Apple 'finalizing' design of Amazon Echo rival based on Siri



  • Reply 21 of 105
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    So an Amazon Echo clone? Or will this have something unique that makes it better?
    It better or it's going to fail.   In fact, it needs to be far better and it will probably be priced higher than Amazon, since Amazon is looking to dominate the market since it drives product sales and not because it's looking for profits on Echo by itself.    If it's not better than Amazon's products, it's really going to hurt Apple's reputation.   Apple will look like Google Android in that scenario. 

  • Reply 22 of 105
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I'm in for about 4 of these. 

    Id probably replace my two Google Home. What I need is 

    1 good sound
    2, Siri 2nd Generation 
    3. HomeKit 
    5.Synchonous audio

    The rest will take care of itself 
  • Reply 23 of 105
    thedbathedba Posts: 776member
    jbdragon said:
    Echo a hit? It's doing OK, but a hit? No! Go Google selling numbers and it's around 9 million sold to date. That's since it's been released. Apple sold over 12 million Apple Watches last year alone. My Apple Watch is a better Echo!!! It's not tied down to a single location because of a power cord so it's everywhere I am. I don't have to touch my watch, just say Hey Siri and a command. It actually works quite well other then it's a little slow. It is the Original Apple Watch.

    For example just now from seeing other comments on things like Joke with Echo, so I asked my watch, Hey Siri, Tell me a Joke. It was doing a number of different ones, I liked this Classic, "How many Apple Watches does it take to screw in a bulb? Two: one to screw it in and another to watch. Get it? Watch! Haha!"

    From setting reminders, and timers, and asking questions like When to the S.F. Giants play, and it shows me right on the screen. There's Homekit support, though I haven't tried it yet as I don't have any of them devices yet. I'm always learning how to do new things.

    I'm not sure why Apple really needs a stand alone device like a Echo and Google's Copy of the Echo. The Sales numbers doesn't really show a huge demand. How about Apple releasing a Kinect type device that plugs into a Apple TV4? They do have a USB3 port on the back that's generally never used. You could plug into that and now you can have Facetime support on your TV which would be kind of cool, and Siri support always on without having to hit a button on the remote and talk into that. Other then that, I don't really see a big need to copy the Echo.

    I wonder if I can open and close my Garage door using Siri? I can control it on my Apple Watch by starting the app and hitting the door open button, but I wonder if Siri would work also? I'm going to have to try that.
    In the world of online punditry, Apple can only fail, even if they sell double the number of these hypothetical devices in one quarter than what Amazon sells in a year. If it's not as big as iPhone, then it fails. If Apple doesn't report total sales in their quarterly call, then it's a fail. 

    Of course everyone also forgets that Amazon basically deals in one language, English. 
    Apple OTOH has to deal with multiple languages. 
  • Reply 24 of 105
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    lkrupp said:
    sog35 said:
    sounds good.

    I like the concept of Echo, but don't want to give information to Amazon and Jeff
    People squawk about privacy but their actions prove they don’t care. The populace accepts the surveillance culture that has developed with the technology. It’s fait accompli. We are being watched 24/7/365.

    The problem is the people complaining about privacy are not the same people who do not care. Two different groups with two difference sets of actions.

    The ones who do not care either value the free stuff they are getting over their privacy or they simply do not understand what they are giving up.

    I always love the people who say they have nothing to hide, but when you ask them to provide complete access to their lives they get upset. It is okay if Google has near complete access by not okay for their closest friends or family. Sog use to complain about Apple not getting into intruding into people privacy and even said it he did not care what Apple knew about him, but he seems to care if Amazon is listening so I asked him to give me access to his email and phone numbers and driver license number and all his passwords, and he would not give it to me, I wonder why.

  • Reply 25 of 105
    dualsduals Posts: 41member
    I'd love to see a home theater play with wireless Beats branded surround system, dead simple configuration with AppleTV/iPhone, and Siri voice assistant built in.
  • Reply 26 of 105
    stompystompy Posts: 410member
    greg uvan said:
    Maybe the reason the AirPort router hasn't been updated in a while is because of this: A combo mesh-router with Siri speaker (that supports AirPlay and serves as a homekit hub.) And then, when you add additional Siri speakers around your house, they contribute as new nodes in the mesh network. 

    I can always dream, right?

    Apple's had 3 stagnant WiFi products for a while now (AirPort Extreme, AirPort Time Capsule and AirPort Express), even if Apple dropped the separate Time Capsule, wouldn't if be great to have what you listed in one product (Design win! Keep using the current "Extreme" form factor as it would actually make sense in this product :) ) as well as an "Express" version? (drop the switch, put everything else in the smallest unit possible.)

