Apple debuts $999 iPhone X with OLED Super Retina Display & Face ID authentication



  • Reply 141 of 352
    Soli said:
    melgross said:
    US $ 1625 for this?! No way! 
    No. $999 for 64GB, and $1149 for 256Gb. Where did you come up with that number?
    Based on the name and the way it's written I'm guessing that English isn't his first language so then I might assume that he's form Norway. The price in Norwegian Krone for the 256GB model is 12 690,00, or $1618.93 USD, as of this posting.

    I'm assuming that price includes taxes.
  • Reply 142 of 352
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    kevin kee said:
    tzeshan said:
    I think FaceID can be easily compromised by hard core criminals.
    FaceID has 1 million secure points,  it is currently the hardest (though not impossible, time will tell) security tool to be compromised by anyone.
    I'm not worried about the false positive (i.e. thinking someone else is you) so much as the false negative (i.e. not recognizing your face when you are using ApplePay).  It happened to Craig on stage, 1 time out of about 4.  They better get the software right in time for launch.
  • Reply 143 of 352
    MisterKit said:
    I don't like the camera notch on the screen. It throws off any sense of symmetry no matter how it is held. It would be nice to be able to switch off the areas to the sides of the notch. I don't have a better solution. It is just annoying to constantly see the black notch. It does not feel like something that Jony would approve.
    Yep.  First jailbreak will be to make a black bar so the notch doesn't appear so fugly :smile: 
  • Reply 144 of 352
    LOVE the silver X
    except the notch solution for full screen video and photos..
    Apple has to blank the sides of the notch and fit full screen pics and videos to outside of the notch area only  or at least give us the option. Hate to see the framing of a pic or video/film obstructed by the notch.

    and... i love the series 3 Watch..

    I go windsurfing and kiteboarding a lot.. to have the celuular connectivity when im way out is a blessing in case of and equipment failure or injury!
    dont have to cary a radio or a phone in a waterproof pouch!

  • Reply 145 of 352
    melgross said:
    US $ 1625 for this?! No way! 
    No. $999 for 64GB, and $1149 for 256Gb. Where did you come up with that number?
    That's the price in Europe...or more exact, Sweden.
    Was the price of the iPhone 7 (or now, 8) proportionally less high than that of the X, compared to US prices? In other words, if a phone costing $500 in the US costs $800 in Sweden, what's the issue?
    iP7+ costs about $890 in Sweden, while iPx is $1625, I find that horrendous for a piece of telephone. For goods sake it's a telephone. Both my kids and wife have a 7+, I am still on 5s. Have been a apple fanboy for many years, but I guess it is time to look elsewhere. iP8 is just so much...iP7, it's boring. I rather take something else. Maybe I will go the El cheap on route and pick a perfectly working $50 dual SIM card phone.
  • Reply 146 of 352
    Lot of nice stuff on the Phone, but there is no way on planet earth I am paying $1,000 for a cell phone. If I had Tim Cook's paycheck I would not pay $1,000 for a cell phone.
    Friends, this is a device most people replace every 2 years. My iPad Pro was about that price and is a far more useful item.

    I will be updating my watch from V1 to V3 with LTE and keeping my iPhone 7.
    Here's the thing, with the amount of performance iPhones now have and also given their price, it could be we're on the verge of witnessing more users upgrade their iPhones every 3 to 4 years.
  • Reply 147 of 352
    I still don't understand the vertical camera array. The only way it makes most sense is in landscape mode but in portrait mode the depth perception will be out of whack. There's a reason our eyes are side by side horizontally and not vertically.
    Somehow "you're holding it wrong" comes to mind. :)
  • Reply 148 of 352
    I have just checked online russian Apple Store. It says iPhoneX prices starts at 79,990 rubles or $1379 (all taxes included). Ouch.

    Here in Canada, iPhone X is $1,319 (64GB) & $1.529 ($256GB), and that's BEFORE taxes.  AppleCare+ is $249.  Not cheap.
  • Reply 149 of 352
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,105member
    Looks great. Instant buy for my girlfriend when it comes out.....wait for it.......later in November. Just like everyone on here said it won’t be shipped late. 

    OLED screen will be awesome. Pretty much a fantastic product that I can’t wait to get in a few months when it’s released. 

