FBI forensic expert calls Apple 'evil genius' for strengthening iPhone encryption



  • Reply 21 of 77
    airnerdairnerd Posts: 693member
    Tell ya what, FBI.  When you allow me to read or hear everything that you are doing any time I want then I will be willing to allow the same.  Until then I don't know what you are planning on doing with my info or when you are trying to get to it.  If you want to use encryption to keep me away, then you have to allow encryption to keep you away.
  • Reply 22 of 77
    airnerdairnerd Posts: 693member
    Apple just keeps building the capital (user base capital) with their stance...

    Exactly why there are no Google devices in my house.  And amazon devices are gone as soon as Apple offers me an alternative.
  • Reply 23 of 77
    bitmod said:

    bigmac2 said:
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    I hope you've got your tin foil hat!

    First the NSA universal backdoor is a myth, yes they have tool they can injecte into phone with physical access.  But there is absolute no way Apple could hide this kind of backdoor without public knowledge and thoroughly describe by white hat hackers. 

    This being said, even if the NSA can tap your phone, there is no interest for them to sale this information to Facebook for selling you Tylenol.  Facebook, Google and other internet giant got other way to find your points of interest from you and relative since you gave them all the infos they need by using free and ads sponsored services like Facebook, google, Gmail, Twitter, etc.

    More, the youtube app was the main culprit in the batterie issue with iOS 11, Apple and Google has issue a report about it, search on the web.

    If you don't want to be track, stop using free stuffs... You are not a Google and a Facebook consumer, for them you are their product they sold to advertiser. 

    Yes a Myth... like Apple unequivocally denying they track location - then turns out they were all along and lied. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they have a back door for security agencies - then turns out they lied about that too.
    Then Apple unequivocally stating that meta data is anonymous - turns out they lied and it's not. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they directly sell your info to 3rd parties - then turns out they take it and sell your info to 3d parties through iAd - playing linguistics games. 
    And on and on... 
    Man, wake up. Pull you head out of your ass and start paying attention. You got shares in the company, great! But that's no reason to live in complete denial. 

    You missed some very MAJOR points in my post... 
    1st - These ads are appearing from conversation in a household with no devices on or being used. As if they were listening to conversation.
    2nd - Try it yourself.
    3rd - You missed the point that we set out to prove the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists wrong. But we have been able to replicate this phenomenon with random products. Not always, but enough for it to be difficult to call a coincidence. 
    I wonder if you can elaborate on the "ads" - in which app do you see them? Do you see them in Facebook, Twitter, etc.? I guess you suspect that Apple sells iAds in these apps. Maybe you have other apps that display these ads? If you tell us which app is displaying the ads, people in this forum, including me, can probably do some tests to see if we can replicate your results.

    I don't think you can see the ads in iMessage or Phone app. Am I wrong?
  • Reply 24 of 77
    bitmodbitmod Posts: 267member
    sflocal said:
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    To think that there are people in real life that think the way you do.  Seriously.  Go get some help.
    Hate to shatter the tiny bubble you live in man, but PRISM is real. Patriot Act is real. Obama's blanket surveillance on citizens is real. 


    This guy has been right about everything so far. Congressional reviews seem to back it all up. 

    To think that there are people in real life that deny the truth the way you do. Seriously. Go get some help. 
  • Reply 25 of 77
    bigmac2bigmac2 Posts: 639member
    bitmod said:

    Yes a Myth... like Apple unequivocally denying they track location - then turns out they were all along and lied. 
    You know this is a misunderstanding from reading headline only.  Apple headquarter has deny tracking location of their users, which is true.  What they found, is the iPhone backups keeps logs of nearby wi-fi therefor location can be deduce.
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they have a back door for security agencies - then turns out they lied about that too.
    Any references on this one? Hackers convention still do competition to find those flaws, without success so far. 
    Then Apple unequivocally stating that meta data is anonymous - turns out they lied and it's not. 
    What metadata your are talking about? those collected by the service providers? It doesn't concerne Apple.
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they directly sell your info to 3rd parties - then turns out they take it and sell your info to 3d parties through iAd - playing linguistics games. 
    Wow, you are the one who playing linguistic here. Thru iAds, Apple offered and Ads placement API for developper and a way to create interactive advertisement without needs of flash. iAds was an Apple propriety and was discontinued in 2016.  Please go back read Apple terms of services. 
    And on and on... 
    Man, wake up. Pull you head out of your ass and start paying attention. You got shares in the company, great! But that's no reason to live in complete denial. 

