Rumor: Apple to launch three new iPhones concurrently: '6s,' '6s Plus' and '6c'



  • Reply 41 of 66
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    My guess:

    6S $199
    6C $99 - iPhone6 in plastic case, 4.7 inch screen
    5S $0 
    5C - only in India, China

    My reasons:

    1.  Apple does not want a discounted 6 to canibalize the 6S.  Thats why they will cancel it.  Apple is okay with canibalizing CHEAPER products but not their flagship.

    2.  6C needs to be plastic not to canibalize the 6S. The screen needs to be 4.7 inches to move people away from just buying the 5S for $99 cheaper.  The 6 internals will easily fit in the 6C case which will be bigger and thicker than the 6 case.  Also this phone needs to last at least 3 years to make a plastic case redesign worth it.  Doing a metal 6C at 4 inches would not make any sense.  Would people really be willing to pay an extra $99 for A8/ApplePay instead of just getting a 5S?  Plus a 4 inch screen could not carry the iPhone6 designation.

    Only problem with my theory is we haven't seen any leaks of a 4.7 inch plastic phone.  But we didn't see any leaks of the iPodTouch either or the AppleWatch.

    Apple added A8 to the 4" iPod touch. Based on comments from Cook it seems like there's a huge pool of the install base that hasn't upgraded yet. What if a significant enough percentage haven't done so because they want a smaller screen? Let's not forget in 2012 Apple was touting the 4" screen as the perfect size and how easy it was to operate the phone one handed. Was that just BS? Did that all go out the window with the 6? If Apple can add A8 to the iPod touch they can add it to a 4" cheaper iPhone. I think this just points out that Apple needs to get rid of the stupid numbering convention with iOS devices. If Apple didn't have these stupid numbers they could update the guts, stick it in the 5C case (with new colors) and call it a day like they do with Macs.
  • Reply 42 of 66
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Have you held the iPhone 6? You're not really getting any extra weight or volume, yet get more usability. That curved body eliminates most concerns. It's even tighter and has less volume than many previous iPhones.

    Apple needs an updated 4" offering at least until they can make the overall size of the 4.7" phone smaller. I don't see that happening until Apple can get rid of the physical home button.
  • Reply 43 of 66
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Apple needs an updated 4" offering at least until they can make the overall size of the 4.7" phone smaller. I don't see that happening until Apple can get rid of the physical home button.

    I don't know about "needs" and, as stated, it's smaller in weight and volume and many 3.5" iPhones. The usability width didn't really increase much with the curved casing and glass, and I'm not sure that case height is a deal breaker.

    I neither expect nor hope the Home Button goes away any time soon. After this year they could shave the "forehead" if they can deal with the lack of symmetry, like they can with with the iMac.
  • Reply 44 of 66
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I don't know about "needs" and, as stated, it's smaller in weight and volume and many 3.5" iPhones. The usability width didn't really increase much with the curved casing and glass, and I'm not sure that case height is a deal breaker.

    I neither expect nor hope the Home Button goes away any time soon. After this year they could shave the "forehead" if they can deal with the lack of symmetry, like they can with with the iMac.

    No way will iPhone bezels ever be asymmetrical. I use an iPhone 6 and love it. But I think there is a legitimate segment of the install base that would prefer something smaller. Apple needs to cater to more than just China.
  • Reply 45 of 66
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,896moderator
    Huge point nobody is discussing...

    Apple is going after the Android switchers. I think they'll be willing to risk a bit of cannibalization of the 6s by the existing 6, discounted by $100, in order to present the highest quality and most attractive line-up of large screen iPhones possible this year. This is the reason I think Apple will not create a plastic 6c.

    There are things Apple can do to minimize cannibalization of the 6s by a discounted 6. For one, they can limit the colors available, as they normally do. Another point of differentiation would be the 2GB of RAM in the new 6s, versus 1GB in the 6. They can highlight these differences. An updated camera, faster processor, force touch, all also tempt those considering the one year old 6 to spring for the slightly higher priced 6s. I think the cannibalization issue is not significant and also would be offset by the greater attraction of the 6 (versus a plastic 6c) to Android switchers who are now used to even Android phones being constructed with high-end materials.
  • Reply 46 of 66
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    rogifan wrote: »
    No way will iPhone bezels ever be asymmetrical. I use an iPhone 6 and love it. But I think there is a legitimate segment of the install base that would prefer something smaller. Apple needs to cater to more than just China.

