When did this thread about Apple's encryption being efficient turn into an argument on guns being dangerous?
I believe it was an attempt (a weak one) by one poster to point out the hypocrisy of those who would ban encryption but not ban guns. Personally, I wouldn't ban either, but I would put real restrictions on gun sales to criminals and crazies. Background checks should be required on all gun sales.
Yeah, a well known and powerful political organization! /s
As a foil to the Christian Right, I have no problem with them. Take away the Right however, and it's only a matter of time before their dogma becomes a problem.
Ah, so it's not really religion that you have issues with, it's specific beliefs by some folks that also happen to have religious beliefs. As long as they're the "right" beliefs you don't have an issue with them.
Gotcha. So why keep harping on religion when you have finally come around to explain it's only SOME religious folks so not really religion as a whole in the first place. Sounds like there might be some segment of atheists and agnostics who probably believe things you don't like either.
Ah, so it's not really religion that you have issues with, it's specific beliefs by some folks that also happen to have religious beliefs. As long as they're the "right" beliefs you don't have an issue with them.
So now you've confirmed it: you are incapable of understanding this. Once more, for posterity, then I'm out: I don't care what your specific religious beliefs are as long as you don't try to write them into law. Got it? No, you probably don't.
Cults often do good deeds, or at least encourage others to do them. That's how they gain followers. As for the 10 commandments, look at the first of them:
Wars have been fought because of this one. The Crusades were justified by it. On the whole, Religion has done more harm than good. Even in our times, we have Christians in the US killing doctors in the name of God.
Religion leads directly to dogma, and dogma makes religion dangerous. Not just Muslim Religion, all Religion. But lest you continue to think your Religion is special:
The first commandment doesn't say kill anyone who disobeys the first commandment. The crusades were fought to rescue the population put in to slavery by the violent spread of Islam.
Originally Posted by Delayed
The point is, Religion is about power consolidation, not good deeds. The details of these wars are unimportant. What's important is that we need to recognize that we're being manipulated by people who think they're doing God's work, but clearly are not, and it makes no difference whether they call themselves Christians or Muslims.
There is no mention of some power consolidation in the 10 Commandments.
Originally Posted by Delayed
I'd note that Christian sects are often anti technology and anti science. As an example, it's Christians, not Muslims, who in the U.S. are resisting Scientific facts like evolution and climate change.
I know of no Christian (or Muslim) who doesn't believe in the changing weather.
Originally Posted by Delayed
Intolerance starts with Religion. "MY God is Great, therefore yours is not. You must convert or die." Words spoken by Christians and Muslims throughout history.
Haven't seen any videos lately of Christians saying that. Have seen videos of them dying for not converting to Islam though.
Originally Posted by anantksundaram
As expected, your posts have descended from lies to blather.
Not only did I read the NPR link you cited, but I thought I would spare you the embarrassment of your own overblown bs (look at your post in #78, where you blithely claim Clinton did something illegal -- in response to which I asked you for a cite).
All that the NPR link says is that some Republicans (e.g., Chuck Grassley) have claimed that what she did is "illegal." Since you insist, the article actually says -- you might consider reading it yourself -- the following:
The Justice Department weighed in, calling it "sheer speculation" that "Clinton withheld any work-related emails from those provided to the Department of State." What's more, Justice wrote, "FOIA creates no obligation for an agency to search for and produce records that it does not possess and control."
In fact, the department refers to a past fight over former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's notes, as Josh Gerstein points out. Notes and tapes of Kissinger's conversations were sent to the Library of Congress — rather than leaving them to the State Department — restricting their public access. FOIA requests were denied by the State Department because they were under the aegis of the Library of Congress. Kissinger declined to turn the documents over to archivists' requests.
What's more, the Supreme Court held that the Kissinger documents did not have to be turned over under FOIA — even though they were notes taken while Kissinger was at State — because State did not have possession of them.
On "innuendos" look at my post in #68. I specifically talk about legal immigration, i.e., refugees -- you do know that anyone admitted under 'refugee' status is legal, right? Why don't you check on what Trump, Bush, Rubio, Cruz, and Carson have said on the topic of Syrian refugees?
