Rumor: Disaster at MWNY... :(



  • Reply 140 of 266
    macubusmacubus Posts: 95member
    [quote]Originally posted by detah:

    <strong>you guys are phucking lame, "gee, 1.2Ghz G4's with Xserve's kickass DDR together with Quartz Extreme won't be all that bad!"

    yeah, considering it really can't get any worse

    your a bunch of spineless pushover pieces of crap, you'll buy anything.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It does seem kind of lame that we are just laying down and not expecting more. I mean, why don't we ask Apple for 500Mhz FSB, 2Ghz processors, and DDR3200? If no one buys then Apple will have to build better boxes. I know that Apple has a sweet processor in the G4, but if we can't take advantage of it, why even use it? Hence the reason why I am STILL using my BW G3 400! If Apple can't do what we want/need from them, they should to do something drastic.

    Who knows, maybe the super cool awesome sweet thing that they will announce is that they are dropping Moto.....

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: macubus ]</p>
  • Reply 142 of 266
    sizzle chestsizzle chest Posts: 1,133member
    Do you seriously believe that your EXPECTATIONS drive what Apple is capable of releasing, or willing to release? So if we just demanded more, or complained about speed more, the chips would be faster?
  • Reply 143 of 266
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Guys guys guys. 1 GHZ 7455 G4 upgrades were just announced, that's all you need to know. I mean, when have upgrade cards ever been in the vicinity of Apple's own machine speeds? You're right, the answer is NEVER.

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</p>
  • Reply 144 of 266
    jeromejerome Posts: 17member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Guys guys guys. 1 GHZ 7455 G4 upgrades were just announced, that's all you need to know. I mean, when have upgrade cards ever been in the vicinity of Apple's own machine speeds? You're right, the answer is NEVER.

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Can I have an autograph?
  • Reply 145 of 266
    Remember the Prayer:

    [Insert deity here] give me the strength to change what I can, the courage to accept what I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    It seems many people at AI fail the wisdom test.

    What you demand or expect is exactly worth two sh:ts, so you can accept it and move on, or whinge about it to no good end. Apple will release what they release, when they release it, and no amount of 'demanding' or 'expecting' will change it.

    Honestly, either the Mac is good enough for you, or it isn't. Why spend so much time on this?

    But, hey, it's your time. Do as you will.


    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: There is no g5 ]</p>
  • Reply 146 of 266
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Guys guys guys. 1 GHZ 7455 G4 upgrades were just announced, that's all you need to know. I mean, when have upgrade cards ever been in the vicinity of Apple's own machine speeds? You're right, the answer is NEVER.

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You could ALWAYS get a 7400/7410 at the same speed as Apple's chip, until Apple moved up to the 7450/55 or whatever. Apple does not and has never controlled Motorola's supply lines.

    This is pretty specious, dude.

  • Reply 147 of 266
    [quote]Originally posted by sizzle chest:

    <strong>Do you seriously believe that your EXPECTATIONS drive what Apple is capable of releasing, or willing to release? So if we just demanded more, or complained about speed more, the chips would be faster?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I DEMAND a Quad G5 with 8 DIMM slots, a Gig of RAM, a Superdrive, and a GeForce 4 Ti, one of those 8MB cache 100 Gig WD drives, and I DEMAND all those specifications for under $700. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 148 of 266
    *l++*l++ Posts: 129member
  • Reply 149 of 266
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,461member
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:

    <strong>No, just trying to destroy my credibility. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You'll note that I was careful to say you had something "close to credibility".
  • Reply 150 of 266
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:

    <strong>The reason why the mobo has been delayed is that Apple is having trouble with the optical interface between their memory controller and the new Quantum CPU that will be the heart of Apple's next generation machines (thus, Q5).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    So that's what Belle's been working on. Sure enough, the next Apple CPU will be from IBM!

  • Reply 151 of 266
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:


    Ah, but I didn't tell you the reason for the mobo delay, or the reason why you shouldn't hold your breath waiting for the G5.

    In a nutshell, there is no G5 -- it will be called the Q5 (more on the significance of the "Q" in a moment).

