Brean Capital tells investors to ignore 'noisy' supply chain, focus on longterm iPhone success

in AAPL Investors
Recent concerns stemming from Apple's supply chain haven't swayed Brean Capital, which believes iPhone sales will continue to grow another 5 to 10 percent in calendar 2016.

Analyst Ananda Baruah stood by Apple this week in a note to investors, a copy of which was provided to AppleInsider, in which he maintained a target price of $170. He said that although the company's supply chain may be "noisy," he remains confident in his longterm "buy" thesis on shares of AAPL.

To Baruah, Wall Street expectations for Apple are "materially low" through 2017. While he sees iPhone growth of more than 5 percent, Wall Street consensus sees iPhone shipments slipping between 3 and 5 percent.

Specifically, Baruah believes Apple shipped about 233 million iPhone units in calendar year 2015, which he sees growing to about 250 million in 2016. He sees Apple's sales being boosted next year by the debut of a new 4-inch iPhone, which he believes could provide as many as 30 million incremental units to the year if it launches in the March-to-April timeframe.

To him, Apple's rumored 4-inch iPhone is a "done deal," and will be the primary reason Apple sees continued growth next year.

Most analysts continue to be bullish on the long-term prospects for Apple, but a number of investment firms have recently expressed concern over shorter-term iPhone sales. The trend has been driven by estimates being cut by a number of key Apple suppliers.

Firms that have cut their estimates in recent weeks include FBR & Co., RBC Capital Markets, J.P. Morgan, and Morgan Stanley.

Standing more firmly behind Apple, however, has been Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray, who advised investors not to worry about supplier data. He believes it's unwise to read to heavily into vague estimates from Apple partners.

That's the same opinion repeatedly shared by Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook, who has said that reading into supply chain data leads to erroneous conclusions.

"The supply chain is very complex, and we obviously have multiple sources for things," Cook said. "Even if a particular data point were factual, it would be impossible to interpret that data point as to what it meant for our business."


  • Reply 1 of 75
    So basically ignore other analysts guesses in favor of his guesses. 
  • Reply 2 of 75
    I'm not seeing it. All growth from the past year has been wiped out, leaving shareholders with their dividends this year. I'm not really putting all the blame on Apple. The economy is being killed by Fed policy and excessive regulation, not to mention we are now in a deflationary period caused by Boomer retirements. The full weight of Obamacare also has not yet fallen on the majority of the population, but it does in 2016. All of the bad foundation that has been prolonging our shaky economy remains and may not easily change no matter who comes into office in the upcoming election. We're entering dire times.
  • Reply 3 of 75
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    So basically ignore other analysts guesses in favor of his guesses. 
    My guess is better than your guess! Nan nah nan nah nan nah! Watching this unfold has been very educational for me. I have learned a lot about how analysts work, how stocks are manipulated, how utterly corrupt Wall Street is. The small investor is quite literally at the mercy of corrupt and unethical forces beyond their control or comprehension. The little guys are allowed to make a little money just to make it look legit. It makes me want to pull my IRA out and put it under my mattress. 
    edited December 2015 cornchip
  • Reply 4 of 75
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    sog35 said:
    This just shows what an ABSOLUTE FAILURE Tim Cook is.

    The entire Wall Street and Investors still believe that all Apple is is the iPhone.
    That is a massive FAILURE on Tim Cooks part.  He had 4 years to rewrite the message that Apple is an ecosystem company not a pure hardware company. He has FAILED.  He either has to hire someone who can articulate the vision or he needs to step down.
    It's not Tim Cook who needs to 'stand down'.
  • Reply 5 of 75
    sog35 said:
    This just shows what an ABSOLUTE FAILURE Tim Cook is.

