Samsung tells Galaxy Note 7 users to turn off, stop using device



  • Reply 21 of 68
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member
    Highly likely they were using third party cheapo  chargers. They're usually the culprit. They fry the charging port all the time, and harm batteries all the time. I know because I repair iPhones. Given that the iPhone 6 is two years old, there's really a million things that could have happened. If it ends up being a manufaturing defect, I'd expect Apple to handle the problem much more quickly and professionally than Samsung. If they don't they deserve whatever retribution they get. 

    Except this was a brand new 7 Plus being shipped to buyer:

    Shit like this can happen to ALL vendors.

  • Reply 22 of 68
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    hentaiboy said:

    iPhones sometimes catch fire as well you know.

    Is that all you pitiful apologists have? Try to deflect the problem with the classic “well the other guy has issues too” argument? There’s a BIG difference between isolated cases of individual device failures and the systemic failure of an entire product line. How stupid do you think we are? How stupid and sycophantic you appear.
    anton zuykovwatto_cobrabrucemcericthehalfbeepunkndrublicperkedelronnmatrix077chiaRayz2016
  • Reply 23 of 68
    The reports of Note 7's "bursting into flames" are greatly exaggerated. Usually there is much more smoke than flame and there are clearly parts of the phone that show no evidence of flame at all. Where there's smoke there isn't always very much fire.
  • Reply 24 of 68
    anomeanome Posts: 1,542member
    hentaiboy said:

    iPhones sometimes catch fire as well you know.

    Anything that has a Lithium battery can potentially catch fire, especially if it's been damaged. The student's phone had a crack in it, that might (or might not) indicate physical damage to the internals of the phone. The other phone we don't know if it had any damage, or how old it was. (The student says he has had his for about 6 months, but doesn't specify if he got it new, reconditioned, or just inherited it from someone.)

    The iPhone 7s seem to have both "blown up" (one seems to have just "de-laminated" in the same way my iPhone 5 did some time after I stopped using it regularly) while in transit. They may have been defective from the assembly line, or they may have been damaged in transit. Presumably that's something Apple will want to find out when they get their hands on them.

    The reports about the Samsung phones all seem to suggest the phones were new (they couldn't be older than a couple of weeks), and they hadn't been damaged in any obvious way. Further, there is a lot of speculation that there may have been a manufacturing problem in the Korean factory (anode and cathode in some cells too close together is what I've heard, rapid charging may result in a short).

    So we have a bunch of phones that have spontaneously combusted. The problem Samsung has is that more of their new flagship phone have done so in seemingly innocuous circumstances, that of other models (including other Samsung models, although they are also currently having similar issues with their whitegoods division -  and they presumably don't have batteries to blame it on). If we continue to hear stories about iPhones arriving disassembled or burned in some way, then Apple will have to worry, but so far they haven't. And the 6 plus has been out for so long, it seems unlikely that there would be a systemic problem with it.

    watto_cobraanton zuykovchiacali
  • Reply 25 of 68
    hentaiboy said:

    iPhones sometimes catch fire as well you know.

    Sure, and my refurb JBL Bluetooth headphones that came today presumably can too, judging by the copious amounts of earning stickers on the outside of the shipping box.  It's the nature of the technology to occasionally fail in a dramatic fashion (particularly with physical damage). 

    The Note 7 goes far beyond occasional. 
    watto_cobraanton zuykovchiacali
  • Reply 26 of 68
    gilly33gilly33 Posts: 444member
    fulwild said:
    The reports of Note 7's "bursting into flames" are greatly exaggerated. Usually there is much more smoke than flame and there are clearly parts of the phone that show no evidence of flame at all. Where there's smoke there isn't always very much fire.
    Sure buddy keep singing that song. Ok until yours catches on fire. What a load of crap. 
    watto_cobraanton zuykovperkedelronnchiastarwarscalilostkiwi
  • Reply 27 of 68
    hentaiboy said:
    Highly likely they were using third party cheapo  chargers. They're usually the culprit. They fry the charging port all the time, and harm batteries all the time. I know because I repair iPhones. Given that the iPhone 6 is two years old, there's really a million things that could have happened. If it ends up being a manufaturing defect, I'd expect Apple to handle the problem much more quickly and professionally than Samsung. If they don't they deserve whatever retribution they get. 

    Except this was a brand new 7 Plus being shipped to buyer:

    Shit like this can happen to ALL vendors.

