You are missing the point. The point he was making was not making a run to the Apple store but how Apple has mis-handled this issue. You don’t put a wrap around an older car and keep you from driving it in order to make the car last LONGER. It’s not the right solution.
Well, it is clear from a public relations standpoint that Apple’s non disclosure of the details of their iPhone power management provided an unwanted opening for spurious conspiracy theories. The result is that they are forced to spend time, brainpower, and money on damage control, which diverts some of their focus away from new product and service development. So as far as that goes I am in total agreement. It could have been handled better.
However, specific power management implementations on mobile devices can represent a competitive advantage over rivals. To be able to not only claim but demonstrate that one manufacturer’s phone can last several hours longer than a competitor’s is a key product differentiator in the marketplace. By definition that implementation is competition sensitive and Apple would be foolish to give away their winning formula to Samsung and the Chinese knockoff outfits. So I think you and some others are being overly harsh in your criticism of Apple. It’s a fine line they have to walk between customer transparency and keeping the Crown Jewels secure from competitors.
Not crying. There is no 29$ battery replacement in Europe. It costs 59 EURO over here. Still this does not change the fact that Apple was intentionally covering up this mess and eventually had to spent 1 year with crippled iPhone.
Bummer about the 59€ cost. I’m surprised Apple is not offering the same deal worldwide. I think you can get replacement kits online for around 20€.
A friend of mine has an old (unapologetically plastic) 5C that desperately needs a battery replacement. But Apple isn’t helping him out. It’s still $79 for older models.
Good. Apple deserves it. Now I wish governments would go after Intel for their security debacle which has a bigger and more important impact that will last for years.
Great, another uneducated armchair commentator who thinks he knows everything and makes asinine comments pushing forward a pitchfork agenda against Apple... Getting sick of seeing this stupid BS online...
It's not stupid bullshit. It was made deliberately to sell more phones and there was no communication to us or Apple store workers to handle this in the right way when your phone gets slow. Nobody knew this was because of old battery. I still don't believe it's just because of the old battery. I have replaced mine. The settings do not show warning of crippled battery, but the phone is still utterly slow. Nothing like first two years when I bought it. And don't shit me it's the apps thing. I have the same apps from the day I bought my iPhone 6.
Newsflash: older hardware runs newer software SLOWER. this is normal. this is how computing works and has always worked.
and no, you do not have the "same apps" as the day you bought it. they have undergone countless updates -- some, like youtube, notorious for chewing up battery life.
Thanks for the Engadget article link above Brisance. It definitely sheds more light on the issues with alternative device options. I do agree with you that the problem with alternatives like Samsung is two-fold, one lacking proper hardware quality controls and two bloatware. Hence I have stayed firmly in Apple’s camp so far. But this IPhone slow down and inferior battery deployment is a major issue that I would like to see them address sooner rather than later. And I don’t mean addressing by offering a temporary program of ten months to pay $29 to replace a battery but rather addressing by a permanent fix to the problem by genuinely using better power retaining batteries like Samsung, but with better hardware quality controls like Apple is known for.
Bigger batteries are less stressed, Samsung CPU have deplorable single thread peaks with stresses the battery less, Smaller phones, less stress, etc, etc, etc.
Samsung's batteries in the current phones are ripe with problems (not to mention the Note). What's your fracking explanation there huh bud.
So, you just lied again. Just stop lying. You're not fooling anyone buddy.
The irony is that Apple has been using AI to slow down and speed up the processor for some time, and for other reasons besides battery age. And this is something every other high end manufacturer has been doing for years. No phone chip runs at full speed all the time. If it did then the battery would probably last two hours at the most.
In response to the iPhone aged battery thing, both Samsung and LG released statements saying that they do not throttle phones with aged batteries. What they didn’t say was that they don’t throttle phones at all.
As as far as I remember, the only phone that ran its components at full speed was the Samsung Note4 – and even then it only ran at full speed when it detected it was running a benchmark test.
Yep! That's a good point that few have realized... Every CPU in every computer from every manufacturer is managed in a variety of ways.... ... Deal with it!
Hell no it's not the same. All the MacBook's I had in my life have never seen slowdowns and are still usable years after they were bought ... It's different with iPhone. It's barely usable and lot's of customers when and bought a new one because of that!! This is a huge difference to me.
