Microsoft Surface sales boom amid tepid iPad demand



  • Reply 61 of 72
    mac_128 said:
    "As usual, the company did not reveal total unit sales."

    Market non-starter. 

    Like it's been this entire time. 

    So do you feel the same about the Watch for the same reason?

    We already know (roughly) Apple Watch's performance vs. other smartwatches, from multiple sources. And it's quite impressive. 

    As for the Surface, MS fans tend to dismiss the Mac as insignificant because Apple's been selling roughly 3-5 million Macs every quarter since forever. Now, given that the Surface is MS' "computer" (or whatever the hell it's supposed to be), it isn't outselling Macs by any stretch, much less iPads. So how well is it actually doing? 

    One report has sales at 1.1 million as of Q1 2016.

    But that's Q1.

    And then there's this (more recent):

    There are probably other sources that say the same. 

    It's struggling to even get to Mac sales levels. 

    Not quite a barn-stormer, now is it. And it's been around since 2012. 

    And as far as I know, Apple still dominates Consumer Satisfaction metrics across the board in nearly all areas in which they have a product. 

    MS is indeed making money from it, but from a niche product that doesn't perform impressively at all in the market relative to the competition. 

    So, from my end, not impressed in the slightest. 
  • Reply 62 of 72
    I don't see this reflected in my store. I'll sell 20 iPads for every one surface, and 10 iPad Pros for every Surface Book. And the Apple folks are much more willing to drop coin on accessories/support. Surface buyers buy the SP4, the keyboard folio, and that's it. 
  • Reply 63 of 72
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    bitmod said:
    I'm still rock'n a 4 - and haven't been motivated to upgrade yet.
    The pro is a step in the right direction, but not at the price point they are asking with extremely limited software that utilizes the tech.
    It's an awkward time for the iPad. It's a media consumption device trying to be a production tool - but it's not quite there yet for professionals. (maybe music).
    Integration between the ios /osx apple software is a non-starter. When they get that streamlined, then watch out... (Keynote for example - PP integrates better on Mac).
    Agree and disagree. I use my iPad 4 weekly for graphics work both sketching directly on the iPad in apps like ProCreate or in Creative Suite via Astropad. Could it be a lot better, absolutely. Is it already great? My beater iPad 4 is a better graphics tablet than the year old Intuos at work. I can't wait till I can afford to upgrade to the iPad Pro.
  • Reply 64 of 72
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member
    iPad are nice toys and information consumption devices, but they aren't really productive work environments except for specific cases.

    An adaptive GUI that could switch between windowed, full-screen, and touch modes running on the same OS with a real file system and not extremely married to a proprietary cloud service is what anyone needs other than for sporadic private use.

    Not even Apple's macOS Server product can act as an iCloud replacement, and for companies with sensitive data, being dependent on third party trust and third party infrastructure just is a no-go.

    There are reports of iOS malware, and there's no way for users to check for its presence, load any tools for removal, etc. because not even owners have privileged access to the devices in any way.

    The hope was, that iPad Pro would open up the devices to their owners, but that's still not the case. So despite capable hardware, there are legitimate reasons not to go with iPad for any application that goes significantly beyond browsing the web, database front-end apps, or displaying reference information in any professional environment.

    I hope Apple gets the memo before M$ starts rolling up the mobile market from the tablet-notebook hybrid side of things, particularly since Windows phones can already work as desktop computer replacement when in a docking station with attached mouse and keyboard.
  • Reply 65 of 72
    The iPad pro is a transformational product. Particularly for the enterprise. It will take some time for software buildout to get up to speed to MS platform - but it will happen. Companies large and small are still "kicking the tires" but as soon as we meet crtical mass on apps that can both offer productivity (ms office) and connect to ERP (that is in the works now) - the floodgates will open. Reasons:

    1 - iOS is inherently more secure than every other device out there. The hardware level encryption architecture is pure genius. There does not exists a mobile platform - civilization or military - that defaults to more secure communication.

    2 - Enterprises can lock and configure in a way they cannot on a full os device such as windows.

    3 - Remote wipe

    4 - Employee users will appreciate not having to be dragged into Court and be treated as criminals until proven otherwise (ie: stealing of trade secrets). A company which provides employees with iOS devices will not have to worry about having data pilfered by employees or goverments hacking into devices.

    not an exhaustive list...
  • Reply 66 of 72
    Microsoft only managed to sell around 4 million Surface tablets in 12 months compared to Apple’s 46 million iPads. Microsoft has a VERY long way to go if it has any hope of catching up to Apple in tablets. We won't even mention how completely hopeless Microsoft's situation in mobile is (hint: 2 million phones last quarter compared to Apple's 40-74 million iPhones)
  • Reply 67 of 72
    geekmeegeekmee Posts: 646member
    Microsoft...still skating to where the puck was!
  • Reply 68 of 72
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    geekmee said:
    Microsoft...still skating to where the puck was!
    ... and on thin ice too ... ;)
  • Reply 69 of 72
    geekmeegeekmee Posts: 646member
    qwwera said:
    There is a lot of advertising for the Surface. And frankly, I like the "idea" of the iPad but it's just not an ergonomic device. After getting the 7 plus I have no desire whatsoever to touch an iPad. 

    The bigger Pro is a different story because of the pen support and the fact that it's not really meant to be hand held but used on a table. I always found the iPad mini awkward to hold, even more so the bigger 9.7. 

    The Plus iPhones and an updated 5.5 iPod touch should replace the iPads and Apple should just focus on the larger Pro iPad. Get rid of the mini snd 9.7 iPads.
    It's nice to have choice.
  • Reply 70 of 72
    geekmeegeekmee Posts: 646member
    rcfa said:
    iPad are nice toys and information consumption devices, but they aren't really productive work environments except for specific cases.

    An adaptive GUI that could switch between windowed, full-screen, and touch modes running on the same OS with a real file system and not extremely married to a proprietary cloud service is what anyone needs other than for sporadic private use.

    Not even Apple's macOS Server product can act as an iCloud replacement, and for companies with sensitive data, being dependent on third party trust and third party infrastructure just is a no-go.

    There are reports of iOS malware, and there's no way for users to check for its presence, load any tools for removal, etc. because not even owners have privileged access to the devices in any way.

    The hope was, that iPad Pro would open up the devices to their owners, but that's still not the case. So despite capable hardware, there are legitimate reasons not to go with iPad for any application that goes significantly beyond browsing the web, database front-end apps, or displaying reference information in any professional environment.

    I hope Apple gets the memo before M$ starts rolling up the mobile market from the tablet-notebook hybrid side of things, particularly since Windows phones can already work as desktop computer replacement when in a docking station with attached mouse and keyboard.
    Hey, I want some of whatever your smokin'!
  • Reply 71 of 72
    geekmeegeekmee Posts: 646member
    kevt said:
    ireland said:
    I sell you 2 pencils this year. I sell you 10 next year. Sales up 500%.

    D'oh. Your point is kind of lost when you get the maths wrong.

    Your sales up 400%.
    I'd say he's about right with market hype ;-)
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