Tim Cook's fundraiser for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton set for tonight



  • Reply 41 of 63
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    Hilary is human like most of us. She made some mistakes along the way but now she has the experience and wisdom from many years of service to the country. Trump has none of that besides being a complete ass.
    cnocbuiration almuppetry
  • Reply 42 of 63
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    volcan said:
    Hilary is human like most of us. She made some mistakes along the way but now she has the experience and wisdom from many years of service to the country. Trump has none of that besides being a complete ass.
    No, Hillary is not like the rest of us.

    She is a corrupt politician and criminal.

    Being a complete ass is not illegal. Being offensive is also not illegal. Doing what Hillary has done throughout her entire career is illegal. Money laundering is illegal. Selling political favors for cash is highly illegal.

    She is worse than a third world, crooked politician. She belongs in a third world prison perhaps.
  • Reply 44 of 63
    mytdave said:
    Supporting a congenital liar and a felon. Very disappointed Tim.

    I didn't see where Cook is supporting Trump.
  • Reply 45 of 63

    . . .
    apple ][JanNL
  • Reply 46 of 63
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    gatorguy said:
    cnocbui said:
    razormaid said:

    I can't sit here and say I am a huge fan of either candidate. We all know that Clinton has done some very bad things and we are just going to overlook them because some don't like Trump. What is this world coming to? I would rather have someone I don't care for but is smart and not a crook with a solid moral compass than Hilary. I still think this country is great but is in a desperate need of a reset.
    I couldn't agree more!  Why not try a business person to fix the business of America. God knows politicians can't. 

    The problem with trump is he says these supposedly outrageous things. THATS NOT THE PROBLEM. The problem is.. 4 or 5 hours later after the "shock" we've been taught through politically correct wears off... all the sudden that's not that crazy. I mean he said something that made everyone spit out their coffee. But back home in your house you start understanding "he's saying what a lot of us are thinking but been conditioned to not think and certainly never ever ever say out loud."  Why is that?  What happened to my freedom of speech?  How was that taken away  shrewdly by people with louder voices and bullying tactics. Paula Dean has the right to say whatever the hell she wants. Look what "they" did to her? Look what "they" are doing to us?  I have the right to be as vulgar as I want or as kind as I want. It should not be policed by anyone ever!  Anyone reading this not getting that concept is part of the "you can say whatever you want as long as I approve it first" bullying group trying to silence freethinking people everywhere. 
    Oh, you mean like the business person you elected before Obama, the one who put the US economy on such sound footing?
    Bush was a business person? I did not know that. The only "business" thing I was aware of was the Ranger's ballpark, which was a group effort. 
    Well here outside the US it was said he had been in the oil business: http://edition.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/05/13/president.2000/jackson.bush/

    ration al
  • Reply 47 of 63
    Let's vote for a woman who lies about being under sniper fire (and wasn't) Blamed a video for the cause of the death of 4 heroes (which it wasn't) and loses emails like I lose my keys. (I just don't own 30,000+ keys) So please run out and vote for this idiot. Then when you lose everything and you see her and her family get richer come back and whine about it. Oh, Lets not forget she's keeping the Obamacare program. Yeah, Hows that working? I'll do a write in for Mickey Mouse before i vote for either Idiot.
  • Reply 48 of 63
    To even think of voting for a corrupt candidate that side stepped criminal investigations with over whelming evidence due to her connections with the commander in chief.  How does anyone willing to vote for her think about that?  She absolutely broke the law as the FBI publically announced she has mishandled confidential info but they could not charge her because they were ordered to stand down.

    How can any American vote for this kind of injustice?
  • Reply 49 of 63
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,617member

    Although its location isn't public, the event is being co-hosted by Lisa Jackson, Apple's VP of environment, policy and social initiatives,. Tickets are thought to be going for between $2,700 and $50,000, with proceeds going to the Hillary Victory Fund
    So earlier in the thread I mentioned that i would hope Apple is avoiding active participation in the Clinton Foundation as recent revelations put big ol' question marks up about it and whether influence peddling is one of those. This morning I read that Apple VP Lisa Jackson wasn't simply one of the hosts for this fundraiser. She's on the Clinton Foundation Board of Directors so I would think well aware of the goings on and where the money comes from. 
    edited August 2016
  • Reply 50 of 63
    rattlhedrattlhed Posts: 155member
    redefiler said:
    Either way, vote Clinton or Trump votes are merely a public affirmation that you're a partisan idiot.  

    Just do the right thing in November and vote Libertarian.  Everybody needs more Johnson.

    I won't bother to get into his pretty remarkable record in Mew Mexico as a legislator, nor the fact he might be the only living politician who has ever effectively balanced a budget.

