Samsung tells Galaxy Note 7 users to turn off, stop using device



  • Reply 41 of 68
    roakeroake Posts: 821member
    jayjay28 said:
    tzeshan said:
    jayjay28 said:
    This huge Samsung mess should serve as a warning to all of you guys out there whose portfolio has significant percentage in aapl shares.
    As a long term share holder myself, looking at this mess I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like IF this happen to iPhone.  For so many years, I've read so many complains (including myself) why so low PE on an extremely profitable company comparing to other tech company.

    Well, the short and simplify answer is exactly what we're seeing here with the problem happening at Samsung.  Despite unheard profit margin for a hardware company, aapl is still a hardware company.  Yes, it take great software to make these hardware run but the hardware still bring in the most of the revenue and profit. 
    This nightmare scenario is very real for any hardware company, a new manufacture process, a supplier fault etc. Some of these problem will not show itself until product is enmass.  By that time it only need small number of incident in millions to bring down a product line.   

    Unlike company like googl, fb, amzn, msft etc.  Think about what it will take to dethrone anyone of these company, which is why they command high PE.

    Anyway, just thinking out loud.
    Are you a shareholder of Google too?  Do you know Google is jumping into the hardware business with the Pixel XL which has much bigger battery than iPhone 7 Plus? 
    Yes I hold share in googl as well.  But what does Pixel and bigger battery than iPhone got anything to do with what I say ?? Googl can venture into anything they want, their revenue/profit is coming from search/ads base. These hardware, Pixel, OneHub, Nest, and many others are "Hobbies"  side project that doesn't even make a dent in their total revenue.

    My point is bottom line appl is a hardware company with more than 60% of revenue comes from iPhone alone. Even for the world most profitable company, in hardware business it carry more risk than a software company.   I would love to see appl venture into software territory and be less dependant on hardware.  Aapl has over 1Billions devices running IOS, there no other company in the world can say that.  Take advantage of this loyal user base, diversify into AppleSearch, AppleFaceBook, AppleWhatEver software related, let's be less dependent on one hardware product line.

    It's so cute when Korean trolls think they know English.  ;-)
  • Reply 42 of 68
    roakeroake Posts: 821member
    jayjay28 said:
    tzeshan said:
    jayjay28 said:
    This huge Samsung mess should serve as a warning to all of you guys out there whose portfolio has significant percentage in aapl shares.
    As a long term share holder myself, looking at this mess I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like IF this happen to iPhone.  For so many years, I've read so many complains (including myself) why so low PE on an extremely profitable company comparing to other tech company.

    Well, the short and simplify answer is exactly what we're seeing here with the problem happening at Samsung.  Despite unheard profit margin for a hardware company, aapl is still a hardware company.  Yes, it take great software to make these hardware run but the hardware still bring in the most of the revenue and profit. 
    This nightmare scenario is very real for any hardware company, a new manufacture process, a supplier fault etc. Some of these problem will not show itself until product is enmass.  By that time it only need small number of incident in millions to bring down a product line.   

    Unlike company like googl, fb, amzn, msft etc.  Think about what it will take to dethrone anyone of these company, which is why they command high PE.

    Anyway, just thinking out loud.
    Are you a shareholder of Google too?  Do you know Google is jumping into the hardware business with the Pixel XL which has much bigger battery than iPhone 7 Plus? 
    Yes I hold share in googl as well.  But what does Pixel and bigger battery than iPhone got anything to do with what I say ?? Googl can venture into anything they want, their revenue/profit is coming from search/ads base. These hardware, Pixel, OneHub, Nest, and many others are "Hobbies"  side project that doesn't even make a dent in their total revenue.

    My point is bottom line appl is a hardware company with more than 60% of revenue comes from iPhone alone. Even for the world most profitable company, in hardware business it carry more risk than a software company.   I would love to see appl venture into software territory and be less dependant on hardware.  Aapl has over 1Billions devices running IOS, there no other company in the world can say that.  Take advantage of this loyal user base, diversify into AppleSearch, AppleFaceBook, AppleWhatEver software related, let's be less dependent on one hardware product line.

    Perhaps you think Apple is a high-risk investment In their current model, despite what all the analysts and shareholders say, but how about you keep your Samsung and Google stocks, and I'll keep my Apple stocks, mmkay?

    Perhaps I'll reconsider when Apple lets me down, but that ain't happened yet.