On @NolaMacGuy, at no point did I respond to his posts. I responded to yours. Period.
Do you even bother to read the news carefully? And the posts here? Or do you just go with whatever pops into your head?
"Sheer specualtion", you're that gullible? They don't possess them because they were DESTROYED by Clinton, as in gone forever. Notes and tapes of Kissinger's conversations were sent to the Library of Congress thus not destroyed.
Ok, lets play fantasy land and pretend she did nothing illegal, you don't think conducting classified State business through a private server is incredibly stupid and shouldn't disqualify you as a presidential candidate?
Your pretzel logic with NolaMacGuy is so bad I'm going to call it quits. You bee bop in and out so much I can't tell what your point is anymore.
There is a process for someone seeking asylum to the United States. The government has a duty to suspend that process to protect its own citizens when a situation arises. Again I ask you, if you don't want a database to track the status of the refugees how to you propose to keep track of them?
Originally Posted by Delayed
Yes, and the intended target is a living being. All too often, a human being. Paper targets exist for practice, so you can be expert at it when you take aim at a living being. By the way, I'm not anti-gun. I just recognize that the current gun debate is just a marketing ploy by the gun industry. Having sold more guns than there are people in the U.S., they need to stir up controversy to stimulate more sales. They don't care who they sell them to.
Do you think gun manufactures are that hard up for business that they would but their business in jeopardy by trying to get guns in to the hands of criminals?
So now you've confirmed it: you are incapable of understanding this. Once more, for posterity, then I'm out: I don't care what your specific religious beliefs are as long as you don't try to write them into law. Got it? No, you probably don't. :(
What about my political beliefs, or my environmental views, or my health concerns? Can I support efforts to have those written into law whether you agree with my beliefs or not, just as long as I'm not "religious"?
As proof of how ridiculously broad your brush is I might mention that I walked away from organized religion decades ago, and would more accurately describe myself at this stage in life as agnostic if I was forced to compartmentalize my belief. You tho assume I must be "Christian" simply because I don't agree with your point of view about those who belong to organized religion being the root cause of warfare.
IMHO it's not me that is demonstrating an inability to see with clear vision. Are there no mirrors in your home?
1. The first commandment doesn't say kill anyone who disobeys the first commandment. The crusades were fought to rescue the population put in to slavery by the violent spread of Islam.
2. There is no mention of some power consolidation in the 10 Commandments.
3. I know of no Christian (or Muslim) who doesn't believe in the changing weather.
4.Haven't seen any videos lately of Christians saying that. Have seen videos of them dying for not converting to Islam though.
5. Do you think gun manufactures are that hard up for business that they would but their business in jeopardy by trying to get guns in to the hands of criminals?
Your whole post is ridiculous, but let's just look at these five parts:
1. The first commandment commands that you only worship this God. It's the smallest of baby steps from there to a Crusade against those who refuse. Witness: The Crusades!
2. Did you not see the first commandment? ...NO other God... Can't get more consolidated than that.
3. So you've not been watching Fox News? I guess that's a good thing...
4. Christians are saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed into the country unless they convert. I suppose that's better than what they did during the Crusades. Still, the same prejudice leads to the same offenses.
5. Gun makers don't need to put their business in jeopardy. In fact, by stirring up controversy a la: "They're coming to get your guns." they generate fear which increases gun sales (often to unstable people), while keeping sensible restrictions like background checks at bay.
4. Christians are saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed into the country unless they convert.
Some Christian(s) somewhere probably said that sometime tho I've never heard it said myself and suspect you never have either. I doubt you'd have trouble finding someone who doesn't' believe in a God in the first place having qualms about "those who should be let in the country" and under what conditions.
Again you seem to have a fixation on organized religion, ignoring that the same actions may apply to those with absolutely zero connection to a religious belief.
I'd note that Christian sects are often anti technology and anti science. As an example, it's Christians, not Muslims, who in the U.S. are resisting Scientific facts like evolution and climate change.