    Sigh. If I dreamed this up, that's a sure sign it will never happen. 
    edited April 2017 almondrocalostkiwiwatto_cobra
  • Reply 27 of 105
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    Roku is still far easier to use and doesn't drop signals like ATV does. I'm afraid these units are still just after-thoughts, instead of products with iPhone-like attention behind them.
    Citation needed. My ATV4 is super easy to use, and doesn't drop signals. I love it for apps (networks, plex, etc), AirPlay, am really liking the new TV app mode which keeps my shows from different apps queued up automatically, plus Apple Music and iTunes content, which I don't know how you could access on Ruku. 
  • Reply 28 of 105
    jbdragon said:
    Echo a hit? It's doing OK, but a hit? No! Go Google selling numbers and it's around 9 million sold to date. That's since it's been released. Apple sold over 12 million Apple Watches last year alone. My Apple Watch is a better Echo!!! It's not tied down to a single location because of a power cord so it's everywhere I am. I don't have to touch my watch, just say Hey Siri and a command. It actually works quite well other then it's a little slow. It is the Original Apple Watch.

    For example just now from seeing other comments on things like Joke with Echo, so I asked my watch, Hey Siri, Tell me a Joke. It was doing a number of different ones, I liked this Classic, "How many Apple Watches does it take to screw in a bulb? Two: one to screw it in and another to watch. Get it? Watch! Haha!"

    From setting reminders, and timers, and asking questions like When to the S.F. Giants play, and it shows me right on the screen. There's Homekit support, though I haven't tried it yet as I don't have any of them devices yet. I'm always learning how to do new things.

    I'm not sure why Apple really needs a stand alone device like a Echo and Google's Copy of the Echo. The Sales numbers doesn't really show a huge demand. How about Apple releasing a Kinect type device that plugs into a Apple TV4? They do have a USB3 port on the back that's generally never used. You could plug into that and now you can have Facetime support on your TV which would be kind of cool, and Siri support always on without having to hit a button on the remote and talk into that. Other then that, I don't really see a big need to copy the Echo.

    I wonder if I can open and close my Garage door using Siri? I can control it on my Apple Watch by starting the app and hitting the door open button, but I wonder if Siri would work also? I'm going to have to try that.
    I've had a very similar experience. I personally haven't used either google home or alexa, but Siri has been improving. It does appear that she is improving too slowly for my liking, however my biases would lead me to the expectation that Siri should be far more advanced then she already is. But everything people as saying they do with these other services, I do with Siri. (Save maybe order me a pizza from Domino's). I am able to control my lights and room temperature with her via my watch and pretty much most other things that people are claiming that the others can do and often am finding new things I can ask. Watching my 7 year old communicate with her too is quite fun. Turning on the subtitles to sing along with the cartoons he watches is one of his favourite things to do right now. While I don't deny that she may be lacking in some forms relative to the other services, I am okay with that as Apple doesn't profile me with the information that she gets; which is the biggest limiting factor on her growth. I have little doubt that if apple handled personal information like amazon or google does it would be at par or better than their offerings. It's simply par for the course, greater privacy = less data = slower learning AI. Which is why I'm happy that they've finally joined the ranks of being open with their AI research.

    The other big differentiating factor between Siri and the other offerings is that of purpose. Apple is about technology as a tool to be used for you when you want. With Amazon and Google, you are the tool that technology is using, which is why they would much rather personalise the AI to the extent that it is able to predict your every move and want to offer ITS menu of choice before you even ask. 

    Bottom line, Siri is good, could be better, and will undoubtedly be improving. In the mean while, I'm comfortable with how privacy is being handled. Even if it is at a cost of being a little behind.
  • Reply 29 of 105
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Fatman said:
    Apple absolutely needs to fix Siri before launching a product like this, every year the promise of better Siri is a fail. I have an Amazon Tap, and I must say it works well, tells me the weather, plays specific songs or genres (I have a Prime membership), how many teaspoons in a cup, jokes, traffic, general questions. There's a more natural back and forth conversation with Alexa compared to Siri's snarky attitude,  its 'let me look that up ... sorry, I couldn't find an answer' response or dud jokes. I'm absolutely shocked that Apple cannot create a comparable (preferably better) experience!
    Bullshit! It’s an alternative fact that Alexa is superior. I’ve used both and Siri trumps. If you had expressed this as your personal opinion I may not have a problem. But like so many you present your personal opinion as established fact, undeniable, true. It’s NOT!
  • Reply 30 of 105
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,407member
    I have some Hue kit in the house. I had some trouble a while back but getting an additional Hue bulb to extend the mesh network clear it up and with HomeKit, Siri, although limited, works flawlessly.

    So that I didn't have to depend on my 5s, I got an Amazon Dot. The idea of just calling out instead of having to have my phone on AC or continually use my Watch, appealed to me.

    Alexa has been nothing but Siri's dumb little sister. All Alexa can to is tell me the weather and Chuck Norris jokes. She's been a major disappointment as far as trying to stream music or do anything else.

    Almost very time I try to get her to do anything  basic, she call time out and takes a break. She frequently tells me she lost connection with the Internet, even after I moved her to within 2' of the router. I ask her something, she very often lights up, blue goes to red, and she makes an excuse to not do what I said.

    One thing that bugs me though, is the requirement to give Amazon my WiFi password. In the setup process amazon 'explains' that if you store your pw with them, you won't need to manually reset all your Echo stuff in the event of a problem. Amazon will be able to restore all that for you. It's not an option. It's not stored on the Dot but on Amazon.

