Am I the only one that's disappointed with the memory configurations on both the iPhone 8 and X? 64GB and 256GB? What happened to 128GB? Last year was the first year I opted for a 128GB iPhone. Seemed like a perfect price point between plenty of storage without being too expensive. Dropping 128 this year is quite disappointing. No way I can go backwards to 64, so if I want to upgrade I have to opt for the most expensive model. I really think the phones should have been 128 (for the price of 64) and 256. I guess this is the way they get all those millions of phones they sold in the last couple of years at 128 to opt for the most expensive models. bummer.
paying $50 more for 128 additional GB is a great deal.
If a 128GB phone was available it would have been $1099. With more 4k video and larger photo's you will be happy you bought the 256GB phone.
Which is why Apple does it. Phil Schiller’s middle name is upsell.
Nonsense. There's a low-end capacity, and a high-end (4x more). Which do you need? Low end needs? Great, get the low-end capacity. High-end needs? Great, get the high-end capacity for 150 more. Which type of user are you?
Just maybe he was the one in the middle?
You know, low, mid, high?
It's upsell. Trying to spin it any other way is foolish IMO.
One in the middle?
The Samsung S8 only come with 64GB. Thats it.
Why the hell are you grumbling about the iPhone having 2 storage sizes while the competition only has one?
S8 takes a micro SD card up to 256GB so the user can add additional storage if they want. A Samsung user that needs 128 GB has that option, an Apple user doesn't.
It really doesn’t matter. It’s been shown that very few Android users that have that feature available ever use it. And iPhone users are well aware of how their memory works. If they were that unhappy about it, they wouldn’t be buying iPhones.
but the feature does t work that well on android, AMD there isn’t even agreement on how it should work.
at first, for several years, cards would carry data and other info that didn’t need to sit in main memory. Part of that was for safety. You could lose what was on the card, but the phone would still have everything critical.
the Google came out with the unified memory model, where the card, slow that it would be, would become a unified part of the storage, and most anything g could reside anywhere. Samsung refuses to support this memory model. They state that it’s dangerous, and that if a card, which does have much lower reliability, particularly the cheap cards, than built in memory, fails, or gets lost, then your phone might even stop working, for a number of functions.
so, where is it really at with Android storage? It’s a mess, that’s where.
Am I the only one that's disappointed with the memory configurations on both the iPhone 8 and X? 64GB and 256GB? What happened to 128GB? Last year was the first year I opted for a 128GB iPhone. Seemed like a perfect price point between plenty of storage without being too expensive. Dropping 128 this year is quite disappointing. No way I can go backwards to 64, so if I want to upgrade I have to opt for the most expensive model. I really think the phones should have been 128 (for the price of 64) and 256. I guess this is the way they get all those millions of phones they sold in the last couple of years at 128 to opt for the most expensive models. bummer.
paying $50 more for 128 additional GB is a great deal.
If a 128GB phone was available it would have been $1099. With more 4k video and larger photo's you will be happy you bought the 256GB phone.
Which is why Apple does it. Phil Schiller’s middle name is upsell.
Nonsense. There's a low-end capacity, and a high-end (4x more). Which do you need? Low end needs? Great, get the low-end capacity. High-end needs? Great, get the high-end capacity for 150 more. Which type of user are you?
Just maybe he was the one in the middle?
You know, low, mid, high?
It's upsell. Trying to spin it any other way is foolish IMO.
One in the middle?
The Samsung S8 only come with 64GB. Thats it.
Why the hell are you grumbling about the iPhone having 2 storage sizes while the competition only has one?
S8 takes a micro SD card up to 256GB so the user can add additional storage if they want. A Samsung user that needs 128 GB has that option, an Apple user doesn't.
