Microsoft unveils Surface Book laptop & Surface Pro 4 tablet with new Surface Pen



  • Reply 61 of 251
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    wisely wrote: »
    There will be sales for Surface series.  Same people that would buy a laptop PC now turning to Surface thinking they can get the  best of both worlds. 

    Problem is that it's a zero sum game.  Microsoft is not creating a new market like iPad initially, it is trying to copy a tablet characteristics to lure PC users.

    Whatever the sales of Surface, it has little to do with iPad.  It's not even a Surface versus iPad is just Windows camp cannibalizing each other. 

    And Windows computer manufacturers will simply undercut Microsoft's hardware efforts with cheap plastic craputers, further devaluing both Microsoft and Windows brand names.
  • Reply 62 of 251
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    Originally Posted by coolfactor View Post


    I think that hinge is cool. It's different, eye-catching. I tell you... if Apple came out with that, people here that are calling it ugly would see things in a very different light.

    I know what you mean! Every time I see people here fawning over that camera bump on the iPhone 6 … oh hang on … No, they don't do that at all, do they?


    That hinge is the proof that just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Aside from how ugly it is, it means the laptop screen remains unprotected even when the lid is closed. 


    Sorry, if Apple came up with something like that, folk round here would be demanding Jonny Ive's head on a pike.

  • Reply 63 of 251
    coolfactor wrote: »

    I think that hinge is cool. It's different, eye-catching. I tell you... if Apple came out with that, people here that are calling it ugly would see things in a very different light.

    Nope. They wouldn't because Apple wouldn't.
  • Reply 64 of 251
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,388member

    Originally Posted by Smarky View Post


    Microsoft: "Game on, your move Apple".


    While I won't be rushing out to buy any of these products while being very much in the market for a new computing setup, I think this is somewhat a wakeup call for Apple and I am very excited about it, if only to see Apple's response.


    I feel Apple are going to have to come out and show us what they can do, where they have been fairly dormant in these areas for awhile and perhaps more interested in other areas.


    The iPad pro is interesting, but I feel like it won't be made into something that is completely serious until it's gone through a few revisions,  apple has always had a very different strategy than Microsoft and I believe most people have seen it as Apple already having the right one has Microsoft's attempts have been somewhat messy, but as Microsoft start to align there pieces and refine there offerings Apple must do so too.


    Microsoft directly comparing the surface to being 30 percent more powerful than the macbook air and the surface book 50% more powerful than the macbook pro, highlights Apple's need to start upgrading these models, and while we at at it the wait for an update on the iMac, come on Apple!!


    The problem with the iPad pro is it is essentially running a mobile phone OS, while at least according to Apple running desktop class hardware, Apple need to scale it up or reinvent mac os x for such devices (which of course they won't do as that is the streergy Microsoft is doing that they have argued against).


    With limited updates and innovation in this area for the past few years... Apple need to start upgrading there game or else the once dormant beast of Microsoft will be back on there tail. 


    Sorry, nothing about your post makes any damn sense. "Fairly dormant"? The new Macbook and iPad Pro are completely new form factors, and both released this year. What is Apple "missing", exactly? A weird, awkward tablet/laptop hybrid that runs a shitty OS that is optimized for neither? The iPad mini, iPad, iPad Pro, new Macbook, Macbook Air (11+13), Macbook Pro (13+15) cover pretty much every single use case imaginable. But, according to you they need to release something exactly like the Surface/Surface book...because? What kind of needs do you have, that none of Apple's machines fit the bill? 


    Nevermind, the last sentence pretty proves your entire post was a troll. 

  • Reply 65 of 251

    Originally Posted by coolfactor View Post


    Not sure what you are referring to... 13" screen is plenty big enough (same as a MacBook, which runs MS Office just fine), and 267dpi would make for a very crisp screen. I'm no Microsoft fan, but your response does not match reality at all.

    Have you used Office on a High DPI screen? It is maddening. Read:


    Apple came up with an elegant solution to address OS X on Retina screens and it took developers little effort to update their applications.