    Why does that iPhone's aluminum body look like it was damaged MECHANICALLY to cause fire, then?
    Those two huge indentations on the body, though...they are unlikely to be caused by the battery fire, 'cause that battery EXPANDS from the inside out, when it thermally runs away! But those indentations are CONCAVED, meaning, the force was applied from the OUTSIDE of the iPhone towards the battery? 
    And you can clearly see that the box has been ripped/damaged exactly where those indentations are on the phone!
    How stupid can you get, if after seen all that, you still compare that to Note7 that indeed sets itself on fire, without any external "help" (similar to what you see in these images)....

    watto_cobraronnchia[Deleted User]tmaycalilostkiwi
  • Reply 28 of 68
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    hentaiboy said:
    Highly likely they were using third party cheapo  chargers. They're usually the culprit. They fry the charging port all the time, and harm batteries all the time. I know because I repair iPhones. Given that the iPhone 6 is two years old, there's really a million things that could have happened. If it ends up being a manufaturing defect, I'd expect Apple to handle the problem much more quickly and professionally than Samsung. If they don't they deserve whatever retribution they get. 

    Except this was a brand new 7 Plus being shipped to buyer:

    Shit like this can happen to ALL vendors.

    No it doesn't. Apple shipped 1.5B iPhones and what is the number of explosive one like that which is due to the manufacture defect? So far: NONE!. You can't use a damn shipping iPhone to illustrate the scenario cuz many factors can happen due to shipping and handling. My Fedex fuckers just threw my package over my side porch fence...if it's an electronic device, anything can happen.
  • Reply 29 of 68
    hentaiboy said:
    Highly likely they were using third party cheapo  chargers. They're usually the culprit. They fry the charging port all the time, and harm batteries all the time. I know because I repair iPhones. Given that the iPhone 6 is two years old, there's really a million things that could have happened. If it ends up being a manufaturing defect, I'd expect Apple to handle the problem much more quickly and professionally than Samsung. If they don't they deserve whatever retribution they get. 

    Except this was a brand new 7 Plus being shipped to buyer:

    Shit like this can happen to ALL vendors.

    That box was punctured from the outside. During shipping something likely punctured the box and hit the battery. Metal inside a LIion battery=fire. We just don't know. But 1 phone out of the millions Apple has shipped isn't the same as the many out of the much smaller number Samsung shipped. Besides, there is no argument here, Samsung issued a recall, admitting there is a systemic flaw.
  • Reply 30 of 68
    fallenjt said:
    .if it's an electronic device, anything can happen.
    Yeah....but even that is far fetched. ALL of the recent stories about iPhones catching fire 
    arrived ALL TO CONVENIENTLY on time to try to distract from Samesung mess...
    Must be a great coincidence ..... or simply a NON-coincidence. 

    Some dude that kept his damaged phone in a back pocket until he finally damaged it enough to cause fire;
    Another idiot, smashing (with what appears to be a hammer-like tool, IMHO) an iPhone inside the packaging, causing a fire due to a damaged battery.
    The third case (expanded battery) - iPhone could have been put into a MW-oven to get that battery to run way like that...

    I say - if those are genuine cases, get all those phones to an independent specialist (better yet, several specialists) that would assess the cause of those fires.
    Then, you can sue Apple.....buuut, I have a feeling that those people know what they did to their phones...and any specialist would likely to determine that as well...
    Hence, I expect there will be a lot of talk, but not that much action from those iPhone "users"...

    upd: another possible way to damage an iPhone in case 1 would be a power brick that, after being hit, damages the iPhone body and, subsequently, the battery, causing it to run away...
    edited October 2016 watto_cobraperkedelchiacalilostkiwi
  • Reply 31 of 68
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Reports have indicated that Samsung rushed the Galaxy Note 7 to market in an attempt to capitalize on what officials at the company believed was Apple's "boring" iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus update. 
    Credit where credit is due - Samsung nailed the 'not boring' part.
    watto_cobraanton zuykovchia[Deleted User]calilostkiwi
  • Reply 32 of 68
    tzeshan said:
    jayjay28 said:
    This huge Samsung mess should serve as a warning to all of you guys out there whose portfolio has significant percentage in aapl shares.
    As a long term share holder myself, looking at this mess I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like IF this happen to iPhone.  For so many years, I've read so many complains (including myself) why so low PE on an extremely profitable company comparing to other tech company.

    Well, the short and simplify answer is exactly what we're seeing here with the problem happening at Samsung.  Despite unheard profit margin for a hardware company, aapl is still a hardware company.  Yes, it take great software to make these hardware run but the hardware still bring in the most of the revenue and profit. 
    This nightmare scenario is very real for any hardware company, a new manufacture process, a supplier fault etc. Some of these problem will not show itself until product is enmass.  By that time it only need small number of incident in millions to bring down a product line.   

