While they might not be able to block the streaming performance by Drake ( or maybe they can apply a little pressure) could they block the streaming performance of a particular song? IIRC Apple did a music video for him a few weeks back. Does Apple perhaps control the performance rights for that song for some period of time? That would a reason for the live stream being blocked wouldn't it? Future's very vague " I made a business decision" doesn't say much at all. A business decision based on what? Apple not liking it? A contractractual clause? He didn't think the benefit was professional enough for Drake? Got up on the wrong side of the bed?
Not really as Apple hasn't responded.
I doubt Drake would give away his rights to a performance.
Tidal accuses Apple of interfering with Drake live stream, Drake denies
Uh. no.
Tidal stopped the stream. Apple did nothing to the stream.
Sorry I'm naive about these things but how did Apple interfere? was it a DDoS attack?
DDos - Distributed Denial of Service attack
Not really as Apple hasn't responded.
I doubt Drake would give away his rights to a performance.