Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics



  • Reply 81 of 278
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Trump has MAJOR issues.

    But SO does Clinton... Arguably worse in many areas. I read Clinton Cash (well reviewed in the left & right press) and it is horrifying. There's lots of smart members on this board. Read the book or google some of the articles about it.

    Bottom line: I don't think it's a good idea for Apple to take sides.
    So, you basically read so trashy,  POS book filled with the usual innuendos.
     Actually it wasn't "well reviewed" by well, actual mainstream reviewers.
    That you had to mention left and right wing press says it all.

    If it is truly "horrifying", well bring it on bud, I'm hoping for Clinton beatdown for the 30 years of RW (and with Sanders, LW) slander
    dsdbaconstangr2d2ai46spliff monkeyjackansi
  • Reply 82 of 278
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Trump has MAJOR issues.

    But SO does Clinton... Arguably worse in many areas. I read Clinton Cash (well reviewed in the left & right press) and it is horrifying. There's lots of smart members on this board. Read the book or google some of the articles about it.

    Bottom line: I don't think it's a good idea for Apple to take sides.
    GREAT post. Where are the Apple boycott on Clinton the lying, murderous war criminal. IT is a choice between the lesser of two evils. And from what I have seen, Trump is a demon, but Clinton is Satan himself. 

    Seems Apple is forgetting that America is a place of freedom - speech, religion, choice, etc. 

    I like Apple, but censorship is wrong. And that's all this is.
    Right.. Another POS innuendo, there's actual facts against Trump , all you have is your fracking mouth VS Clinton.
    You do know what a god damn false equivalency is don't you, well look it up and get a clue.
    dsdbaconstangai46spliff monkeyjackansi
  • Reply 83 of 278
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    apple ][ said:
    Haha, how pathetic and how hypocritical and how predictable.

    Apple leading the effort to ban gun emojis, while at the same time funding a Dr Dre series, which reportedly has no shortage of violence and sex. So an emoji is bad, but a series with sex and violence is ok, got it.

    Apple coming out strongly against bathroom laws in North Carolina, while at the same time doing business in many countries that executes gays, lol. 

    Does Apple support illegal immigration and criminals? Yep, it sure looks like it.

    Apple is becoming more and more anti-American, I'm sorry to say.

    Apple was never this political under Steve Jobs. I'm not the first to say this, but I miss Steve Jobs being in charge of Apple.'s funny when Trump's supporter is having a butt hurt. Trump ain't win shit inthis November. My friend works in DC with many political figures in there and they don't believe in Trump. 
    baconstangirelandai46spliff monkeyjackansi
  • Reply 84 of 278
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    flaneur said:
    apple ][ said:
    We need a war, the sooner, the better, let's get it on.

    Any delay is just going to cause more deaths, so by not supporting it, you and others are in effect choosing more casualties.

    It's been delayed for long enough, it's time to get busy.
    This is the level of insanity represented by Trump and his supporters. 

    There is no way Apple would want to be associated with this descent into barbarism. People still remember the American companies that supported and collaborated with Hitler — people who know history, that is — and I'm sure that CEOs like Cook and Nadella will do all they can to avoid an equivalent disaster.
    The war that I am talking about is of course the war (call it whatever you like) to completely wipe out and demolish ISIS, unlike Obama, who wrongly believes that containment is an acceptable stance, and a man who once referred to ISIS as the JV team, in one of his many idiotic and unintelligent statements a while back.

    It's time to shift out the incompetent current potus from the WH, and replace him with a man with a plan.

    And that man is of course Donald Trump. After he's sworn in, ISIS had better start counting their days on this earth, because they're all going to have to die. That's just how things are. Getting rid of ISIS is high on the Trump agenda.
  • Reply 85 of 278
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    weathers said:
    I'm not a Trump fan and I am an Apple product user, but I find it ironic that Apple (Tim Cook) doesn't seem to mind selling their products in countries who degrade women and persecute  gays and lesbians. The hypocrisy of either party is getting to ridiculous levels.

    A lot of hypocrisy. Cook mentions his strong stands of some real and some perceived Human Rights violations

    Yet, relies heavily on a country that is ALL ABOUT Human Rights violations.

    I don't align with Cooks values at all. Nor his need to stick Apple at the forefront of HIS values. Jobs had values that sometimes differed. But he had the wisdom to stay neutral.

    Now India... caste system and all.
    Blah blah blah, self righteous straight privileged white man who knows best. That's all I get from what you just said.
    Bet you were all in on Chavez hey?

    Yeah, caste system are bad, so what the hell are you going to do about it? Ban the country, the people; throw a fit if they're willing to work for less than an american and "take jobs";  do you have a point?

