Tidal accuses Apple of interfering with Drake live stream, Drake denies



  • Reply 41 of 104
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member
    Originally Posted by Rayz View Post

    Originally Posted by BobSchlob View Post

    Apple should know how this works by now; either they come back with full proof that they did not force the cutting of the Drake stream; or else, said accusation sticks.

    Apple should start by suing Tidal for slander.

    Er … no, that's not how it works. Tidal made the accusation, so they need to prove it. What's that? They won't because the want to keep it classy? Yes, because posting a poorly worded accusation and then refusing to show the evidence wreaks of 'classy'.

    Show the proof, or it didn't happen.

    Errrrrrrr …Yes that is exactly how it works. Or maybe you are too young to remember Antennagate, or that Apple's employees routinely commit suicide, or any other of the falsehoods that have been leveled at Apple, and yet, that they have allowed to stick in the mind of public opinion.

    But this this time, this is a hard and fast example of a specific charge (false?) distributed to the mass public, by a corporation.

    If Apple doesn't sue for slander. then Apple deserves exactly what they get.

    (Then again, maybe you just didn't understand my OP)

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  • Reply 42 of 104
    gatorguy wrote: »
    So do you think they will sue?

    Personally I think both Apple and Tidal will avoid commenting, or in the case of Tidal commenting further. I suspect there's some grain of truth in there somewhere but not perhaps anything cut and dried, so neither side will want to get into it much.

    The strange part of Tidal's continued childish behavior of fabricating sensation to gain attention is the artist investors in the company. They worked hard to become respected in the industry and have amassed fortunes that enable them to do whatever they dream of doing. Being silent about how Tidal continues to behave may come back to bite them.

    I agree Apple most likely remain silent about this latest slander. Staying focused on its goals is the way Apple does things. The live stream Apple Music Festival is coming up next month. Apple most likely will be promoting the event worldwide using Internet, newspapers, magazines, radio, billboards, email, social networks, etc. I saw nothing about Tidal's event.
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  • Reply 43 of 104
    jessijessi Posts: 302member
    Apple's lawyers do need to have a call-- the accusation is defamatory, and will stick (like all the other bullshit people have made up about apple over the years) unless Tidal retracts it. And Tidal should retract it because otherwise they could be facing serious liability.
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  • Reply 44 of 104
    softekysofteky Posts: 138member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    I'm not sure, since those original gangsta rappers are so old now they may need a 'hip' replacement.

    Well, at least a hip-hop replacement.

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  • Reply 45 of 104
    tcaseytcasey Posts: 199member

    Classy....rolling out bunch of millionaire musicians on a stage ...and then asking for twice the price..



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  • Reply 46 of 104
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    I'd be fearful of JayZ. He's been known to have stabbed people, when he doesnt get his way.
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  • Reply 47 of 104
    bobschlob wrote: »

    Errrrrrrr …Yes that is exactly how it works. Or maybe you are too young to remember Antennagate, or that Apple's employees routinely commit suicide, or any other of the falsehoods that have been leveled at Apple, and yet, that they have allowed to stick in the mind of public opinion.
    But this this time, this is a hard and fast example of a specific charge (false?) distributed to the mass public, by a corporation.
    If Apple doesn't sue for slander. then Apple deserves exactly what they get.
    (Then again, maybe you just didn't understand my OP)

    Too young to remember antenna gate? Lol that was 4 years ago. It's not ancient history. I'm sure the responder is at least that old. Idiot!
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  • Reply 48 of 104

    Originally Posted by BobSchlob View Post


    If Apple doesn't sue for slander.

    Picky picky grammar police but I think it would be libel, not slander.

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  • Reply 49 of 104
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I'm not sure, since those original gangsta rappers are so old now they may need a 'hip' replacement.

    Yeah, but even after hip surgery they can still 'hop'.
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  • Reply 50 of 104
    TMZ: "Jay Z's beef with Tim XX resulted in a shooting outside popular SF club Streamy. Sources say someone in Tim's entourage got all up the face of Jay's main boy. Someone started swinging until shots rang out and both crews scattered as cops arrived."

    Apple all gangsta now. Thanks Beats.
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  • Reply 51 of 104
    wigbywigby Posts: 692member

    Hate to say it but this is what happens when Apple shows weakness by buckling to pressure from the likes of Taylor Swift. Now everyone is taking shots at them in the name of artists when it's always been about record labels and contracts. I don't think this one will cost Apple any money or even tarnish their image but there will be many more stunts like this in the future and one of them will bite Apple.