    But thumbs up for crawling out from under your bridge to create a brand new account to altruistically warn us of your foresight about Apple.  I don't suppose you happen to have stocks or, dare I say, a job at a certain South Korean company who is about to lose $19 billion in short-term revenue and worsening devastation to their bottom line in the long term... hmmm?
    edited October 2016 watto_cobralostkiwicali
  • Reply 43 of 68
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    ... Samsung is urging owners to discontinue Note 7 use ...
    There it is.   A whole new meaning for "scorched earth policy."
    watto_cobraanton zuykov
  • Reply 44 of 68
    No worries Samsung... you can still easily sell your remaining stock. Just repurpose the Note7 as a hot plate for kimchee or an IED for the Korean military... problem solved...
    edited October 2016 watto_cobracali
  • Reply 45 of 68
    Hey Samsung. Donate all remaining Note7 inventory to ISIS... it might single-handedly smack-down the entire group as they call each other... game over. (karma baby)...
    edited October 2016 watto_cobracali
  • Reply 46 of 68
    Congrats Samsung on beating Jobs to the punch... your Note7 was 1st to go thermonuclear...

    Now dispose of all your Note7 nuclear waste byproduct beneath corporate headquarters...
    edited October 2016 watto_cobraanton zuykov
  • Reply 47 of 68
    tmay said:
    Measure twice, cut once. 

    Samsung's error was thinking, and acting on the thought, that they needed to have the Note 7 out before...

    Heh heh... (More like release twice, recall once)...
  • Reply 48 of 68

       Samsung just won't take no for a answer...

    edited October 2016 watto_cobracali
  • Reply 49 of 68

    coolfactorwatto_cobraanton zuykovlostkiwi
  • Reply 50 of 68
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,096member
    jungmark said:
    "Because consumers' safety remains our top priority..."

    is that why Sammy took a long time for a recall?

    I can only guess but i'm pretty sure I know why Samsung waited so long for the recall, 3rd quarter earnings results. Samsung already knew that 4th quarter numbers are screwed but they can maybe savage 3rd quarter numbers if they wait a couple of weeks till Oct., for the recall. By waiting, their 4th quarter will take the blunt of the recall. Remember, Samsung numbers are based on units shipped in the quarter, not units sold. So by continuing to manufacture Galaxy's in Sept. and shipping them so they can sit of retailers shelves, they can still state they sold so many Galaxy's in the 3rd quarter. it probably still won't save the stock as it's price is based on future results and the future don't look too hot, but it may save the butt of a CEO, for maybe another 3 months. 
    anton zuykovlostkiwiwatto_cobra
  • Reply 51 of 68
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    "Reports have indicated that Samsung rushed the Galaxy Note 7 to market in an attempt to capitalize on what officials at the company believed was Apple's 'boring' iPhone 7 ... update."

    Samsung has a point. Next to the Note 7, every other smartphone is boring. The Note 7 has captured headlines around the globe. It is simply the hottest consumer product of the year -- by hundreds of degrees!
    If car has 1000 HP but bursts in flame,explode is not the great car to praise.
  • Reply 52 of 68
    roakeroake Posts: 821member
    Apple Sales Exploding while Samsung Phones Exploding.
  • Reply 53 of 68
    tzeshan said:
    jayjay28 said:
    This huge Samsung mess should serve as a warning to all of you guys out there whose portfolio has significant percentage in aapl shares.
    As a long term share holder myself, looking at this mess I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like IF this happen to iPhone.  For so many years, I've read so many complains (including myself) why so low PE on an extremely profitable company comparing to other tech company.

    Well, the short and simplify answer is exactly what we're seeing here with the problem happening at Samsung.  Despite unheard profit margin for a hardware company, aapl is still a hardware company.  Yes, it take great software to make these hardware run but the hardware still bring in the most of the revenue and profit. 
    This nightmare scenario is very real for any hardware company, a new manufacture process, a supplier fault etc. Some of these problem will not show itself until product is enmass.  By that time it only need small number of incident in millions to bring down a product line.   

    Unlike company like googl, fb, amzn, msft etc.  Think about what it will take to dethrone anyone of these company, which is why they command high PE.

    Anyway, just thinking out loud.
    Are you a shareholder of Google too?  Do you know Google is jumping into the hardware business with the Pixel XL which has much bigger battery than iPhone 7 Plus? 

