Throng, where did you get that idea? The new AppleTV still has an IR receiver built in. Program your universal remote as you always have and you'll be fine. You of course can't use the new Siri universal search and other remote-specific features without the remote, but you can navigate as you have in the past.
Your equipment rack is 70 feet away? That's nuts. So if you want to watch a Bluray you need to take a minor hike. I'm sorry but Apple does not take into account that type of horrible home design.
Well, no, it's a very well thought- out design. The media rooms have a local Blu Ray player since that requires physical media access, but we haven't used them in years, as all discs I buy are ripped to a 20TB Synology server as ISO or BDMV files and ar streamed to Dune Players on the gigabit LAN. All non-removable media devices are central located and fed in an HDMI matrix switcher to feed multiple rooms (TiVo, Directv, AppleTV, Dune, etc..).
Well, no, it's a very well thought- out design. The media rooms have a local Blu Ray player since that requires physical media access, but we haven't used them in years, as all discs I buy are ripped to a 20TB Synology server as ISO or BDMV files and ar streamed to Dune Players on the gigabit LAN. All non-removable media devices are central located and fed in an HDMI matrix switcher to feed multiple rooms (TiVo, Directv, AppleTV, Dune, etc..).
I'll say it again: The only way Apple's stock stops getting manipulated is if they go private. Sooner or later shareholders and the BOD need to recognize this fact that has been true FOR OVER A DECADE. Apple has only been fairly valued briefly in late 2012 and earlier this year. The rest of the last 10 years it has been grossly undervalued. This has caused shareholders/employees to lose HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS in share value. Which has gone into Wall Street manipulators pockets who sell call options and short the stock to hell.
I'll be honest. I'm getting sick of this crap and will probably sell my shares soon. Investing is about making money. And Apple stock price has been horrible compared to the profits it generates.
Just look at the last 5 years. Apple's PE ratio has been over 20 only briefely from Oct-Dec2010. That it. This is despite recording 100%+ growth in revenue and profits in 2011. Yet Google gets a PE over 30 with a pathetic 13% revenue growth.
It really is frustrating. Apple can't win. I'm seeing people all over Twitter saying the market is overbought (and I'm sure the market will take it out on Apple tomorrow). But nobody was saying this last week when Microsoft popped 10% in one day and Google and Amazon jumped 6%.
Well, no, it's a very well thought- out design. The media rooms have a local Blu Ray player since that requires physical media access, but we haven't used them in years, as all discs I buy are ripped to a 20TB Synology server as ISO or BDMV files and ar streamed to Dune Players on the gigabit LAN. All non-removable media devices are central located and fed in an HDMI matrix switcher to feed multiple rooms (TiVo, Directv, AppleTV, Dune, etc..).
I have the time and the tools, so it will be pretty easy to make a few (I suspect we'll be able to buy additional remotes).
For wood, almost anything will do -- we have redwood, ponderosa pine various free sources: flooring samples; resawn firewood (oak, walnut, mystery); pallets, etc.
We have lots of beautifully weathered gray redwood fencing. Some of it I want to resaw. I've been trying to match the resawn face with the weathered face ... Lately, I've been experimenting with using thinned milk paint as a dye to color the wood and end enhance the grain -- Looks like it'll work quite well.
Just look at last quarter. Apple grew revenue 30%+ and profit 35% yet the stock has DROPPED 15% since then.
While Google/Microsoft showed sub 20% revenue growth and sub 20% profit growth and the stock EXPLODED 10% to all time highs.
At this point the risk is not even worth the reward. I took a risk buying Apple stock and even WHEN I'M RIGHT (predicted they would dominate Samsung and iPhone domination) I don't get rewarded much.
The main problem with Apple stock is the high non-institutional ownership. Institutions only own about 60% of the stock. Thus its an easy target for Wall Street. They feel they can easily fool the small guy so they manipulated it to hell. Companies like Microsoft/Google have 80%+ institutional ownership. Thus Wall Street is less likely to try to steal from their Wall street contemporaries.
Apple has tried EVERYTHING to get a fair valuation:
1. Instituted a dividend
2. Bought back over $100 BILLION in shares
3. Posted the greatest earnings in the history of man
4. Accumulated over $200 billion in cash
But nothing works. Nothing. Wall Street can still use their machines to buy and sell shares tens of thousands of times a day to manipulate the price down.
Apple needs to go PRIVATE. PERIOD. If $100 billion in buyback, greatest earnings in the history of man, $200 billion in cash, and the most successful product known to man isn't enough to get a fair valuation from Wall Street than nothing is.
Despite what fans of sharebuybacks think, there is no evidence that they result in lasting share price accrual. Short temporary lifts occur, but market forces and company performance swamps that over time. It's just throwing money into a black hole.
I have the time and the tools, so it will be pretty easy to make a few (I suspect we'll be able to buy additional remotes).
For wood, almost anything will do -- we have redwood, ponderosa pine various free sources: flooring samples; resawn firewood (oak, walnut, mystery); pallets, etc.
We have lots of beautifully weathered gray redwood fencing. Some of it I want to resaw. I've been trying to match the resawn face with the weathered face ... Lately, I've been experimenting with using thinned milk paint as a dye to color the wood and end enhance the grain -- Looks like it'll work quite well.
Ahh ... Playtime!
Sometimes I "sandblast" wood to wear the soft parts away. It simulates weathering pretty well. Then, various finishes will work. A nice silver grey gives it the look of outdoor sun and water wear.
Why not? Surely Apple has been working with hand picked developers to have some apps available at launch, no?