    Now your credit card is stored with Amazon and we assume they take great care to protect that data. It just bugs me that amazon doesn't need your password on their severs. they're just keeping it 'you know, just in case something happens we can help'.

    I packed Alexa up and sent her back to her mother.
  • Reply 31 of 105
    I have a Echo and Alexa is almost perfect in understanding me and executed my request!  Siri is just stupid!  I turn Siri off on all my Apple devices because I get frustrated at the results from Siri!  I am very happy with Amazon's Alexa and never buy Apple's come lately voice assistant because it plain stupid and frustration.
  • Reply 32 of 105
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    So an Amazon Echo clone? Or will this have something unique that makes it better?
    A Nomad clone. A Blackberry clone. A netbook clone. A fitbit clone. etc...

    Why is it you always assume the worst of Apple? How many decades before you give credit or admit maybe they know what they're doing?
  • Reply 33 of 105
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    The privacy issue with Google and Amazon concern me a bit (we have two Alexa's), but damn if they don't work way better than Siri does. Apple has totally dropped the ball on this, IMO. I only use my AppleTV for iTunes purchases and mirroring, because our 3 y/o Roku is still far easier to use and doesn't drop signals like ATV does. I'm afraid these units are still just after-thoughts, instead of products with iPhone-like attention behind them.
    Again with the total bullshit. You are just parroting memes you read somewhere. If your particular ATV is dropping signals then how can you assume they all do? They don’t. My ATV never drops anything so your anecdote is trumped by my anecdote. Quit pushing your personal experience as the norm.
  • Reply 34 of 105
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member

    Fatman said:
    I have an Amazon Tap, and I must say it works well, tells me the weather, plays specific songs or genres (I have a Prime membership), how many teaspoons in a cup, jokes, traffic, general questions. 
    When do you get to the good parts?
    edited April 2017 watto_cobra
  • Reply 35 of 105
    waverboywaverboy Posts: 106member
    lkrupp said:
    Fatman said:
    Apple absolutely needs to fix Siri before launching a product like this, every year the promise of better Siri is a fail. I have an Amazon Tap, and I must say it works well, tells me the weather, plays specific songs or genres (I have a Prime membership), how many teaspoons in a cup, jokes, traffic, general questions. There's a more natural back and forth conversation with Alexa compared to Siri's snarky attitude,  its 'let me look that up ... sorry, I couldn't find an answer' response or dud jokes. I'm absolutely shocked that Apple cannot create a comparable (preferably better) experience!
    Bullshit! It’s an alternative fact that Alexa is superior. I’ve used both and Siri trumps. If you had expressed this as your personal opinion I may not have a problem. But like so many you present your personal opinion as established fact, undeniable, true. It’s NOT!
    You're the only one I've seen of that opinion.  The overwhelming majority realize that Siri lags behind Alexa in usability and accuracy.
  • Reply 36 of 105
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member

    I love my Echo(s) and my Google Home. I use them every day and would hate to live without them at this point. The people I know who own them also love them. Apple made a real mistake taking their eye off the ball with the continued development of Siri. I think they get it now, but it may be too late.
    define too late? are you saying that apple is doomed? or that amazon has such a first-mover head start that nobody can catch up to them? i find either of these hard to believe. 
  • Reply 37 of 105
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    fallenjt said:
    Fatman said:
    Apple absolutely needs to fix Siri before launching a product like this, every year the promise of better Siri is a fail. I have an Amazon Tap, and I must say it works well, tells me the weather, plays specific songs or genres (I have a Prime membership), how many teaspoons in a cup, jokes, traffic, general questions. There's a more natural back and forth conversation with Alexa compared to Siri's snarky attitude,  its 'let me look that up ... sorry, I couldn't find an answer' response or dud jokes. I'm absolutely shocked that Apple cannot create a comparable (preferably better) experience!
    Siri is like an old fart who is only interested in a real conversation, no jokes or fun story to tell. Alexa, on the other hand is like a kid who would sing a happy birthday song if requested.
    Really not following this analogy. Especially since siri actually does tell jokes and sings songs (I just asked her to do both -- phone is on table across the room). 
  • Reply 38 of 105
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    So now people are onboard with this after years of claiming that a device always listening for a keyword is also always recording everything you're saying?
  • Reply 39 of 105
    I bought Alexa and then later Google home it came out, just to play with. After about a month I rarely ever use the dam things. The future is the watch or future AR Glasses (wearables) always with you, always just listening no matter where you are. Whats crazy to me is Siri seems to work perfectly for me on the new Apple TV, It always recognizes my voice compared to my phone. I'd say the watch series 2 is second best at Siri with the iPhone third in my experience. I think a lot to do with it is the different mic or what kind of mic its uses in the product.
  • Reply 40 of 105
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,570member
    jbdragon said:
    Echo a hit? It's doing OK, but a hit? No! Go Google selling numbers and it's around 9 million sold to date. That's since it's been released. Apple sold over 12 million Apple Watches last year alone.
    "Morgan Stanley says Amazon had sold more than 11 million Echo devices even before the (2016) holiday season hit its peak, and likely sold millions more during the shopping frenzy."
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