    Google doesn't manufacture the Pixel, HTC does.

    edited October 2016 watto_cobra
  • Reply 54 of 68
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    I wonder how many people will just keep their phones? They don't care and will risk it as they think it's the best phone ever and the odds of blowing up is 1 in 100,000 or something.
  • Reply 55 of 68
    jbdragon said:
    I wonder how many people will just keep their phones? They don't care and will risk it as they think it's the best phone ever and the odds of blowing up is 1 in 100,000 or something.
    True... these are dark days for fandroids... Yet they do realize that where there's smoke, there's fire & are at least having no problem spotting a recall depot... 

    The line at Samsung's Recall Depot as die-hard fandroids reluctantly turn in their Note7s. 

    Sort of resembles an iPhone launch in reverse, doesn't it?...

  • Reply 56 of 68
    fulwild said:
    "The reports of Note 7's "bursting into flames" are greatly exaggerated. Usually there is much more smoke than flame and there are clearly parts of the phone that show no evidence of flame at all. Where there's smoke there isn't always very much fire."

     >:) True, but where there are Note7s, there is smoke. 

    edited October 2016 watto_cobracali
  • Reply 57 of 68
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    Measure twice, cut once. 

    Samsung's error was thinking, and acting on the thought, that they needed to have the Note 7 out before the iPhone 7. Then when problems arose, they thought that they had to act quickly to recall the existing product and replace it. Somewhere in there, a failure to determine the exact cause occurred. That was a concern of mine that I noted at the time, and now it has come to pass.


    The Note 5 came out before the iPhone 6S. I don't think it had anything to do with trying to beat the iPhone 7 - Samsung already altered the release date of the Note last year to come out earlier than the iPhone.

    It's nothing more than piss-poor quality control. 
    Note 7 is aimed directly at iPhone 7.  The previous version is Note 5.  Samsung purposely skipped 6. 

    So, then... the Note7 is actually the Note6...6...6
    ...and all the... smoke... fire... burning mayhem...
    This is all beginning to make a lot more sense.... >:)
  • Reply 58 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    tmay said:
    Measure twice, cut once. 

    Samsung's error was thinking, and acting on the thought, that they needed to have the Note 7 out before the iPhone 7. Then when problems arose, they thought that they had to act quickly to recall the existing product and replace it. Somewhere in there, a failure to determine the exact cause occurred. That was a concern of mine that I noted at the time, and now it has come to pass.


    The Note 5 came out before the iPhone 6S. I don't think it had anything to do with trying to beat the iPhone 7 - Samsung already altered the release date of the Note last year to come out earlier than the iPhone.

    It's nothing more than piss-poor quality control. 
    Bloomberg' report specifically stated that Samsung rushed the phone so it would come out before the iPhone 7. But, in addition, the bigger battery that's causing this mess was used because the rumors were also, true, as it turned out, saying that Apple would be using bigger batteries for longer charge life. It's the bigger battery that the phone wasn't designed for that's the problem. The replacement battery also seems to be just a bit too big.
  • Reply 59 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    r00fus1 said:
    melgross said:
    There are also at least 5 Edges burned up recently, and 3 S7 models as well. I wonder if the problem exists on all the models but to a much worse extent with the Note, which had its battery changed at the last minute to a larger model.
    Just looked this up. Does this happen to other phones? How many burned up iPhones or Nexus models are out there? If not, Samsung really f*d something up bad this iteration.
    If you sell 240 million phones in a year, as Apple has done, and a very small number burns up, then it's a random situation that just a bad battery, or charger (often a non branded $3 charger). But when you sell 2.5 million, and in the first week in one major country alone, 35 burn up, and the in the next week, another 60+ burn up, then that's a serious problem. Estimates have around 250-300 of these phones burning up around the world in the first 2.5 weeks. That's just for these 2.5 million phones sold. Extrapolate that to 240 million phones sold in a year. That number would be 100 per week (conservatively) per 1.25 million phones, for a total of 5,200 phones burning up for a total sales of 65 million for the year at 1,25 million phones sold per week. So with 240 million iPhones sold for the year for Apple, there would be 19,200 phones burned up for Apple in a year.

    i think we would have heard of that! And that's assuming that the Note's wouldn't have burned up at more rapid rates as they aged. Those numbers could be well below what would have happened over a year.
    edited October 2016 watto_cobracali
  • Reply 60 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member

    hentaiboy said:

    iPhones sometimes catch fire as well you know.

    Read my post on this.
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