    Unlike company like googl, fb, amzn, msft etc.  Think about what it will take to dethrone anyone of these company, which is why they command high PE.

    Anyway, just thinking out loud.
    Are you a shareholder of Google too?  Do you know Google is jumping into the hardware business with the Pixel XL which has much bigger battery than iPhone 7 Plus? 
    Yes I hold share in googl as well.  But what does Pixel and bigger battery than iPhone got anything to do with what I say ?? Googl can venture into anything they want, their revenue/profit is coming from search/ads base. These hardware, Pixel, OneHub, Nest, and many others are "Hobbies"  side project that doesn't even make a dent in their total revenue.

    My point is bottom line appl is a hardware company with more than 60% of revenue comes from iPhone alone. Even for the world most profitable company, in hardware business it carry more risk than a software company.   I would love to see appl venture into software territory and be less dependant on hardware.  Aapl has over 1Billions devices running IOS, there no other company in the world can say that.  Take advantage of this loyal user base, diversify into AppleSearch, AppleFaceBook, AppleWhatEver software related, let's be less dependent on one hardware product line.

    adonissmu[Deleted User]
  • Reply 33 of 68
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    melgross said:
    There are also at least 5 Edges burned up recently, and 3 S7 models as well. I wonder if the problem exists on all the models but to a much worse extent with the Note, which had its battery changed at the last minute to a larger model.
    Fast charging is the strongest suspect
    anyone who thinks this has no effect on battery longevity is an idiot,  current density go up and if there is any resistance anywhere, energy increases to the square root, if heat has no space to get out you got problems
  • Reply 34 of 68
    samsung is clusterfuck, this is just the beginning
    watto_cobraperkedelanton zuykovcali
  • Reply 35 of 68
    mobiusmobius Posts: 380member
    The guy in this CNBC video actually said the publicity surrounding this could benefit Samsung in the long term...what's he smoking?
  • Reply 36 of 68
    tzeshan said:
    jayjay28 said:
    This huge Samsung mess should serve as a warning to all of you guys out there whose portfolio has significant percentage in aapl shares.
    As a long term share holder myself, looking at this mess I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like IF this happen to iPhone.  For so many years, I've read so many complains (including myself) why so low PE on an extremely profitable company comparing to other tech company.

    Well, the short and simplify answer is exactly what we're seeing here with the problem happening at Samsung.  Despite unheard profit margin for a hardware company, aapl is still a hardware company.  Yes, it take great software to make these hardware run but the hardware still bring in the most of the revenue and profit. 
    This nightmare scenario is very real for any hardware company, a new manufacture process, a supplier fault etc. Some of these problem will not show itself until product is enmass.  By that time it only need small number of incident in millions to bring down a product line.   

    Unlike company like googl, fb, amzn, msft etc.  Think about what it will take to dethrone anyone of these company, which is why they command high PE.

    Anyway, just thinking out loud.
    Are you a shareholder of Google too?  Do you know Google is jumping into the hardware business with the Pixel XL which has much bigger battery than iPhone 7 Plus? 

    and everything else sucks in comparison. 

    Not it to mention the "design" itself which is a rip off of the 2 year old iPhone 6, but beaten with an ugly stick and forced to run the word mobile OS known to man (well... OK. Windows CE was the worst, but this is up there).
  • Reply 37 of 68
    hentaiboy said:

    iPhones sometimes catch fire as well you know.

    WT씨발 hentaiboy... That's like comparing a car backfire to a space shuttle disaster.
    edited October 2016 watto_cobracali
  • Reply 38 of 68
    hentaiboy said:
    Highly likely they were using third party cheapo  chargers. They're usually the culprit. They fry the charging port all the time, and harm batteries all the time. I know because I repair iPhones. Given that the iPhone 6 is two years old, there's really a million things that could have happened. If it ends up being a manufaturing defect, I'd expect Apple to handle the problem much more quickly and professionally than Samsung. If they don't they deserve whatever retribution they get. 

    Except this was a brand new 7 Plus being shipped to buyer:

    Shit like this can happen to ALL vendors.

    Are you dense?  That is clearly damaged by something physically damaging it.  Lay off the drugs son 
    ronnchiawatto_cobraanton zuykovcalilostkiwi
  • Reply 39 of 68

    Samsung Note7 v3 box marker:
    edited October 2016 roakestarwarswatto_cobraanton zuykovcali
  • Reply 40 of 68
    roakeroake Posts: 821member
    iPhone sales exploding while Samsung phones exploding!
    watto_cobraanton zuykov
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