    The entire Wall Street and Investors still believe that all Apple is is the iPhone.
    That is a massive FAILURE on Tim Cooks part.  He had 4 years to rewrite the message that Apple is an ecosystem company not a pure hardware company. He has FAILED.  He either has to hire someone who can articulate the vision or he needs to step down.
    Well Mr Sog35, how about buying a few shares of Apple stock and then putting down a motion of no confidence in Tim Cook and the BOD for discussion at the AGM.
    Who knows, you might even get it passed. Ready to run the biggest company in the world then?
    If not, just shut up and sell any Apple kit you own. You obviously don't like the company, the products, the management, just about everything to do with the company,

  • Reply 6 of 75
    I'm not seeing it. All growth from the past year has been wiped out, leaving shareholders with their dividends this year. I'm not really putting all the blame on Apple. The economy is being killed by Fed policy and excessive regulation, not to mention we are now in a deflationary period caused by Boomer retirements. The full weight of Obamacare also has not yet fallen on the majority of the population, but it does in 2016. All of the bad foundation that has been prolonging our shaky economy remains and may not easily change no matter who comes into office in the upcoming election. We're entering dire times.
    Apple is a Multi-national company. Many people located in the USA seem to forget that. Quite a few countries have a health service funded out of taxation and free/low cost at the point of delivery. In many countries, the Baby Boomers retiring actually have a good deal of disposable income to spend. Ok, so I'm one of them so maybe I'm a bit biased. What I'm trying to say is the the spending profiles of people in the USA are not replicated in the rest of the world. Please try to consider the bigger picture in future.
  • Reply 7 of 75
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    sog35 said:
    Apple is down another $6 billion today.  Over $16 billion the last two days.  Thats a WHOLE YEAR of Dividends.

    Stock is down $16 billion because of a fucking $300 million tax bill.  How the FUCK does that makes sense. 
    It doesn't make sense because that's not why the stock went down a tad. ;/ Do you even keep up with movement of the overall market?
  • Reply 8 of 75
    As soon as AAPL stock goes down, those sitting on the sidelines appoint themselves experts on running the world's biggest company. When the stock goes up, they believe they're investing wizards. Either way, they're geniuses.
  • Reply 9 of 75
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    Relax everyone.  This just a repeat of 2008.  Wall Street is a Ship of Fools™.

    Apple is stronger than ever.  The iPhone 6S is a killer device and with all the mobile computing profits falling into Apple's lap, the door for Apple has been kicked wide open.

    Time will prove them wrong.  Amazon has left the mobile phone market.  Microsoft phone is dead in the water.  The others are being bled dry.  The iPhone is the spear.  It may take a bit of a breather next year, but the game is over.
    flaneurneil andersoncornchip
  • Reply 10 of 75
    I'm not seeing it. All growth from the past year has been wiped out, leaving shareholders with their dividends this year. I'm not really putting all the blame on Apple. The economy is being killed by Fed policy and excessive regulation, not to mention we are now in a deflationary period caused by Boomer retirements. The full weight of Obamacare also has not yet fallen on the majority of the population, but it does in 2016. All of the bad foundation that has been prolonging our shaky economy remains and may not easily change no matter who comes into office in the upcoming election. We're entering dire times.
    I don't see that. The Fed is VERY gradually raising, we haven't entered or started an expensive war recently, and every one can get health care. Those are all really important.

    The future: Hilary is pro Wall Street and so are her Republican competitors. A repatriation tax holiday is likely within two years. Federal tax coffers will get a bump and Apple will have $100-$175B to work with. Apple could buy Adobe, FireEye, Sales Force, and Tesla. Or IBM. Dumb ideas, maybe, probably, but the point is that Apple could "buy" $80B in revenue and add that to the top line.

    I think the future doesn't look too bad.
  • Reply 11 of 75
    sog35 said:
    Apple is down another $6 billion today.  Over $16 billion the last two days.  Thats a WHOLE YEAR of Dividends.

    Yet Cook does absolutely NOTHING. He sits on his ASS and does NOTHING.

    The stock is down over $200 BILLION because of totally baseless LIES and SPECULATION.  Yet Cooks does nothing.  He sits there on his ASS and worries about gay rights instead of the $200 BILLION that shareholders and employees have lost.  He spent $120 BILLION on buyback and half of that is now in the RED.  IN a few weeks the entire buyback will be in the RED and will be a total waste of money.

