Apple highlights LGBT content with special curated App Store section



  • Reply 161 of 183
    smurfmansmurfman Posts: 119member
    richl wrote: »
    Pride is going to be off the hook this year.

    More like judgement will be off the hook. Maybe not this year, but soon.
  • Reply 162 of 183

    Originally Posted by Smurfman View Post

    More like judgement will be off the hook. Maybe not this year, but soon.

    Since words apparently no longer have meaning, it already is. 

  • Reply 163 of 183

    The country that mainly supports Israel out of the political power of Christian religious groups...

    It's "The Zionist Entity." Minus five points on your leftie klub kard.
  • Reply 164 of 183
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    emoeric87 wrote: »

    Scientifically speaking, same-sex attraction cuts across all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, religious, cultural, and political lines. There is no un-touched group. People are, indeed, born with same sex attraction. It's not political—it's a matter of scientific fact.

    To make people defend their existence (they certainly didn't choose to be born), or to decry when their rights are actually upheld, THAT is political.

    For all the empirical information available to people in the information age, this forum often comes across as horrendously uninformed about issues of social justice. Stop researching your silly little iPad for two seconds and actually use it to learn new information about something else than your next purchase.

    Do yourself a favor and research the term "collectivist".
  • Reply 165 of 183
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post


    Some of the views in this thread are incredibly depressing. I feel lucky to live somewhere where an LGBT film or book section in a store wouldn't be controversial in the slightest.

    It's not controversial even in the U.S. iTunes Store. There's always been a LGBT section in the iTunes Movies store, as well as Netflix. And this isn't the first time Apple has run a sale on that category. What Apple does is run a sale when there's renewed interest. For example, SCOTUS makes a ruling on gay marriage, so Apple runs a sale on LGBT movies. A new Terminator movie comes out, and Apple runs a sale on the older ones. This is absolutely normal business practice.

  • Reply 166 of 183
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    1) Humans are animals.

    2) Humans have been having sex with non-human animals and other objects since man has existed.

    3) You'd first have to create a legal precedent that non-human animals have human rights and can consent to marriage.

    4) Your ridiculous argument isn't new. It came once before when states and eventually the Supreme Court finally ruled it legal for interracial couples to be married (see Loving v. Virginia). So what you're saying is that non-"whites" and gays are somehow less than human that they shouldn't have the right to consent. Why do you think that's fair?

    5) If society never made it illegal for interracial or gays to be in relationships then none of this would have been an issue for the government, but because it was already made a legal matter by bigoted jackoffs it was inevitable that this would eventually trickle up to the states and eventually become a federal case.

    Wow, I just noticed that my post got deleted. Somebody *really* needs to recalibrate their sarcasm detectors — or read the whole thing (the rest of the post sort of explained the context).

  • Reply 167 of 183
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    If that were the only impact of today's decision, I'd be fine with it. It's not. This opens the floodgates for the extremists to go after everyone they don't like. And they will. The Department of "Justice" is already preparing the lawsuits. And the Constitution is officially dead.

    See what I mean? The Supreme Court rules in favor of marriage equality, and for the right wing, "the Constitution is officially dead". Do you have to be such a drama queen just because your nasty little team of religious bigots was exposed for what it was and same sex people are now allowed the same rights as other couples? I'm so sorry that you're also having to give up your confederate flag.

  • Reply 168 of 183
    smurfmansmurfman Posts: 119member
    Originally Posted by LordJohnWhorfin View Post


    See what I mean? The Supreme Court rules in favor of marriage equality, and for the right wing, "the Constitution is officially dead". Do you have to be such a drama queen just because your nasty little team of religious bigots was exposed for what it was and same sex people are now allowed the same rights as other couples? I'm so sorry that you're also having to give up your confederate flag.

    One word for you... "Hypocrite"


    So much for tolerance and freedom of speech or at the very least – respect of religious beliefs. Time will tell or sure, but I believe what the Supreme Court did the other week has set the stage for infringement upon religious liberties. I'm predicting more and more individuals, business owners, pastors, charities, etc. will be fined, sued, and even imprisoned for holding to their beliefs.


    This is quite the opposite of freedom and I'm ashamed that so many Americans are willing to give it up to accommodate their agenda.

  • Reply 169 of 183
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    [quote]See what I mean? The Supreme Court rules in favor of marriage equality [...] "the Constitution is officially dead[/quote]

    Note that [B]LordJohnWhorfin[/B] feels the landmark, 1967 case [I]Loving v. Virginia[/I] officially killed the constitution.
  • Reply 170 of 183
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by Smurfman View Post


    Time will tell or sure, but I believe what the Supreme Court did the other week has set the stage for infringement upon religious liberties. I'm predicting more and more individuals, business owners, pastors, charities, etc. will be fined, sued, and even imprisoned for holding to their beliefs.


    This is quite the opposite of freedom and I'm ashamed that so many Americans are willing to give it up to accommodate their agenda.