    All you need to know are these advantages over Hillary and The Donald:
    1. He behaves like an adult
    2. He isn't a scumbag
    3. He's not a criminal
    4. He's not an idiot

    Libertarians have my vote this year.  I live in Washington State, so my fate is already determined.  Might as well vote my conscience and then sit back and watch these two douchebags battle it out.
  • Reply 51 of 63
    I plan to vote for Hillary, so my next comment is not bashing her: it's curious that someone as wealthy as Cook supports Hillary when she is very open about plans to increase taxes on the rich. I guess Cook's motivation is driven by looking at the alternative to Hillary... and deciding that scenario would be much worse (not necessarily in terms of tax policy).
    Believe it or not, some people vote the way they think will benefit society as a whole, not just themselves. Plenty of wealthy people don't think they deserve even more than they already have. Or if you are looking for selfish motivations, Cook may want to repay the party that gave the gay community equal marriage rights
  • Reply 52 of 63
    I plan to vote for Hillary, so my next comment is not bashing her: it's curious that someone as wealthy as Cook supports Hillary when she is very open about plans to increase taxes on the rich. I guess Cook's motivation is driven by looking at the alternative to Hillary... and deciding that scenario would be much worse (not necessarily in terms of tax policy).
    Believe it or not, some people vote the way they think will benefit society as a whole, not just themselves. Plenty of wealthy people don't think they deserve even more than they already have. Or if you are looking for selfish motivations, Cook may want to repay the party that gave the gay community equal marriage rights
    Hahahahahahaha..haha..hahahaha. That was funny. 

    Leftists vote in their self-interest all the time. They want Big Government to put the chains on them and strip them of their freedom in exchange for 'rights' that aren't rights. Like "free" healthcare, "free" education, etc. To say otherwise is to perpetuate a disgusting lie. 
  • Reply 53 of 63
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    Believe it or not, some people vote the way they think will benefit society as a whole, not just themselves. Plenty of wealthy people don't think they deserve even more than they already have. Or if you are looking for selfish motivations, Cook may want to repay the party that gave the gay community equal marriage rights
    Hahahahahahaha..haha..hahahaha. That was funny. 

    Leftists vote in their self-interest all the time. They want Big Government to put the chains on them and strip them of their freedom in exchange for 'rights' that aren't rights. Like "free" healthcare, "free" education, etc. To say otherwise is to perpetuate a disgusting lie. 
    I'd vote for free healthcare and free education everything. I'd much rather have the right to not die because I couldn't afford healthcare or the right for me or my children (if I had them) to have the right to have reduced chances in life because the cost of good education is reserved for the rich.
  • Reply 54 of 63
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member
    volcan said:
    Hilary is human like most of us. She made some mistakes along the way but now she has the experience and wisdom from many years of service to the country. Trump has none of that besides being a complete ass.

    Hillary isn't like "most of us".  What a crock.  She's an entitled establishment fixture with zero morals, a raging hypocrite who talks about women's rights and stands by a sexual abuser husband.  She is the worst of what American politics has to offer.

    But let's look at her "experience" and "wisdom".  I'd love to hear what "experience" she has that makes her a suitable choice for President.  Hillary fans throw around the "experience" argument, but what experience exactly?  Staying politically relevant doesn't equal experience.  Being a carpetbagger and moving to a random state because you can trade on your name and win a senate seat isn't experience.  That's just craven opportunism, padding one's political resume.  Now if, as a senator, she had actually done something, the "experience" argument might hold water, but what did she do?

    She failed at everything she tried to do as First Lady, most notably healthcare reform (which I definitely supported).  And who are some of her biggest donors now?  The drug companies.  I think we can all check meaningful healthcare reform off the list under a Clinton presidency.  I'm still trying to figure out what she did in the senate other than vote in favor of a lot of progressive legislation.  But did she sponsor anything?  Was she really in the senate to work for the people of New York...or merely to make the right connections and pad the resume?  What I know of her time in the senate suggests the latter.

    Secretary of State.  DISASTER.  More chaos in the Middle East.  More terrorism.  More destabilization.

    Clinton Foundation: Hello country that supports terrorism, murders gays, and treats women as property.  We'll GLADLY accept billions of dollars!  Oh, and as a token of our appreciation, the State Department will now authorize a massive weapons sale to your country!  But there's no connection...just a "vast rightwing conspiracy"...

    Emails?  I think I'll set up my own server at home to avoid government record keeping rules and circumvent Freedom of Information requests.  My server won't be properly secured, but it won't matter because 1) I'm Hillary Clinton and the rules don't apply to me, and 2) see #1.

    And speaking of pesky government oversight, there's really no need for a full-time Inspector General at the State Department (first time that's ever happened) because 1) I'm Hillary Clinton and the rules don't apply to me, and 2) see #1.