    It was funny how FaceID failed the first time it was shown. I’m still buy two of them. 

    Oh oh and how about that wireless pad most said Apple would have? Next year you’ll be right. 
    I put zero credibility into anything any one of these know it alls on this forum says. How many of them said that the previous renderings and prototypes were nothing like what it will look like, and it ended up being exactly what was predicted months ago.
    edited September 2017 gatorguy
  • Reply 150 of 352
    hentaiboy said:
    hentaiboy said:
    AirPower? ROFL. Seriously who thinks up these names?
    What would you call it, marketing genius?
    Wireless charging. 
    You can't get a trademark on a common description. 
  • Reply 151 of 352
    So Engadget says the notch doesn’t bother them but then complains about the very thin bezel that goes all around the screen. Hey Engadget, newsflash, the S8 has this too but because the screen is curved at the edges you don’t notice it. LG has it, so does Xiaomi. In fact the only phone that doesn’t appear to have a thin bezel at the edge is the Essential phone which nobody in their right mind would buy because who knows how long it will exist or be supported.

    Are people seriously not going to buy this phone because of the very thin bezel around the edge? Good grief.
  • Reply 152 of 352
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    So Engadget says the notch doesn’t bother them but then complains about the very thin bezel that goes all around the screen. Hey Engadget, newsflash, the S8 has this too but because the screen is curved at the edges you don’t notice it. LG has it, so does Xiaomi. In fact the only phone that doesn’t appear to have a thin bezel at the edge is the Essential phone which nobody in their right mind would buy because who knows how long it will exist or be supported.

    Are people seriously not going to buy this phone because of the very thin bezel around the edge? Good grief.
    The Galaxy S8 does have an edge-to-edge display for its front face along the side edges in portrait mode. If you have your display literally go to the edge instead of just close to it I don't think it's fair to say they also has a bezel and then add a disclaimer that the bezel is on the side of the device.
  • Reply 153 of 352
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,966member
    Rayz2016 said:
    I think people seem to forget that no one buys a smartphone outright; it comes on a contract. And if you don't want a contract then get it on Apple's pay monthly scheme. 

    The price of an iPhone has only ever been an issue in online forums. 
    My last 2 phones have been purchased outright. The days of discounted pricing with a 2 year contract are pretty much gone. Most people I know have their cell phone plan and the phone payment on top of that, so you know exactly how much your phone is costing you.

    AppleZulu said:
    Lot of nice stuff on the Phone, but there is no way on planet earth I am paying $1,000 for a cell phone. If I had Tim Cook's paycheck I would not pay $1,000 for a cell phone.
    Friends, this is a device most people replace every 2 years. My iPad Pro was about that price and is a far more useful item.

    I will be updating my watch from V1 to V3 with LTE and keeping my iPhone 7.
    Initial reaction:  X is nice and very pretty.  But it doesn't really have THAT much over my 7+ to justify the cost.  Other than pretty and it works "different", not much added functional value for what I do.  I will pass this one and wait for 2018.
    These comments fascinate me. I realize this is an Apple fan site, and I am an Apple fan myself, but I really don't think Apple's target audience for upgrades is people who have last year's model, or even the year before. Even back in the day when phone carriers subsidized (read put you on a payment plan with interest) iPhones, the upgrade cycle was two years at the shortest. They preferred to keep you at three years or more, because they didn't reduce your phone bill with a notice that your phone was paid off, which means they raked in extra cash while you thought about it.

    So the real question is: are the owners of 5s and 6 phones ready to get the upgrade?
    I have an iPhone 6s and I can't say that I'm going to upgrade. I sure as hell am not going to pay $1000 for a phone. When I think about what I use my phone for and what an iPhone X or iPhone 8 gives me it makes no sense.
    • My phone is plenty fast enough. The extra processing power isn't useful for me.
    • I don't need augmented reality.
    • The screen is fine. 
    • Touch ID is fast and reliable. Facial recognition is an unknown, but the first generation of Touch ID was somewhat lacking. Right now, ditching Touch ID for facial recognition is a hard sell.
    • I still have headphones that have that 'ancient' 3.5mm jack that the entire world is still using. Yes, I know I can get a dongle that will let them work with the newer phones, but again, why should I get a new phone that's less convenient for me?
    When the iPhone first came out, each generation made significant improvements. Smartphones are becoming a mature technology, so the incremental changes between models are making a much less compelling case to upgrade than they used to. Some people need the newest toy and are willing to pay $1000 for it. I've got better things to spend $1000 on.
  • Reply 154 of 352
    This is hilarious from Mashable’s hands on first look:

    I am concerned about the storage tiers. 64 GB is okay, but not great for the $999 model, so many if not most iPhone X buyers will likely opt for the $1,149 version with 256GB. For no good reason I can discern, there is no 128 GB option.

