Apple urges users to send money to friends with Apple Pay Cash, upgrade to iOS 11.2
Apple on Thursday sent an email blast to iCloud users and customers on record advertising the ability to send money to friends using Apple Pay Cash, the company's peer-to-peer money transfer service that was introduced in December.

In its email promotion, Apple touts Apple Pay Cash as a safe, easy and fast method of sending and receiving money from other iOS device owners.
"Now you can use Apple Pay to pay and get paid right in Messages, or by asking Siri. Split a bill. Pay a babysitter. Send cash to your son in college. Just make sure you and your friends are using the latest version of iOS and you're ready to go," Apple says.
The email goes on to detail the service, noting Apple Pay Cash is integrated directly into iOS. Users are therefore not required to download a separate app, and can use cards already provisioned with Wallet.
As Apple explains, money received via Apple Pay Cash is added to an Apple Pay Cash card that users can apply to purchases wherever Apple pay is accepted. Alternatively, users can transfer received money to a bank account if such assets are linked within the Wallet app.
A section at the bottom of the email provides an easy to follow, three-step guide detailing how to send and receive money in Messages from iPhone. The instructions are an abbreviated version of more detailed guides found on Apple's Support Pages covering Apple Pay Cash payments, which explain similar methods involving Apple Watch and iPad.
Finally, Apple urges customers to upgrade to iOS 11.2, a requirement if users want to access Apple Pay in Messages.
Apple unveiled Apple Pay Cash at last year's Worldwide Developers Conference, but the feature failed to make it into the final build of iOS 11 when the OS launched in September. The company ultimately activated the service in December as part of iOS 11.2.

In its email promotion, Apple touts Apple Pay Cash as a safe, easy and fast method of sending and receiving money from other iOS device owners.
"Now you can use Apple Pay to pay and get paid right in Messages, or by asking Siri. Split a bill. Pay a babysitter. Send cash to your son in college. Just make sure you and your friends are using the latest version of iOS and you're ready to go," Apple says.
The email goes on to detail the service, noting Apple Pay Cash is integrated directly into iOS. Users are therefore not required to download a separate app, and can use cards already provisioned with Wallet.
As Apple explains, money received via Apple Pay Cash is added to an Apple Pay Cash card that users can apply to purchases wherever Apple pay is accepted. Alternatively, users can transfer received money to a bank account if such assets are linked within the Wallet app.
A section at the bottom of the email provides an easy to follow, three-step guide detailing how to send and receive money in Messages from iPhone. The instructions are an abbreviated version of more detailed guides found on Apple's Support Pages covering Apple Pay Cash payments, which explain similar methods involving Apple Watch and iPad.
Finally, Apple urges customers to upgrade to iOS 11.2, a requirement if users want to access Apple Pay in Messages.
Apple unveiled Apple Pay Cash at last year's Worldwide Developers Conference, but the feature failed to make it into the final build of iOS 11 when the OS launched in September. The company ultimately activated the service in December as part of iOS 11.2.

I was minorly annoyed when sending cash to someone is Apple Pay Cash that it was first drawing the money out of the Apple Pay Cash card and then paying the balance with my debit card. I wanted to keep the balance I had on the Apple Pay Cash cards and only use debit but that didn’t appear to be an option. So it drew the APC card down to 0 and then took from my debit.
see I said please
I once caught them trying out the “You will be amazed by THIS product” title format. They quickly changed it.
As a a rule of thumb, I ignore any article on any site that has the word “finally” in the title.
I agree about the “finally” headlines as well as the ones that can be answered with “No”. “Is Apple actively tracking its users by using frequent locations?!?”
The point is this is the main income for PayPal while for Apple it’s just another service. They don’t have to be desperate.
So maybe Apple Pay Cash could support transfer in the sender’s currency to recipients with an Apple Pay Cash card that is denominated in the same currency. Th n the recipient could transfer the money into an account denominated in that same currency, and then deal with F/X when withdrawing or transferring from
that account. Maybe that’s the way it already would work if the cross-border restriction were removed.
(That said, I'd happily dump PayPal the moment something better comes along.)
Still, I suppose with Apple bugging me, my bank bugging me, etc.... I should probably bother to set it up one of these days, at least to attempt to better understand what all the fuss is about.
Oh come on... it's what (almost) all the Internet content gurus tell you to do.
Now THAT would make it take off real quick!
I don't see any added value of a system that will only work with iOS devices and with the banks that subscribed to Apple Pay. Although I have an iPhone, and iPad and Macs, I will never consider a person to person payment system where I am not sure I can use it versus a system where I am 100% sure that I can use it, even if the user interface of the latter might be not as smooth.