    You shouldn't be ashamed about something that you've guessed might happen, or other people's opinions that you've imagined they have.

  • Reply 171 of 183
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    smurfman wrote: »

    One word for you... "Hypocrite"

    So much for tolerance and freedom of speech or at the very least – respect of religious beliefs. Time will tell or sure, but I believe what the Supreme Court did the other week has set the stage for infringement upon religious liberties. I'm predicting more and more individuals, business owners, pastors, charities, etc. will be fined, sued, and even imprisoned for holding to their beliefs.

    This is quite the opposite of freedom and I'm ashamed that so many Americans are willing to give it up to accommodate their agenda.

    This is so absurd: The exact opposite has happened!

    The ruling clearly states that it is illegal for religious beliefs to infringe on how other people live their lives.

    People are now officially allowed to live their lives in peace, and marry each other, regardless of what you think or believe.

    That is ALL that has happened, and that is all that this means.

    End of story.

    Now stop waving your cross at people, put it back in your pants and zip it up. You are right to be ashamed, though of yourself.
  • Reply 172 of 183
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    spheric wrote: »
    This is so absurd: The exact opposite has happened!

    The ruling clearly states that it is illegal for religious beliefs to infringe on how other people live their lives.

    People are now officially allowed to live their lives in peace, and marry each other, regardless of what you think or believe.

    That is ALL that has happened, and that is all that this means.

    End of story.

    Now stop waving your cross at people, put it back in your pants and zip it up. You are right to be ashamed, though of yourself.

    Looks like the biggest group of people (in fact, the majority of Anericans) getting screwed over now are unmarried. There are more than a thousand government-provided benefits that are extended to marrieds:

    Those benefits extended which are economically advantageous are in many cases disadvantageous to the single person. That so many benefits had been given to straight married couples was already outrageous social engineering and unequal treatment, now same-sex couples are afforded these same favorable, discriminatory to unmarrieds, benefits.

    There are now more unmarried and divorced single people than there are marrieds, yet WE receive no additional economic incentives or protections. WE are burdened via taxation and legislation with additional costs and other discriminatory preferences. This "we're more equal than you" shit needs to stop.
  • Reply 173 of 183
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    Glad to see that your issue is not with the equal treatment of gay people, but with the unequal treatment of married couples.
  • Reply 174 of 183
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    spheric wrote: »
    Glad to see that your issue is not with the equal treatment of gay people, but with the unequal treatment of married couples.

    Live and let live.
  • Reply 175 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    spheric wrote: »
    The MAJORITY of folks don't give a shit. The minority of folks who don't want to see this content have the ability to hide it: don't open the App Store, turn on your TV, read any paper, or leave the house during Pride Month.

    Life can be so easy for you, too, see?

    (They have a kids' category too, which is obviously offensive to all non-parents.)

    Hahaha good one!

    If we replace 'gay' for 'black' all hell would break loose! I'm astonished that anyone still has segregation in their minds after all the effort by Martin Luther King.

    One million bonus points fir Apple, I say!
  • Reply 176 of 183
    9secondko wrote: »

    Cook taking his personal morality and forcing it to the front.

    With this and censoring American history, things are getting a bit ridiculous.

  • Reply 177 of 183

    Originally Posted by Smurfman View Post


    One word for you... "Hypocrite"


    So much for tolerance and freedom of speech or at the very least – respect of religious beliefs. Time will tell or sure, but I believe what the Supreme Court did the other week has set the stage for infringement upon religious liberties. I'm predicting more and more individuals, business owners, pastors, charities, etc. will be fined, sued, and even imprisoned for holding to their beliefs.


    This is quite the opposite of freedom and I'm ashamed that so many Americans are willing to give it up to accommodate their agenda.

    That is just hilarious. Nobody is disrespecting religious beliefs. Freedom of religion is not freedom to force your standards onto the rest of the country. You want to do business? You follow the rules, and you serve everyone equally. You are the hypocrite.

  • Reply 178 of 183
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member
    Originally Posted by LordJohnWhorfin View Post


    That is just hilarious. Nobody is disrespecting religious beliefs. Freedom of religion is not freedom to force your standards onto the rest of the country. You want to do business? You follow the rules, and you serve everyone equally. You are the hypocrite.

    I must be missing something. Did Apple refuse to serve some people? Maybe you're mistaking Apple for a bakery?



    (Now might be a good time to make a snide remark about Apple, Ireland, and taxes, though)


    This world suffers from homophobia. Homophobia kills. Apple, as a company that takes its social responsibilities seriously, decided to feature gay apps, which increases the pride of gay people and reduces the moral clout of people claiming being gay is wrong, and other nonsense which might drive a gay person to suicide (or live their life in denial, which is pretty bad too).  This has nothing to do with "serving people equally", but does have something to do with "fostering a world of equality", the way I understand things...

  • Reply 180 of 183
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post


    Why, a new complex word. Thanks. I shall find uses for it :p

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