If your iPhone is barely usable then its not the peak power draw throttling, as apple said that only occurs on an expired battery, thats at low charge, and is unable to provide the needed current. general slowness aint that.
Even though such would be going against what Apple normally does, they could please everybody with a simply Preference setting:
ON = Slow my phone as my battery ages so I get more life out of my battery.
OFF = Allow my phone to suddenly and randomly shut off as the battery ages.
It really is that simple.
I'd rather have user replaceable batteries. I'll toss old batteries, have endless power and DO NOT CARE if my phone is a bit thicker or heavier.
You may as well wish for magic unicorns to take you to work -- still aint gonna happen. a removable battery means a large chunky POS, and that isn't coming. even samsung and the other knockoffs realize that and dont do it. get over it.
Also premium priced iPhoneX doesn't feel that premium at all and it's full of usability quirks. For the most expensive product in it's niche you would not expect that.
There should be more pressure on Apple. They need to step up their game and improve!
Total agreement from an Apple fanboy since the Apple ][
The X is great, it's the hands-down the finest iphone ive ever had (came in w/ the 3G). Some quirks in iOS, but there are always quirks in iOS and changes made to UX.
But I like how you have no post history yet throw down your street cred since the old days. That's not a common pattern or anything...
Anyone who uses fanboy so liberally is not interested in any honest discussion and thus I’ll assume out of hand you are a piece if crap troll and flush your so called argument out of hand got that huh
I am not a troll. It is appalling to me that some people here like Foggyhill are so egotistical, arrogant and self absorbed that so many people and governments raising concerns all over the world are all like TROLLS to him and refuses to heed any validity to these claims out of self defense, ego preservation and mental and emotional insecurities. It’s like hundreds of millions of people complaining are falling on deaf ears here. It’s not me with the issue. It’s you! Deal with it. Put your grown-up pants on! if you are attempting to bat away even the most valid of the concerns, then the issue is with you. For many normal people, EXPERIENCE speaks louder than the words and this is not the experience they signed up for.
Trollsign -- if you call the AI forums community and its users "fanboys" at the drop of a hat, then youre being irrational and very likely are a troll in my book.
So, Apple can just send them a copy of their explanation and reasoning that was published weeks ago. What else are they supposed to provide? The crux of all these ‘investigations’ is to try and brand Apple with malicious, intentional planned obsolescence. How do they plan to prove that? Experts have already stated Apple’s solution is acceptable and only criticized Apple for not being more transparent about it. As for those asshats claiming they have the right to choose whether their phones just randomly shut down or whether to slow things down to prevent said shutdowns, what kind of “choice” is that? That kind of “choice” is stupid, just like the asshats who want to be able to install whatever kind of crap they want to and use it to justify jailbreaking.
There is a big difference between not being more transparent like you claim and what Apple actually did: hiding the throttling from the customer until some clever guy came with the prove. The former is a small communication issue, the latter could be interpreted as intentional.
Every customer with a a slow iPhone who bought a new iPhone but who was not given the option to replace the battery, was mislead by Apple. The fact that a lot of Apple Stores guided these customers to buy a new iPhone did not help to contradict the possible intentional character.
The throttling itself is not the issue, the secrecy about it is.
Sorry to ruin your conspiracy theory. But, Apple manages every facet of their products even after the sale in order to insure the best customer experience with them. And, it quite obviously works. At the same time, Apple keeps it simple by simply producing and managing products that "just work" without long winded explanations -- or any explanation. ... Deal with it. Or, buy an Android... But go away with your conspiracy theories...
If the CPU throttling insures the best customer experience, please, you are more then welcome come using my iPhone 6, which is BARELY USABLE and frequently UNUSABLE due to this update! User experience at its best.... NOT.
Peak power draw throttling came in iOS 10.2.1, not 11. So if your phone is now slow in 11 that's something else. More likely old hardware running new software.