    BTW, I live in Canada were we actually have to juggle the real world vs building a country that takes care of everyone.

    baconstangirelandai46spliff monkeyjackansi
  • Reply 86 of 278
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    TomE said:
    And Apple wants me to support them by continuing to own it's Stock & Products.  It is time for me to buy several more computers, but I may just wait and see how things work out for the largest stock in my portfolio.  I am disappointed in Apple & their position not to help Donald Trump and have supported them since prior to 1984.  Failure to help Mr Trump benefits the Clinton Campaign.  So what if Mr Trump has a lot to learn.  The Clinton Machine, as well as both Parties have milked the system for generations.  Washington is full of do nothings living off the system.  Neither party wants change and they are happy with either party winning because they still get to do as they want and stay in Washington.  Do the politicians (and Apple) not realize that the people are speaking and they really do want change and it is definitely not Obama or Clinton. 

    Just trace the money that the Clintons got from the Clinton Foundation.  They are as crooked as it gets and are hoodooing the People.  Donors gave to the Canadian Charity so it would not be traced to them. The Canadian Charity bundled it and gave most of it to the Clinton Foundation.  The Clinton Foundation gave some to the needy and kept the rest (most) for its own use.   Hardly a charitable entity when you keep most of the $'s for personal gain.  Just how did the Clintons get so much money when they claim they had none when they got out of the White House.  Why did the Obama's give up their law license ?  To avoid having it taken from them.  Neither are members of The Bar Association.  He is a sham and we The People are The Sheep.  

    And to think Apple is supporting the Clintons, Bernie and not being willing to help Mr Trump who has single handedly rise out of now where to claim the nomination for the Republican party.  Mr Trump's name was not even on the Straw Ballot the GOP took at all the GOP Meetings at the Grassroots level. He was never supposed to beat the establishment - instead of beating them, he trounced (Trumped) them.  Party is over Washington and you scum sucking liberals.  

    Kinda reminds me of Apple who rose out of the Ashes to be a world class company with all the $'s.  Now Apple has apparently forgotten their place.  Remember, if you are #1, there is no place to go except down.  Sorry Apple, someone you do not expect is going to eat your lunch.  Get off the stick and innovate and produce or fail.
    Right, You and you idiot crew prove WTF you just asserted in court and then come back to me if you dare.

     The Clinton foundation has one of the lowest expense and all the shit you just said is complete utter RW and extreme LW innuendo and garbage.
    Every logical fallacy in the book are used by you and your crew of sycophants.

    Considering the Clinton have released their Tax returns for like 25 years and Trump and Sanders have not (and probably never will), you've got some gal even talking.
    edited June 2016 dsdbaconstangpropodspliff monkeyjackansi
  • Reply 87 of 278
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    weathers said:
    I'm not a Trump fan and I am an Apple product user, but I find it ironic that Apple (Tim Cook) doesn't seem to mind selling their products in countries who degrade women and persecute  gays and lesbians. The hypocrisy of either party is getting to ridiculous levels.

    A lot of hypocrisy. Cook mentions his strong stands of some real and some perceived Human Rights violations

    Yet, relies heavily on a country that is ALL ABOUT Human Rights violations.

    I don't align with Cooks values at all. Nor his need to stick Apple at the forefront of HIS values. Jobs had values that sometimes differed. But he had the wisdom to stay neutral.

    Now India... caste system and all.
    What're human rights? Each country has its own level of human right and democracy. US can't just apply American democracy/human rights on a country like China and Vietnam where you talk trash about government, you'll get arrested. They're communists for God's sake and that's how they rule their people whether you like it or not. Communist leaders are praised as Gods in their countries. Just look how they worship their big ass statues. So, to make it short: 12-14 hr labor for peopel as young as 12 in these countries are normal and pretty much standard.
    spliff monkeyjackansi
  • Reply 88 of 278
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Better get used to seeing that big, beautiful wall, then.
    If it goes anything like some of Trump's recent projects, then the wall will be finished in record time, ahead of schedule and possibly even under budget!

    Liberal heads will be exploding everywhere! It will be the most awesome thing ever! I can hardly wait!

    The wall will be big and beautiful and it should be made to withstand an attack that would be comparable to the scene from World War Z, where hordes of zombies are attacking.
  • Reply 89 of 278
    sleakajsleakaj Posts: 32member
    apple ][ said:

    Better get used to seeing that big, beautiful wall, then.
    If it goes anything like some of Trump's recent projects, then the wall will be finished in record time, ahead of schedule and possibly even under budget!

    Liberal heads will be exploding everywhere! It will be the most awesome thing ever! I can hardly wait!

    The wall will be big and beautiful and it should be made to withstand an attack that would be comparable to the scene from World War Z, where hordes of zombies are attacking.