And this is the memory card you will need in order to keep up with the speed of the built in storage:
Am I the only one that's disappointed with the memory configurations on both the iPhone 8 and X? 64GB and 256GB? What happened to 128GB? Last year was the first year I opted for a 128GB iPhone. Seemed like a perfect price point between plenty of storage without being too expensive. Dropping 128 this year is quite disappointing. No way I can go backwards to 64, so if I want to upgrade I have to opt for the most expensive model. I really think the phones should have been 128 (for the price of 64) and 256. I guess this is the way they get all those millions of phones they sold in the last couple of years at 128 to opt for the most expensive models. bummer.
paying $50 more for 128 additional GB is a great deal.
If a 128GB phone was available it would have been $1099. With more 4k video and larger photo's you will be happy you bought the 256GB phone.
Which is why Apple does it. Phil Schiller’s middle name is upsell.
Nonsense. There's a low-end capacity, and a high-end (4x more). Which do you need? Low end needs? Great, get the low-end capacity. High-end needs? Great, get the high-end capacity for 150 more. Which type of user are you?
Just maybe he was the one in the middle?
You know, low, mid, high?
It's upsell. Trying to spin it any other way is foolish IMO.
One in the middle?
The Samsung S8 only come with 64GB. Thats it.
Why the hell are you grumbling about the iPhone having 2 storage sizes while the competition only has one?
S8 takes a micro SD card up to 256GB so the user can add additional storage if they want. A Samsung user that needs 128 GB has that option, an Apple user doesn't.
You means slow as a slug storage (because the storage subsystem and the cards themselves are very slow) that compromises the IP68 rating and the overall performance. Cause, despite Samsung's claim, it is NOT respecting its rating when actually tested (seems it means whatever is in their head...). The S8 is still a stuttering mess despite being a so called top of the line smartphone, so maybe they don't notice this sluggishness.
Here’s something else I don’t get: if there is a persistent bar at the bottom of the screen to indicate swipe up to go home why not have that entire bottom area be black, same width as the camera notch so then you could haves black bar on top as well. I actually think a small black border on top and bottom would look better than a camera notch on top and a thin white or black bar on the bottom. Would it look too much like a copy of Samsung?
I would have liked that with front firing speakers a top and bottom.
The iPhone 8 screen area is significantly smaller than the X.
You can be so silly. The OP plainly and obviously was comparing prices between the 8 and the X. For him the 8 will be fine and dandy if he can buy it for $699 , but 40% more for the X not so much. You're saying wrong does not make it so.
Sorry bro. You are wrong.
This is like someone bitching that a 70 inch TV cost more than a 50 inch TV. Duh. Of course its going to cost more.
Comparing the price between the 8 and X is dishonest.
My original comment was comparing the 8 to the X. Sog changed it to the 8+ vs the X to make the price difference smaller.
Actually, comparing the 8 plus and the X is dishonest. If you want to move from the 8 to the X you have one path. That path costs 40% more. If all you compare is diagonal screen sizes then you miss major points, but Sog seems to miss that.
Am I the only one that's disappointed with the memory configurations on both the iPhone 8 and X? 64GB and 256GB? What happened to 128GB? Last year was the first year I opted for a 128GB iPhone. Seemed like a perfect price point between plenty of storage without being too expensive. Dropping 128 this year is quite disappointing. No way I can go backwards to 64, so if I want to upgrade I have to opt for the most expensive model. I really think the phones should have been 128 (for the price of 64) and 256. I guess this is the way they get all those millions of phones they sold in the last couple of years at 128 to opt for the most expensive models. bummer.
paying $50 more for 128 additional GB is a great deal.
If a 128GB phone was available it would have been $1099. With more 4k video and larger photo's you will be happy you bought the 256GB phone.
Which is why Apple does it. Phil Schiller’s middle name is upsell.
Nonsense. There's a low-end capacity, and a high-end (4x more). Which do you need? Low end needs? Great, get the low-end capacity. High-end needs? Great, get the high-end capacity for 150 more. Which type of user are you?
Just maybe he was the one in the middle?
