Apple targets Android switchers with two new iPhone ads

in iPhone
The two ads continue Apple's recent "Switch to iPhone" campaign, which specifically urges non-iOS users to defect to Apple from the competition

The first 15-second ad, titled "Portraits," features a pair of portraits on a wall, marked "your phone" and "iPhone," each with a young woman featured. Upon noticing the "iPhone" woman's use of the Portrait Lighting feature, the woman in the "your phone" photo moves into the "iPhone" portrait, as the phrase "amazing portraits" appears on screen.

The second ad features a similar split-screen setup, with "Your Store" and "App Store" on each side. Lining the shelves of each store are goods resembling app icons. A woman takes one of the icons off the shelf on the "Your Store" side and it blows blue powder in her face. She then walks over to the "App Store" section as the "Your Store" shelf collapses and the word "safer" appears.

The first Switch to iPhone ads appeared in February to promote the safety and environmental benefits of the latest devices. They recall the "Switch" ad campaign that Apple launched to promote PC-to-Mac switches in 2002, although "Switch" has been part of Apple's online messaging all along.


  • Reply 1 of 70
    acejax805acejax805 Posts: 109member
    So true on the App Store. I read several stories each week about apps with malware or deceitful permissions/access in the Android store. I can also attest from using Android for over 5 years the app quality is levels below that of the iOS side. Amazing how different the exact same app can be on Android versus iOS. Fortunately, I made he switch 2 years ago and haven’t looked back; well maybe just to once or twice to gloat. 
  • Reply 2 of 70
    macseekermacseeker Posts: 546member
    There is a troll here.
    aegeantallest skilauxiosphericjbdragonchialiquidmarkperpetual3StrangeDays
  • Reply 3 of 70
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    jsmythe00 said:
    Not concerned with buggy OS, hamstrung apps, dated and bland user interface.
    You already stated that you made the move to Android so this sentence is implied. iOS users, on the other hand, are concerned with such things which is why we use iOS.
    edited April 2018 ihatescreennamesjbdragonchialiquidmarkStrangeDayswatto_cobra
  • Reply 4 of 70
    jdgazjdgaz Posts: 405member
    3 more family members made the move to iOS in the last few months. Have yet to see one go the other way.
  • Reply 5 of 70
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    They are solid ads, even if I'm not a fan of referencing a competitor. It worked for the long running "I'm a Mac" ads, which only eventually mentioned Windows directly after Vista(?) was a market failure, so there clearly is an effectiveness to them.

    Most of my dislike stems from political ads, to the slightly lesser extent the direct, lowbrow ad posted by Jsmythe00, with the "I'm a Mac" being to a much lower extent, and these ads being even further away. I guess attack ads can be done with class, so the question remains if Android users (the viewer Apple is targeting) even recognize its subtly and non-Tr█pian approach.
    edited April 2018
  • Reply 6 of 70
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,461member
    The first was terrible. The second was good. Neither are convincing.
  • Reply 7 of 70
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.
    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    Which Apple Watch do you use? I have the Series 3 with Cellular, which I love for allowing me to not pull out my smartphone as often.
    edited April 2018
  • Reply 8 of 70
    aegeanaegean Posts: 164member
    jsmythe00 said:
    acejax805 said:
    So true on the App Store. I read several stories each week about apps with malware or deceitful permissions/access in the Android store. I can also attest from using Android for over 5 years the app quality is levels below that of the iOS side. Amazing how different the exact same app can be on Android versus iOS. Fortunately, I made he switch 2 years ago and haven’t looked back; well maybe just to once or twice to gloat. 

    ...i made the switch to Android last year and haven't looked back

    Not concerned with buggy OS, hamstrung apps, dated and bland user interface.

    I thought I'd be dealing with a buggy and slow phone but to my surprise its far more stable than apple, or at least iOS 11
    That's a lie.
  • Reply 9 of 70
    aegeanaegean Posts: 164member
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    Another lie.
  • Reply 10 of 70
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    jsmythe00 said:
    Soli said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    Not concerned with buggy OS, hamstrung apps, dated and bland user interface.
    You already stated that you made the move to Android so this sentence is implied. iOS users, on the other hand, are concerned with such things which is why we use iOS.
    Really.  iOS 11 has been Apple's buggiest os since ios. It's been so bugged out, they made it into their commericals. 

