Samsung's Gear S2 smartwatch features circular face, rotating bezel control



  • Reply 81 of 134
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    The issue I see is that the rotating bezel locks the design to a round face.
    Of course it doesn't. The rotating bezel is just a control like the digital crown. There's nothing new about these interfaces. The fact is, a rotating crown is a perfect solution for a round watch. But the idea is the same, round or square, and doesn't lock the manufacturer into any particular shape, at least with respect to the UI. Indeed, if at some point the crown becomes fixed and touch sensitive, sweeping a finger around the bezel rather than actually turning a wheel, it becomes even less of an issue. As nice a retro homage to the traditional watch as I think the digital crown is, I've already decided I would prefer a touch sensitive case instead of the digital crown on the ?Watch, to slide my finger up and down. In fact, I was hoping that the useless black bezel around the ?Watch display would work his way, but it doesn't -- only if your finger happens to grab the edge of the display.
  • Reply 82 of 134
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    jfc1138 wrote: »
    Circular? There's a reason phone, pad and computer screens aren't circular.

    You're right of course. But what do those devices have to do with the ?Watch?

    Jony Ive has stated is designed for "glances", and anything else a user should pull out their iPhone. The watch is not well suited for the same tasks as those other devices. People aren't going to read books on a watch. They aren't going to watch movies. They aren't really going to look at photographs. They're not going to anylize spreadsheets, or draft documents.

    It has been said many times, that a rectangular display is best for lists of text, and that's true. But I don't see that as the main roll of the watch. The watch is about providing those glances Jony Ive designed it for, and as such, a short notification can be presented in a round or square UI. The fact that Android has not yet come up with an effective round UI, doesn't mean it's not possible.

    If someone wants a round watch and there's no significant barrier to providing that over square, then why not? Because the watch screen is not a TV, or pad, or computer display, nor is it intended to be used the same way.
  • Reply 83 of 134

    Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post

    A bit like when Apple says 18h for "normal usage" (whatever that may mean)

    It is well-defined. Look around, and read, instead of sounding ignorant.

  • Reply 84 of 134

    Originally Posted by Mac_128 View Post


    Originally Posted by Sigma4Life View Post

    All you have to do is flip the watch UI in settings. You can put the crown on either side you want. Problem solved.

    But that isn't the issue I raised with my post. The ?Watch is designed to wear the digital crown in the upper right of the watch. I base this on the fact that there's not one marketing shot of the ?Watch in the other orientation. Clearly if Apple meant for the watch to be worn "upside down", there would be at least one major marketing shot from Apple showing it this way. But there isn't. So in order to keep the intended orientation on the wrist, the screen is necessarily blocked.

    There's more to it as well, with the digital crown in the upper right corner of the watch, the right hand can rest on top of the left while using it. In the upside down position, it's difficult to rest the left hand on the right and operate the digital crown in the proper fashion.

    Back to trolling, are we?


    I asked of you a question regarding measurement of protrusions in non-Apple watches. All I heard was the sound of crickets....

  • Reply 85 of 134
    Hmm, not a fan of round smart watches.... but it does look nice.

    Will be interesting to see, hopefully this competing against the iWatch generates buzz and takes wearables mainstream.
  • Reply 86 of 134
    rogifan wrote: »
    I don't understand why people think this looks good:


    There's a reason all the PR shots for these round watches are usually showing off a faux analog display, because showing anything else would make them look like shit.

    Ha! Too true!
  • Reply 87 of 134
    rogifan wrote: »
    nope, still not working. But that would suck anyway because on iPhone and iPad Siri ccan get confused by a pause after you say hey Siri.

    I believe Hey Siri only works from the watch screen. Tilt your watch towards you so the screen is active and "listening," then say, "Hey Siri," and she should turn on. If she doesn't, then try restarting your watch. Something may have gone funky. If it still doesn't work, then you must have her turned off in settings or something. I find her extraordinarily useful with the ? Watch, more so than any of my other devices, for some reason. So try and get her working without having to hold down the crown. She helps make the ? Watch even more awesome.
  • Reply 88 of 134

    Originally Posted by scroogle View Post


    Originally Posted by Rayz View Post

    Not sure how this is 'taking a cue from Apple' when every other wearable also includes

    Here's something that took a cue from Apple: the time on the samesung watches shows 10:08 instead of apple's 10:09! They just can't help themselves.

    As far as I can remember just about every clock, pocket watch, and wrist watch for sale uses roughly the same ~10:10 (a few use 2:50 but the hands are still in that classic 'V' shape) time for the hour and minute hands. I am not sure why, maybe everyone thinks it looks best for product shots.


    I don't know when it started but its been decades, or at least as long as I can remember that ~10:10 (or 2:50) has been the standard for product shots.

  • Reply 89 of 134
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Well I knew Samscum Pay on a new Samscum Watch was 100% likely.  As in COPY!!!  After all Samscum Pay exists, but I knew they'd be adding NFC to their watch so they could do the exact same thing as Apple as the Apple Watch, because well Samscum copies EVERYTHING Apple does.

  • Reply 90 of 134
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    The 42mm Apple Watch 2 days easy with normal usage?.. I use it everyday, and generally have 30-40% battery lef by bed time, and I'm not working out. Never could get 2 days easy...