You know, low, mid, high?
It's upsell. Trying to spin it any other way is foolish IMO.
One in the middle?
The Samsung S8 only come with 64GB. Thats it.
Why the hell are you grumbling about the iPhone having 2 storage sizes while the competition only has one?
S8 takes a micro SD card up to 256GB so the user can add additional storage if they want. A Samsung user that needs 128 GB has that option, an Apple user doesn't.
And this is the memory card you will need in order to keep up with the speed of the built in storage:
True, but for some things, slow storage is just fine. I have friends with Samsungs who like to be able to swap out SD cards to store pictures. Speed isn't an issue for them.
I hope Apple does more media to explain their thinking behind what they announced because it is kind of confusing. IPhone X is the future yet there is an iPhone 8 which has the same A11 chip, nearly the same camera as the X, wireless charging like the X, video recording the same as the.X, true tone and wide color display same as the X. But the 8 still has home button, Touch ID and bezels. The 8 really feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t mass produce enough of the OLED screens and the X feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t go another year with phone with large top and bottom bezels when all the competition is releasing near bezeless phones. I have a feeling it will all be a bit confusing to consumers.
"The 8 really feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t mass produce enough of the OLED screens and the X feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t go another year with phone with large top and bottom bezels when all the competition is releasing near bezeless phones."
Couldn't agree more. This is exactly what it feels like. It's a tough decision. i think Apple made the right one.
Let's consider if Apple had been able to obtain unlimited OLED displays and no OLED displays.
Unlimited: They have the most radical iPhone announcement to date. In many ways it's even more radical than when the iPhone was first introduced in comparison to other "smart"phones on the market, but for an YoY release it's just an amazing jump for a company that I'd argue has a history of soft-stepping radical, customer-facing innovations. Not having Touch ID, having Face ID, that display permitter, and price point are far too many things, in my opinion, even if we discount OLED panel availability as a factor.
None: They release an iPhone 8 series. It has Qi charging, USB 3.0 speeds over Lightning and fast charging, it has a better camera with OIS in both lenses and new SW features to go with it, it has a TrueTone display, and the A11 Bionic. That seems like a great update in and of itself, but there's also no reason—except that the iPhone X exists and that component supply may also be low-yield for Face ID—that Face ID could't have been added to it, had they wanted to.
So I agree that Apple made the right choice but I don't see how OLED supply not being a factor would mean the iPhone 8 series wouldn't still exist.
PS: If you adjust the factors so that the iPhone X displays is the same cost as the iPhone 7 then things get more interesting, but I can't see how that could ever be the case with what we know about OLED production right now. Perhaps the Toshiba factory was suppose to solve that, but then you still have the iPhone 8 series being $50 more than the iPhone 7 series last year. Where did that extra cost from? Is Apple just getting more profit because they're, like, super greedy? Is it just to make the price difference to the iPhone X seem like less of a jump? I'm guessing that adding Qi charging plays a big role in that.
Apple is probably getting HUGE profits by even Apple's standards because didn't they drop Qualcomm for Intel modems.
Aaand, of course, you don’t know that.
You are right that I am just guessing, but wait till IFixIt does their tear down to see which modem is being used Intel or Qualcomm. If intel then they are definitely paying less for licensing.
I hope Apple does more media to explain their thinking behind what they announced because it is kind of confusing. IPhone X is the future yet there is an iPhone 8 which has the same A11 chip, nearly the same camera as the X, wireless charging like the X, video recording the same as the.X, true tone and wide color display same as the X. But the 8 still has home button, Touch ID and bezels. The 8 really feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t mass produce enough of the OLED screens and the X feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t go another year with phone with large top and bottom bezels when all the competition is releasing near bezeless phones. I have a feeling it will all be a bit confusing to consumers.
"The 8 really feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t mass produce enough of the OLED screens and the X feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t go another year with phone with large top and bottom bezels when all the competition is releasing near bezeless phones."
