No Powermacs at MWNY?



  • Reply 101 of 224
    jet powersjet powers Posts: 288member
    That's a good point johnsonwax (if I may sum up):

    Let's see what the new iMacs are running, which will indicate what the Powermacs are going to be.

    Whatever the iMac has, the Powermac will be better.


    iMac goes to 133 FSB--->Powermac goes to 166 or DDR266

    iMac goes to 1 GHz--->Powermac goes to 1.2+GHz


    Meeting the insane expectations of the AIWC (AppleInsider Whiner's Club) might be difficult, but I'm betting August brings some SERIOUS firepower to the table on the Powermac.

    Then the dominoes fall, one by one:

    -Powerbooks in September (it will have been ~5 months)

    -iBooks in October (again, ~5 months)

    Then in November, the insane expectation ramp starts for MWSF03, and the cycle of Maclife begins anew.

    Throw in Jaguar sometime this summer, and I say things are going pretty well.


    [ 07-10-2002: Message edited by: Yet Another Registration ]</p>
  • Reply 102 of 224
    Here's what I find strange about the new rebates compared to the old ones:

    The previous rebates were for up to $300 for a Dual 1 GHZ + an additional $300 for an LCD purchase. That equals $600. Now you only get $500. How's this a better incentive to buy a PowerMac? Plus rebates on the boxes without a LCD purchase were better than this promotion. Something funny is up. This feels like a last bit of inventory clearance action. You use this AND a price reduction to get rid of the rest of the PM inventory.

    [ 07-10-2002: Message edited by: CodeWarrior ]</p>
  • Reply 103 of 224
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    Boy, yous guys are worse than a limp tree in a wind storm, ready to bend which ever way the windblows. I love rumors, they're so informative.
  • Reply 104 of 224
    You know this is all Apple Disonformation. I am gonna take all of this with a SALT LICK and wait til the 17th when we see the familiar scene of Steve walking onstage with thousands clapping...then boeing or more recently clapping to send him off as they did at MWSF 02.
  • Reply 105 of 224
    Maybe they just don't have that big a backlog of PowerMacs to move. Where are all the people with contacts with the channel suppliers? Start making those phone calls!
  • Reply 106 of 224
    johnsonwaxjohnsonwax Posts: 462member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bigc:

    <strong>Boy, yous guys are worse than a limp tree in a wind storm, ready to bend which ever way the windblows. I love rumors, they're so informative.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, not all of us thought that Powermacs would ship at Expo to begin with, rather that the focus would be on consumer products.

    That might just be me thankful that someone is speculating in my general direction, but it does all piece together rather nicely what with the promo, the push on Jag, etc.
  • Reply 107 of 224
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    The 2001 G4 733 and the 2002 GHz were available (off the shelf) about two months after they were announced, so whats new, PM in August means delivery in October which means MWSF2003, which means machines in April 2003, etc, etc, etc.....
  • Reply 108 of 224
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    It is exactly as whats-his-face foretold. Just a few days ago...

    (Paraphrased, obviously.)

    "July will yield a serious letdown, but optimism will grow by August, and by January, things will be looking pretty God-damn good. That's as cryptic as I can be."

    It's all coming together.
  • Reply 109 of 224
    Does anyone remember what Dorsal was saying in his thread before Jonathan shut it down?

    He said that they are currently testing 6 case designs. And all h*ll broke loose! No one believed him because it was too close to the expo, etc, etc. Only 10 days away is too close to still be testing cases...

    Well if Cnet and TS are right then in a few wekks more we'll see the G4+ and a new case and new flatpanels, so Dorsal's announcement of cases being tested 2 days ago makes a lot more sense.
  • Reply 110 of 224
    evoevo Posts: 198member
    Remember everyone and their mother was predicting the new iMacs would have G3 processors in them before they came out? I don't remember one credible source predicting the new iMac would have G4 processors, and when they were intro'd at MWSF, everyone was surprised.

    I'm just wondering how accurate the rumors are these days. I'm hoping Apple will blow us away in regards to the PowerMacs at MWNY, and are just successfully giving out false information.
  • Reply 111 of 224
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    Actually, we all knew about it the night (early morning?) before because of Time Canada. Which is why I didn't watch the keynote. That and I was at school.
  • Reply 112 of 224
    exactly - no one expected the new iMac to be what it was and when it came out it was literally plastered on the front page of newspapers and magazines world wide..

    i wouldn't be surprised if something similar happens at MWNY.. currently everyone is expecting a minor speed bump to the G4 powermacs.. imagine if the G5 was introduced at MWNY and ready for shipping by 12 august..

    look at the apple store, there are only TWO products in the line up that don't have the word "new" attached - the CRT iMac and the PowerMac.. can't for the life of me see an update in the former product and i can't see apple leaving its top of the line machine to share a processor with entry level macs for much longer..
  • Reply 113 of 224
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    I am just amazed one story, filled with not one fact has turned you all in to a bunch of Piper following rats.