    Stock is down $16 billion because of a fucking $300 million tax bill.  How the FUCK does that makes sense. Where the FUCK is Tim Cook to stop the bleeding? 
    I get it that you're upset that Apple's stock is getting hammered based on lies. I think it's a travesty that despite posting twice as much revenue and profit than Google or Amazon while still showing better revenue growth, Apple trades at a low P/E. What do you want Tim Cook to do to "stop the bleeding?" 
  • Reply 12 of 75
    Everyone is down today, Microsoft 1.5%. Of course Apple is going to be down too.
  • Reply 13 of 75
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    sog35 said:
    Apple is down another $6 billion today.  Over $16 billion the last two days.  Thats a WHOLE YEAR of Dividends.

    Yet Cook does absolutely NOTHING. He sits on his ASS and does NOTHING.

    The stock is down over $200 BILLION because of totally baseless LIES and SPECULATION.  Yet Cooks does nothing.  He sits there on his ASS and worries about gay rights instead of the $200 BILLION that shareholders and employees have lost.  He spent $120 BILLION on buyback and half of that is now in the RED.  IN a few weeks the entire buyback will be in the RED and will be a total waste of money.

    Stock is down $16 billion because of a fucking $300 million tax bill.  How the FUCK does that makes sense. Where the FUCK is Tim Cook to stop the bleeding? 
    Do you ever pay attention to anything that isn't Apple related? The US is not the whole world. Apple derives most of it's income from outside of the US. Have you even looked at the extra-US economic situation over the past year and looked at the prospects for the forthcoming year? The past year has been woeful and the forthcoming one bodes to be even worse.

    Contrary to popular belief, the GFC never ended. It is still ongoing. It is simply the sheer momentum of China that served to disguise that fact but it has petered out now. Nothing could more clearly illustrate that than the global commodities situation. Brazil's economy is back to normal. Australia's is just limping along, Canada likewise. The EU economy is stuck at zero and I don't think any amount of the stupid form of quantitative easing they are engaged in will have any effect. The US is about the only economy that has shown any signs of life recently and I suspect that is only temporary.

    As has already been pointed out to you, Apple's income is a one-trick-iPony. The 6 series has been extremely successful because of the jump in screen size and processing power. This very success may well represent a peak, or maybe plateau, because the capability of high end phones has reached that same point PC's with Intel Core 2 Duo powered processors did, in that they had enough processing power for the majority of people's needs to the point they didn't feel any need to upgrade.

    Reading several comments on other sites I have seen people say the upgrade from their 6 to 6+ was of negligible real benefit because the 6 was already so capable. Coming up with meaningful improvements that can persuade hundreds of millions of people to upgrade is going to become increasingly difficult, I think. The rumours about a move to OLED screens is solely because of the need for something new and differentiating, not because the tech is ready - Anandtech reviews would suggest the tech has been ready for at least two years now. I wouldn't be surprised if OLED screens come in 2016, not 2017, such is the need for something new to motivate sales.
    So given iPhones are very expensive, the world's economy is utterly stagnant, if not actually on the verge of contracting, existing models are very capable and likely meeting most peoples needs, I think the prospects for ever-increasing sales are remote, if not fanciful.
    edited December 2015
  • Reply 14 of 75
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    sog35 said:
    Apple is down another $6 billion today.  Over $16 billion the last two days.  Thats a WHOLE YEAR of Dividends.

    Yet Cook does absolutely NOTHING. He sits on his ASS and does NOTHING.

    The stock is down over $200 BILLION because of totally baseless LIES and SPECULATION.  Yet Cooks does nothing.  He sits there on his ASS and worries about gay rights instead of the $200 BILLION that shareholders and employees have lost.  He spent $120 BILLION on buyback and half of that is now in the RED.  IN a few weeks the entire buyback will be in the RED and will be a total waste of money.

    Stock is down $16 billion because of a fucking $300 million tax bill.  How the FUCK does that makes sense. Where the FUCK is Tim Cook to stop the bleeding? 