A lot of the fanboys here feel an uncontrollable urge to jump to Apple’s rescue unconsciously either because they haven’t had the opportunity to experience the slowdown and associated glitchiness themselves OR because they replace their phones too fast to even be bothered by this issue OR because they are willing to overlook this issue because of Apple’s record so far of being the best in being environmentally friendly OR because they feel that they are supporting humanity go in the right direction by supporting a company that operates on a morally high ground in general whether it be by protecting consumer data impartially or protecting the environment. And I am not disputing or invalidating any of the above reasons. They are all valid and genuinely deserve praise.
However, I will make the critique where it is justifiably due. I was so frustrated with my iPhone one day that I wanted to smash it against the wall and never look back? Why you ask? Because it got so slow that it was like watching paint dry on the wall. And it didn’t shut off at 2% to save the internals like someone here mentioned but rather it shut off randomly at anything, even at 90% or 80%. One time I got stuck on the side of the road in a wind storm with power outage in the area with a broken car and I couldn’t make a single phone call to a tow truck or to my spouse to save my life because it got so glitchy and slow. I randomly had to ask for an Android phone who a stranger walking by happened to own to make a phone call. You can imagine why I am so upset at Apple over this battery issue. This was never an issue with my previous iPhones where I noticed the battery draining too fast and I just had the battery replaced. Simple as that. But this time with the IPhone 6, it was a complete disaster. And I didn’t know to expect phone shutting down at 80% or 50% or something else. And from what I hear this is going to be a common practice by Apple for all IPhones starting with iPhone 6. This is going to be a nightmare, God forbid if you ever got stuck with a little older iPhone in your pocket, and the same thing happened to you that happened to me, especially with climate change and colder winters, I will pray for you.
Well said agree 100%.
That's exactly my experience. I love Apple but I will not justify their wrong doing just because Apple is a great company. I have given thousands and thousands of Euros to them and I expect they treat me fairly and not hide something like this from me or anyone. I lost to much nerves due to my unusable iPhone, just like you described.
Thank you for your honesty in standing up for yourself and others and for what’s right. Even if a mistake has been perpetrated by a company loved by many. It is only through constructive criticism and brutal honesty can we keep a great company like Apple great. Otherwise, Apple will relegate it’s coveted top spot of much good will, trust and confidence to others. Being brutally honest, there is a good chance that this was intentionally done to push people to buy new phones without revealing any of the details of phone slow downs and throttling policies implemented internally. You know why I suspect that? Because there was LOTS of money involved. How much ? $250Million to be exact in stock options, compensation and bonus. That’s how much Tim Cook got compensated this year for meeting his goals and quotas set by the board of directors. When you have that much money in the balance, it will give anyone a pause for a second or two and start to question their beliefs and objectives. Only the spiritually adept of us can overcome such a temptation to forego $250 Million dollars in favor of hanging onto their moral mantel.
This is conspiracy theory bullshit. To suggest the iPhone engineering team and software team put in power management features into iOS 10.2.1 a year ago so Cook could make his performance bonuses is so asinine that it suggests you know very little about the company, its values, and how it operates.
The power management feature was put it to stop random shutdowns, and thats it. Phone batteries are consumables that get used up and its assumed and a given that they will be replaced after a few years. Just like you do with cars or anything else.
All Apple did was normal battery management. As long as your battery is OK, nothing changes. The simple fact is, my iPhone 6 runs quite a bit better into it's 4th year then my iPhone 4 by quite a bit going into it's 4th year.
After every single yearly major iOS update, the phone gets a little slower. This is perfectly normal. The OS grows, gets more complex, it needs more power. But along with the OS, the app's themselves also grow and get more complex and resource hungry. This all makes older hardware get slower and slower. This happens with every OS.
What Apple did is allow older phones to work better as the battery gets weaker. If anything, what Apple did is allow people to use and hold onto their iPhones LONGER without having to do anything. Apple shouldn't have to explain themselves when they do this. Again, normal battery management that happens with all devices in the background.
Doing a speed test, is doing exactly what Apple is trying to slow down, so of course you'll see the worse kind of hit. But it's not real life operation. So many people, really clueless about what is going on, but jumping on the Negative Apple bandwagon over something that's NORMAL.
Many valid statements, mixed with few incorrect statements. I have bolded the incorrect statements.
What Apple did is allow older phones to work better as the battery gets weaker. - How does a "slower" phone work "better"? Because it does not shutdown and hide a real problem that the battery needs to be replaced? No, it is NOT better. It is worser because the old phone is damn slow already due to newer iOS versions. On top of it, slowing down the SoC make is near impossible to use.