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  • Reply 52 of 104

    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    Too young to remember antenna gate? Lol that was 4 years ago. It's not ancient history. I'm sure the responder is at least that old. Idiot!

    -1.  These forums really need a thumbs down button.

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  • Reply 53 of 104
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    It upsets me that Apple is getting involved with Hip Hop Thug Rappers and all the negative connotations that come with that decision. What’s next, a drive by shooting with bullet holes in Tim Cook’s office window at 1 Infinite Loop? A Tupac hologram at the next WWDC? A Biggie Small statue in the atrium of the spaceship when it’s complete? 


    This really, really concerns me.

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  • Reply 54 of 104
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    s.metcalf wrote: »
    Except Apple won't pursue it because Tidal are probably correct. Why would they lie? […] ]Apple are like Scientology in their secrecy and propensity to sue.

    So Tidal has no reason to be either dishonest or mistake, but Apple not only has every reason in the world to be deceptive, but lives for it. Got it¡
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  • Reply 55 of 104
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    It upsets me that Apple is getting involved with Hip Hop Thug Rappers and all the negative connotations that come with that decision. What’s next, a drive by shooting with bullet holes in Tim Cook’s office window at 1 Infinite Loop? A Tupac hologram at the next WWDC? A Biggie Small statue in the atrium of the spaceship when it’s complete? 

    This really, really concerns me.

    You honestly want us to believe you're concerned about anything when you make comments about "Hip Hop Thug Rappers" and "bullet holes in Tim Cook’s office window at 1 Infinite Loop" and a "Tupac hologram" and a "Biggie Small statue"? :rolleyes:
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  • Reply 56 of 104

    Originally Posted by yoyo2222 View Post

    OK, let's see those threatening emails.


    or the 




    Tidal either has solid evidence or stupid lawyers. You don't say something like that.. it's simply not smart (esp. when you're up against a juggernaut - legally speaking) like Apple.


    What's the angle for Apple? Stop the stream, or file suit after..... it will look like Apple is TAKING MONEY from a Katrina benefit...

    with the cash they have on hand.. they'd charge this one off. 


    Don't get me wrong, I can see all kinds of C&Ds coming out of Apple if this was just a regular show.


    There could be a clause in Drake's agreement with Apple that says if he doesn't make $XX - Apple doesn't consider it in violation - but the Tidal lawyers only saw the part about "we'll sue you back to last week if you...."

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  • Reply 57 of 104
    bobschlob wrote: »

    Errrrrrrr …Yes that is exactly how it works. Or maybe you are too young to remember Antennagate, or that Apple's employees routinely commit suicide, or any other of the falsehoods that have been leveled at Apple, and yet, that they have allowed to stick in the mind of public opinion.
    But this this time, this is a hard and fast example of a specific charge (false?) distributed to the mass public, by a corporation.
    If Apple doesn't sue for slander. then Apple deserves exactly what they get.
    (Then again, maybe you just didn't understand my OP)

    "Apple's employees"? Nope. Foxconn.
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  • Reply 58 of 104
    indyfxindyfx Posts: 321member

    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    Too young to remember antenna gate? Lol that was 4 years ago. It's not ancient history. I'm sure the responder is at least that old. Idiot!

    Except it was 5 years ago, and it's not unreasonable for someone who A: didn't have a smart phone at that time or B; was 11 or 12yo at the time.

    Im guessing that if you took a poll now a significant number would not know what antenna gate was. But at the time virtually every one knew about it and many believed it even after it was proven (beyond  a doubt) to be a contrived problem.


    Trying to win an argument by attempting to belittle and cast personal dispersions (the idiot comment) especially when it is as poorly reasoned as your argument was only reflects (very) badly on yourself.

    My advice? Grow up, and act reasonable to people (even those you may disagree with), you will go much further in life.

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  • Reply 59 of 104
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    You honestly want us to believe you're concerned about anything when you make comments about "Hip Hop Thug Rappers" and "bullet holes in Tim Cook’s office window at 1 Infinite Loop" and a "Tupac hologram" and a "Biggie Small statue"? :rolleyes:

    He was probably trolling.

    Or still mad about the Beats deal.
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  • Reply 60 of 104

    Apple also doesn't sue the multitude of trolls posting BS, FUD, and lies in forums or the tech press. You cannot use Apple's absence of comment as proof of guilt.

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