Evolution is a theory, a model which has widespread support amongst the scientific and pseudo scientific community. It is not a fact any more than Newton's Laws are. Moreover, evolution has problems with verification via replication, a problem many disciplines dealing with time have.
Evolution is a theory, a model which has widespread support amongst the scientific and pseudo scientific community. It is not a fact any more than Newton's Laws are. Moreover, evolution has problems with verification via replication, a problem many disciplines dealing with time have.
Seriously??? You do realize that a scientific theory is as close to fact as you can ever get, right? This isn't anything like "I have a theory about who killed Kennedy." It's fact. Sure, we don't know all the details, but that doesn't mean that there's any doubt about its truth.
Please. Be serious. When it comes to technology, security, economy, markets, military, reach, culture, consumer products, and media there's the US and then then a set of countries (about a dozen or so) that have aspirations to 'significance.'
After all, you're on a site with majority US membership and readership devoted to a US company and its products. Don't get so huffy if the conversation wanders into policy and politics that affect not just that company and its products, but similar companies all over the world.
Moreover, there are many posts here that try to get past D v. R aspect of it, and try to address broader policy implications.
You have gone too far this time. First, let me remind you that a majority of Apple's sales comes from outside the US.
The era where the US was the only significant country is over, unfortunately. While America has indeed provided wonderful contributions to culture, and many other areas, it hardly has a monopoly on many of these areas anymore. You might want to have a look at who the PhD candidates are in the better American universities, who the main scientists were in the American space program, the current owners of US debt and how other parts of the world view the propagation of American pop culture. To say there is the US and then a set of say a bunch of countries that are significant is just no longer the case in my opinion. The US is indeed a big market for consumer goods ( purchased for the most part on credit with the debt being owned by other countries). There are many great things about the US, and many of us really appreciate them, but I suspect you are delusional when it comes to the importance of America at this time. The country has become quite insular and has largely given up its leadership role in international affairs. To say that America's natural allies no longer "trust" it is probably an understatement.
Getting back to my point, I still don't understand why AI should have a technical thread co-opted by internal US politics which may or may not be of little interest to the readers ( American or not) of the site. Should we expand the political discussion down to particular states?
Seriously??? You do realize that a scientific theory is as close to fact as you can ever get, right? This isn't anything like "I have a theory about who killed Kennedy." It's fact. Sure, we don't know all the details, but that doesn't mean that there's any doubt about its truth.
I am quite serious. The scientific method involves replication. In many fields that is impossible. Theories are put forth, tested and await better theories. It does involve the quest for truth but evolution is no more truth than Newton's Laws are.
Even amongst scientists there is quite a bit of controversy over how to interpret data, especially when replication is impossible. Your statement "scientific theory is as close to fact"
is very odd indeed.
Intolerance starts with Religion. "MY God is Great, therefore yours is not. You must convert or die." Words spoken by Christians and Muslims throughout history.
I am quite serious. The scientific method involves replication. In many fields that is impossible. Theories are put forth, tested and await better theories. It does involve the quest for truth but evolution is no more truth than Newton's Laws are.
Even amongst scientists there is quite a bit of controversy over how to interpret data, especially when replication is impossible. Your statement "scientific theory is as close to fact"
I wonder if you have ANY CLUE that terrorists and people like you have exactly the same reasoning justifying their right to kill, maim, or indirectly profit from other people's suffering.
On a scale of 1 to 100, the accuracy of that statement rates about a 9, and that only because it uses English words in a grammatically correct way.
According to you, you have zero responsibility to the people whose hardships your happy life stems of. See the similarity?
No, because you’re comparing apples and box turtles. I do not subscribe to an omnicidal worldview, nor do I wish harm on the people fleeing (and “fleeing”) said omnicidal worldview. You don’t care, but there it is.
...we are fucking rich. They are poor...
Keep your communist bullshit to yourself.
Numbers don't lie, but you can always interpret.
And you can always falsify.
Remember back in 1976 when the CIA said that the forthcoming global cooling would cause political upheaval? What a time that was.
Refugees have both.
It’s not about what they have, schnookie pie. They don’t have the right or the obligation (how would that even work) to invade our countries.