    You missed some very MAJOR points in my post... 
    1st - These ads are appearing from conversation in a household with no devices on or being used. As if they were listening to conversation.
    Been addressed in my previous post, here is a simplified answer for you: Ads suggestion is coming from your social connection on the web.  If your friend or family has talk about it, advertiser will know it.  
    2nd - Try it yourself.
    Asking about Tylenol pills on iMessage? Done!  Still no ads.   Doing the same thing on Google controlled device or services, this is a different story.
    3rd - You missed the point that we set out to prove the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists wrong. But we have been able to replicate this phenomenon with random products. Not always, but enough for it to be difficult to call a coincidence. 
    I'll lets others judging that.   
  • Reply 26 of 77
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    Evidently, you use Facebook.

    I consider Facebook free malware, but whatever floats your boat.

    Since I use my iPhone completely without social media, and only Apple Mail, iMessage, and iCloud, none of this happens to me..

    I would note that I often get this behavior that you see merely from Google, and Amazon, searches. That's tracking at work, and the latest version of Safari lets you restrict that somewhat.
  • Reply 27 of 77
    bitmodbitmod Posts: 267member
    cincymac said:
    bitmod said:

    bigmac2 said:
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    I hope you've got your tin foil hat!

    First the NSA universal backdoor is a myth, yes they have tool they can injecte into phone with physical access.  But there is absolute no way Apple could hide this kind of backdoor without public knowledge and thoroughly describe by white hat hackers. 

    This being said, even if the NSA can tap your phone, there is no interest for them to sale this information to Facebook for selling you Tylenol.  Facebook, Google and other internet giant got other way to find your points of interest from you and relative since you gave them all the infos they need by using free and ads sponsored services like Facebook, google, Gmail, Twitter, etc.

    More, the youtube app was the main culprit in the batterie issue with iOS 11, Apple and Google has issue a report about it, search on the web.

    If you don't want to be track, stop using free stuffs... You are not a Google and a Facebook consumer, for them you are their product they sold to advertiser. 

    Yes a Myth... like Apple unequivocally denying they track location - then turns out they were all along and lied. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they have a back door for security agencies - then turns out they lied about that too.
    Then Apple unequivocally stating that meta data is anonymous - turns out they lied and it's not. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they directly sell your info to 3rd parties - then turns out they take it and sell your info to 3d parties through iAd - playing linguistics games. 
    And on and on... 
    Man, wake up. Pull you head out of your ass and start paying attention. You got shares in the company, great! But that's no reason to live in complete denial. 

    You missed some very MAJOR points in my post... 
    1st - These ads are appearing from conversation in a household with no devices on or being used. As if they were listening to conversation.
    2nd - Try it yourself.
    3rd - You missed the point that we set out to prove the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists wrong. But we have been able to replicate this phenomenon with random products. Not always, but enough for it to be difficult to call a coincidence. 
    I wonder if you can elaborate on the "ads" - in which app do you see them? Do you see them in Facebook, Twitter, etc.? I guess you suspect that Apple sells iAds in these apps. Maybe you have other apps that display these ads? If you tell us which app is displaying the ads, people in this forum, including me, can probably do some tests to see if we can replicate your results.

    I don't think you can see the ads in iMessage or Phone app. Am I wrong?
    Yes the ads appear in Facebook - have seen them appear as retargeted ads on websites as well. Facebook has been the most obvious platform. 
    The question is, how did Facebook glean the information from conversations in a room - or text messages in iMessage? 
    We have reproduced the phenomenon with Tylenol, AirBnB - specific location, and Homedepo with a specific item.

  • Reply 28 of 77
    The FBI wants backdoors to your private data.

    This way, hackers can steal your data. Then the FBI can keep its job of tracking the criminals.
    On the way, your stolen ID gets used by identity thieves. Again, the FBI gets to keep its job of tracking the criminals.

    The problem is that you remain the victim of crimes. Nothing was done to prevent crime from happening to you.

    Only Apple is willing to protect you from crime in the first place.

  • Reply 29 of 77
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    bitmod said:
    cincymac said:
    bitmod said:

    bigmac2 said:
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    I hope you've got your tin foil hat!

    First the NSA universal backdoor is a myth, yes they have tool they can injecte into phone with physical access.  But there is absolute no way Apple could hide this kind of backdoor without public knowledge and thoroughly describe by white hat hackers. 