Couldn't agree more. This is exactly what it feels like. It's a tough decision. i think Apple made the right one.
So are you guys saying there shouldn't be differing products based on differing needs and different constraints? Struggling to understand.
Not at all. What we're saying (or at least I am) is given an ideal situation of no supply constraints on components, Apple would've probably liked to have released two iPhone X models: 5.8" & 6.4" (starting at say $799 or $899), no iPhone 8 models, and lower prices on the rest of the line-up (SE, 6S, 7). Apple promotes the iPhone X as the future of the iPhone for the next ten years. If so, I'd imagine they want to get it in as many hands as possible, but as we know, key components are severely constrained right now.
That may not happen...
OLED is not a new tech, it is an old tech existing since many years. If that OLED tech didn't reach the level of yield to support the iPhone, after so many years, if the best producer's yield is only 60%, let’s admit it we may be done with OLED. There may be no more OLED with the iPhone. The X may be the first and last OLED iPhone. Don't let your opinions be manipulated by Kuo, try to see the big surface, composed of hundreds of millions of LCD iPhones, iPads, iPods, LCD Macbooks and iMacs.
May that change? It may. Apple is powerful enough to lead that change. But at what cost, in how many years, and will Apple choose to do that?
LG had announced this year that they're investing billions into OLED production just to meet Apple's needs. If what you say is true, then they're essentially flushing billions of dollars down the toilet. I'm not convinced OLED is done, at least in the near future (ie: 5 years).
OLED is a transitional technology. It’s still fairly new, and it has years ahead of it But it also has problems. Companies have been working on newer technologies, such as the MicroLED screens Apple is working on. Apple is making a big push in that area, and hopefully, we’ll see them at some point, likely in the Apple Watch at first. But when will that happen? Apple is considered to be ahead in that work, but we don’t know how far they’ve come. And making a small watch screen doesn’t mean they could suddenly move that up to phone size.
but by going OLED this year, we can assume they’ve got some time to go. I doubt they would make such a big deal about OLED this year, only to go MicroLED next year, or the year after that. If they can get enough screens next year, at a more reasonable price, I would expect all the flagship models (and there may only be two again) to use them, and to use them for at least a couple of years after that, if not longer.
I think we will have a larger version of the iPhone X and iPadPro with OLED display before microLED hits production (if at all),
Am I the only one that's disappointed with the memory configurations on both the iPhone 8 and X? 64GB and 256GB? What happened to 128GB? Last year was the first year I opted for a 128GB iPhone. Seemed like a perfect price point between plenty of storage without being too expensive. Dropping 128 this year is quite disappointing. No way I can go backwards to 64, so if I want to upgrade I have to opt for the most expensive model. I really think the phones should have been 128 (for the price of 64) and 256. I guess this is the way they get all those millions of phones they sold in the last couple of years at 128 to opt for the most expensive models. bummer.
paying $50 more for 128 additional GB is a great deal.
If a 128GB phone was available it would have been $1099. With more 4k video and larger photo's you will be happy you bought the 256GB phone.
Which is why Apple does it. Phil Schiller’s middle name is upsell.
Nonsense. There's a low-end capacity, and a high-end (4x more). Which do you need? Low end needs? Great, get the low-end capacity. High-end needs? Great, get the high-end capacity for 150 more. Which type of user are you?
Just maybe he was the one in the middle?
You know, low, mid, high?
It's upsell. Trying to spin it any other way is foolish IMO.
One in the middle?
The Samsung S8 only come with 64GB. Thats it.
Why the hell are you grumbling about the iPhone having 2 storage sizes while the competition only has one?
S8 takes a micro SD card up to 256GB so the user can add additional storage if they want. A Samsung user that needs 128 GB has that option, an Apple user doesn't.
And this is the memory card you will need in order to keep up with the speed of the built in storage:
True, but for some things, slow storage is just fine. I have friends with Samsungs who like to be able to swap out SD cards to store pictures. Speed isn't an issue for them.