Originally Posted by Delayed
I just recognize that the current gun debate is just a marketing ploy by the gun industry.
Yes, the people who want to ban guns are being paid by the pro-gun lobby. Sure thing. /s
Originally Posted by Delayed
It's no accident that the Christian Right votes the way they do.
Ah, yes; who could forget Bigot 1:14: And Jesus said, “Go out into the world and microaggress against everyone who doesn’t look like you!”
Originally Posted by Delayed
I don't care what your specific religious beliefs are as long as you don't try to write them into law.
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Thou Shalt Not Steal
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
Et Cetera
So repeal those laws, then. Check! Jews won’t be happy about that...
Originally Posted by Delayed
Show me another kind that actually exists in significant numbers.
So the shouts of Allahu Akbar were accompanied by Vive le France, then?
The point is that these countries have neither the obligation nor the responsibility to accept refugees and that some are nearly collapsing underneath them. It’s absolute insanity and it MUST stop.
no, the point is none of the attackers are confirmed Syrian. and even if the one is, he also had a non-Syrian passport, which means a terrorists could sneak into a country under any guise, so rejecting refugees due to fear of terrorists is a logic fail. thats the point. you can change the point to something else, but thats the point being made.
Intolerance starts with Religion. "MY God is Great, therefore yours is not. You must convert or die." Words spoken by Christians and Muslims throughout history.
and in WWII Stalin and Hitler killed millions in the name of ideology (about 48 million more died in WWII than in the crusades).
Your whole post is ridiculous, but let's just look at these five parts:
1. The first commandment commands that you only worship this God. It's the smallest of baby steps from there to a Crusade against those who refuse. Witness: The Crusades!
2. Did you not see the first commandment? ...NO other God... Can't get more consolidated than that.
3. So you've not been watching Fox News? I guess that's a good thing...
4. Christians are saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed into the country unless they convert. I suppose that's better than what they did during the Crusades. Still, the same prejudice leads to the same offenses.
5. Gun makers don't need to put their business in jeopardy. In fact, by stirring up controversy a la: "They're coming to get your guns." they generate fear which increases gun sales (often to unstable people), while keeping sensible restrictions like background checks at bay.
1. Go back and read up on the crusades, we'll accept your apology after you realize they were done to rescue an enslaved people and reclaim captured land from barbarians.
2. Worshiping an entity that you can't see, hear, or touch prevents someone from coming along proclaiming they are Him. Political figures specifically, who think they are larger than life themselves. The Hitler's, Stalin's, Mao Zedong's of the world, who cause mass death and destruction.
3. You need to broaden your horizons.
4. Some may say that, however the main concern is the outbreak of recent Islamic terrorists. It is a religion counter to our own culture. While I have no problems with people worshiping whatever they want, I and many others in this country have a problem with people who want to kill me (us) for not worshipping their God. This country was founded on Christian values what purpose could you have coming here when you are opposed to those values?
4. Ask a Christian or someone from the LBGT community how fun it is to live in a strict Islamic community. Oh that's right, you can't. They're either dead or in fear of their lives. Well the Christians at least get the opportunity to pay a tax instead of converting. You want that here?
5. Refer to number 3 and you will learn you were lied to. I've had a background check done on every gun I've purchased, in multiple states.
...a terrorists could sneak into a country under any guise...
But the aegis is the same.
...so rejecting refugees due to fear of terrorists is a logic fail.
Not really. Statistically they’re far more likely to contain damaging individuals and they’re universally a drain on the economies of the respective countries.
When did this thread about Apple's encryption being efficient turn into an argument on guns being dangerous?
I believe it was an attempt (a weak one) by one poster to point out the hypocrisy of those who would ban encryption but not ban guns. Personally, I wouldn't ban either, but I would put real restrictions on gun sales to criminals and crazies. Background checks should be required on all gun sales.
Ah, so it's not really religion that you have issues with, it's specific beliefs by some folks that also happen to have religious beliefs. As long as they're the "right" beliefs you don't have an issue with them.