  • Reply 66 of 251
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    I'm not really getting this new Surface Book but I'm definitely grabbing a new Surface Pro 4, I'm honestly hooked, the Surface Pro 3 was my favorite but now it's going to be the Surface Pro 4. I was contemplating on waiting for the rumored 14 inch model but since I already have a 20" inch Panasonic, tablet I'm just going to pass down the Surface Pro 3 to my daughter, sell the unopened one I have as a backup and buy two more Surface Pro 4's. This has been a good year in tech for me, lots of great products. I will be getting rid of two of my iPad Airs 2's and replacing them with a single iPad Pro, getting rid of my Nexus 9 for Google's new Pixel C in which out of all of these devices I must have this. I've already sold my Macbook as I just found myself using my Asus C100 Flip way more, I originally bought the MacBook to be used as a couch potato machine. For this activity though, the 280 dollar Asus Flip just blew away the MacBook, I have finally come to the conclusion that I'm done with none touchscreen displays, I also want my laptops to be reversible, this is no longer just a gimmick but highly usefully. Which means no more MacBooks, but in all honestly, I've found that machines like the ThinkPad Yoga 12.5 make for better Macs, especially since it has a Wacom pen and touchscreen. It's that important to me. Besides, I had OSX running just fine on the Surface Pro 3 so I have no doubt that in a few months I'll also have OSX running on the 4th iteration. If not, I still have my Thinkpad, which runs OSX flawlessly. The Pixel C though is just something I really want, with Nvidias incredible X1 SOC, combined with what I can only say is the most beautiful tablet I have seen, it's just going to be fun hacking to get run Linux running as well as my custom CUDA applications. Vrooooom
  • Reply 67 of 251
    romanmar wrote: »
    Good job MSFT, truly didn't expect Apple to lag so much behind.
    Next to surface book, macbook retina looks so last year! I've been upgrading my macbook every 2 years for 10 years now, and this is the first time I'm actually considering switching. The only reason I'm not buying, is I don't trust Microsoft, so have to wait and see for reviews to trickle in.
    And $1900(for 256gb Nvidia model) is a lot of money, so have to wait for a sale!

    Don't consider switching, do it. Put your money where your poor tastes want to go. You will get exactly what you asked for: a bag of phat specs attached to a novel form factor and saddled with Windows.
  • Reply 68 of 251
    wiselywisely Posts: 94member

    Seriously, if this is called innovation and "being ahead", I would rather Microsoft continue this route on its own.


    The day Apple follows Microsoft and this "try all options to see what works because I have a deep pocket" strategy, I may have to look elsewhere for my computing needs.


    All Apple needs to do is to focus very hard on making great mobile phone, ipad, ipad pro, MacBook and Desktop and making sure the icloud/softwares are well tested and worked and I think Apple would have done the world a great service.

  • Reply 69 of 251
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    relic wrote: »
    I'm not really getting this new Surface Book but I'm definitely grabbing a new Surface Pro 4, I'm honestly hooked, the Surface Pro 3 was my favorite but now it's going to be the Surface Pro 4. I was contemplating on waiting for the rumored 14 inch model but since I already have a 20" inch Panasonic, tablet I'm just going to pass down the Surface Pro 3 to my daughter, sell the unopened one I have as a backup and buy two more Surface Pro 4's. This has been a good year in tech for me, lots of great products. I will be getting rid of two of my iPad Airs 2's and replacing them with a single iPad Pro, getting rid of my Nexus 9 for Google's new Pixel C in which out of all of these devices I must have this. I've already sold my Macbook as I just found myself using my Asus C100 Flip way more, I originally bought the MacBook to be used as a couch potato machine. For this activity though, the 280 dollar Asus Flip just blew away the MacBook, I have finally come to the conclusion that I'm done with none touchscreen displays, I also want my laptops to be reversible, this is no longer just a gimmick but highly usefully. Which means no more MacBooks, but in all honestly, I've found that machines like the ThinkPad Yoga 12.5 make for better Macs, especially since it has a Wacom pen and touchscreen. It's that important to me. Besides, I had OSX running just fine on the Surface Pro 3 so I have no doubt that in a few months I'll also have OSX running on the 4th iteration. If not, I still have my Thinkpad, which runs OSX flawlessly. The Pixel C though is just something I really want, with Nvidias incredible X1 SOC, combined with what I can only say is the most beautiful tablet I have seen, it's just going to be fun hacking to get run Linux running as well as my custom CUDA applications. Vrooooom