For that use, cloud / NAS / wifi solution is better. Cause managing photos on those things is a mess and a recipe for disaster cause those photos are duplicates of some other photos and soon you can't track what is the original and have many overlapping duplicates (yeah,. dealt with this kind of thing).
It also restricts access to just one device and you have to keep track of all the copies you've made. Only way to avert this is tagging everything... But no one does that these days with thousands of photos produced.
The iPhone 8 screen area is significantly smaller than the X.
You can be so silly. The OP plainly and obviously was comparing prices between the 8 and the X. For him the 8 will be fine and dandy if he can buy it for $699 , but 40% more for the X not so much. You're saying wrong does not make it so.
Sorry bro. You are wrong.
This is like someone bitching that a 70 inch TV cost more than a 50 inch TV. Duh. Of course its going to cost more.
Comparing the price between the 8 and X is dishonest.
Dishonest? The OP doesn't see the personal value for him in spending 40% more on the X, the 8 checking the boxes for the features he thinks he wants. Seems an honest enough opinion.
The only one being dishonest is Sog with his comment about the screen size means you can't compare the iPhone 8 to the iPhone X when it comes to a purchase decision even though the unobstructed display size is 5.15", not 5.8", and the display width is the same as the iPhone 8 which means that size plays a big part in the purchase decision. Personally, I won't even consider the iPhone X design until there's a Plus equivalency.
What is it that you think is obstructing 0.65" of diagonal display size? Where did the 5.15" diagonal come from? Last I heard of that was back when Kuo was predicting a touchbar panel at the bottom, but it didn't work out that way, did it? At most there's 0.15" shaved off from the notch. Where's the other 0.5" missing from?
Beautiful impressive product! Haven't upgraded since 6, ordering 256GB X, Day 1. The 6s and 7 didn't move me. Would upgrade to 8 but wouldn't have felt the exhilaration and anticipation I feel about the X. I deserve the best! That''s what $ is for.
You can afford the best. Deserves got nothing to do with it.
The iPhone 8 screen area is significantly smaller than the X.
You can be so silly. The OP plainly and obviously was comparing prices between the 8 and the X. For him the 8 will be fine and dandy if he can buy it for $699 , but 40% more for the X not so much. You're saying wrong does not make it so.
Sorry bro. You are wrong.
This is like someone bitching that a 70 inch TV cost more than a 50 inch TV. Duh. Of course its going to cost more.
Comparing the price between the 8 and X is dishonest.
Dishonest? The OP doesn't see the personal value for him in spending 40% more on the X, the 8 checking the boxes for the features he thinks he wants. Seems an honest enough opinion.
The only one being dishonest is Sog with his comment about the screen size means you can't compare the iPhone 8 to the iPhone X when it comes to a purchase decision even though the unobstructed display size is 5.15", not 5.8", and the display width is the same as the iPhone 8 which means that size plays a big part in the purchase decision. Personally, I won't even consider the iPhone X design until there's a Plus equivalency.
The X screen area is significantly bigger than the 8. Learn basic math. And watch your tone
Just to set the record straight...
iPhone 8, 4.7" actual display measurements: 4.69" on the diagonal, 4.092" tall, 2.3" wide. total display area: 9.41 square inches
iPhone 8+, 5.5" actual display measurements: 5.4935" on the diagonal, 4.788" tall, 2.6932" wide total display area: 12.895 square inches (37% larger than iPhone 8 display)
iPhone X, 5.8" actual display measurements*: 5.8586" on the diagonal, 5.3188" tall, 2.456" wide total display area*: 13.063 square inches (38.8% larger than iPhone 8, just 1.3% larger than iPhone 8+)
* does not account for rounded corners or sensor notch
The iPhone 8 screen area is significantly smaller than the X.