    The reason there is no 128GB option is because Apple wants you spending $1,149, not $999. 128GB is the option most people would chose so Apple is not going to offer it and hope most people spend $150 more even if they don’t need 256GB but are worried that 64GB won’t be enough. Maybe 2 years from now the base model will be 128GB.
    shunting123avon b7
  • Reply 155 of 352
     Ive checked all the Spec's only difference i see is , if you have a 7 Plus as i do, where the screen cut off is thats the size of the Iphone X , only difference is Face ID etc,  all of the new ones have wireless charging anyway , i think ill give the 7plus to my daughter and get the 8 plus not the X  , 1425 vs 1825 AUD
  • Reply 156 of 352
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,107member

    eightzero said:
    It's cool. I can't afford one. Will need to wait. 

    I'm guessing the FaceID will be popular with law enforcement. Maybe that's a feature and not a bug.
    No different from law enforcement ordering you to unlock your phone by using TouchID. With FaceID, you can always look away, or close your eyes, the act (and consequences) of which would be no different than your refusing to place your finger on the TouchID button.

    In other words, it's not clear to me there's any qualitative difference between the two.
    It's interesting in that with TouchID all it takes is someone (not necessarily you) putting YOUR finger on the sensor.  You need not be conscious or finger be attached to your hand for someone hell-bent on getting access to your phone.

    However, if Apple has made a genuine, reliable implementation of FaceID then is it safe to say that no one can open up your phone unless it's your face with your eyes open?  The police can't forcibly open someone's eyelids in such a way that FaceID will work... Good luck with that.

    Perhaps FaceID is a better way in terms of unauthorized access.  The girlfriend will no longer place their partner's finger on the phone while they sleep to access their text messages.

  • Reply 157 of 352
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    This is hilarious from Mashable’s hands on first look:

    I am concerned about the storage tiers. 64 GB is okay, but not great for the $999 model, so many if not most iPhone X buyers will likely opt for the $1,149 version with 256GB. For no good reason I can discern, there is no 128 GB option.

    The reason there is no 128GB option is because Apple wants you spending $1,149, not $999. 128GB is the option most people would chose so Apple is not going to offer it and hope most people spend $150 more even if they don’t need 256GB but are worried that 64GB won’t be enough. Maybe 2 years from now the base model will be 128GB.
    What's hilarious about that? Apple has historically done Good-Better-Best so a 128GB mintier wouldn't be out of the question, but if you paid attention you'd see that Apple is doing spec bumps with larger quantities which lowers the price per GB to upgrade.
  • Reply 158 of 352
    The price reflects longer upgrade cycles, no problem. Phone looks really great, no problems there. Notch? not the greatest thing but again, not a problem.

     No touch ID is a big problem. Using face only is a big problem. yuck. 
  • Reply 159 of 352
    hentaiboy said:

    hentaiboy said:
    AirPower? ROFL. Seriously who thinks up these names?
    What would you call it, marketing genius?
    Wireless charging. 
    That's not trademarkable. And since AirPower uses proprietary patented tech, they might as well pay the trademark fee of $275
  • Reply 160 of 352
    melgross said:

    eightzero said:
    It's cool. I can't afford one. Will need to wait. 

    I'm guessing the FaceID will be popular with law enforcement. Maybe that's a feature and not a bug.
    Were you listening to the presentation? You need to have your eyes open for it to work. They can’t force you to do that. Besides, I just can’t understand what it is that some people are so concerned about with that. What are you planning to do that this would be a problem? Should we be reporting you to the FBI?
    What an incredibly ignorant statement. Are you that unaware of the times we are living in? Of course there are ways to make a person open his or her eyes. Clueless.
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