    This being said, even if the NSA can tap your phone, there is no interest for them to sale this information to Facebook for selling you Tylenol.  Facebook, Google and other internet giant got other way to find your points of interest from you and relative since you gave them all the infos they need by using free and ads sponsored services like Facebook, google, Gmail, Twitter, etc.

    More, the youtube app was the main culprit in the batterie issue with iOS 11, Apple and Google has issue a report about it, search on the web.

    If you don't want to be track, stop using free stuffs... You are not a Google and a Facebook consumer, for them you are their product they sold to advertiser. 

    Yes a Myth... like Apple unequivocally denying they track location - then turns out they were all along and lied. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they have a back door for security agencies - then turns out they lied about that too.
    Then Apple unequivocally stating that meta data is anonymous - turns out they lied and it's not. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they directly sell your info to 3rd parties - then turns out they take it and sell your info to 3d parties through iAd - playing linguistics games. 
    And on and on... 
    Man, wake up. Pull you head out of your ass and start paying attention. You got shares in the company, great! But that's no reason to live in complete denial. 

    You missed some very MAJOR points in my post... 
    1st - These ads are appearing from conversation in a household with no devices on or being used. As if they were listening to conversation.
    2nd - Try it yourself.
    3rd - You missed the point that we set out to prove the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists wrong. But we have been able to replicate this phenomenon with random products. Not always, but enough for it to be difficult to call a coincidence. 
    I wonder if you can elaborate on the "ads" - in which app do you see them? Do you see them in Facebook, Twitter, etc.? I guess you suspect that Apple sells iAds in these apps. Maybe you have other apps that display these ads? If you tell us which app is displaying the ads, people in this forum, including me, can probably do some tests to see if we can replicate your results.

    I don't think you can see the ads in iMessage or Phone app. Am I wrong?
    Yes the ads appear in Facebook - have seen them appear as retargeted ads on websites as well. Facebook has been the most obvious platform. 
    The question is, how did Facebook glean the information from conversations in a room - or text messages in iMessage? 
    We have reproduced the phenomenon with Tylenol, AirBnB - specific location, and Homedepo with a specific item.

    Remove the Facebook app.

  • Reply 30 of 77
    So the hired help d.b.a. The FBI thinks Apple are “jerks” for protecting the security of it’s customers?
    Too bad Civil Servant, in a Democracy you are the hired help- not a privileged class that get to flout the law.

    as to the Jerk comment, take this from an Apple customer, shareholder and ACLU member:
    ‘right back at ya. 
  • Reply 31 of 77
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    Nearly every time someone brings up something like this with me, I quickly determine they actively use Facebook/Messenger and/or Gmail/Gtalk for all of their main communications. 

    Anything listening to to your mic is one of those or some other 3rd party malware like Shazam used to do in the background. Apple’s software does not, other than local listening for Hey Siri. 

    I call bullshit on iMessage scraping your communications for ads. Apple doesn’t even run an ad network anymore, you think they’re funneling that info to Google and other display ad networks? Get real. 

  • Reply 32 of 77
    bitmodbitmod Posts: 267member
    The point is, you can strengthen encryption as much as you want - but if you design a back door and a key... 
    It only makes it more difficult for those without a key. 
    Apple (and all major tech companies) flat out denied any existence of such a key or door - then it turned out they were lying and had to admit as much when PRISM was exposed. 
    Then they lied about it only being 'Foreign' surveillance. 
    Lied again about the depth of Obama's spying on citizens.
    Remember that terrorists iphone that the FBI couldn't hack - but some mysterious company cracked Apple's uncrackable security in 5 min. 

    Doesn't matter how much encryption Apple implements - they will always design a door with a key. 
    Smoke and mirrors. 
  • Reply 33 of 77
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member

    bitmod said:

    bigmac2 said:
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    I hope you've got your tin foil hat!

    First the NSA universal backdoor is a myth, yes they have tool they can injecte into phone with physical access.  But there is absolute no way Apple could hide this kind of backdoor without public knowledge and thoroughly describe by white hat hackers. 

    This being said, even if the NSA can tap your phone, there is no interest for them to sale this information to Facebook for selling you Tylenol.  Facebook, Google and other internet giant got other way to find your points of interest from you and relative since you gave them all the infos they need by using free and ads sponsored services like Facebook, google, Gmail, Twitter, etc.