Gotcha. So why keep harping on religion when you have finally come around to explain it's only SOME religious folks so not really religion as a whole in the first place. Sounds like there might be some segment of atheists and agnostics who probably believe things you don't like either.
Ah, so it's not really religion that you have issues with, it's specific beliefs by some folks that also happen to have religious beliefs. As long as they're the "right" beliefs you don't have an issue with them.
So now you've confirmed it: you are incapable of understanding this. Once more, for posterity, then I'm out: I don't care what your specific religious beliefs are as long as you don't try to write them into law. Got it? No, you probably don't.
Cults often do good deeds, or at least encourage others to do them. That's how they gain followers. As for the 10 commandments, look at the first of them:
Wars have been fought because of this one. The Crusades were justified by it. On the whole, Religion has done more harm than good. Even in our times, we have Christians in the US killing doctors in the name of God.
Religion leads directly to dogma, and dogma makes religion dangerous. Not just Muslim Religion, all Religion. But lest you continue to think your Religion is special:
The first commandment doesn't say kill anyone who disobeys the first commandment. The crusades were fought to rescue the population put in to slavery by the violent spread of Islam.
The point is, Religion is about power consolidation, not good deeds. The details of these wars are unimportant. What's important is that we need to recognize that we're being manipulated by people who think they're doing God's work, but clearly are not, and it makes no difference whether they call themselves Christians or Muslims.
There is no mention of some power consolidation in the 10 Commandments.
I'd note that Christian sects are often anti technology and anti science. As an example, it's Christians, not Muslims, who in the U.S. are resisting Scientific facts like evolution and climate change.
I know of no Christian (or Muslim) who doesn't believe in the changing weather.
Intolerance starts with Religion. "MY God is Great, therefore yours is not. You must convert or die." Words spoken by Christians and Muslims throughout history.
Haven't seen any videos lately of Christians saying that. Have seen videos of them dying for not converting to Islam though.
As expected, your posts have descended from lies to blather.
Not only did I read the NPR link you cited, but I thought I would spare you the embarrassment of your own overblown bs (look at your post in #78, where you blithely claim Clinton did something illegal -- in response to which I asked you for a cite).
All that the NPR link says is that some Republicans (e.g., Chuck Grassley) have claimed that what she did is "illegal." Since you insist, the article actually says -- you might consider reading it yourself -- the following:
The Justice Department weighed in, calling it "sheer speculation" that "Clinton withheld any work-related emails from those provided to the Department of State." What's more, Justice wrote, "FOIA creates no obligation for an agency to search for and produce records that it does not possess and control."
In fact, the department refers to a past fight over former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's notes, as Josh Gerstein points out. Notes and tapes of Kissinger's conversations were sent to the Library of Congress — rather than leaving them to the State Department — restricting their public access. FOIA requests were denied by the State Department because they were under the aegis of the Library of Congress. Kissinger declined to turn the documents over to archivists' requests.
What's more, the Supreme Court held that the Kissinger documents did not have to be turned over under FOIA — even though they were notes taken while Kissinger was at State — because State did not have possession of them.
On "innuendos" look at my post in #68. I specifically talk about legal immigration, i.e., refugees -- you do know that anyone admitted under 'refugee' status is legal, right? Why don't you check on what Trump, Bush, Rubio, Cruz, and Carson have said on the topic of Syrian refugees?
On @NolaMacGuy, at no point did I respond to his posts. I responded to yours. Period.
Do you even bother to read the news carefully? And the posts here? Or do you just go with whatever pops into your head?
"Sheer specualtion", you're that gullible? They don't possess them because they were DESTROYED by Clinton, as in gone forever. Notes and tapes of Kissinger's conversations were sent to the Library of Congress thus not destroyed.
Ok, lets play fantasy land and pretend she did nothing illegal, you don't think conducting classified State business through a private server is incredibly stupid and shouldn't disqualify you as a presidential candidate?
Your pretzel logic with NolaMacGuy is so bad I'm going to call it quits. You bee bop in and out so much I can't tell what your point is anymore.