    I just registered again on this board only in order to ask you to shut the fuck up- and I think I speak for everyone. Your insanity was cute for a while, but your vile messages are now just nauseating in their pitifulness, and you infect every single thread you post in with your screeching, nasty craziness. It's almost scary how little you understand about anything, your childish assumptions (IF COOK ONLY STATES SUPPLY CHAIN UNRELIABLE APPLE STOCK WOULD BE SO MUCH HIGHER!! COOK IS SITTING ON HIS ASS DOING NOTHING!!!) and the misplaced hatred you have towards Cook.

    In the same post you state that Apple makes the best products in the world, as well as the most profitable, and yet Cook is a complete failure of a CEO and "pathetic". How the fuck are those 2 statements compatible? Apparently, in your view, the primary job of a CEO is to micromanage short term stock prices, and not run a great company. Your statements about "waste of money" buybacks is hilarious, as if these are short-term focused moves. You've made a fuckload of money on Apple stock, yet you're a spoiled, greedy, nasty piece of work that is now spending all his time and energy throwing barbs at Cook because the stock isn't a fucking daily money-making machine for you. Take my advise- please sell your holdings, so you can shut the fuck up and stop trolling this board with your CAPS-ridden, insane non-sense. 
    edited December 2015 jkichlinemuppetryMuppetGatedsdjonligrouchojbdragondasanman69nolamacguydamonf
  • Reply 15 of 75
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    vvswarup said:
    sog35 said:
    Apple is down another $6 billion today.  Over $16 billion the last two days.  Thats a WHOLE YEAR of Dividends.

    Yet Cook does absolutely NOTHING. He sits on his ASS and does NOTHING.

    The stock is down over $200 BILLION because of totally baseless LIES and SPECULATION.  Yet Cooks does nothing.  He sits there on his ASS and worries about gay rights instead of the $200 BILLION that shareholders and employees have lost.  He spent $120 BILLION on buyback and half of that is now in the RED.  IN a few weeks the entire buyback will be in the RED and will be a total waste of money.

    Stock is down $16 billion because of a fucking $300 million tax bill.  How the FUCK does that makes sense. Where the FUCK is Tim Cook to stop the bleeding? 
    I get it that you're upset that Apple's stock is getting hammered based on lies. I think it's a travesty that despite posting twice as much revenue and profit than Google or Amazon while still showing better revenue growth, Apple trades at a low P/E. What do you want Tim Cook to do to "stop the bleeding?" 
    All this Tim bashing is everywhere and I have to wonder about the brains of these people.   That said with only a modest gain since the stock split it's easy for me to be complacent as I have a massive % increase as I bought far earlier.  It's not Tim but something is screwing with AAPL for sure!
    edited December 2015
  • Reply 16 of 75
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    sog35 said:
    Well Mr Sog35, how about buying a few shares of Apple stock and then putting down a motion of no confidence in Tim Cook and the BOD for discussion at the AGM.
    Who knows, you might even get it passed. Ready to run the biggest company in the world then?
    If not, just shut up and sell any Apple kit you own. You obviously don't like the company, the products, the management, just about everything to do with the company,

    I love the company.
    They make the best products in the world.
    They make ridiculous profits.
    But the stock has been an absolute piece of shit since Tim Cook took over.
    Wrong. When Tim Cook took the reigns of Apple on August 24, 2011, the stock price was $370 or so. Tim Cook has been at the helm when stock soared to over $700 per share, guided Apple through a 7 to 1 stock split and massive buyback program. The stock is currently "low" at $105 per share. If you adjust for the split, you're looking at $735 per share equivalent. So doubling the stock price is some how an "absolute piece of shit" during an economic downturn?
  • Reply 17 of 75
    ac1234ac1234 Posts: 138member
    CNBC's Herb Greenberg just announced Tim Cook as one of the most challenged CEOs for 2016 - need for more innovation - iPhone 7s won't cut it.

