How Donald Trump's election as U.S. President could affect Apple



  • Reply 121 of 162
    On the contrary. It was working class whites that voted him in.

    Not really. You know who voted him in? The Dems who didn't bother to go vote. In the end, GOP voters held up their nose, hid their distaste, and went to vote for Trump. Democrats didn't bother to show up, at a rate similar to mid-term elections. Can't blame the Latinos (although 29% support for Trump among Latinos is nothing short of mindboggling) or the millenials; but the well orchestrated leaks and Colmey's last-minute meddling, however illegal, may have been all that was needed to end up depressing the Dem vote.
    I'm not so worried about Trump, who's by all accounts a useless buffoon incapable of managing much else than his own ego. But the people who manage him are powerful, scary and dangerous. I don't find much solace in knowing that the very people who voted him in will be first in line to suffer when GOP policies get implemented and they lose their health coverage and benefits. I just hope that lessons will be learned in 2020. Sadly, I already know that 2018 is only going to bring more bad news.
    Wrong. Reagan Democrats came back in the areas of the US that your boy, Obama, has helped to destroy with his anti coal, reckless environmental policies. And auto workers who are being replaced by Mexican workers in Mexico are the ones you are rooting for.  You are OK with leaving these great Americas hanging. And you like Hillary ... a liar (as proven by the FBI), a person who has jeopardize our national security with her illegal server and lies about multiple devices, who is responsible for the death of 4 brave Americans in Benghazi, who has used her foundation for naked political reasons ... this is all OK with you. You are a puke. 

    Trump is going to mercilessly clean this crap up. He is a total jerk, and an idiot mouth. But he is not a liar, no action he has done has led to the death of an ambassador, he has not used a foundation to enrich himself, and he doesn't have a spouse who had his member sucked off in the White House as President. 
    apple ][SpamSandwichroake
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  • Reply 122 of 162
    wizard69 said:
    The problem was that Democrats back in the time when Obama first got elected had all sorts of promises about turning around the country. Those promises have been shown to be garbage and that the party was in fact controlled by power brokers that had no interests in the condition of the average American. Basically the Democrats demonstrated that they are in fact worst than the republicans when it comes to the best interests of Americans.
    Sure...and the fact that for eight years Republicans have basically refused to act like adults and govern didn't have anything to do with it. Maybe now they can pass another bill to overturn Obamacare for the 50th time, and shut down the government yet again--that was about the extent of their governing. Very helpful.

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  • Reply 123 of 162
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member
    farmboy said:
    wizard69 said:
    The problem was that Democrats back in the time when Obama first got elected had all sorts of promises about turning around the country. Those promises have been shown to be garbage and that the party was in fact controlled by power brokers that had no interests in the condition of the average American. Basically the Democrats demonstrated that they are in fact worst than the republicans when it comes to the best interests of Americans.
    Sure...and the fact that for eight years Republicans have basically refused to act like adults and govern didn't have anything to do with it. Maybe now they can pass another bill to overturn Obamacare for the 50th time, and shut down the government yet again--that was about the extent of their governing. Very helpful.

    Life went on when the government "shutdown".  Since when do we need Washington passing bills every day all year for the country to function?  It worked just fine when they were only up there for a few weeks a year many years ago.  Do you actually think the Democrats will now go along with everything the Republicans want to do over the next 4 years?  We will see how "adult" they are from your perspective.
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  • Reply 124 of 162
    knowitallknowitall Posts: 1,648member
    motif88 said:
    Very sad that cluless libs seem to rule the tech world. Lower personal taxes and lower corporate taxes plus profits repatriated without massive penalties as proposed by the socialist, hmm, sorry, Democratic Party are good for all of us. As for the other WAG's in this article you clearly don't know anymore than anyone else does. But someone that is not beholden to special interests, not having been in the swamp for years and actually having built companies and employed thousands has to be be better than know nothing lifelong politicians that never held a real job.
    Stop believing the spin and use your own common sense and judgement. Just like Brexit was portrayed as a disaster but it isn't and the futures markets were down over night but UP today, get out of your bubble and use your damn brain...

    Somehow the number of dislikes is reversely proportional to the validity of arguments.
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  • Reply 125 of 162
    Solisoli Posts: 10,038member
    Soli said:
    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    You know "the people have spoken" makes no sense when the popular vote goes to one candidate (the loser) and the EC vote goes to the winner, right?
    Regarding the the electoral college ...  Well remember how big this country is, the horse ride to take the results to the counting centers takes a few days, how could America have any other system ... Oh wait …
    The long ride from the farm and Sunday being the sabbath is why we vote on Tuesday. The EC was "designed" to help the states with lower population have a voice that could be heard. It doesn't really work that way, but I don't foresee anyone getting rid of the EC.