You can be so silly. The OP plainly and obviously was comparing prices between the 8 and the X. For him the 8 will be fine and dandy if he can buy it for $699 , but 40% more for the X not so much. You're saying wrong does not make it so.
Sorry bro. You are wrong.
This is like someone bitching that a 70 inch TV cost more than a 50 inch TV. Duh. Of course its going to cost more.
Comparing the price between the 8 and X is dishonest.
Dishonest? The OP doesn't see the personal value for him in spending 40% more on the X, the 8 checking the boxes for the features he thinks he wants. Seems an honest enough opinion.
The only one being dishonest is Sog with his comment about the screen size means you can't compare the iPhone 8 to the iPhone X when it comes to a purchase decision even though the unobstructed display size is 5.15", not 5.8", and the display width is the same as the iPhone 8 which means that size plays a big part in the purchase decision. Personally, I won't even consider the iPhone X design until there's a Plus equivalency.
What is it that you think is obstructing 0.65" of diagonal display size? Where did the 5.15" diagonal come from? Last I heard of that was back when Kuo was predicting a touchbar panel at the bottom, but it didn't work out that way, did it? At most there's 0.15" shaved off from the notch. Where's the other 0.5" missing from?
Are you serious? You haven't noticed the four corners of the display being being rounded? I here I thought is was a huge engineering and aesthetic point of the device having the display meld into the frame so perfectly.
I hope Apple does more media to explain their thinking behind what they announced because it is kind of confusing. IPhone X is the future yet there is an iPhone 8 which has the same A11 chip, nearly the same camera as the X, wireless charging like the X, video recording the same as the.X, true tone and wide color display same as the X. But the 8 still has home button, Touch ID and bezels. The 8 really feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t mass produce enough of the OLED screens and the X feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t go another year with phone with large top and bottom bezels when all the competition is releasing near bezeless phones. I have a feeling it will all be a bit confusing to consumers.
"The 8 really feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t mass produce enough of the OLED screens and the X feels like it exists because Apple couldn’t go another year with phone with large top and bottom bezels when all the competition is releasing near bezeless phones."
Couldn't agree more. This is exactly what it feels like. It's a tough decision. i think Apple made the right one.
So are you guys saying there shouldn't be differing products based on differing needs and different constraints? Struggling to understand.
Not at all. What we're saying (or at least I am) is given an ideal situation of no supply constraints on components, Apple would've probably liked to have released two iPhone X models: 5.8" & 6.4" (starting at say $799 or $899), no iPhone 8 models, and lower prices on the rest of the line-up (SE, 6S, 7). Apple promotes the iPhone X as the future of the iPhone for the next ten years. If so, I'd imagine they want to get it in as many hands as possible, but as we know, key components are severely constrained right now.
That may not happen...
OLED is not a new tech, it is an old tech existing since many years. If that OLED tech didn't reach the level of yield to support the iPhone, after so many years, if the best producer's yield is only 60%, let’s admit it we may be done with OLED. There may be no more OLED with the iPhone. The X may be the first and last OLED iPhone. Don't let your opinions be manipulated by Kuo, try to see the big surface, composed of hundreds of millions of LCD iPhones, iPads, iPods, LCD Macbooks and iMacs.
May that change? It may. Apple is powerful enough to lead that change. But at what cost, in how many years, and will Apple choose to do that?
LG had announced this year that they're investing billions into OLED production just to meet Apple's needs. If what you say is true, then they're essentially flushing billions of dollars down the toilet. I'm not convinced OLED is done, at least in the near future (ie: 5 years).
OLED is a transitional technology. It’s still fairly new, and it has years ahead of it But it also has problems. Companies have been working on newer technologies, such as the MicroLED screens Apple is working on. Apple is making a big push in that area, and hopefully, we’ll see them at some point, likely in the Apple Watch at first. But when will that happen? Apple is considered to be ahead in that work, but we don’t know how far they’ve come. And making a small watch screen doesn’t mean they could suddenly move that up to phone size.
but by going OLED this year, we can assume they’ve got some time to go. I doubt they would make such a big deal about OLED this year, only to go MicroLED next year, or the year after that. If they can get enough screens next year, at a more reasonable price, I would expect all the flagship models (and there may only be two again) to use them, and to use them for at least a couple of years after that, if not longer.
