbers, such as African-Americans, American Indians, women, LGBT, and other such groups.

    For the record, Apple has been supportive of LGBT equality since long before Tim Cook took over as CEO; the company fought against Proposition 8 but even years before THAT it offered equal benefits to partners of gay employees, a move seen as quite daring at the time (the 90s) and had a gay employee SIG meetup group back in 1986.

    As for "treating customers like customers," that is exactly what Apple is doing. By acknowledging groups that have traditionally felt disenfranchised or less than full citizens because, oh I don't know, they aren't allowed to be married for example, Apple is acknowledging that its customers are all equal and full citizens in its eyes. Kind of like you would want them to if you were anything other than a white male. 


    I'm not a collectivist, so I prefer to not treat people as classes but individuals.

  • Reply 73 of 183
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    I agree that a private company should stay out of politics, but I disagree that a private company should ignore human rights once they get politicized.

    Personally, I don't recognize "human rights" because there is no world government. In the US we have a Bill of Rights which applies to Americans.

  • Reply 74 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    It's 'rampant' right now? Really? Compared to, say, five (let alone ten) years ago? Even two years ago?

    Give me an honest answer. If you can.

    So, you believe anti-segregation efforts in the US should've stopped at bus seating arrangements?

    Walk in another's shoes, and you will provide your own answers.

    Let's keep going untill women have equal pay in all jobs, untill skin colour and beliefs are not used to negatively define another, where gender identity is chosen by each person, and sexual preference is a non-issue!

    Equality, respect and dignity are due all people and Apple is leading the private sector where the politicians have failed so many people in so many ways.

    Let's build a global society that is fair to all.
  • Reply 75 of 183
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by Brakken View Post

    So, you believe anti-segregation efforts in the US should've stopped at bus seating arrangements?

    Walk in another's shoes, and you will provide your own answers.

    Let's keep going untill women have equal pay in all jobs, untill skin colour and beliefs are not used to negatively define another, where gender identity is chosen by each person, and sexual preference is a non-issue!

    Equality, respect and dignity are due all people and Apple is leading the private sector where the politicians have failed so many people in so many ways.

    Let's build a global society that is fair to all.

    The "unequal pay" canard has been disproven repeatedly.


    Also, there is no global society, there are only individuals.

  • Reply 76 of 183
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    Apple is really testing my loyalty right now.

    Getting tired of this crap.

    Stay the F out of politics.


    Huh! Catering to a specific group is politics? Only if you say so hey BUDDY... Please, go, what I'm tired about is hollow treats. Either you go, or you don't. Got that!

  • Reply 77 of 183
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Personally, I don't recognize "human rights" because there is no world government. In the US we have a Bill of Rights which applies to Americans.

    That reads as if you're saying that you personally don't think that people outside the US have rights and that you personally feel that you have an obligation as human being to recognize others that aren't in or of the US? I don't believe you're that cynical.
  • Reply 78 of 183
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Also, there is no global society, there are only individuals.

    If "there are only individuals" then there is no society.
  • Reply 79 of 183
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by daveinpublic View Post

    The timing does seem odd. I'm no fan of the confederate flag, I think it's a reminder of hate and torture from our country's past. But, forcing the entire App Store to get rid of a flag that many people still associate with fallen soldiers and small government (not me), and in the same breath force those same people to see a prominent, flamboyant gay icon or section in the App Store that they visit on their personal phone, seems like they're forcing the issue. The old Apple never discriminated, but they didn't have this active social agenda. They're sending a very strong, clear message to their users as to their world view.


    Right... "small government".... And supposedly there is no political message in that piece of shit flag... Because you do know what party also claims to be for "small government"... Not that this has any relations with their actual policies.


    You can honor the soldiers without honoring their cause. Like honoring Vietnam and Iraq soldiers but saying US involvement in Vietnam (and Iraq) is utter crap and if there is any symbol of that, it probably should kept in the history books, or when putting current crap racial relations into context.

  • Reply 80 of 183
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    If "there are only individuals" then there is no society.


    That's right. Culture, society (nation, tribe, extended family, family) is built on human acting most of the time, for a common good and creating/sharing a common identity.

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