    The reason why the mobo has been delayed is that Apple is having trouble with the optical interface between their memory controller and the new Quantum CPU that will be the heart of Apple's next generation machines (thus, Q5).

    Many Bothans have died to bring you this information.

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: moki ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Of course, interfacing a cpu in a parallelar universe (where the time is 10 e 20 faster) with our world is not a simple matter, a 10 e 20 speed ratio is not a simple matter even for nanotube memory.

    futhermore, the life expectancy of the chip is no more than a fraction of seconde, bringing some news problems of maintenance.

    Damnation : it as become more and more difficult to design computers.

  • Reply 152 of 266
    rmh1572rmh1572 Posts: 94member
    i like it moki. I like it a alot.
  • Reply 153 of 266
    PB thanks for the link, and taboo for that pci card, i know what i'll be getting if MWNY sucks.

    okay if the next chip we get is called a Q5 for quantum, it will be because the marketing people at apple felt that name had more appeal. quantum computers a still teetering on the brink of sci-fi, even the biggest breakthroughs in the field haven't satisfactorily proven quantum computing as a reality. we are getting closer though, but not close enough for apple to drop one in a desktop. now im not saying "don't get your hopes up "i don't think your dumb enough to believe in a quantum computer from apple. just keep a more down to earth prospective about the nature of business and product names.

    i submit apples rechristening of AltiVec into the real cheesy "velocity engine" to support my statement.

    as far as the validity of any rumor site is concerned, you should know better is all i have to say.

    ill post more thoughts later, have a date to get ready for.
  • Reply 154 of 266
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    I first pointed out that the G5 would not be called G5, but another letter and number combo. Guess I do have sources.

    What's a muber?

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</p>
  • Reply 155 of 266
    I can't believe the refreshing lack of Apple is doomed posts.

    BTW I'm still searching e-bay on the lookout for a cheap, legal RDF generator for home use. Where did you get your's Moki? Not as much D in the R as the Steve version, but the troups seem happy. Amazing.
  • Reply 156 of 266
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    Does TING5 ever do anything but insult people?
  • Reply 157 of 266
    That's a nice shirt you have on Spooky.

    Happy, now?!?!?

  • Reply 158 of 266
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:


    Ah, but I didn't tell you the reason for the mobo delay, or the reason why you shouldn't hold your breath waiting for the G5.

    In a nutshell, there is no G5 -- it will be called the Q5 (more on the significance of the "Q" in a moment).

    The reason why the mobo has been delayed is that Apple is having trouble with the optical interface between their memory controller and the new Quantum CPU that will be the heart of Apple's next generation machines (thus, Q5).

    Many Bothans have died to bring you this information.

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: moki ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    HAHAHA!!!! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    Post of the day goes to Moki...again!

    Yes I hear the Q5 will read your thoughts and go to a website as you think of it.

    Also, displays will be non-standard. Instead Apple will opt to use personal wearable devices that beam the image of a transparent screen (think Minority Report computer) directly onto your retina, so only you see what you are viewing.

    All this, in the August 2015 Macworld magazine

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: The All Knowing 1 ]</p>
  • Reply 159 of 266
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:

    <strong> I sent that rumour to spymac, knowing that they'd publish it shamelessly. </strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 160 of 266
    [quote]Originally posted by Da sinister:


    i submit apples rechristening of AltiVec into the real cheesy "velocity engine" to support my statement.


    This rechristening was wise. Its always lousy to use another company's trademark on your products, because a) sometimes there are royalties, and b) In case of emergency...

    For example. Say Moto's semiconductor unit went belly up. PHUCK! We need that G4! So what happens? IBM can develop (and I hear they have) a similar SIMD/vector processing system for their chips, and make it compatible with the dead Altivec, and Apple could just switch to the new chip and say it too is Velocity Engine powered...who says they can't redefine what Velocity Engine means?

    Of course, if Moto went under I imagine Apple and IBM would buy up their remaining PPC assets first, and thus gain the Altivec trademark and tech...but hey....this is just one example.
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