I think we will have a larger version of the iPhone X and iPadPro with OLED display before microLED hits production (if at all),
The notch should be a non-issue if movies are watched in the correct aspect ratio. I would assume pillaring would occur so that the image isn't cropped at the top and bottom.
Having the movie occupy the entire screen is akin to watching Pan and Scan DVDs.
Interesting to see that Apple now has a phone lineup that spans from $350 to $1150, wow.
That $1150 price point feels just absurd. Will be interesting to see how this sells.
I guess I'll be holding on to my (perfectly awesome) iPhone 7 for at least another year or two.
$1150? You're the lucky one!
Here in the UK the 256GB will be £1149 and a further £199 if you want AppleCare+ bringing the total to £1348 or the dollar equivalent of $1780
I'm betting there are countries out there where it might be more expensive still...
It's 2017 - year twenty or so of Internet commerce - and people STILL have no idea how sales tax works!?
The notch should be a non-issue if movies are watched in the correct aspect ratio. I would assume pillaring would occur so that the image isn't cropped at the top and bottom.
Having the movie occupy the entire screen is akin to watching Pan and Scan DVDs.
For 16:9 content you're back to a 4.7" viewing area. If it's, say, CinemaScope then you may run up the Safe Area with some cropping or adding bars at the top/bottom of the video, but that all depends on the Safe Area's aspect ratio.
Am I the only one that's disappointed with the memory configurations on both the iPhone 8 and X? 64GB and 256GB? What happened to 128GB? Last year was the first year I opted for a 128GB iPhone. Seemed like a perfect price point between plenty of storage without being too expensive. Dropping 128 this year is quite disappointing. No way I can go backwards to 64, so if I want to upgrade I have to opt for the most expensive model. I really think the phones should have been 128 (for the price of 64) and 256. I guess this is the way they get all those millions of phones they sold in the last couple of years at 128 to opt for the most expensive models. bummer.
paying $50 more for 128 additional GB is a great deal.
If a 128GB phone was available it would have been $1099. With more 4k video and larger photo's you will be happy you bought the 256GB phone.
Which is why Apple does it. Phil Schiller’s middle name is upsell.
Nonsense. There's a low-end capacity, and a high-end (4x more). Which do you need? Low end needs? Great, get the low-end capacity. High-end needs? Great, get the high-end capacity for 150 more. Which type of user are you?
Just maybe he was the one in the middle?
You know, low, mid, high?
It's upsell. Trying to spin it any other way is foolish IMO.
One in the middle?
The Samsung S8 only come with 64GB. Thats it.
Why the hell are you grumbling about the iPhone having 2 storage sizes while the competition only has one?
S8 takes a micro SD card up to 256GB so the user can add additional storage if they want. A Samsung user that needs 128 GB has that option, an Apple user doesn't.
It really doesn’t matter. It’s been shown that very few Android users that have that feature available ever use it. And iPhone users are well aware of how their memory works. If they were that unhappy about it, they wouldn’t be buying iPhones.
but the feature does t work that well on android, AMD there isn’t even agreement on how it should work.
at first, for several years, cards would carry data and other info that didn’t need to sit in main memory. Part of that was for safety. You could lose what was on the card, but the phone would still have everything critical.
the Google came out with the unified memory model, where the card, slow that it would be, would become a unified part of the storage, and most anything g could reside anywhere. Samsung refuses to support this memory model. They state that it’s dangerous, and that if a card, which does have much lower reliability, particularly the cheap cards, than built in memory, fails, or gets lost, then your phone might even stop working, for a number of functions.
so, where is it really at with Android storage? It’s a mess, that’s where.