    ...i think even Apple's ardent fan will concede, iOS 11 feels like android of 2013 when it comes to bugs
    There is an egregious UI bug that the eagle eyed may spot. I even posted it to this forum on the thread for that iPhone X commercial, but it doesn't make it the buggiest version of iOS. It's been very stable for me. I've never had the device shutdown once, and no known app has quit. I can't say that for iOS 2.x which was very, very buggy for me and countless others for a very long time, and I can't say that about all the annoying issues I have to deal with on a daily basic regarding Android and it's various OSes, and vendor skins and apps.
    edited April 2018 jbdragonchialiquidmarkwatto_cobra
  • Reply 11 of 70
    aegeanaegean Posts: 164member
    Both ads are awesome and convincing. I like the first one more though.
  • Reply 12 of 70
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,744member
    They should make an ad showing a creepy green robot following behind someone while they're using another phone brand, reading everything they write and keeping all sorts of notes on them, making the person feel very uneasy.  Then show a privacy curtain come up when they buy an iPhone and how they're far more calm and relaxed after that.
    edited April 2018 liquidmarkcornchipStrangeDaysretrogustowatto_cobra
  • Reply 13 of 70
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    Who knows where Apple's target market is now? I have a 6. Wife has an X. Two girls have 8 and 8+. I hated giving the girls any phone at all because of addiction issues but all their friends have them and they were feeling left out, however I have some serious restrictions on usage including straight A's in school. At least now when a classmate says where is your phone they don't have to lie that they left it at home. They pull out their gold iPhones. When the boys ask for the number they just say "nope" not allowed. They'll never get an Android while I'm in charge.
    edited April 2018 radarthekath2pwatto_cobra
  • Reply 14 of 70
    kkqd1337kkqd1337 Posts: 446member
    That one for the portrait mode is terrible; you’d have to be real dumb to switch platforms for that.......

    .....ahhh, hang on, it’s targeting Android users.

    I get it now  ;)
  • Reply 15 of 70
    Somebody got paid money for this creative? Holy cow, how the ad business has fallen. No break through, no branding, and fuzzy messaging? Really Apple?

    The first one doesn't even make sense unless you already know about the iPhone's photo capabilities, so just preaching to the converted. 

    There's an account that needs to be up for review.
    tallest skilwilliamlondon
  • Reply 16 of 70
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    jsmythe00 said:
    Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad...
    Clearly you’re not, as you explicitly said the OS isn’t worth using. Go lie on some other website.
  • Reply 17 of 70
    FolioFolio Posts: 698member
    Yeah, short catchy ads placed during SNL are one thing to burnish image. I wish Apple would do something longer, or a series, touting life in the ecosystem. (Again, hate to sound like broken record, but might be suitable topic for AI piece? And draw on user comments to help make blockbuster ads for YouTube, etc.) Think how you'd persuade a guy in Verizon or ATT store looking for $800 phone-- and what's behind it. Yeah, concisely portraying iOS, smooth AirPods, etc is a challenge, but impossible? Hardly.
  • Reply 18 of 70
    majorslmajorsl Posts: 119unconfirmed, member
    BubbaTwo said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    macseeker said:
    There is a troll here.

    HAHA had to laugh at that one.  Nah no troll.  Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad....and airpods!

    But the iPhone?  After using the note 8 for a bit, I'm glad I'm off iphone
    @ jsmythe00 -- I love your comments...Both of them.  Unlike many Apple or Android fanboys, I too have used both.  I also owned a Windows phone at one point.

    There are pros and cons to each of them, and I actually preferred Windows phone over both of them had they ever been able to overcome the Ap gap.

    As a current Galaxy S8 owner, If Apple came out with a compelling device at the right price point I would at this point seriously consider returning to IOS...I am weary of flaky Android upgrades and Google's constant spying...Let's just say the Oreo upgrade from Nougat was a PIA, and if I wasn't tech savvy I would have been really frustrated...

    I am SERIOUSLY considering moving back to IOS...

    Oh, and I grow weary of all the FANBOYS on AI bashing anyone with a constructive counter point to Apple Kool-aid....Tech is a tool -- Not an identity!
    I love his quotes too, and yours. Same here, I moved away from iOS too. I have an s8 and Gear s3 and love them. No more locked in to "Apple's way or the highway" store. But, I won't go back.

    As for Android malware, Sophos has a free malware scanner for Android that works great and is unobtrusive.

    With that said, I love my MBP 15" 2016 I'm using right now.  Windows 10 still "isn't there" for me, not even close. :smile: 
  • Reply 19 of 70
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    majorsl said:

    No more locked in to "Apple's way or the highway" store. But, I won't go back.

    Living in mixed environment is pretty much only for professionals. Can't imagine a regular consumer having to navigate moving content from one OS to another. It would be like living in a foreign country and not speaking the language. For me, it probably wouldn't be so much of a problem because I use Mac, iOS, Windows and Linux at work but never touched Android. Can't imagine my family not having the Apple ecosystem. That is all they know.
  • Reply 20 of 70
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    jsmythe00 said:
    jsmythe00 said:
    Just disenchanted with iphone.  Still a big fan of apple watch and ipad...
    Clearly you’re not, as you explicitly said the OS isn’t worth using. Go lie on some other website.
    I didn't say it wasn't worth using. I said iOS 11 was their buggiest ever, which is why all my devices are on iOS 10.

    Latest Watch OS, TV OS, seem fine.  IOS? Comr on bro
    If you don't use iOS how do you know about iOS? Do you even use an Apple Watch or Apple TV, or are you just saying this because you hear less about these devices, which would be the case for devices that don't sell anywhere near the numbers of the iPhone and also have a much lower mindshare which contribute to the echo chamber of the internet?
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