    IMHO, the floundering execution of launches like HOMEKIT / Apple TV / movie content / $$ wasters like Beats are dragging the stock down and contributing to the negative narrative.

  • Reply 18 of 75
    sog35 said:
    jkichline said:
    Wrong. When Tim Cook took the reigns of Apple on August 24, 2011, the stock price was $370 or so. Tim Cook has been at the helm when stock soared to over $700 per share, guided Apple through a 7 to 1 stock split and massive buyback program. The stock is currently "low" at $105 per share. If you adjust for the split, you're looking at $735 per share equivalent. So doubling the stock price is some how an "absolute piece of shit" during an economic downturn?
    When the stock soared from $370 in Aug2011 to $700 in Sept2012 that was momentum from the Jobs era. 
    There is no way Cook did anything that significantly changed the stock price in 12 months.

    The last 3 years have been all Cook, starting with the release of the iPhone5.
    Since then the stock has been up about 2% each year. What an utter failure. Especially considering that profits and revenue are up 60%.

    Again Cook is great at operations.  But he is HORRIBLE at PR and pleasing shareholders and investors. He allows all the FUD to fester and that leads to panic selling. He either needs to hire someone who knows how to handle Wall Street/investor fears or resign. 2% stock growth during the companies most lucritive era is unacceptable. Now imagine if profits only grew 10%?  Where would the stock be then? 
    The only way Tim Cook is going to satisfy you is if he turns Apple into another Google, Amazon or Facebook. Amazon has been spending money like there's no tomorrow for twenty years. The company has an aversion to making money. The Street has rewarded Amazon for its profligacy. They then look at Apple and conclude on the basis of Apple earning record profits and cash flow that Apple isn't investing in its future and instead, it is is simply spending all of its time on shaving off a couple of millimeters of thickness of the iPhone and stuffing a better processor/camera into it.

    Wall Street believes that making money and investing in the future are mutually exclusive. To please Wall Street to the degree you want, Apple will have to throw the baby out with the bathwater and abandon the very principles that have brought Apple to its current position. I don't think it's worth it.
    edited December 2015 jbdragoncornchip
  • Reply 19 of 75
    ac1234 said:
    CNBC's Herb Greenberg just announced Tim Cook as one of the most challenged CEOs for 2016 - need for more innovation - iPhone 7s won't cut it.

    IMHO, the floundering execution of launches like HOMEKIT / Apple TV / movie content / $$ wasters like Beats are dragging the stock down and contributing to the negative narrative.

    CNBC is constantly negative on Apple. Google stock is up double digits this year but I can't think of one thing they did that could be called innovative. Trying to turn your company into a Berkshire Hathaway wannabe isn't innovative it's laughable.

    Nilay Patel at the Verge just ran a piece about what he thinks the site got wrong in 2015. Two of the things he mentioned: Watch revolutionizing wearables industry; Samsung designing a better smart watch than Apple. For the first one, absolutely nobody was expecting that or predicting it. You won't find one article on the Verge or anywhere else claiming the Watch would be some revolutionary product. Most of the tech press spent 2015 mocking it and mocking the category in general. As far as the second item, that's of course totally subjective. To me the Gear S 2 looks incredibly cheap. And I have yet to see a video of it in use that looks more intuitive than anything else on the market. The tech press just jumped on this rotating bezel as though it was somehow the greatest thing ever that no one had done before. Oh and how many of these 'better than Watch' smart watches has Samsung sold? I've seen more people wearing Fitbits and Watches than anything from Samsung.
  • Reply 20 of 75
    ac1234ac1234 Posts: 138member
    vvswarup said:

    Wall Street believes that making money and investing in the future are mutually exclusive. To please Wall Street to the degree you want, Apple will have to throw the baby out with the bathwater and abandon the very principles that have brought Apple to its current position. I don't think it's worth it.
    Nonsense - Apple has to articulate and demonstrate an exciting trajectory beyond the iPhone.  So far the market is not impressed with what they have seen vis a vis HOMEKIT / Beats / Apple TV / streaming content negotiation failure / etc.
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