Apple shouldn't have to explain themselves when they do this. - Then why did "apologize" for this Incident in the first place AND offered battery swap for $29?
normal battery management that happens with all devices - No, this particular SoC slowdown happens ONLY with iPhone 6 & later. Not the older iPhones OR Android phones or Windows Phones or Any other phones. Can you please correct me if I am wrong, along with EVIDENCE?
something that's NORMAL. - No, it is NOT NORMAL. You get a screen-on-time of 2 hours instead of 4 hours - it is NORMAL. Slowing down of Phone - No, it is NOT.
Nonsense. They apologized and announced cheaper batteries for a limited time for a simple reason: PR. Same reason Jobs gave out free bumpers after proving with evidence that the 4 suffered no more significantly dropped calls than the 3GS and that the signal attenuation was normal when it and other phones were put into a death grip by a meat-bag. They continued selling it as-is for many years to come.
Power management is normal. General slow down as older devices run newer software is normal. Performing routine maintenance on your phone's consumables is normal. Not doing so is like complaining when your car's old battery fails to crank during winter or summer.
But I am curious. Have you actually taken your iPhone in to an Apple store and have them check your battery? I took my old 6 plus in and they said it was pretty much depleted. So they put me on the waiting list for the $29 battery replacement (may be waiting a couple months on that unfortunately). If you’ve got a bad battery then your whining is rather pointless. Go get it checked out and stop being a crybaby.
You are missing the point. The point he was making was not making a run to the Apple store but how Apple has mis-handled this issue. You don’t put a wrap around an older car and keep you from driving it in order to make the car last LONGER. It’s not the right solution.
Says you. I say having a device temporarily throttled during peak power draw is better than it shutting down and losing data and/or bricking the device if during a critical write.
If you disagree, go start your own company in the garage. Or just buy a knockoff -- same thing, right?
Good. Apple deserves it. Now I wish governments would go after Intel for their security debacle which has a bigger and more important impact that will last for years.
Great, another uneducated armchair commentator who thinks he knows everything and makes asinine comments pushing forward a pitchfork agenda against Apple... Getting sick of seeing this stupid BS online...
It's not stupid bullshit. It was made deliberately to sell more phones and there was no communication to us or Apple store workers to handle this in the right way when your phone gets slow. Nobody knew this was because of old battery. I still don't believe it's just because of the old battery. I have replaced mine. The settings do not show warning of crippled battery, but the phone is still utterly slow. Nothing like first two years when I bought it. And don't shit me it's the apps thing. I have the same apps from the day I bought my iPhone 6.
Get ok with it. Apple screwed up big time here and it's time to pay back.
I wonder what would be your and other fanboy alike comments if this was Samsung case?!? You would probably shit all over Samsung for it... Grow up kids. Apple make great products, but their quality is very questionable in recent years. It's not just #throttlegate. Also premium priced iPhoneX doesn't feel that premium at all and it's full of usability quirks. For the most expensive product in it's niche you would not expect that.
There should be more pressure on Apple. They need to step up their game and improve!
Get over myself? When you come in here blazing nonsense and more BS? Listen, I'm an ACSP of 7 years, and in the IT field for almost 24 years now, so I know a thing or two more about technology and how it works than you armchair trolls, get over yourselves.
Bottom line, you get fed the media narrative, make some asinine assumptions about the situation, then run with it as gospel, and when someone with even an ounce of logic and reasoning comes in to provide proper information, you take a shit on them.
If you hate the product that much, and think it sucks that bad, fine, get rid of it and get a junker Android and be happy with that garbage. No one is pointing a gun to your head to keep Apple products!
And I can GUARANTEE, that if you've replaced your battery, and the phone is still having performance issues, there is another underlying cause, and it has NOTHING to do with any sort of battery impedance / voltage throttling implemented by iOS.
Also premium priced iPhoneX doesn't feel that premium at all and it's full of usability quirks. For the most expensive product in it's niche you would not expect that.
There should be more pressure on Apple. They need to step up their game and improve!