    More, the youtube app was the main culprit in the batterie issue with iOS 11, Apple and Google has issue a report about it, search on the web.

    If you don't want to be track, stop using free stuffs... You are not a Google and a Facebook consumer, for them you are their product they sold to advertiser. 

    Yes a Myth... like Apple unequivocally denying they track location - then turns out they were all along and lied. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they have a back door for security agencies - then turns out they lied about that too.
    Then Apple unequivocally stating that meta data is anonymous - turns out they lied and it's not. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they directly sell your info to 3rd parties - then turns out they take it and sell your info to 3d parties through iAd - playing linguistics games. 
    And on and on... 
    Man, wake up. Pull you head out of your ass and start paying attention. You got shares in the company, great! But that's no reason to live in complete denial. 

    You missed some very MAJOR points in my post... 
    1st - These ads are appearing from conversation in a household with no devices on or being used. As if they were listening to conversation.
    2nd - Try it yourself.
    3rd - You missed the point that we set out to prove the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists wrong. But we have been able to replicate this phenomenon with random products. Not always, but enough for it to be difficult to call a coincidence. 
    [Citation needed]
  • Reply 34 of 77
    bigmac2bigmac2 Posts: 639member
    bitmod said:
    Yes the ads appear in Facebook - have seen them appear as retargeted ads on websites as well. Facebook has been the most obvious platform. 

    The question is, how did Facebook glean the information from conversations in a room - or text messages in iMessage? 
    We have reproduced the phenomenon with Tylenol, AirBnB - specific location, and Homedepo with a specific item.

    Your story seams pretty shallow, any conversation in a room (Facebook room I suppose since iMessage doesn't have room concept) is within Facebook control.  Beside Apple products and service are not ads subsidies, Apple got absolute no gain to give away their consumer data to competition. 

  • Reply 35 of 77
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    bitmod said:
    cincymac said:
    bitmod said:

    bigmac2 said:
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    I hope you've got your tin foil hat!

    First the NSA universal backdoor is a myth, yes they have tool they can injecte into phone with physical access.  But there is absolute no way Apple could hide this kind of backdoor without public knowledge and thoroughly describe by white hat hackers. 

    This being said, even if the NSA can tap your phone, there is no interest for them to sale this information to Facebook for selling you Tylenol.  Facebook, Google and other internet giant got other way to find your points of interest from you and relative since you gave them all the infos they need by using free and ads sponsored services like Facebook, google, Gmail, Twitter, etc.

    More, the youtube app was the main culprit in the batterie issue with iOS 11, Apple and Google has issue a report about it, search on the web.

    If you don't want to be track, stop using free stuffs... You are not a Google and a Facebook consumer, for them you are their product they sold to advertiser. 

    Yes a Myth... like Apple unequivocally denying they track location - then turns out they were all along and lied. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they have a back door for security agencies - then turns out they lied about that too.
    Then Apple unequivocally stating that meta data is anonymous - turns out they lied and it's not. 
    Then Apple unequivocally denying they directly sell your info to 3rd parties - then turns out they take it and sell your info to 3d parties through iAd - playing linguistics games. 
    And on and on... 
    Man, wake up. Pull you head out of your ass and start paying attention. You got shares in the company, great! But that's no reason to live in complete denial. 

    You missed some very MAJOR points in my post... 
    1st - These ads are appearing from conversation in a household with no devices on or being used. As if they were listening to conversation.
    2nd - Try it yourself.
    3rd - You missed the point that we set out to prove the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists wrong. But we have been able to replicate this phenomenon with random products. Not always, but enough for it to be difficult to call a coincidence. 
    I wonder if you can elaborate on the "ads" - in which app do you see them? Do you see them in Facebook, Twitter, etc.? I guess you suspect that Apple sells iAds in these apps. Maybe you have other apps that display these ads? If you tell us which app is displaying the ads, people in this forum, including me, can probably do some tests to see if we can replicate your results.

    I don't think you can see the ads in iMessage or Phone app. Am I wrong?
    Yes the ads appear in Facebook - have seen them appear as retargeted ads on websites as well. Facebook has been the most obvious platform. 
    The question is, how did Facebook glean the information from conversations in a room - or text messages in iMessage? 
    We have reproduced the phenomenon with Tylenol, AirBnB - specific location, and Homedepo with a specific item.