    Wow. You really are crazy delusional. Maybe you'll live in the real world one day.
    dsdbaconstangirelandcrowleysingularityai46spliff monkey
  • Reply 90 of 278
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,140member
    jungmark said:
    dacloo said:
    Why is that? Why should they be 'neutral'?
    Because they're a business.
    So Apple should be the oil companies that line the pockets of Republicans?
    why-bobschlobpropodspliff monkey
  • Reply 91 of 278
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 444member
    Trump has MAJOR issues.

    But SO does Clinton... Arguably worse in many areas. I read Clinton Cash (well reviewed in the left & right press) and it is horrifying. There's lots of smart members on this board. Read the book or google some of the articles about it.

    Bottom line: I don't think it's a good idea for Apple to take sides.
    No, there aren't a lot of smart members on this board
  • Reply 92 of 278
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    jlandd said:
    It's because Trump is a loose cannon that he should be elected. Both Republicans and Democrats have become deeply corrupt and Trump needs to descend on Washington to kick some chairs out from under people. His lack of depth and comprehension on constitutional matters concerns me, but look what has happened under an alleged "constitutional law professor". The encroachments and damages have only increased since George W. Bush going forward.

    We could use an intelligent and savvy loose cannon who has a record of success.  But Trump simply has none of the tools necessary for the job, and his string of dubious self proclaimed successes only mean he knows how to walk away from failed projects with another few million in his pocket.   It's unfortunate that we aren't being given much of a choice, but Trump is a laughing stock to the rest of the world's leaders and to say he hasn't got a chance in international negotiations would be being generous.
    To be honest, the general opinions of other countries are irrelevant. Trump is not Hitler, so the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over him versus career criminal Clinton I find laughable.
    tallest skiltrollkiller
  • Reply 93 of 278
    The story says that Microsoft is still supporting the GOP convention but I don't believe this to be the case. Microsoft I believed backed out for similar reasons regarding comments about minorities and women etc about a month ago.
    So says one who is listening to one sided negative liberal news and blog sources?
    tallest skilSpamSandwich
  • Reply 94 of 278
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Wow, so much anger about a rumor. And why aren't you all chastising HP, who already announced (officially, not a rumor) they won't be supporting the convention this year (they have supported them in the past). Or Microsoft, who scaled back support for the GOP convention to software services (specifically stating no cash this year) but they WILL be donating cash to the Democratic convention.

    I guess the old adage is still true: if Apple and another company do the same thing, only Apple will be criticized for it. 
    You're right, it's just a rumor at the moment, but I'll be absolutely delighted if the Trumplethinskins and Rethugnicans boycott Apple and work strictly with Microsoft platform devices. Anything that helps them mismanage their campaign more than what they're doing already is fine by me.
  • Reply 95 of 278
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    So no official comment from Apple just "sources" who spoke to Politico? 
    tallest skiljackansi
  • Reply 96 of 278
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    So no official comment from Apple, just "sources" according to Politico? Why wouldn't Apple officially comment on this? If Tim Cook is going to take a stand like this don't hide behind no comment.
  • Reply 97 of 278
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    So no official comment from Apple, just "sources" according to Politico? Why wouldn't Apple officially comment on this? If Tim Cook is going to take a stand like this don't hide behind no comment.
  • Reply 98 of 278
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    kibitzer said:
    Wow, so much anger about a rumor. And why aren't you all chastising HP, who already announced (officially, not a rumor) they won't be supporting the convention this year (they have supported them in the past). Or Microsoft, who scaled back support for the GOP convention to software services (specifically stating no cash this year) but they WILL be donating cash to the Democratic convention.

    I guess the old adage is still true: if Apple and another company do the same thing, only Apple will be criticized for it. 
    You're right, it's just a rumor at the moment, but I'll be absolutely delighted if the Trumplethinskins and Rethugnicans boycott Apple and work strictly with Microsoft platform devices. Anything that helps them mismanage their campaign more than what they're doing already is fine by me.
    You do know that pretty much every Fortune 500 company uses "Microsoft platform devices" to run their business? I'm actually surprised either party would be requesting computers from Apple.
  • Reply 99 of 278
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member
    But they support Hillary who has raised millions through the Ckinton foundation from Saudi Arabia, where they stone gays to death?
    SpamSandwichtallest skil
  • Reply 100 of 278

    ronwp54 said:
    The more Tim Cook keeps dragging Apple into political issues the more business Apple is going to lose.

    You are aware if Apple would gives money, they ARE dragging Apple into politics. (*)
    Basically Apple is doing what is should do ... not interfere with politics by NOT giving money.

    Thats a good think for sure.

    (*) It seems only Trump fans here do not understand this point of view. Apparently they do find it 'normal' Apple would give Trump or any other party backup. That just say enough about Trump fans. Dumb Dumber Dumbest.
    bobschlobbaconstangspliff monkey
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