Total agreement from an Apple fanboy since the Apple ][
The X is great, it's the hands-down the finest iphone ive ever had (came in w/ the 3G). Some quirks in iOS, but there are always quirks in iOS and changes made to UX.
But I like how you have no post history yet throw down your street cred since the old days. That's not a common pattern or anything...
No worries, I'm a light poster because I don't have much to say that someone else hasn't already said. Regardless, I think face ID is a nuisance compared to touchID. Sometimes I have a beard, sometimes a moustache, sometimes I wear glasses, or sunglasses, or a ball cap, hoodie, headband at the gym, sometimes I rest my chin on my fist, sometimes I have a phone headset on at work, sometimes I use it in bed in the dark, etc etc. I turned it off to get to the home screen (and had to give up applepay cards in the process) but left it on for individual app authentication and its less of a nuisance now. The OLED screen doesn't seem much better than the LCD screen. The screen feels smaller even though it technically isn't smaller. No complaints about ios. its smooth like butter. FOR ME, it wasn't worth $1200 upgrade from a 7+. You can love the X and I can not care for it and we can still be bros and the sun will still come out tomorrow morning over apple campus.
Also premium priced iPhoneX doesn't feel that premium at all and it's full of usability quirks. For the most expensive product in it's niche you would not expect that.
There should be more pressure on Apple. They need to step up their game and improve!
Total agreement from an Apple fanboy since the Apple ][
The X is great, it's the hands-down the finest iphone ive ever had (came in w/ the 3G). Some quirks in iOS, but there are always quirks in iOS and changes made to UX.
But I like how you have no post history yet throw down your street cred since the old days. That's not a common pattern or anything...
You take my post history for my non-credibility ? Hehe good, you can do that. I haven't posted anything because I didn't have anything to post until Apple started to do things which I don't like. And yes I have a life outside of internet as well.
I'm 38 and I had been iPhone developer since the first iPhone SDK/app store and have been Apple user since years before Steve had his second coming and have been to 3 Apple WWDC's. I will always show my disagreement with any company I support if they are wrong. And clearly Apple was very wrong on the transparency of this issue.
Regarding iPhone X. We have one in house but I am not using it. It's a great device but the deal breaker for me are three things:
1. Control center access. Control canter has been one of the most usable features in iOS since Cook took over. On the X you can't access anymore with one hand and this for is the biggest usability fail. Now you have to use two hands just to access it. I don't think Jobs would ever approve that user interaction. There are numerous better solutions to this problem, but I think you are smart enough to Google for few of them.
2. The same goes for all the gesture bar on the bottom part of the screen. You want to do something but then again you do everything else if you are not super precise. I know you get better and get used to it in time but I am frequently in backcountry, skiing, mountain-biking and often phone needs to be used 1-handed. The perfect size of X would allow that perfectly but some of the UI decisions Apple took here are just awful.
3. While face ID works beautifully it's kind of clumsy I need to look the phone every time I want to unlock it.
I think this review is one of the best subjective reviews out there and he is spot on with the fails of iPhone X ->
iPhone X is a beautiful device, the best looking phone ever, but using it just feels very unpolished. It's full of small usability twerks which I do believe Apple will fix in the next interactions. Untill then I will stay with my slow iPhone 6.
So, Apple can just send them a copy of their explanation and reasoning that was published weeks ago. What else are they supposed to provide? The crux of all these ‘investigations’ is to try and brand Apple with malicious, intentional planned obsolescence. How do they plan to prove that? Experts have already stated Apple’s solution is acceptable and only criticized Apple for not being more transparent about it. As for those asshats claiming they have the right to choose whether their phones just randomly shut down or whether to slow things down to prevent said shutdowns, what kind of “choice” is that? That kind of “choice” is stupid, just like the asshats who want to be able to install whatever kind of crap they want to and use it to justify jailbreaking.
This is China they’re talking about. While Apple always ignores the US government, they always bend over for China
Thanks for the Engadget article link above Brisance. It definitely sheds more light on the issues with alternative device options. I do agree with you that the problem with alternatives like Samsung is two-fold, one lacking proper hardware quality controls and two bloatware. Hence I have stayed firmly in Apple’s camp so far. But this IPhone slow down and inferior battery deployment is a major issue that I would like to see them address sooner rather than later. And I don’t mean addressing by offering a temporary program of ten months to pay $29 to replace a battery but rather addressing by a permanent fix to the problem by genuinely using better power retaining batteries like Samsung, but with better hardware quality controls like Apple is known for.