    People, we are no more sure of any of this thatnwe were about a G5 or G4+ or anything.

    This is speculation forum. And in the last year there has been almost no real information prior to the Apple events.


    Time will tell. But I will predict that this thread will be looked back on as paranoia.

    This thread is just like pre-wedding jitters....and you boys need a drink.
  • Reply 114 of 224
    eddivelyeddively Posts: 74member
    [quote]Originally posted by Spart:

    <strong>Actually, we all knew about it the night (early morning?) before because of Time Canada. Which is why I didn't watch the keynote. That and I was at school.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You mean you don't skip school to watch keynotes?

    &lt;feels like a uber-nerd&gt;

    Man, I'm only in highschool, and if I can't go to an Apple store to see the satellite link, I'm at home streaming, or "Refreshing" on maccentral's live text updating.

    Good ol' oblivious HS administrators...

    "And why are you leaving?"

    ..."oh, a business convention pertaining to me, and the CEO is giving a keynote, live."

    Sounds a lot better than, going to watch a speech at the mall of america about new computers.

    oh well...

    &lt;goes back to little or no posting, only educational reading &gt;
  • Reply 115 of 224
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    Did anyone ever think of this??

    Does Apple ever have a special event to just speed bump a product? No. Every time Apple has a special event there something revolutionary about it. The Xserve: the data storage and easy accesibility and price. The iPod (do I really need to list the reasons), the iBook (new design and screen resolution, the display hinge, education purchase. Would Apple just trot out there with speed bumped Power Macs and new bus speeds and new case? Maybe...but this would be the bare minimum for a special announcement. I think this could be the time that Apple lays out its new processor strategy. Eskimo who has never been one to BS even dropped the bomb that Apple was going with a new company. What better time to make that announcement than at a special event and then throw out new Power Macs STARTING at 1.2GHz?

    Something to think about and debate...
  • Reply 116 of 224
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    d00d!!! G5 Powermacs at MWNY bro! Peace out!

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 117 of 224
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Well, Apple left the Powermacs out of MWSF this year because...why? Because they wanted them OUT of the spotlight, because they are so pathetic that Jobs knows the press would hack them to shreds. So again at MWNY, Apple is keeping the Powermacs out of the spotlight, and quietly updating them later.

    It could possibly mean that Apple has yet another Powermac update they are embarrased of.

    What I'm saying is that we know nothing, all we can do is speculate. This could be a bad sign, a good sign, or it might mean absolutely nothing. Or it may mean that Apple is going belly up before the end of the year.

    Maybe all that insider trading was only the tip of the iceberg...we may learn that Apple's books have been cooked for years, and that Apple is swimming in so much debt that they cannot even last one more quarter. Jobs might get on stage and discuss liquidation strategies before committing a bloody suicide in public. It would be a fitting end to the master PR salesman of the hippy generation...."EX-HIPPI SELLS-OUT, KILLS HIMSELF IN AN ACT OF SELF-LOATHING!!!"

    You never know with these things.
  • Reply 118 of 224
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>Jobs might get on stage and discuss liquidation strategies before committing a bloody suicide in public. It would be a fitting end to the master PR salesman of the hippy generation...."EX-HIPPI SELLS-OUT, KILLS HIMSELF IN AN ACT OF SELF-LOATHING!!!"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    "...And in typical cultist fashion, most of the audience stood up and followed suit, though one person, who goes only by "The AllKnowing 1," watched the horror, then, with no one left to claim them, looted the on-stage demo machines."

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 119 of 224
    g::mastag::masta Posts: 121member
    for God's sake ppl, think before you speak.

    for everyone who thinks that Apple don't know what they are doing: WTF? are you retarded? they are businessmen! of course they know what they are doing? if they are in a tight spot it's not because they didn't think of upping the bus speed/increasing clock speed/increasing mobo efficiency... there are extenuating circumstances. you all seem the to think the Apple board are a bunch of monkeys.

    do you honestly think Apple have been telling themselves that their bus speed is sufficient? that their chipspeeds are fast enough? that their internal bandwidth is sufficient? I DON'T THINK SO

    they know what they need to do in order to get Apple back in the stratosphere and i am pretty sure they are doing everything possible to achieve that goal.

    why do you think that you know better than Steve / Apple when it comes to running a business. it's like little kids bitching cos santa isn't bringing good enough toys.

    sit back, and wait. there is a bigger picture here.
  • Reply 120 of 224
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    [quote]Originally posted by johnsonwax:

    <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">ThinkSecret</a> is suggesting that there will be no towers at NY.


    Add to the general confusion the info from macbidouille (translated):

    " is not possible any more to place an order for G4 800, 933 and Bi 1Ghz directly at Apple. These machines are considered as obsolete..."

    Any confirmation on that?
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