There is a process for someone seeking asylum to the United States. The government has a duty to suspend that process to protect its own citizens when a situation arises. Again I ask you, if you don't want a database to track the status of the refugees how to you propose to keep track of them?
Yes, and the intended target is a living being. All too often, a human being. Paper targets exist for practice, so you can be expert at it when you take aim at a living being. By the way, I'm not anti-gun. I just recognize that the current gun debate is just a marketing ploy by the gun industry. Having sold more guns than there are people in the U.S., they need to stir up controversy to stimulate more sales. They don't care who they sell them to.
Do you think gun manufactures are that hard up for business that they would but their business in jeopardy by trying to get guns in to the hands of criminals?
As proof of how ridiculously broad your brush is I might mention that I walked away from organized religion decades ago, and would more accurately describe myself at this stage in life as agnostic if I was forced to compartmentalize my belief. You tho assume I must be "Christian" simply because I don't agree with your point of view about those who belong to organized religion being the root cause of warfare.
IMHO it's not me that is demonstrating an inability to see with clear vision. Are there no mirrors in your home?
Um... what?
You're rambling.
1. The first commandment doesn't say kill anyone who disobeys the first commandment. The crusades were fought to rescue the population put in to slavery by the violent spread of Islam.
2. There is no mention of some power consolidation in the 10 Commandments.
3. I know of no Christian (or Muslim) who doesn't believe in the changing weather.
4.Haven't seen any videos lately of Christians saying that. Have seen videos of them dying for not converting to Islam though.
5. Do you think gun manufactures are that hard up for business that they would but their business in jeopardy by trying to get guns in to the hands of criminals?
Your whole post is ridiculous, but let's just look at these five parts:
1. The first commandment commands that you only worship this God. It's the smallest of baby steps from there to a Crusade against those who refuse. Witness: The Crusades!
2. Did you not see the first commandment? ...NO other God... Can't get more consolidated than that.
3. So you've not been watching Fox News? I guess that's a good thing...
4. Christians are saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed into the country unless they convert. I suppose that's better than what they did during the Crusades. Still, the same prejudice leads to the same offenses.
5. Gun makers don't need to put their business in jeopardy. In fact, by stirring up controversy a la: "They're coming to get your guns." they generate fear which increases gun sales (often to unstable people), while keeping sensible restrictions like background checks at bay.
Again you seem to have a fixation on organized religion, ignoring that the same actions may apply to those with absolutely zero connection to a religious belief.
Evolution is a theory, a model which has widespread support amongst the scientific and pseudo scientific community. It is not a fact any more than Newton's Laws are. Moreover, evolution has problems with verification via replication, a problem many disciplines dealing with time have.
Evolution is a theory, a model which has widespread support amongst the scientific and pseudo scientific community. It is not a fact any more than Newton's Laws are. Moreover, evolution has problems with verification via replication, a problem many disciplines dealing with time have.
Seriously??? You do realize that a scientific theory is as close to fact as you can ever get, right? This isn't anything like "I have a theory about who killed Kennedy." It's fact. Sure, we don't know all the details, but that doesn't mean that there's any doubt about its truth.
You have gone too far this time. First, let me remind you that a majority of Apple's sales comes from outside the US.
The era where the US was the only significant country is over, unfortunately. While America has indeed provided wonderful contributions to culture, and many other areas, it hardly has a monopoly on many of these areas anymore. You might want to have a look at who the PhD candidates are in the better American universities, who the main scientists were in the American space program, the current owners of US debt and how other parts of the world view the propagation of American pop culture. To say there is the US and then a set of say a bunch of countries that are significant is just no longer the case in my opinion. The US is indeed a big market for consumer goods ( purchased for the most part on credit with the debt being owned by other countries). There are many great things about the US, and many of us really appreciate them, but I suspect you are delusional when it comes to the importance of America at this time. The country has become quite insular and has largely given up its leadership role in international affairs. To say that America's natural allies no longer "trust" it is probably an understatement.
Getting back to my point, I still don't understand why AI should have a technical thread co-opted by internal US politics which may or may not be of little interest to the readers ( American or not) of the site. Should we expand the political discussion down to particular states?