    There is always a "legitimate segment" for wanting something different if they have even one reason for wanting something different, but you need to think about it in terms of what is good for Apple going forward.

    Q: Was there a "legitimate segment" that had reason to buy a 4.7-4.5" iPhone before last year? That seems like an obvious yes to me.

    Q: Is there a "legitimate segment" that would buy a simple candybar phone from Apple that only had, say, cellular calls, a Messages app, and Find My iPhone? I know several people that would certainly buy an Apple phone if it was so complex and only touchscreen, but I don't see Apple catering to these users… ever.
  • Reply 47 of 66
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Huge point nobody is discussing...

    Apple is going after the Android switchers. I think they'll be willing to risk a bit of cannibalization of the 6s by the existing 6, discounted by $100, in order to present the highest quality and most attractive line-up of large screen iPhones possible this year. This is the reason I think Apple will not create a plastic 6c.

    There are things Apple can do to minimize cannibalization of the 6s by a discounted 6. For one, they can limit the colors available, as they normally do. Another point of differentiation would be the 2GB of RAM in the new 6s, versus 1GB in the 6. They can highlight these differences. An updated camera, faster processor, force touch, all also tempt those considering the one year old 6 to spring for the slightly higher priced 6s. I think the cannibalization issue is not significant and also would be offset by the greater attraction of the 6 (versus a plastic 6c) to Android switchers who are now used to even Android phones being constructed with high-end materials.

    I think your base argument for Android user adoption works for either a 6 or 6C with A8 chip.

    Personally, I would bet on Apple doing another lateral move by dropping the 6 to have the 6C. I have to imagine that the metal casing isn't cheap or easy to make to giving the machines more time to work on the 6S and 6S Plus cases could help increase production levels, and I would assume those not being the latest HW have different concerns than we typically do so those buyers may like the color options.
  • Reply 48 of 66
    gordygordy Posts: 1,004member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Have you held the iPhone 6? You're not really getting any extra weight or volume, yet get more usability. That curved body eliminates most concerns. It's even tighter and has less volume than many previous iPhones.
    Yes, I have. When the 6 came out, I placed my 5 in front of it and realized that the 6's screen was the size of the entire iPhone 5. Larger is not always better, but if it's going to be that big then it should be awesome I guess. Personally, I don't even think it looks good. The build quality looks a lot cheaper than the 4 prior iterations of the iPhone. Pass ????
    I will require a smaller form factor for my purposes. Besides, all I need are future proofing and a faster processor, which either option with suit – a 5S or the rumored 6C.
  • Reply 49 of 66
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    gordy wrote: »
    I will require a smaller form factor for my purposes. Besides, all I need are future proofing and a faster processor, which either option with suit – a 5S or the rumored 6C.

    I thought the 6C rumours were basically 6 performance with a plastic casing, which means the case will need to be even thicker than the 6 to compensate for strength over the aluminium.
  • Reply 50 of 66
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Huge point nobody is discussing...

    Apple is going after the Android switchers. I think they'll be willing to risk a bit of cannibalization of the 6s by the existing 6, discounted by $100, in order to present the highest quality and most attractive line-up of large screen iPhones possible this year. This is the reason I think Apple will not create a plastic 6c.

    There are things Apple can do to minimize cannibalization of the 6s by a discounted 6. For one, they can limit the colors available, as they normally do. Another point of differentiation would be the 2GB of RAM in the new 6s, versus 1GB in the 6. They can highlight these differences. An updated camera, faster processor, force touch, all also tempt those considering the one year old 6 to spring for the slightly higher priced 6s. I think the cannibalization issue is not significant and also would be offset by the greater attraction of the 6 (versus a plastic 6c) to Android switchers who are now used to even Android phones being constructed with high-end materials.