Bigger batteries are less stressed, Samsung CPU have deplorable single thread peaks with stresses the battery less, Smaller phones, less stress, etc, etc, etc.
Samsung's batteries in the current phones are ripe with problems (not to mention the Note). What's your fracking explanation there huh bud.
So, you just lied again. Just stop lying. You're not fooling anyone buddy.
The irony is that Apple has been using AI to slow down and speed up the processor for some time, and for other reasons besides battery age.
That AI that you mention (which is redundant on chips running their own mng'd performance) should have been the most elementary form of EI: detecting a batt-based shutdown and offering the user the choice to throttle or not.
How difficult is that (and how amazing the current CEO's leadership...)
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. First Officer Grimble and I have detected a problem with the aircraft’s power management systems. In response to this the flight attendants will be coming around with a short customer service form. Tick option 1 if you’d prefer a safe landing now, or option 2 if you’d prefer to carry on with a fair chance that we’ll plunge from the sky in flames.
The reason there will be no option is because Apple knows that everyone (including all the people who’re demanding a choice) will always pick a slower phone over a crashing one. Apple engineers are not going to include an option no one will use.
Oh look, another low-count troll who popped by.
StrangeDays is a perfect example of being emotionally insecure who cannot take a valid point and a valid concern from millions and accept it and would rather try to one up on others to feel emotionally secure. There is nothing strange about this behavior. This is very typical of emotionally insecure people who would rather call you a TROLL or by another name just to score a point instead of actually arguing and winning the point with proper substance! Their argument has no substance, just a bunch of Cocktail theories and explanations to make themselves feel better! Guess what, you are alone buddy and may be you can take Foggyhill with you to disappear in to your strange existence.
Don't get into flame wars with particular posters, don't personally insult others or impune a members character, don't resort to name-calling while making some point, and don't use inflammatory words like "fanboy" and you'll probably be OK. If someone is getting under your skin ignore them. Yeah it's sometimes hard to do but the option is being banned.
All opinions are welcome, but make them known without insulting others here or using language that you know is going to elicit personal attacks from others. That's baiting and plainly not good for the forum.
Good. Apple deserves it. Now I wish governments would go after Intel for their security debacle which has a bigger and more important impact that will last for years.
Great, another uneducated armchair commentator who thinks he knows everything and makes asinine comments pushing forward a pitchfork agenda against Apple... Getting sick of seeing this stupid BS online...
It's not stupid bullshit. It was made deliberately to sell more phones and there was no communication to us or Apple store workers to handle this in the right way when your phone gets slow. Nobody knew this was because of old battery. I still don't believe it's just because of the old battery. I have replaced mine. The settings do not show warning of crippled battery, but the phone is still utterly slow. Nothing like first two years when I bought it. And don't shit me it's the apps thing. I have the same apps from the day I bought my iPhone 6.
Get ok with it. Apple screwed up big time here and it's time to pay back.
I wonder what would be your and other fanboy alike comments if this was Samsung case?!? You would probably shit all over Samsung for it... Grow up kids. Apple make great products, but their quality is very questionable in recent years. It's not just #throttlegate. Also premium priced iPhoneX doesn't feel that premium at all and it's full of usability quirks. For the most expensive product in it's niche you would not expect that.
There should be more pressure on Apple. They need to step up their game and improve!
Get over myself? When you come in here blazing nonsense and more BS? Listen, I'm an ACSP of 7 years, and in the IT field for almost 24 years now, so I know a thing or two more about technology and how it works than you armchair trolls, get over yourselves.
Bottom line, you get fed the media narrative, make some asinine assumptions about the situation, then run with it as gospel, and when someone with even an ounce of logic and reasoning comes in to provide proper information, you take a shit on them.
If you hate the product that much, and think it sucks that bad, fine, get rid of it and get a junker Android and be happy with that garbage. No one is pointing a gun to your head to keep Apple products!
And I can GUARANTEE, that if you've replaced your battery, and the phone is still having performance issues, there is another underlying cause, and it has NOTHING to do with any sort of battery impedance / voltage throttling implemented by iOS.