I am quite serious. The scientific method involves replication. In many fields that is impossible. Theories are put forth, tested and await better theories. It does involve the quest for truth but evolution is no more truth than Newton's Laws are.
Even amongst scientists there is quite a bit of controversy over how to interpret data, especially when replication is impossible. Your statement "scientific theory is as close to fact"
is very odd indeed.
Counterfeit Christians with self serving motives.
I am quite serious. The scientific method involves replication. In many fields that is impossible. Theories are put forth, tested and await better theories. It does involve the quest for truth but evolution is no more truth than Newton's Laws are.
Even amongst scientists there is quite a bit of controversy over how to interpret data, especially when replication is impossible. Your statement "scientific theory is as close to fact"
is very odd indeed.
Tell that to Neil: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/n/neildegras615098.html
Counterfeit Christians with self serving motives.
Show me another kind that actually exists in significant numbers.
I wonder if you have ANY CLUE that terrorists and people like you have exactly the same reasoning justifying their right to kill, maim, or indirectly profit from other people's suffering.
On a scale of 1 to 100, the accuracy of that statement rates about a 9, and that only because it uses English words in a grammatically correct way.
No, because you’re comparing apples and box turtles. I do not subscribe to an omnicidal worldview, nor do I wish harm on the people fleeing (and “fleeing”) said omnicidal worldview. You don’t care, but there it is.
...we are fucking rich. They are poor...
Keep your communist bullshit to yourself.
Numbers don't lie, but you can always interpret.
And you can always falsify.
Remember back in 1976 when the CIA said that the forthcoming global cooling would cause political upheaval? What a time that was.
It’s not about what they have, schnookie pie. They don’t have the right or the obligation (how would that even work) to invade our countries.
Yes, the people who want to ban guns are being paid by the pro-gun lobby. Sure thing. /s
Ah, yes; who could forget Bigot 1:14: And Jesus said, “Go out into the world and microaggress against everyone who doesn’t look like you!”
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Thou Shalt Not Steal
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
Et Cetera
So repeal those laws, then. Check! Jews won’t be happy about that...
Show me another kind that actually exists in significant numbers.
Oh boy. There goes your argument.
no, the point is none of the attackers are confirmed Syrian. and even if the one is, he also had a non-Syrian passport, which means a terrorists could sneak into a country under any guise, so rejecting refugees due to fear of terrorists is a logic fail. thats the point. you can change the point to something else, but thats the point being made.
Intolerance starts with Religion. "MY God is Great, therefore yours is not. You must convert or die." Words spoken by Christians and Muslims throughout history.
and in WWII Stalin and Hitler killed millions in the name of ideology (about 48 million more died in WWII than in the crusades).
1. Go back and read up on the crusades, we'll accept your apology after you realize they were done to rescue an enslaved people and reclaim captured land from barbarians.
2. Worshiping an entity that you can't see, hear, or touch prevents someone from coming along proclaiming they are Him. Political figures specifically, who think they are larger than life themselves. The Hitler's, Stalin's, Mao Zedong's of the world, who cause mass death and destruction.
3. You need to broaden your horizons.
4. Some may say that, however the main concern is the outbreak of recent Islamic terrorists. It is a religion counter to our own culture. While I have no problems with people worshiping whatever they want, I and many others in this country have a problem with people who want to kill me (us) for not worshipping their God. This country was founded on Christian values what purpose could you have coming here when you are opposed to those values?
4. Ask a Christian or someone from the LBGT community how fun it is to live in a strict Islamic community. Oh that's right, you can't. They're either dead or in fear of their lives. Well the Christians at least get the opportunity to pay a tax instead of converting. You want that here?
5. Refer to number 3 and you will learn you were lied to. I've had a background check done on every gun I've purchased, in multiple states.
But the aegis is the same.
Not really. Statistically they’re far more likely to contain damaging individuals and they’re universally a drain on the economies of the respective countries.
Tell that to Neil: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/n/neildegras615098.html
Why should I do that? Saying something does not make it true. You keep avoiding the Newton's Laws example.