    I agree with everything except RAM. Apple will never talk about RAM because it would only highlight how stingy they are with RAM in iOS devices.
  • Reply 51 of 66
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Frankly if I was in charge I would keep the 6 and chase after Android users.

    But looking at Apple's recent history of trying to preserve margins I don't think that's going to happen.

    I just want Apple to do something, anything to stop the conversation being all about iPhone in China. ?Car can't come soon enough.

    And yes I think Apple should keep the 6 rather than being so dammed worried about cannibalizing the 6S. There is a segment of the population that buys on price and I'd rather them buying an iPhone than an Android.
  • Reply 52 of 66
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I agree with everything except RAM. Apple will never talk about RAM because it would only highlight how stingy they are with RAM in iOS devices.

    Why don't they talk about other component stats if that's the case?
  • Reply 53 of 66
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Why don't they talk about other component stats if that's the case?

    Like? Where else are they stingy (other than maybe battery).
  • Reply 54 of 66
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    mcarling wrote: »
    I think the lineup is more likely to be:
    - 6s Plus, $299 on contract
    - 6s, $199 on contract
    - 6, $99 on contract
    - 6c, free on contract

    ... with the 5s continued only in an 8GB model for developing markets like India and Brazil.

    What contracts?
  • Reply 55 of 66
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Like? Where else are they stingy (other than maybe battery).

    Based on your "logic" any HW spec they don't advertise has to be because they are stingy. I'm saying your reasoning is flawed.

    Also, Apple clearly states the RAM in their Macs and they've been labeled as stingy there before even the iPod was announced.
  • Reply 56 of 66
    ronnronn Posts: 675member
    There will be no iPhone 6C, and no plastic iPhone over 4" announced next month. There are no leaked parts and no data logs showing any evidence of such.

    Those wishing for an updated 4" iPhone will keep wishing.
  • Reply 57 of 66

    Then, there's $55k for this domain investment these guys made! They better hope Apple unleashes an iPhone 6S!!! -

  • Reply 58 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Like I've been saying for months:


    No way in hell is Apple going to sell the 6 at a $100 discount in Sept.


    They will not risk canibalizing the 6S with a cheaper 6.

    What sort of idiocy is this, given that this is exactly what Apple has done for the last five or six years.

  • Reply 59 of 66
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member

    What sort of idiocy is this, given that this is exactly what Apple has done for the last five or six years.

    One could argue that they make more profit from these devices that long ago paid for their R&D. It at least offers the option for a sale those not willing or able to for over $649 USD (or more) for an iPhone. From a consumer standpoint I rarely see the previous generation iPhone as a good buy for anyone since the resale value of a new one is probably going to exceed that $100 in the year or two someone may be using it, but that's a different situation from the one Apple and other customers, especially outside the US, face.
  • Reply 60 of 66
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    fallenjt wrote: »
    when did Apple put new gut in an old design and call it new phone? New components in 5c chassis WILL NOT make it a 6c, but updated 5c. 6c should or must have design of 6 series. Btw, Apple don't have any problem of putting iPhone 6 gut into 4" chassis. iPod Touch lately has proven it.
    I still believe 6c if true will be 4" iPhone 6 in color and it'll be in the same tier with iPhone 6. I don't believe Apple will discontinue iPhone 6 but 6+.
    I believe S an C will be released at the same time from now on where C will have last year flagship components and stay at mid tier together with last year 4.7" iPhone with $100 cut.
    This year:
    Next year:
    Then again:
    But who knows. Apple may do crazy things so randomly.

    Actually, I have a very good contact deep inside one of the largest telecoms in the world, that Apple is planning on dropping the "s" from the iPhone going forward.... for obvious Asian reasons, but also because certain brand confusions to the not so tech literate. It was even "strongly" suggested that while "c" would remain, Apple "is" planning on doing away with 2nd year model identification and going with a full number. Yup, 7. Regardless of somewhat similar design.

    I'm only relaying my 'inside' info and no he is not an analyst or simply in the call center. It does at least seem plausible. Thoughts anyone?
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