    So, experience.  Failed at healthcare reform.  Mediocre senator.  Terrible Secretary of State.  Willfully deceived the government and American people with her email server in order to avoid oversight and accountability.  Hypocritically campaigns on women's issues while standing by a serial abuser of women.  From what I've seen, her "years of service to the country" are years of service to HERSELF.  She has done absolutely nothing that has changed this country for the better.  She voted for war.  The policies she supported have further destabilized the Middle East and increased terrorism.  She left the Whitehouse "broke" and someone managed to stuff over a hundred million dollars into her bank account in the subsequent years as a "public servant".

    And this is the kind of "experience" you think qualifies her to be President???  Lord help this country as we slide deeper into mediocrity and the all the fearful sheeple line up to vote for the "lesser of evils".
    edited August 2016 gatorguy
  • Reply 55 of 63
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    welshdog said:
    It certainly is a good read, and it puts the propaganda around Clinton in perspective.

    By the way, where's the story about Laurene Jobs's fundraising dinner for Clinton — $200,000 a seat, 20 people?

    Thankfully the future-oriented, world-outlook people of Silicon Valley and Apple are doing something to get her elected and prevent an even worse presidency than the Cheney-Bush regime was.

  • Reply 56 of 63
    Steve Jobs was not a political person. Tim Cook is. Bottom line is the company's focus has been so off under Cook that I do think it will become irrelevant. 

  • Reply 57 of 63
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    gatorguy said:
    I plan to vote for Hillary, so my next comment is not bashing her: it's curious that someone as wealthy as Cook supports Hillary when she is very open about plans to increase taxes on the rich. I guess Cook's motivation is driven by looking at the alternative to Hillary... and deciding that scenario would be much worse (not necessarily in terms of tax policy).
    Lesser of two evils then?

     Revelations that Hillary has been mixing her Clinton Foundation business with State Department meetings doesn't look good so I would hope Mr Cook (and Apple) aren't contributors to the Foundation as well as it leaves the impression of "special access" for the wealthy if they'll just toss some money the Clinton's way. 
    Lots of things don't look good in the lead up to a General Election.  Remember Swift Boat?  It doesn't mean they are true.
  • Reply 58 of 63
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Believe it or not, some people vote the way they think will benefit society as a whole, not just themselves. Plenty of wealthy people don't think they deserve even more than they already have. Or if you are looking for selfish motivations, Cook may want to repay the party that gave the gay community equal marriage rights
    Hahahahahahaha..haha..hahahaha. That was funny. 

    Leftists vote in their self-interest all the time. They want Big Government to put the chains on them and strip them of their freedom in exchange for 'rights' that aren't rights. Like "free" healthcare, "free" education, etc. To say otherwise is to perpetuate a disgusting lie. 
    I'd vote for free healthcare and free education everything. I'd much rather have the right to not die because I couldn't afford healthcare or the right for me or my children (if I had them) to have the right to have reduced chances in life because the cost of good education is reserved for the rich.
    There is no "right to not die", regardless of your political positions.
  • Reply 59 of 63
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,617member
    gatorguy said:
    I plan to vote for Hillary, so my next comment is not bashing her: it's curious that someone as wealthy as Cook supports Hillary when she is very open about plans to increase taxes on the rich. I guess Cook's motivation is driven by looking at the alternative to Hillary... and deciding that scenario would be much worse (not necessarily in terms of tax policy).
    Lesser of two evils then?

     Revelations that Hillary has been mixing her Clinton Foundation business with State Department meetings doesn't look good so I would hope Mr Cook (and Apple) aren't contributors to the Foundation as well as it leaves the impression of "special access" for the wealthy if they'll just toss some money the Clinton's way. 
    Lots of things don't look good in the lead up to a General Election.  Remember Swift Boat?  It doesn't mean they are true.
    So ignore the smoke? :)
    edited August 2016 SpamSandwich
  • Reply 60 of 63
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    I plan to vote for Hillary, so my next comment is not bashing her: it's curious that someone as wealthy as Cook supports Hillary when she is very open about plans to increase taxes on the rich. I guess Cook's motivation is driven by looking at the alternative to Hillary... and deciding that scenario would be much worse (not necessarily in terms of tax policy).
    Lesser of two evils then?

     Revelations that Hillary has been mixing her Clinton Foundation business with State Department meetings doesn't look good so I would hope Mr Cook (and Apple) aren't contributors to the Foundation as well as it leaves the impression of "special access" for the wealthy if they'll just toss some money the Clinton's way. 
    Lots of things don't look good in the lead up to a General Election.  Remember Swift Boat?  It doesn't mean they are true.
    So ignore the smoke? :)
    Funny, I've seen no mainstream media assessments that are as direct as this one. Most coverage is watered down and unclear about the conflict.
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