    Same watch: more like 60 to 70% remaining at midnight of the first "day" for me.


    Mileage varies... possibly effected by how many apps are set to "phone home" on a constant basis and I've inexorably trimmed the clutter on mine. Such as deciding I REALL didn't need multiple weather apps all clamoring for attention on the watch (I have ten on my phone, just counted them, fun stuff...).

  • Reply 91 of 134
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by Mac_128 View Post

    You're right of course. But what do those devices have to do with the ?Watch?

    Jony Ive has stated is designed for "glances", and anything else a user should pull out their iPhone. The watch is not well suited for the same tasks as those other devices....Because the watch screen is not a TV, or pad, or computer display, nor is it intended to be used the same way.

    of course the face is a computer display!: and the display is meant to visually communicate information, just like the displays of the other devices: text and numerical data which ARE better suited to a rectangular area versus circular. As say mention Ivy points out, data in smaller batches, but it's still data. I've currently got my face set to (starting in the upper left) Date, Time, Calendar events across the center, then at the left local temperature, activity and in the lower right, battery %. When I scroll up I get a sports score off MLB, better in a rectangle, then a side swipe and various forecasts and stock info: all, again, better in a rectangular field.


    Sure, as a longtime fan of the Cartier Tank I'll acknowledge a classic analog watch face can be a rectangular presentation, but the other way 'round', not to my eye, constantly curving boundaries are hard to track across.

  • Reply 92 of 134
    peschiera wrote: »

    In the graphic above, it doesn't look as if it would cover the screen!
    And accessing the bezel is definitely easier than accessing the crown.

    no. using one finger on a crown is easier than holding two fingers around the watch face.
  • Reply 93 of 134
    mac_128 wrote: »
    The ?Watch is 12.2mm thick for the 38mm watch and 12.46mm thick for the 42mm. Apple does not include the the bottom sensor array in their measurements. This is verified in Apple's official schematics of the watch:

    they needn't, because the sensor array is pushed down into my arm, while the casing is flat against my wrist surface.

    but if you had one you'd know this. you don't.
  • Reply 94 of 134
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I don't understand why people think this looks good:


    There's a reason all the PR shots for these round watches are usually showing off a faux analog display, because showing anything else would make them look like shit.

    That's Android Wear, this device is using Tizen with a UI made for a round watch face.


  • Reply 95 of 134
    Originally Posted by JBDragon View Post


    Well I knew Samscum Pay on a new Samscum Watch was 100% likely.  As in COPY!!!  After all Samscum Pay exists, but I knew they'd be adding NFC to their watch so they could do the exact same thing as Apple as the Apple Watch, because well Samscum copies EVERYTHING Apple does.


    Have you told the same after Apple put NFC into iPhones? Of COURSE not, because IT IS NOT a copy either.

    Do you think it requires a stroke of genius for having the idea to put an NFC chip also into a watch? Do you really think the product managers of Samsung have no ideas when they have their meetings and discuss possible options?

    How many of Apple Watch features and sensors and apps were already built into Samsung's Smartwatches? According to your logic, 95% of Apple Watch is a copy of Samsung Watches, including the rectangular shape, right?

  • Reply 96 of 134
    scroogle wrote: »
    Here's something that took a cue from Apple: the time on the samesung watches shows 10:08 instead of apple's 10:09! They just can't help themselves.

    There's a cheeky bit of oneupmanship on Samsung's part, but they're actually copying Apple's cheeky oneupmanship on traditional watch makers.

    Here's why Apple Watch shows 10:09

    You can extrapolate from that why Samsung shows 10:08. :)
  • Reply 97 of 134
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I don't understand why people think this looks good:


    There's a reason all the PR shots for these round watches are usually showing off a faux analog display, because showing anything else would make them look like shit.

    Well it looks like total crap.  But you must admit that the horror of this image has less to do with the round shape of the display than the color scheme selected and the design choices made.  Apple could do a much better job with a round display than this, no doubt.


    I have an ? Watch.  I wear it every day and enjoy it for many reasons.  But I must confess that as a wearable, I would prefer it to be round, even if it means some loss of screen utility and more challenges for software developers, Apple included.

  • Reply 98 of 134
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post



    @blitz1 : doesn't fit the laughable narrative the writer is trying to fabricate : that Samsung is merely taking "cues" from Apple, so we don't talk about it. 


    There were already other Samsung watches that made calls... So, what? As for the 2-3 days... I'll actually beleive it when I see what they consider "normal". The Apple Watch already do 2 days under pretty decent usage and it actually not crippled like Tinzen. If you do NOTHING, yes I'm sure you can milk running time a long while on any smart watches.


    BTW, the Apple watch can make calls as long as you have your phone within bluetooth/WIFI range, which is just about all the time for most people. Only time it is not the case is while exercising on the road.

  • Reply 99 of 134
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    It charges all night and while I'm showering in the am, then it's on from 7 am till 11 pm. No way two days straight without charging.


    Man, as I said, some of my friends do it. Good grief. Do I need to send you a plane ticket so you can come see them in person?

  • Reply 100 of 134

    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post


    Man, as I said, some of my friends do it. Good grief. Do I need to send you a plane ticket so you can come see them in person?

    I want to come to Montreal!



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