    How much of a budget for crummy computers do you have anyway?
  • Reply 70 of 251
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,490member
    Microsoft is offering a compelling product. I am an Apple fanboy but I like what it's offering.
  • Reply 71 of 251
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by auxio View Post


    I wouldn't exactly call this elegant...


    Holy crap! That looks ridiculous! <img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 72 of 251
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    How much of a budget for crummy computers do you have anyway?

    It's pretty much unlimited.

  • Reply 73 of 251
    wdowellwdowell Posts: 234member

    If Apple turned the Macbook pro into this I would buy it in a heartbeat.


    You can use a pen, you can detach it into a tablet too. It's unibody. It's powerful.

    And frankly so would a bunch of you moaning about its design.


    Even Gruber likes it. 

  • Reply 74 of 251
    runbuhrunbuh Posts: 315member
    sog35 wrote: »
    SurfaceBook weights almost 3.5 pounds...........................LOLOLLLLOOOLOOOLLLLOOLOL!

    Microsoft says 1.6:
  • Reply 75 of 251
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    Originally Posted by wdowell View Post


    Even Gruber likes it. 


    I wonder if he saw the hinge-when-closed view.

  • Reply 76 of 251
    runbuhrunbuh Posts: 315member
    rgmonkey wrote: »

    Have you used Office on a High DPI screen? It is maddening. Read:

    Apple came up with an elegant solution to address OS X on Retina screens and it took developers little effort to update their applications.
    Old article. Windows 8.1 with Office 2013 (and HyperSnap, Adobe Reader, and other tools) looks/runs just fine on my wife's rMBP 15" via BootCamp (since she *has* to run Windows).
  • Reply 77 of 251
    pmz wrote: »
    I don't understand their products. Surface Book Laptop? And its not the same thing as the Surface 4? What?

    Make a laptop.
    Make a tablet.

    For crying out loud make ANYTHING that is good at being ONE THING, Microsoft.

    Your comparison is good, but I'd have to say it would better to say that about Apples new devices and their lineup

    MacBook (Still confused why Apple did this)
    MacBook Air (Still looks the same, maybe that's why haven't felt the need to upgrade the one I've had since 2013)
    MacBook Pro (Just make them all Retina Display)


    iPad Mini (Put a Cellular chip in & it could be an iPhone 6S Plus XL)
    iPad (It's still an iPad)
    iPad Pro (Is it a Hybrid? Doesn't run full software suites? Are they trying to take Enterprise Customers away who might buy a Windows Surface Pro 3?)

    My point is Apple got so far ahead of everyone else that they are expanding their iPad & MacBook lineups that it's not really been anything that people are like "Wow they've reinvented those products". If the iPad Pro ran a full OS X instead of the iOS that could run full Adobe Suites, expandable storage & a keyboard with a trackpad I might want to ditch my iPad & MacBook Air for it.

    I think Microsoft showed up today with products that have caught everyone off guard and I'm actually impressed by their designs. I don't want to be Apple Snob & put down their new product innovation because we (Apple Fans) thought Tim Cook was right about his toaster & refrigerator comments about the original Windows Surface design back in 2012 & look how that changed... Just saying pointing out what others don't see or pass judgment on it by reading a short article & not actually watching the full presentation.
  • Reply 79 of 251
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    Originally Posted by Dickprinter View Post

    It's starting to look like Clippy taking a nap.

    I'm assuming there's some sort of catch or magnet to hold it in place.

  • Reply 80 of 251
    larryalarrya Posts: 608member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I wasn't aware the rMBP only had one port.

    Irrelevant. We were discussing why a thin, light product from MS might be judged differently from one by Apple. I've never seen complaints about obsessive thinness when it comes to MBP.
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