No Powermacs at MWNY?



  • Reply 221 of 224
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by JCG:

    <strong> True the graphics card is a major factor here, but QuartzeXtream is targeted for 32MB graphics cards (and will run on the 16MB iBook) and Its main function is to increase the responsiviness on the GUI. I may not know/understand all of its benefits though.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually, QE's main purpose is to allow the whole machine to do things that were previously impossible, like heavy-duty real time compositing, and seamless interoperability of Quartz and OpenGL. The main difference between the consumer and pro lines is that the consumer lines will mostly see improved performance (although they should pick up a few new tricks) while the pro machines will mostly see new capabilities (although they'll also see improved performance).

    At the top of the line, QE should be multimedia nirvana.
  • Reply 222 of 224
    tabootaboo Posts: 128member
    A release in August makes sense.....if it's something really different.

    What if Apple is waiting on a release from nVidia AND IBM.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Power4 "lite" due in August</a>

    Now, wouldn't that be sweet
  • Reply 223 of 224
    gullivergulliver Posts: 122member
    Sorry, wrong thread.

    [ 07-15-2002: Message edited by: Gulliver ]</p>
  • Reply 224 of 224
    zosozoso Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by Agent Cooper:

    <strong>Apple hasn't been hyping this MW, atleast not like they did for MWSF 02, maybe they're going low key (no PowerMacs) or maybe they saw how dissapointed people were by "just an LCD imac" which was not "WAY beyond the rumor sites"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think I read some months ago that at SF02 Steve was supposed to introduce much more than the new iMac, but apparently whatever it was (G4/5/whatever?) it got scrapped at the last minute. I think I also remember Moki saying that the new pro mobos ran into lots of production issues, due to the complexity of the whole thing... Moki, were you talking about the missed intro of new PMacs at SF02?

    I don't want to believe all these recent pessimistic rumors, I really hope for a pro-oriented Expo--I can understand an Aug/Sept release date, but IMHO it's at MacWorld that the new towers should see the light of day...

    Don't care about Steve, I will cry if this MW will be as pitiful as last summer's...

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