Apple's iPhone, Samsung phones nearly equal in J.D. Power satisfaction survey

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in iPhone
While Apple and the iPhone ranked first in a survey of U.S. customer satisfaction with smartphones, the company's chief rival -- Samsung -- came second by only the slimmest of margins, according to a J.D. Power report published on Thursday.

Apple's average score was 840 out of 1,000, while Samsung managed 839, the report indicated. Apple also achieved the highest figures in performance and features, two of the five categories used to gauge satisfaction. The others were "ease of operation," battery life, and physical design.

J.D. Power's results were based on data from 7,994 people polled between October and December who had their current smartphone for less than a year, and were customers with AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, or U.S. Cellular. The survey also limited its scope to five phone brands, namely Apple, Samsung, Motorola, HTC, and LG.

Apple's satisfaction score rose 6 points versus last year's survey, but the top gainers were actually Motorola with 15, and HTC with 12.

Another unusual highlight was the claim that iPhone owners were slightly more likely to have smarthome accessories than Android users. This included a ratio of 13 to 11 percent for thermostats, 9 to 8 percent for appliances, and 7 to 6 percent for smartspeakers like the Amazon Echo or Google Home.

The timing of the survey likely played an important role in its results. Polling began shortly after the release of the iPhone 7, and in the immediate aftermath of Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 being recalled and discontinued. Penetration of either device would have been relatively low, and indeed most Note 7 owners presumably got refunds or a free replacement like the Galaxy S7 Edge.


  • Reply 1 of 26
    ben20ben20 Posts: 126member
    One more to add to "FAKE POLLS" ;-)
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  • Reply 2 of 26
    brucemcbrucemc Posts: 1,541member
    Clearly having your phone catch fire / banned from flights / recalled / shutdown doesn't impact customer satisfaction.

    Good to know.
    StrangeDaysandrewj5790lkrupplolliverjony0[Deleted User]redgeminipawatto_cobra
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  • Reply 3 of 26
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,251member
    I don't recall Apple having a spate of exploding phones and massive product recall.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 26
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,656member
    What do the majority of people do on their phones?   They talk, text, Tweet, post to Facebook and Instagram, watch YouTube videos, read email, play free games, take some bad photos or videos,  listen to music and maybe do some web surfing.    All brands do those things well.   As long as the phone doesn't break, users are going to be satisfied because whatever one can determine is a disadvantage of one phone compared to the other was already disregarded by the consumer at the time of purchase as not being important to them.  The UI's within apps are pretty much the same.      And since phones tend not to break during the first year, repair costs or customer service is not going to be an issue.   I'd like to see a similar poll of people who have had their phones for over a year.    And also have the question asked, "would you buy the same brand again?"

    But even then, who cares?   The masses tend to buy garbage and I really don't care if some idiot is satisfied with their Samsung phone or not.   It's like asking McDonald's customers if they're satisfied.  By virtue of the fact that they're eating there, most would probably say that they are.   It's meaningless.  

    The differences between phones, which is really the difference between operating systems, are issues like security - things which are not obvious to most end users.  

    edited March 2017
    stevenozchiamagman1979fotoformatDaekwanRonnnieO[Deleted User]redgeminipawatto_cobra
     9Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 26
    r00fus1r00fus1 Posts: 65member
    Amazed that ATT ranks so high given a) my experience with them and b) what most people say on forums.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 26
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,150member
    Were the Samsung owners who's homes burned down or phones exploded inside airplanes included in the poll?

    edited March 2017
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 26
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,160member
    Samesung must be exploding with pride over this.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 26
    Samsung's $200 smartphones are just as good as Apple's $700 iPhones? Time to switch to Android, people. Apple is wasting its time with trying to build quality smartphones when it's so easy for Samsung to build smartphones at less than half the price and the results are no worse. Apple is doomed yet again. This survey helps Android manufacturers to say, "Forget Apple's iPhones, our smartphones are just as good at a fraction of the price." /s
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 26
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    brucemc said:
    Clearly having your phone catch fire / banned from flights / recalled / shutdown doesn't impact customer satisfaction.

    Good to know.

    Just goes to show the buy public could care less about quality, cheap over rides all else. This is also like Consumer reports and how they measure quality and reliability, it base on the surveys they send out, and most people only return them if they had a bad experience with a particular product and the questions they are do not always catch the real problems. I personal experiences have been people tend to complain the most when they do not get what they want, go in to get your car fix once and get the run around means the car is crap, but take you car in 100 times and each time they treat you well and give you a loaner and the car is great. There surveys mean nothing these days. it is all in who you ask and what questions you ask them.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 26
    NY1822ny1822 Posts: 621member
    comical...everyone i know whenever i see them are having problems with their Samsung and ask me to help them
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 26
    Samsung's $200 smartphones are just as good as Apple's $700 iPhones? Time to switch to Android, people. Apple is wasting its time with trying to build quality smartphones when it's so easy for Samsung to build smartphones at less than half the price and the results are no worse. Apple is doomed yet again. This survey helps Android manufacturers to say, "Forget Apple's iPhones, our smartphones are just as good at a fraction of the price." /s
    some of us are fully aware of the cheap Android phones. many are sold running obsolete versions of Android, packed full of Malware and other not very nice things.
    As for security updates (and don't even try to claim that Android has none) are a fantasy for most models.