So you are IT - well done. IT guys always know everything. Been a SW dev for over 20 years and working with IT guys has always been a challenge. You are probably the smartest species alive knowing just about anything in tech, politics, law and just about everything else.
And you still don't get it. I am replacing my battery no questions asked. But that's not the problem in this case. It's not why law suits are being filled. Apple could have been clear with this since the "feature" was released and I would have replaced the battery a year ago and no-one would have any comments about it. Instead they have kept their mouth shut until someone find-out and went public with it. I am sure Apple sold millions of iPhones more due to this secrecy regarding the CPU throttling and everyone at Apple was happy pocketing millions thanks to this "feature". They have not just lied to the customers they have also broken law. At list some of the EU laws that is.
Also premium priced iPhoneX doesn't feel that premium at all and it's full of usability quirks. For the most expensive product in it's niche you would not expect that.
There should be more pressure on Apple. They need to step up their game and improve!
Total agreement from an Apple fanboy since the Apple ][
The X is great, it's the hands-down the finest iphone ive ever had (came in w/ the 3G). Some quirks in iOS, but there are always quirks in iOS and changes made to UX.
But I like how you have no post history yet throw down your street cred since the old days. That's not a common pattern or anything...
No worries, I'm a light poster because I don't have much to say that someone else hasn't already said. Regardless, I think face ID is a nuisance compared to touchID. Sometimes I have a beard, sometimes a moustache, sometimes I wear glasses, or sunglasses, or a ball cap, hoodie, headband at the gym, sometimes I rest my chin on my fist, sometimes I have a phone headset on at work, sometimes I use it in bed in the dark, etc etc. I turned it off to get to the home screen (and had to give up applepay cards in the process) but left it on for individual app authentication and its less of a nuisance now. The OLED screen doesn't seem much better than the LCD screen. The screen feels smaller even though it technically isn't smaller. No complaints about ios. its smooth like butter. FOR ME, it wasn't worth $1200 upgrade from a 7+. You can love the X and I can not care for it and we can still be bros and the sun will still come out tomorrow morning over apple campus.
OK, again you are trolling, spreading FUD, or blindingly ignorant, because -- Face ID works with beards, mustaches, glasses, sunglasses, a ball cap, hoodie, headband, with headphones, in the dark, etc etc. It's like you've ignored everything Apple has said about how it works.
Are you SURE you really have this phone?
I don't care whether you like it, but I will dispel any FUD pellets you drop behind you.
Well, it is clear from a public relations standpoint that Apple’s non disclosure of the details of their iPhone power management provided an unwanted opening for spurious conspiracy theories. The result is that they are forced to spend time, brainpower, and money on damage control, which diverts some of their focus away from new product and service development. So as far as that goes I am in total agreement. It could have been handled better.
However, specific power management implementations on mobile devices can represent a competitive advantage over rivals. To be able to not only claim but demonstrate that one manufacturer’s phone can last several hours longer than a competitor’s is a key product differentiator in the marketplace. By definition that implementation is competition sensitive and Apple would be foolish to give away their winning formula to Samsung and the Chinese knockoff outfits. So I think you and some others are being overly harsh in your criticism of Apple. It’s a fine line they have to walk between customer transparency and keeping the Crown Jewels secure from competitors.
A friend of mine has an old (unapologetically plastic) 5C that desperately needs a battery replacement. But Apple isn’t helping him out. It’s still $79 for older models.
and no, you do not have the "same apps" as the day you bought it. they have undergone countless updates -- some, like youtube, notorious for chewing up battery life.
You may as well wish for magic unicorns to take you to work -- still aint gonna happen. a removable battery means a large chunky POS, and that isn't coming. even samsung and the other knockoffs realize that and dont do it. get over it.
The X is great, it's the hands-down the finest iphone ive ever had (came in w/ the 3G). Some quirks in iOS, but there are always quirks in iOS and changes made to UX.
But I like how you have no post history yet throw down your street cred since the old days. That's not a common pattern or anything...
Trollsign -- if you call the AI forums community and its users "fanboys" at the drop of a hat, then youre being irrational and very likely are a troll in my book.