IIRC, WatchAware dot com put out some initial reviews of AW apps right before the device went live. I'm guessing we will see something very soon. AW apps install initially on the iTunes store for iPhone, but tvOS apps don't - I think those install right onto ATV directly. So...until you have a device in your possession, there's no way to see what is on that tvOS "store."
Devs could probably showcase their apps separately, but I'm also guessing NDA/CDA limitations. And Devs probably can't see other devs' apps in the store they might have access to.
There should be a plethora of reviews this weekend after the first express shipped units get to the public. In fact, I would sort of expect AI to be one of those customers, and do a complete podcast on it.
And there will be the inevitable "this thing sucks" review when people can't watch their favorite channels etc etc...
I agree. It took a $100 billion dollar Apple buyback to convince me.
Sept 2012 - Apple is worth $657 billion
Oct 2015 - after over $100 billion in buybacks - Apple is worth $660 billion
Apple threw $100 billion in buybacks, made over $130 billion in profits and the market cap is worth the same as 3 years ago.
What would Apple be worth right now if they hadn't done all these buybacks? It's not like Wall Street wasn't pushing for all this. Eric Jsckson can say Apple should have bought Netflix or Twitter or Tesla instead but there's zero evidence large acquisitions turn out to be a good thing. And even less evidence that Apple is culturally capable of integrating with another large company. We don't need another AOL Time Warner.
I agree. It took a $100 billion dollar Apple buyback to convince me.
Sept 2012 - Apple is worth $657 billion
Oct 2015 - after over $100 billion in buybacks - Apple is worth $660 billion
Apple threw $100 billion in buybacks, made over $130 billion in profits and the market cap is worth the same as 3 years ago.
I began investing when I was 13, back in 1963. Over that time I've read dozens of papers by economists extolling the buyback. But not a single one of them had any proof that it actually worked over anything other than a short period. But, it's still a very popular concept as witnessed by Ichann.
I think I found a copy of your home's layout.
Why not? Surely Apple has been working with hand picked developers to have some apps available at launch, no?
Well, no, it's a very well thought- out design. The media rooms have a local Blu Ray player since that requires physical media access, but we haven't used them in years, as all discs I buy are ripped to a 20TB Synology server as ISO or BDMV files and ar streamed to Dune Players on the gigabit LAN. All non-removable media devices are central located and fed in an HDMI matrix switcher to feed multiple rooms (TiVo, Directv, AppleTV, Dune, etc..).
Nothing "horrible" about it.
Why use an ISO? Will the Apple TV play those?
It really is frustrating. Apple can't win. I'm seeing people all over Twitter saying the market is overbought (and I'm sure the market will take it out on Apple tomorrow). But nobody was saying this last week when Microsoft popped 10% in one day and Google and Amazon jumped 6%.
I got 2 x 64 for now.
I did not see a quantity field when buying with AppleStore App and ApplePay so had to place 2 separate orders.
This may be an anti-scalping feature.
Now, I need the skinny TV bundle from Apple ASAP.
As noted, I use a Dune Player for ISO/BDMV playback, bit perfect audio and video.
It's $269/$349 here in Australia. No thanks. I'll stick with my current one.
I buy and own every disc I rip, and don't share files, so I'm not feeling guilty...
Dune? I've never heard of that. Do you mean Rune?
That's a nice stand -- and inexpensive too!
I have the time and the tools, so it will be pretty easy to make a few (I suspect we'll be able to buy additional remotes).
For wood, almost anything will do -- we have redwood, ponderosa pine various free sources: flooring samples; resawn firewood (oak, walnut, mystery); pallets, etc.
We have lots of beautifully weathered gray redwood fencing. Some of it I want to resaw. I've been trying to match the resawn face with the weathered face ... Lately, I've been experimenting with using thinned milk paint as a dye to color the wood and end enhance the grain -- Looks like it'll work quite well.
Ahh ... Playtime!
Despite what fans of sharebuybacks think, there is no evidence that they result in lasting share price accrual. Short temporary lifts occur, but market forces and company performance swamps that over time. It's just throwing money into a black hole.
Maybe from same guys doing the Mac Pro?
Sometimes I "sandblast" wood to wear the soft parts away. It simulates weathering pretty well. Then, various finishes will work. A nice silver grey gives it the look of outdoor sun and water wear.
Why not? Surely Apple has been working with hand picked developers to have some apps available at launch, no?
IIRC, WatchAware dot com put out some initial reviews of AW apps right before the device went live. I'm guessing we will see something very soon. AW apps install initially on the iTunes store for iPhone, but tvOS apps don't - I think those install right onto ATV directly. So...until you have a device in your possession, there's no way to see what is on that tvOS "store."
Devs could probably showcase their apps separately, but I'm also guessing NDA/CDA limitations. And Devs probably can't see other devs' apps in the store they might have access to.
There should be a plethora of reviews this weekend after the first express shipped units get to the public. In fact, I would sort of expect AI to be one of those customers, and do a complete podcast on it.
And there will be the inevitable "this thing sucks" review when people can't watch their favorite channels etc etc...
What would Apple be worth right now if they hadn't done all these buybacks? It's not like Wall Street wasn't pushing for all this. Eric Jsckson can say Apple should have bought Netflix or Twitter or Tesla instead but there's zero evidence large acquisitions turn out to be a good thing. And even less evidence that Apple is culturally capable of integrating with another large company. We don't need another AOL Time Warner.
I began investing when I was 13, back in 1963. Over that time I've read dozens of papers by economists extolling the buyback. But not a single one of them had any proof that it actually worked over anything other than a short period. But, it's still a very popular concept as witnessed by Ichann.
No, Dune.
The stock market system is broke!