    The only thing those cheap Androids are good for is as burners or as a cheap phone to use while in the USA having left the iDevice at home to avoid snooping by the DHS.
    Oh, and others of us won't buy anything with a Samsung brand on the outside. We may well have been burnt by their total lack of customer care and the old saying, 'once bitten, twice shy' applies.

    edited March 2017
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 26
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Common sense says Samsung will be right behind Apple is satisfaction. We already know Samsung’s business/design model is to attempt to anticipate what Apple will do next, then pressure their engineers to get the product out before Apple, lately to disastrous results however. Happens every iPhone cycle.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 26
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    r00fus1 said:
    Amazed that ATT ranks so high given a) my experience with them and b) what most people say on forums.
    As with ALL polls, the angry and disappointed respond disproportionately. The Internet amplifies the negative. Anonymous anecdotal forum posts don’t mean a thing. And as we all know, there is a certain ideological mindset in the population that says ALL corporations are evil bastards. As for AT&T their negatives are no better or worse then the other big carriers when it comes to forum posts. AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint are all trashed viciously by that crowd. So don’t be amazed that your personal bias is simply wrong.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 26
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 8,097member
    zoetmb said:
    What do the majority of people do on their phones?   They talk, text, Tweet, post to Facebook and Instagram, watch YouTube videos, read email, play free games, take some bad photos or videos,  listen to music and maybe do some web surfing.    All brands do those things well.   As long as the phone doesn't break, users are going to be satisfied because whatever one can determine is a disadvantage of one phone compared to the other was already disregarded by the consumer at the time of purchase as not being important to them.  The UI's within apps are pretty much the same.      And since phones tend not to break during the first year, repair costs or customer service is not going to be an issue.   I'd like to see a similar poll of people who have had their phones for over a year.    And also have the question asked, "would you buy the same brand again?"

    But even then, who cares?   The masses tend to buy garbage and I really don't care if some idiot is satisfied with their Samsung phone or not.   It's like asking McDonald's customers if they're satisfied.  By virtue of the fact that they're eating there, most would probably say that they are.   It's meaningless.  

    The differences between phones, which is really the difference between operating systems, are issues like security - things which are not obvious to most end users.  

    I agree. We are in the comfort zone for most features and users. Even mid range phones perform well enough for the vast majority of people.

    Phones are no longer 'slow', photos and videos look good to most people, battery life is almost considered normal if it doesn't get you through a full day of moderate use and the physical design is almost always good enough.

    The system itself is far more likely to irritate users if it starts playing up rather than the features of the phone itself.

    Settings that change by themselves etc
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 26
    Daekwandaekwan Posts: 175member
    I'm not surprised at this poll at all.  Everything has a certain pricepoint and experience.  I honestly would expect a person who paid $200 for a Galaxy S7 to be as satisfied with their purchase as a person who paid $600 for their iPhone7.   After all.. some people buy KIA and some people buy BMW.  

    What I would not expect.. is someone who paid $600 for their Galaxy S7 to be as satisfied.. as someone who paid $600 for their iPhone7.  If I'm going to pay $50,000 for a brand new luxury car.. then I dont care how features and gimmicks the KIA has.. it is simply not in the same league.  And it definitely does not have the same status, customer service, resale value and overall user experience.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 26
    smalmsmalm Posts: 677member
    r00fus1 said:
    Amazed that ATT ranks so high given a) my experience with them and b) what most people say on forums.
    Yeah, as we all know people enter fora to tell everyone how satisfied they are with a product. Happens all the time....

    The only customer satisfaction survey that's relevant is that with your wallet.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 26
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,080member
    Daekwan said:
    I'm not surprised at this poll at all.  Everything has a certain pricepoint and experience.  I honestly would expect a person who paid $200 for a Galaxy S7 to be as satisfied with their purchase as a person who paid $600 for their iPhone7.   After all.. some people buy KIA and some people buy BMW.  

    What I would not expect.. is someone who paid $600 for their Galaxy S7 to be as satisfied.. as someone who paid $600 for their iPhone7.  If I'm going to pay $50,000 for a brand new luxury car.. then I dont care how features and gimmicks the KIA has.. it is simply not in the same league.  And it definitely does not have the same status, customer service, resale value and overall user experience.
    Maybe Samsung users love their OLED screens.   They have been able to use them for years.    Apple fans are still waiting for the chance to pay over $1000 to get an OLED display on the iPhone as expected this fall.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 26
    ...except one phone blows up in your hand and the other doesn't.  i'll let you guess which one is the iPhone.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 26
    brucemc said:
    Clearly having your phone catch fire / banned from flights / recalled / shutdown doesn't impact customer satisfaction.

    Good to know.
    It could have been a case where the customers loved their Note 7 and then also loved their replacement  S7 edge. Remember, those who bought Notes actually liked them, Only the ones who never bothered buying them seem to complain about it. At least that's what I have seen.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 20 of 26
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,855member
    J.D. Power surveys are of questionable value for consumers evaluating competing products. They essentially rank widely disparate attributes/dimensions with the same degree of importance. So something like "does not maim or disfigure user's face during incidental use" is weighted exactly the same as "is available in a pleasant shade of blue." This doesn't even rise to the level of pseudoscience. They're basically creating a marketing product in hopes of attracting a buyer to pay for the honor of flouting a phony trophy. 
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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