Peak power draw throttling came in iOS 10.2.1, not 11. So if your phone is now slow in 11 that's something else. More likely old hardware running new software.
This is conspiracy theory bullshit. To suggest the iPhone engineering team and software team put in power management features into iOS 10.2.1 a year ago so Cook could make his performance bonuses is so asinine that it suggests you know very little about the company, its values, and how it operates.
The power management feature was put it to stop random shutdowns, and thats it. Phone batteries are consumables that get used up and its assumed and a given that they will be replaced after a few years. Just like you do with cars or anything else.
Nonsense. They apologized and announced cheaper batteries for a limited time for a simple reason: PR. Same reason Jobs gave out free bumpers after proving with evidence that the 4 suffered no more significantly dropped calls than the 3GS and that the signal attenuation was normal when it and other phones were put into a death grip by a meat-bag. They continued selling it as-is for many years to come.
Power management is normal. General slow down as older devices run newer software is normal. Performing routine maintenance on your phone's consumables is normal. Not doing so is like complaining when your car's old battery fails to crank during winter or summer.
Says you. I say having a device temporarily throttled during peak power draw is better than it shutting down and losing data and/or bricking the device if during a critical write.
If you disagree, go start your own company in the garage. Or just buy a knockoff -- same thing, right?
Bottom line, you get fed the media narrative, make some asinine assumptions about the situation, then run with it as gospel, and when someone with even an ounce of logic and reasoning comes in to provide proper information, you take a shit on them.
If you hate the product that much, and think it sucks that bad, fine, get rid of it and get a junker Android and be happy with that garbage. No one is pointing a gun to your head to keep Apple products!
And I can GUARANTEE, that if you've replaced your battery, and the phone is still having performance issues, there is another underlying cause, and it has NOTHING to do with any sort of battery impedance / voltage throttling implemented by iOS.
I'm 38 and I had been iPhone developer since the first iPhone SDK/app store and have been Apple user since years before Steve had his second coming and have been to 3 Apple WWDC's. I will always show my disagreement with any company I support if they are wrong. And clearly Apple was very wrong on the transparency of this issue.
Regarding iPhone X. We have one in house but I am not using it. It's a great device but the deal breaker for me are three things:
1. Control center access. Control canter has been one of the most usable features in iOS since Cook took over. On the X you can't access anymore with one hand and this for is the biggest usability fail. Now you have to use two hands just to access it. I don't think Jobs would ever approve that user interaction. There are numerous better solutions to this problem, but I think you are smart enough to Google for few of them.
2. The same goes for all the gesture bar on the bottom part of the screen. You want to do something but then again you do everything else if you are not super precise. I know you get better and get used to it in time but I am frequently in backcountry, skiing, mountain-biking and often phone needs to be used 1-handed. The perfect size of X would allow that perfectly but some of the UI decisions Apple took here are just awful.
3. While face ID works beautifully it's kind of clumsy I need to look the phone every time I want to unlock it.
I think this review is one of the best subjective reviews out there and he is spot on with the fails of iPhone X ->
iPhone X is a beautiful device, the best looking phone ever, but using it just feels very unpolished. It's full of small usability twerks which I do believe Apple will fix in the next interactions. Untill then I will stay with my slow iPhone 6.
Don't get into flame wars with particular posters, don't personally insult others or impune a members character, don't resort to name-calling while making some point, and don't use inflammatory words like "fanboy" and you'll probably be OK. If someone is getting under your skin ignore them. Yeah it's sometimes hard to do but the option is being banned.
All opinions are welcome, but make them known without insulting others here or using language that you know is going to elicit personal attacks from others. That's baiting and plainly not good for the forum.
And you still don't get it. I am replacing my battery no questions asked. But that's not the problem in this case. It's not why law suits are being filled. Apple could have been clear with this since the "feature" was released and I would have replaced the battery a year ago and no-one would have any comments about it. Instead they have kept their mouth shut until someone find-out and went public with it. I am sure Apple sold millions of iPhones more due to this secrecy regarding the CPU throttling and everyone at Apple was happy pocketing millions thanks to this "feature". They have not just lied to the customers they have also broken law. At list some of the EU laws that is.
Are you SURE you really have this phone?
I don't care whether you like it, but I will dispel any FUD pellets you drop behind you.