    BTW, it's now a 7% failure rate, not 5%.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 126 of 162
    spheric said:
    rob53 said:
    lkrupp said:
    Uh, err, Daniel, the election is over. Your stump speech is a day late and a dollar short. Sore loser still fapping the fud, Daniel? Even Hillary said we need to at least give him a chance. I’m waiting to see how many celebrities actually move out of the U.S. like they swore they would do if The Donald won. Streisand, Amy Schumer, Notorious RBG, Whoopi Goldberg, Alec Baldwin, Cher, Miley Cyrus. Anybody see the For Sale signs yet?
    It isn't a stump speech, it's an attempt to understand how Trump's attempts at national policy would affect Apple. I've also heard people say he'll be impeached within his first year, if he even survives the federal racketeering charges. Of course, all the Republican and conservative judges will give him a pass because he's the incoming President and all he needs to do is force the trial into a conservative suburb or one of the many red districts in the farm land and nobody will convict him of anything.

    Yes, I'm upset he won because he has no business being our President. 
    "Yes, I'm upset he won because he has no business being our President."

    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    Dangerous argument. "The people" voted for Hillary, by majority. They spoke clearly. The electoral college weighted that vote in favour of Trump, AGAINST the power of the majority of the People. 

    Yes it's by design, and there are historical reasons for it, but pure majority rule, it most certainly is not. 

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  • Reply 127 of 162
    Solisoli Posts: 10,038member
    1) So you're pro-EC? In no way do you think it's a flawed and unfair system?

    2) You know the EC doesn't actually cast their votes until December, right? While they traditionally go with the popular vote of the state, they don't have to. What I'm asking: If they were to decide to cast enough votes for Hillary to get 270, not Trump, would you then be OK with that decision because "you honor the ideals of the U.S. [and] you will respect the choice of the electorate"?

    3) I will honor the vote of the EC, but I'm against the EC as it's an inherently flawed system that doesn't properly represent all the states, and gives far too much power to antediluvian voters. I believe in equality. I am wholly against the Turd Reich, but you won't hear me say that Trump is not our president (elect). If our system votes him in, however marginally or flawed, I will work with that system because I believe in this country; I believe in democracy. Those that have said for 8 years "not my president" or have worked to obstruct the president on all matters, regardless of what he's proposed are treasonous scum.
    edited November 2016
    macguicanukstormanantksundaramapple ][propod
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  • Reply 128 of 162
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,680member
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    You know "the people have spoken" makes no sense when the popular vote goes to one candidate (the loser) and the EC vote goes to the winner, right?
    Regarding the the electoral college ...  Well remember how big this country is, the horse ride to take the results to the counting centers takes a few days, how could America have any other system ... Oh wait …
    The long ride from the farm and Sunday being the sabbath is why we vote on Tuesday. The EC was "designed" to help the states with lower population have a voice that could be heard. It doesn't really work that way, but I don't foresee anyone getting rid of the EC.

    BTW, it's now a 7% failure rate, not 5%.
    Our Bill of Rights is as much a product of "Tyranny of the Majority" fear. There's good and valid reasons for an Electoral College which IMHO is much better protection for our citizens' than simple majority rule. With that said there's no Federal requirement that all of a State's electors be bound to a single candidate who won the most votes. Each state has decided how they want to commit them, with only Maine and one other (I forget who) splitting the electors in proportion to their citizen's vote. All the others go all in to a single candidate. If people want changes to the electoral system it's to the individual states they should be looking. Eliminating the Electoral College would be stupidly dangerous.
    edited November 2016
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  • Reply 129 of 162
    normm said:
    The estimate I've seen (at is that when the counting is done, her lead in the popular vote will be about 2%.
    tryd said:
    And they voted for Hillary. She got more votes than Trump
    CNN is saying the opposite.
    but the archaic voting system manages to give the win to the candidate that got the least votes. 
    First of all, if you don’t know how the republic works, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Second, get fucking over it.
    spheric said:
    Dangerous argument. "The people" voted for Hillary, by majority. They spoke clearly. The electoral college weighted that vote in favour of Trump, AGAINST the power of the majority of the People.

    Honestly, take a fucking civics course. Hold your security blanket if you have to–because you’re damn well sure to be “triggered” by the facts therein–but fucking take one.

    Soli said:
    …CA which overwhelmingly didn't vote for a self-admitted sexual predator.
    You’re definitely not Solipsism.
    edited November 2016
    apple ][SpamSandwich
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  • Reply 130 of 162
    Soli said:
    1) So you're pro-EC? In no way do you think it's a flawed and unfair system?

    2) You know the EC doesn't actually cast their votes until December, right? While they traditionally go with the popular vote of the state, they don't have to. What I'm asking: If they were to decide to cast enough votes for Hillary to get 270, not Trump, would you then be OK with that decision because "you honor the ideals of the U.S. [and] you will respect the choice of the electorate"?

    3) I will honor the vote of the EC, but I'm against the EC as it's an inherently flawed system that doesn't properly represent all the states, and gives far too much power to antediluvian voters. I believe in equality. I am wholly against the Turd Reich, but you won't hear me say that Trump is not our president (elect). If our system votes him in, however marginally or flawed, I will work with that system because I believe in this country; in this democracy. Those that have said for 8 years "not my president" or have worked to obstruct the president on all matters, regardless of what he's proposed are treasonous scum.
    "What I'm asking: If they were to decide to cast enough votes for Hillary to get 270, not Trump, would you then be OK with that decision because "you honor the ideals of the U.S. [and] you will respect the choice of the electorate"?"

