'This would be bad for America,' Tim Cook tells ABC News about creating iPhone backdoor



  • Reply 41 of 63
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    msantti said:

    tmay said:
    Oh, so your another bedwetter. How nice. I'll bet you'll keep finding new bedwetters to commiserate with going by your toddler rants.
    Hey, its fine if you waant to be pro terrorist.

    At least we know. 

    Oh, ad cry me a fucking river.

    I spent time in Iraq in the Army. I got a little different perspective about these cretin than you do.
    You are aware that our involvement in Iraq is certainly one of the reasons that terrorist cells were not wiped out in Afghanistan; we left that unfinished for the War in Iraq, and we are still there today. You must also be aware that our involvement in Iraq shifted the balance of power to Iran and Shiite's over the Sunni. That certainly has had an effect in Syria where, you know, we were arming some groups that had ties to Al Qaeda in a bid to overthrow the Baathists in Syria, and specifically President Bashar al-Assad, and better than that, we were in league with the Saudi's who were, you know, the nation that gave us most of the 9-11 terrorists.

    Now many of those forces in Syria that we supported have gone over to the Daesh and ISIS, creating a new threat not only to the region by exposing fundamentalism in Turkey, but actually creating many more fronts of confrontation between the participants, and many more opportunities to create new terrorists, some of which threaten the U.S., not just Western Nations, and still we and everybody else is throwing more weapons into the mix. You probably are aware that the whole Benghazi event was predicated on a clandestine operation to ship captured Libyan weapons to Syrian "freedom fighters", who were, you know, terrorists?

    So I thank you for your military service, but I'm not seeing the correlation of terrorism with secure iPhones; I'm just seeing a couple of terrorists who weren't caught in time the DOJ are using as a bludgeon on the American people to prevent they from being secure in their personal data.

    If we want to combat terrorism, we have to do it by eliminating the creation of terrorists, and that's not an easy task, but using fear as a tool to create laws that force Americans to live with insecure data, including Financial, Health and even our contacts, is not a substitute for reducing terrorism, and it won't have much impact on prevention either.
    edited February 2016 fastasleep
  • Reply 42 of 63
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    sflocal said:
    msantti said:
    I spent time in Iraq in the Army. I got a little different perspective about these cretin than you do.

    Being the military base idiot doesn't give you a "let's screw the American people" card.  

    Last time I checked, the terrorists didn't use iPhones or encryption when the Sept. 11 attacks occurred.  See how well that worked?
    No... it was a combined effort of many government idiots that dropped the ball.
    When did I say Apple needs to create a back door. I never said to go after just anyones phone.
    edited February 2016
  • Reply 43 of 63
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    tmay said:
    msantti said:

    Hey, its fine if you waant to be pro terrorist.

    At least we know. 

    Oh, ad cry me a fucking river.

    I spent time in Iraq in the Army. I got a little different perspective about these cretin than you do.
    You are aware that our involvement in Iraq is certainly one of the reasons that terrorist cells were not wiped out in Afghanistan; we left that unfinished for the War in Iraq, and we are still there today. You must also be aware that our involvement in Iraq shifted the balance of power to Iran and Shiite's over the Sunni. That certainly has had an effect in Syria where, you know, we were arming some groups that had ties to Al Qaeda in a bid to overthrow the Baathists in Syria, and specifically President Bashar al-Assad, and better than that, we were in league with the Saudi's who were, you know, the nation that gave us most of the 9-11 terrorists.

    Now many of those forces in Syria that we supported have gone over to the Daesh and ISIS, creating a new threat not only to the region by exposing fundamentalism in Turkey, but actually creating many more fronts of confrontation between the participants, and many more opportunities to create new terrorists, some of which threaten the U.S., not just Western Nations, and still we and everybody else is throwing more weapons into the mix. You probably are aware that the whole Benghazi event was predicated on a clandestine operation to ship captured Libyan weapons to Syrian "freedom fighters", who were, you know, terrorists?

    So I thank you for your military service, but I'm not seeing the correlation of terrorism with secure iPhones; I'm just seeing a couple of terrorists who weren't caught in time the DOJ are using that as a bludgeon on the American people to prevent they from being secure in their personal data.

    If we want to combat terrorism, we have to do it by eliminating the creation of them, and that's not an easy task, but using fear as a tool to create laws that force Americans to live with insecure data, including Financial, Health and even our contacts, is not a substitute for reducing terrorism.
    Our dear leader made it worse.

    But hey, its all JV to him anyways.
  • Reply 44 of 63
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    msantti said:
    sflocal said:

    Being the military base idiot doesn't give you a "let's screw the American people" card.  

    Last time I checked, the terrorists didn't use iPhones or encryption when the Sept. 11 attacks occurred.  See how well that worked?
    No... it was a combined effort of many government idiots that dropped the ball.
    You people LOVE big government.
    edited February 2016
  • Reply 45 of 63
    msantti said:

    msantti said:
    When in the flying fuck did I say Apple needs to create a back door. I never said to go after just anyones fucking phone you fucking fuck nut,
    You people LOVE big government.
    Whoa, wait a minute tough guy.  You're the one wanting "big government" to require an access to a backdoor to iOS.  I think you've had enough inner webs for the day, time for you take a break.  
    hlee1169roundaboutnowration altdknoxfastasleeppropodchia
  • Reply 46 of 63
    Why is it so difficult to state what it is that the government wants. It has been reported that the government wants a back-door through the operating system and, contradictorily, that it seeks to retrieve information from a specific phone.
    Thats the issue, those are NOT contradictory statements. The govt wants a back-door through the operating system SO THAT it can retrieve information from a "specific" phone. Your iPhone & my iPhone and Syed's iPhone are all the same. The were MASS PRODUCED, they are one and the same, the only difference is you put your info in yours and I put my info in mine. There is no UNIQUE way to access data on only one("specific") iPhone that won't access data on ALL iPhones. and by the way the scary part should be that we are even talking about this issue in regards to this case. If they want to do it for this case then they will use it for literally thousands if not millions of cases. He & his wife are dead, the FBI has admitted he wasn't working with anyone else, this was his work phone not his personal phone(which they destroyed b/c that would have been where the info was), etc. etc. I could go on. this case has nothing to do with this "specific" phone. The next time some kid brings a gun to school or is even heard threatening to shoot up the school then the FBI & local LE will want access to the phone to see how he is planning it and who he might have been talking to about it. bye bye privacy.
    ration altdknoxchia
  • Reply 47 of 63
  • Reply 48 of 63
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    msantti said:

    You people LOVE big government.
    Whoa, wait a minute tough guy.  You're the one wanting "big government" to require an access to a backdoor to iOS.  I think you've had enough inner webs for the day, time for you take a break.  
    I never said Apple need to create a back door. And is not me, but liberals that love big government.

    You all want free everything. I am sure Hillary will win. Just promise free shit and you got liberal voters eating out of your hand.

    edited February 2016
  • Reply 49 of 63
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    msantti said:
    Whoa, wait a minute tough guy.  You're the one wanting "big government" to require an access to a backdoor to iOS.  I think you've had enough inner webs for the day, time for you take a break.  
    I never said Apple need to create a back door. And is not me, but liberals that love big government.

    You all want free everything. I am sure Hillary will win. Just promise free shit and you got liberal voters eating out of your hand.

    So the polls show that Democrats support Apple much more that Republicans do, so what the fuck?
    edited February 2016 punkndrublicicoco3
  • Reply 50 of 63
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    msantti said:
    Give it a fucking rest already, you're paranoid over terrorists, we get it.  Dirka dirka jihad
    I  don't coddle up to them like you do.
    All our terrorists are belong to msantti.
  • Reply 51 of 63
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    ibill said:
    msantti said:
    I  don't coddle up to them like you do.
    All our terrorists are belong to msantti.
  • Reply 52 of 63
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    chia said:
    pmz said:
    Ah. You're that special level of brainwashed then. Not just the typical American retard who gets their perspective from the television. You've had it hand delivered by the lying sack of shit government. Now, it all becomes clear.
    Shameful of you pmz to abuse the military.  The military have made their sacrifices to protect your rights from Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Stalin's Soviets and despotic Arabs.

    I may disagree with msantti, but, if true that he's served in Iraq with the military, then he'll always have my respect for being prepared to lay down his health or even his life for the freedoms enjoyed by the USA.
    Some of the worst human beings in the world, and I mean that literally, dictate the broad actions of the US military. Only people too stupid to know better, participate. I have no sympathy or respect for people who blindly follow. People who murder under orders, to guard an oil field. Sorry buddy. I live in the real world. Not the fictional world as portrayed on TV.
    edited February 2016 punkndrublicpropod
  • Reply 53 of 63
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    msantti said:
    cali said:
    Good thing he's smart. Here's one guy in the tech industry who's thinking. Imagine Tim turning his back on Apple fans?

    I'm happy Apple products protect their users globally.
    "I'm happy Apple products protect their users (and terrorists) globally."

    and a backdoor solve that? You are delusional if you think they (sic: terrorist) will not use it against your government and its citizen (sic: you). The solution for terrorism lies somewhere, but it's definitely not the backdoor (sic: and it's obvious glaring first phase consequences: the user's privacy).
  • Reply 54 of 63
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    I've had it with this website and its users. If I ever post again please dislike me a million times.
  • Reply 55 of 63
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    volcan said:
    I've had it with this website and its users. If I ever post again please dislike me a million times.

  • Reply 56 of 63
    msantti said:

    I spent time in Iraq in the Army. I got a little different perspective about these cretin than you do.
    If you had any brain and courage you should say no to the ill deed in Iraq.
  • Reply 57 of 63
    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin
  • Reply 58 of 63
    chia said:
    pmz said:
    Ah. You're that special level of brainwashed then. Not just the typical American retard who gets their perspective from the television. You've had it hand delivered by the lying sack of shit government. Now, it all becomes clear.
    Shameful of you pmz to abuse the military.  The military have made their sacrifices to protect your rights from Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Stalin's Soviets and despotic Arabs.

    I may disagree with msantti, but, if true that he's served in Iraq with the military, then he'll always have my respect for being prepared to lay down his health or even his life for the freedoms enjoyed by the USA.

    For some reason, I thought msantti was from UK. I seem to recall him stating his location as UK on the older forums.
  • Reply 59 of 63
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    chia said:
    Shameful of you pmz to abuse the military.  The military have made their sacrifices to protect your rights from Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Stalin's Soviets and despotic Arabs.

    I may disagree with msantti, but, if true that he's served in Iraq with the military, then he'll always have my respect for being prepared to lay down his health or even his life for the freedoms enjoyed by the USA.

    For some reason, I thought msantti was from UK. I seem to recall him stating his location as UK on the older forums.
    Don't insult me like that. 
  • Reply 60 of 63
    Any compromise with the US government will be a compromise that Putin or the Chinese government want as well. Remember that one government's terrorist might be another one's human rights activist or freedom fighter. If anyone is okay with the US government hacking their phones, they should be happy to have ANY government snooping on them...
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