And the SD cards are a nightmare to code for. App devs have to worry about the SD card being installed when they try read and write to it -- the cheap ones are often flaky and don't appear in any list, its format, whether it can handle all the low level filesystem extensions ( like call backs) when new files are added. Some do work, some don't.
Wow John Gruber is really harsh on the notch, much more so than other Apple bloggers/Apple podcasts I’ve read/listened to. He called it “offensive” and “a joke”. Even the ATP guys weren’t that harsh (and they can pick nits like nobodies business).
Well, the notch basically boils down to opinion. I like it. I even think it looks classy.
It does give a sensation of more screen expanse. In part, this is due to the very presence of the notch itself, which is slightly ironic.
Gruber perhaps has gone a little overboard with his reaction but as opinions go it's just one more for the pile.
Although I haven't touched one yet, and therefore have to reserve my final thoughts, I have serious doubts about the metal in the glass sandwich which looks overstated in the photos.
The camera bulge is fugly IMO but I'm not a fan of them even on a good day. Much less when they are off centre but again, this is design opinion and I might be in the minority.
but the feature does t work that well on android, AMD there isn’t even agreement on how it should work.
at first, for several years, cards would carry data and other info that didn’t need to sit in main memory. Part of that was for safety. You could lose what was on the card, but the phone would still have everything critical.
the Google came out with the unified memory model, where the card, slow that it would be, would become a unified part of the storage, and most anything g could reside anywhere. Samsung refuses to support this memory model. They state that it’s dangerous, and that if a card, which does have much lower reliability, particularly the cheap cards, than built in memory, fails, or gets lost, then your phone might even stop working, for a number of functions.
so, where is it really at with Android storage? It’s a mess, that’s where.
The S8 is still a stuttering mess despite being a so called top of the line smartphone, so maybe they don't notice this sluggishness.
Actually, comparing the 8 plus and the X is dishonest. If you want to move from the 8 to the X you have one path. That path costs 40% more. If all you compare is diagonal screen sizes then you miss major points, but Sog seems to miss that.
If intel then they are definitely paying less for licensing.
are duplicates of some other photos and soon you can't track what is the original and have many overlapping duplicates (yeah,. dealt with this kind of thing).
It also restricts access to just one device and you have to keep track of all the copies you've made.
Only way to avert this is tagging everything... But no one does that these days with thousands of photos produced.
You can afford the best. Deserves got nothing to do with it.
iPhone 8, 4.7"
actual display measurements: 4.69" on the diagonal, 4.092" tall, 2.3" wide.
total display area: 9.41 square inches
iPhone 8+, 5.5"
actual display measurements: 5.4935" on the diagonal, 4.788" tall, 2.6932" wide
total display area: 12.895 square inches (37% larger than iPhone 8 display)
iPhone X, 5.8"
actual display measurements*: 5.8586" on the diagonal, 5.3188" tall, 2.456" wide
total display area*: 13.063 square inches (38.8% larger than iPhone 8, just 1.3% larger than iPhone 8+)
* does not account for rounded corners or sensor notch
edit: You should check out this video.
The notch should be a non-issue if movies are watched in the correct aspect ratio. I would assume pillaring would occur so that the image isn't cropped at the top and bottom.
Having the movie occupy the entire screen is akin to watching Pan and Scan DVDs.
It does give a sensation of more screen expanse. In part, this is due to the very presence of the notch itself, which is slightly ironic.
Gruber perhaps has gone a little overboard with his reaction but as opinions go it's just one more for the pile.
Although I haven't touched one yet, and therefore have to reserve my final thoughts, I have serious doubts about the metal in the glass sandwich which looks overstated in the photos.
The camera bulge is fugly IMO but I'm not a fan of them even on a good day. Much less when they are off centre but again, this is design opinion and I might be in the minority.