    Yes, I will. I may not like it, but I will respect it & honor it.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 131 of 162
    Solisoli Posts: 10,038member
    "What I'm asking: If they were to decide to cast enough votes for Hillary to get 270, not Trump, would you then be OK with that decision because "you honor the ideals of the U.S. [and] you will respect the choice of the electorate"?"

    Yes, I will. I may not like it, but I will respect it & honor it.
    If that were to happen, I think it would tear this country apart at its core. As of now, 4 years with Trump will only hinder its growth and security, but that's recoverable.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 132 of 162
    "Yes, I'm upset he won because he has no business being our President."

    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    Approximately 53% of the electorate participated in the voting process. A minority of those voted for Trump. This was enough to get him elected. Hopefully you can do the math.

    If you believe that this misogynistic, bigoted, racist, climate-denying, thin-skinned birther is best qualified to be the leader of the United States then that is your right as a citizen. It does NOT entitle you to confuse mischaracterization with reality to the rest of us.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 133 of 162
    svanthem said:
    "Yes, I'm upset he won because he has no business being our President."

    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    Approximately 53% of the electorate participated in the voting process. A minority of those voted for Trump. This was enough to get him elected. Hopefully you can do the math.

    If you believe that this misogynistic, bigoted, racist, climate-denying, thin-skinned birther is best qualified to be the leader of the United States then that is your right as a citizen. It does NOT entitle you to confuse mischaracterization with reality to the rest of us.
    Good thing we have Obama to inject some sanity into the situation rather than butt-hurt losers like yourself
    edited November 2016
    tallest skil
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  • Reply 134 of 162
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member
    red oak said:
    Your obviously seething about the election results, being you were so far up the Democrats and HRC's asses

    BTW, it's a 10% tax holiday and then 15% going forward on all foreign earnings. Apple will be all over this and will be able to bring $200B back to the US if they wish 

    More important, it would be a 15% income tax on everything going forward, vs the current 26% Apple has been accruing.  It would be a massive windfall and dramaticallly improve operating results of the company going forward.  Was this too inconsequential for you to mention in your tirade? 

    No need to repeat this so thanks to the poster who articulated this huge boon for Apple as well as our country. We need growth and now it's coming. 
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  • Reply 135 of 162
    svanthem said:
    "Yes, I'm upset he won because he has no business being our President."

    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    Approximately 53% of the electorate participated in the voting process. A minority of those voted for Trump. This was enough to get him elected. Hopefully you can do the math.

    If you believe that this misogynistic, bigoted, racist, climate-denying, thin-skinned birther is best qualified to be the leader of the United States then that is your right as a citizen. It does NOT entitle you to confuse mischaracterization with reality to the rest of us.
    Good thing we have Obama to inject some sanity into the situation rather than butt-hurt losers like yourself
    No question that President Obama is a class act.

    Your name calling, maybe not so much.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 136 of 162
    svanthem said:
    "Yes, I'm upset he won because he has no business being our President."

    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    Approximately 53% of the electorate participated in the voting process. A minority of those voted for Trump. This was enough to get him elected. Hopefully you can do the math.

    If you believe that this misogynistic, bigoted, racist, climate-denying, thin-skinned birther is best qualified to be the leader of the United States then that is your right as a citizen. It does NOT entitle you to confuse mischaracterization with reality to the rest of us.
    In case that first video that I posted wasn't enough for you, then you might enjoy this one

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  • Reply 137 of 162

    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    ... And remember that Hitler was an elected official... Democracy is not an inoculation against idiots and genocidal maniacs taking control!
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 138 of 162
    svanthem said:
    "Yes, I'm upset he won because he has no business being our President."

    There's this little thing called a democracy where the people have the power to decide who leads the country and who doesn't. And they have spoken. 
    Approximately 53% of the electorate participated in the voting process. A minority of those voted for Trump. This was enough to get him elected. Hopefully you can do the math.

    If you believe that this misogynistic, bigoted, racist, climate-denying, thin-skinned birther is best qualified to be the leader of the United States then that is your right as a citizen. It does NOT entitle you to confuse mischaracterization with reality to the rest of us.
    In case that first video that I posted wasn't enough for you, then you might enjoy this one

    Oh my.

    Well, the first video was just fine.

    I'll leave it at that. You should've too.
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  • Reply 139 of 162
    Apparently, we care more about how Apple is affected than how we are all affected, including factory workers, farmers, coal miners...

    Who cares as long as you get your shiny iPhone the fastest at the lowest possible price, right?
    tallest skilgatorguyroake
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  • Reply 140 of 162
    mtbnut said:
    Well, to be clear, where the electors have the power to decide (electors can ignore the state's will, if you will). Clinton won the popular vote.
    Enough with popular vote comments.  We can't actually know what the popular vote was because many precincts never open the mail in ballots they receive if the margin of victory for the winner is greater than the received ballots.
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