    Did you allow Facebook access to your camera/microphone? Have background app refresh on for the Facebook app? They say they don’t scrape audio for advertising, but you’d be first in line to have that done if you have those features enabled already for them. Facebook is basically a key logger when using the app, they record every keystroke even if you erase your post. Go turn off all your ad customization settings for Facebook and see if this behavior changes. 

    No, Facebook can’t read your iMessages. If you’re using Messenger or WhatsApp, well...
  • Reply 36 of 77
    bigmac2bigmac2 Posts: 639member
    bitmod said:
    The point is, you can strengthen encryption as much as you want - but if you design a back door and a key... 
    It only makes it more difficult for those without a key. 
    Apple (and all major tech companies) flat out denied any existence of such a key or door - then it turned out they were lying and had to admit as much when PRISM was exposed. 
    Then they lied about it only being 'Foreign' surveillance. 
    Lied again about the depth of Obama's spying on citizens.
    Remember that terrorists iphone that the FBI couldn't hack - but some mysterious company cracked Apple's uncrackable security in 5 min. 

    Doesn't matter how much encryption Apple implements - they will always design a door with a key. 
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    You're awfully sound like Alex Jones... 

    iOS security is well documented and publicly accessible to anyone, all mechanism is describe and well understand by iOS developers, here is good reading to start with: https://www.apple.com/business/docs/iOS_Security_Guide.pdf
    edited January 2018 fastasleepStrangeDayswatto_cobra
  • Reply 37 of 77
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,029member
    bitmod said:
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    The FBI may not have keys - but the NSA has a back door to not only snoop but turn your mic and camera on at any time without you knowing. 
    The same backdoor Apple uses to sell your info to advertisers. 

    Don't believe me? try it yourself: Without having any phone or iPad on - start talking about a product: "honey, do we have any Tylenol?" "I think we are out of Tylenol", "Who in town sells Tylenol"... then watch as mysteriously your Facebook ads and cookies throw Tylenol ads at you. 

    The reason battery life is worse in iOS 11 is because our devices are always listening. 

    Try it yourself. We've seen it with 4 random products now - too much to be a coincidence. 
    Also, everything and anything you text to someone is read and sold to advertisers. Text someone you are thinking of taking a vacation to Hawaii and watch as your ads start sending you Airbnb for Hawaii. 

    The crazy thing is, we are furthest thing from conspiracy theorists - and we set out to prove this wrong... yet the results done lie. 

    Maybe if you have a Google Home or Alexa...you are their customer.

    But beyond that, are you saying the NSA operates one of the most covert, sophisticated and clandestine spying operations likely ever known to mankind, and they then sell ad space based on the results?

    Well, yes, you are saying that, but to avoid being banned, I'll leave the expected subsequent commentary simply implied...

    edited January 2018 fastasleepStrangeDaysmuthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 38 of 77
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member

    bitmod said:
    The point is, you can strengthen encryption as much as you want - but if you design a back door and a key... 
    It only makes it more difficult for those without a key. 
    Apple (and all major tech companies) flat out denied any existence of such a key or door - then it turned out they were lying and had to admit as much when PRISM was exposed. 
    Then they lied about it only being 'Foreign' surveillance. 
    Lied again about the depth of Obama's spying on citizens.
    Remember that terrorists iphone that the FBI couldn't hack - but some mysterious company cracked Apple's uncrackable security in 5 min. 

    Doesn't matter how much encryption Apple implements - they will always design a door with a key. 
    Smoke and mirrors. 
    What exactly did Apple admit after PRISM was exposed?

    Who is “they”? ie you’re no longer talking about Apple with regard to scope of NSA spying. 

    The “mysterious company” was able to get into an older piece of hardware (5c) running an older version of iOS (don’t recall which. 8 or 9 I think) that had a vulnerability that’s been since patched. The same exploit is ineffective on newer hardware/software. There is no indication that Apple provided them a backdoor in any way. 

    Youre conflating several things here. Nobody here is saying the NSA isn’t exploiting a broad spectrum of vulnerabilities and using surveillance tools widely against wide swaths of domestic communication. None of those things would explain your Tylenol ads which you saw on Facebook, one of the largest data scrapers in the world next to Google .

  • Reply 39 of 77
    bbhbbh Posts: 134member
    Facism marches on... Guilty until we open our secrets and prove ourselves innocent. 
  • Reply 40 of 77
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,475member
    How the hell is that "evil" when we don't allow a backdoor to access to confidential data? Heck, even China would put anyone to death if they develop a backdoor for its software. China gets it, USA apparently doesn't.
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